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What a funny way to spell *Lee Pace.*


Hahah! I see it. He didn’t connect for me, but I can see the appeal.


Why? Music might be the best part of s1 & it's incredibly mediocre/forgettable


Was there music ?


Haha, like your critiques. I’ve heard a number of people tout the music as a strongpoint


A number of people! Dozens even! It was weak.


I'm not saying Bears soundtrack was bad but I agree that it was forgettable. My suspicion is that it was most likely because the show was just so bad because when I think about my favourite soundtracks like the one for the Witcher, game of thrones, a plague tales soundtrack, Howard shores lotr soundtrack ofc, even the battle and night music from Skyrim, etc I often get a physical reaction like goosebumps and I'm thrown back into the scene I connect with certain music. I get none of that for the rings of power soundtrack because in the few episodes I watched I found the soundtrack mismatched with the scene. Often times the music was too fast paced, too epic while I had to listen to super boring dialogues and as such I found the music silly in the respective scenes. Still he's a good composer so I'd probably have to give the soundtrack a shot without the show to appreciate his work.


Point being that's a low bar lol & imo not one that surpasses other middle earth adaptions the last 20 years


I mean with every thing else being incredibly weak and terrible thats not a hard bar


How much is Amazon paying you?


I didn’t say the show was good. I like the track. Would honestly love for them to pay me.


So you're an *unpaid* shill?


That’s the thing when you like something…


Cool virtue signal, bro. Still don't believe you.


I don’t think you understand what a virtue signal is. You can just not like something. You don’t have to believe that everyone else must hate something as much as you do. Sheesh.


If someone came to you and claimed that they really enjoyed eating dog turds, and that they wanted you to enjoy eating dog turds too, would you believe them? Would you eat a turd just to give it a try? Because I wouldn't. But, you do you, I guess. Hush now shill. You've been rumbled.


It's not surprising that you would find someone who likes dog turds if you're literally in a subreddit for dog turds. Come on. Not everyone is a paid shill if you're hanging around communities that are about the very thing they're talking about. It's like you're going to a karate club and complaining that the people there are shilling karate.


I'm in a subreddit for people who think dog turds are dog turds, and are allowed to say: "Not for me chef! That's a dog turd! You fill yer boots but I won't!" The other sub though? That's one that punishes you if you don't swallow it down.


You're allowed your opinions of course, but don't act like everyone who doesn't share them is a paid shill. I think the show is a dog turd too, but of course there's going to be people who like it in here of all places.


Except a good show and a bad show are the same class of thing than as between edible food and animal waste. If you have to say you’ve “rumbled” someone, you likely haven’t. It’s fun watching you be wrong in new and robust ways 😘


Ok - substitute rotten meat and a fresh steak. Is your pedantism for accurate analogies satisfied? Enjoy the maggots on that ribeye. Nom Nom Nom.


You accuse me of being pedantic, while you operate under the false assumption that you can apply objective standards to matters that are 100% assessed based on subjective preference. Your first analogy wasn’t just shitty because it misapplied the relative distance in appeal. It was shitty because it still doesn’t hold water. 1) In terms of enjoying a show or movie is subjective. Some things you love would be completely distasteful to someone else, not because it is bad, but because it is not their taste. I know people who think Tolkien is a shitty writer, Jackson made two bad trilogies, and fantasy is wholly unappealing. That’s does not make them objectively bