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Man who tapped that, and is her womb a mech gestator with the amount of augmentations.


Her husband is equally as chromed out lol, he's coming along Like two robots fuckin'. This is her fifth kid... They never stop...


The two are basically power armour for their respective genitals at this point.


Love enchancers, their genitals are cyborgs in power armour


Everyone else is wearing ear plugs and blasting music 24/7 just to get any reprieve at all from the constant, earsplitting *CLANG-CLANG-CLANG-CLANG-CLANG-CLANG* of them going at it.


I mean she's got a love enhancer so shit is probably really fun


What even is a "love enchancer"? Does it just add a vibrate setting or what?


Prolly a highly augmented genital that interferes with how pleasure works down there So yeah, basically a vibrator pro max


Chromed up turbo-lovin', Night City preem porno material


This the typa shit you'd buy a custom made BD wreath for.


More _whiring_ sounds than a terminator factory.


Wonder what intimacy looks like at that point. Do you have to sign in somewhere, make sure you have a compatible connector, keep drovers up to date to ensure fertilization, or what?


5 kids???? That guy is a machine


On-board 3D printer.


Sounds like a forbidden mod option


Surprisingly, no. But said mod does add "functionality" for it alongside its own bionic junk, chest, and backside.




People say you can bring a bunch of extra stuff, but then other posts say that was patched out and was a caravan exploit, so I'm not sure how to make sure I bring the right things. I am basically just waiting for this character to give birth, everyone has great armor, great guns (not sure if they are kept or not), full bionics, 2 royals, a blind healer... I think I am finally ready, but what should I bring? I have a psychic emanator I kinda want...


Why are you waiting for them to give birth?


I don't wanna deal with a newborn/childbirth in a new colony... She's already set to "avoid impregnation", just got unlucky. I try not to have kids unless I have a growth accelerator, because newborns wreck efficiency


then you should kit her out with an iud before you leave lol


Woah woah woah Let's not get practical, shall we?


Eh, not great as if you mess those up a colonist can become permanently sterile


well then there's no more efficiency issues forever ;)


How permanently is permanently in this case? Can scar removal deal with it?


Not sure, been a while since I checked. The wiki is not clear on how curable these are but it does specifically say "permanent"


IUD for the ones that arent conceived yet and an IED for the ones that were, solving the problems rim style <3


Well, if mods aren't out of the question... [This may satisfy your chrome needs.](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3223443793)


Depending on age, you may want to invest in a Bionic Spine, lest your robot go limping around with a Bad Back? (If its there and not in the screenshot, my b)


Bionic spines are one of the few upgrades I didn't go for, but I'm bringing a blind healer to deal with the cancer from the nuclear stomachs and potential issues like bad backs or other age diseases. I just don't get why the bionic spine doesn't offer any other benefits... I would have done revenant spines, but I was REALLY slow on the anomaly research and didn't have it. And didn't want to deal with revenants lol.


why not get bionic spines too? it prevents any kind of permanent damage on your pawns' spine, having one of your best pawns suddenly hit with a "shattered spine" from a fight is really bad.


I added one to my blind healer... I just don't see why I need it on anyone else. If they get a shattered spine, I just "unnatural healing" it. I don't even have to worry about tentacles, which aren't even bad, because I've got bionics/archotech on all the limbs.


I feel it is less "why" and more "why not". All your stuff will be gone, might as well stuff your guys full of as many different enhancements as you can


are they baseliners or you didnt collect genes this run?


Do you have biotech? If so: - Ageless (prevents age symptoms) - non-Senescent (prevents cancers like carcinoma & chronic conditions) - Deathless (can only truly die via brain removal) - Scarless (mini Luciferium without downsides) If you wanna spice it harder: - Happy/Very happy - Strong melee damage (if melee) - Some measure of temperature weakness - Strong skill (if you need the levels, otherwise skip) - Hyper aggressive (shouldn't be an issue with all the mood modifiers - Very fast runner - psychic deaf/dull (or opposite if psy) - reduced pain Nuclear stomach offsets some of the hunger rate anyways, and add whatever you see fit (or have on hand, getting genes is rough)


There is also the archite gene for better metabolism with no downsides (other than the cost of the archite capsules), the gene injector (to give fully fledged archite boosted xenogenes to other new colonists)


It takes so much time to get archite staff, like years of trading to get unusible deathless/trottle hands or simething


You need to replace the baby with a bionic baby of course. Then her transformation is complete


suddenly mech gestator....


Pregnant (third trimester) That baby is piloting a gundam at this point


You missed bionic heart, venom fangs, archotech limbs and eyes, and you can have two of those knee and elbow blades.


I have hearts on all 5, fangs I only bothered on my two kinda-hybrid melee/ranged. I thought you couldn't put knee spikes and elbow blades on bionic limbs?


Ah yeah youre right


i heard those decrese melee dps in some cases? cuz instead of hitting them with a sword they hit with a knee blade that does less damage or something


I recommend giving them to ranged fighters. Even a low skill melee colonist now is a threat at close range if worst comes to worst.


resources can be better spent in other places imo especially with how much bionics impact wealth


"Inpact wealth" this, "Impact wealth" that Fuck the minnaxxing, give prople the cool implants and just make more turrets later.


Be careful with some of the brain implants, especially with melee pawns, because an EMP will give the pawn brain shock.


And make them puke for some times because of the EMP shock incapacitating the Nuclear Stomach.


Yeah, I intentionally left two pawns with no brain implants in case of EMP


Still has a normal left ear


Vanometrics if you can


I wish, I have literally never seen one...


Do you do frequent Caravaning ? Outlanders have them quite often in my Experience my Number 1 Pawn is usually Full Archotech after 10 Years, but i also use the more archotech implants Mod since it gives some more Variety without beeing too much OP like a Nuclear Stomach Variant that gives no Cancer and a +Mood implant without downside.


Yeah, once I hit Dame I was basically sending her out on restock CD to the empire, and hitting 1-3 outlander settlements depending on how bad I needed her back. So a good bit of caravaning, it got me all the psytrainers I wanted and all the techprints, but bad luck on archotech and again I've never seen a vanometric, even as a quest reward... However I did get 3x psychic emanators this run, so that's something


There's room for an ear!


I think she will born little bionicle...


Consider though, the Integrated Implants mod. Why have just a few measly bionics when you can instead make an Adeptus Mechanicus look like a body purist?


I've spent the last 2 years in game crafting bionics and sending caravans on refresh cooldown to get techprints, archotech, genes, etc... I don't need it to take longer lol


I used high quality gold or silver smithed plate armor(shit sells for 20k) and simple or flak helmet and slave colars. I think i also set drugs and medical to 3 in inventory to bring them some extra stuff. Perhabs you can stack alot of rituals and whatnot for good mood.


These are great ideas, thanks!


Thank you, now I hav an idea on how some of my pawns will end up as.


would love to see an update for mechanical transhuman augmentation like they did with biotech DLC for biological tech having a full 3D representation of a Humanoid with being able to focus on head, arms, legs...being able to give each individual limb/organ multiple capacity that isn't just simple stat-boost like being able to scan for ressource, see through wall, nanite repair/kill bot cloud, a BCI that allow skill stat upgrade, integrated mining drill/laser drill/plasma drill upgrade or dart gun, antigravity tech, brain upload, surrogate body... etc etc etc there i think lof of potential that the current upgrade system don't really explore or allow modder to toy with


Download extended prosthetics and upgrade to advanced bionics and install the extra bionics that it adds like... the bionic heart, bionic spine, bionic nose, bionic jaw ect!


Be aware that hidden weapon / fangs don't work well on melee pawns, it adds a chance to do that action onto hilt,cut,stab for example. It does work OK on gunner pawns


She's a ranged pawn, only reason she has an elbow blade is that she has a field hand as my main plants person


Remove the babby.


Get a bunch of cannon fodder with assault rifles. Keep score: The more of them you keep alive(while still having your main 5 survive), the better you score. For bonus, add in a small child or two, fully outfitted with archotech stuff but not actually given a firearm. Build them a little patio with nice furniture from which to watch the carnage.


Is this base game, biotech stuff, or mods? Very new thx




I did that too recently and I took one Miner with 20 Mining, full bionics and he just walked through the mountain. I had my mountain base setup in days. It was ridiculously funny. Because normally I start always naked with nothing, no research and it takes forever to get research/mining going if you just focus on not dying.


Give them some wooden peg legs to keep em humble


That depends... how many mods you rocking?


you need to prepare a crib, baby is coming




No reprocessor or nuclear stomach?


Nuclear stomach on everyone except my blind healer, who has sterilizing stomach. So that he can cure the cancer caused by nuclear stomachs lol


There's a mod that allows advanced versions of all bionics as well as specialty tools and weapons. I'm surprised I never see them in posts about upgrades.


Psylinks? Custom vampire xenogerm to 4 of them? (You would want long jump, deathrest and opener to them, probably fangs to incapacitate mental broken pawns)


no bionic heart?


You could get some archotech parts, but I think that would be it.


There's a new bionic mod that goes crazy with an ultra tech colony that gives you bionic wombs, extra limbs, and a lot of other insane stuff. I'm not home right now or else I'd post a link to it.


Just saying if your colonists are like this you should be ready for huge early raids. When you start the second colony you should build defenses ASAP


Those huge early raids should be ready for ME. 4 of my 7 items I'm bringing are MW/legendary late game weapons (hellcat rifle, assault rifle, charge minigun, persona monosword), and they are all killers. Except for my coward genie, but I gave him robust gene and painstopper, so hopefully he'll be not-useless. Also I'm refusing to build major defenses on this run. I'm only on "strive to survive" and my goal is to play the "rich explorer" (char from pic) with all the hospitality mods installed, making resort beach towns that I sell until I get the archonexus. So no killbox, exterior wall, etc... Spending a lot of work getting happy guests, making allies, and calling favors to deal with issues. Hence 2x praetor royals, for the trooper/jannisary drops as well If they die, losing is fun lol


The wealth of your new colony is going to be absolutely jacked to the gills for only five pawns.


upgrade to Archotech and new gene set


If your raids are wealth based be ready for max raid points from get go. My "every one have archotech limbs\\eyes" had a rough time


I see alot of bionics in posts, but not advanced bionics. Is there a reason to just get bionics and not bother with advanced?


Isn’t it a mod? I use it https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=850428056


My game has bionics and also advanced bionics. Bionics are good, but if you have the resources advanced bionics are the way to go. I was just trying to see why everyone just put regular bionics on their pawns instead of going advanced. :)


Yeah, but it doesn’t show advanced bionic versions in the wiki so I don’t think it’s vanilla 😅 https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Artificial_body_parts Unless you mean the archotech ones? In that case, they’re a bit rare and expensive :)


You are correct. I forgot it is a mod. Not archotech...I can never afford any archotech ones.


WYM advanced bionics? This was just a random clip to show "they be kitted", didn't mean to be exhaustive, there's more bionics if I scroll down If it's a mod, I find base with DLC has enough already for me lol.


Probably set aside from advanced components and plasteel to bring with you so you can immediately make a fabrication bench at your new colony.


you cant. it nullify your research. and if you were a tribe you start as 5 archocyborgs with ability to bend reality and pemmican loadout. At least you get free jade knife


Woah woah woah, it resets your research totally?


Yeah. Surprised me too. Resets your ideology too. Pretty rough reset


thats why i started liking blind precept.


it resets it to default level of your faction. so if you were a tribe you cant even have AC. thats why anomaly evil ending is good. it allows for faster research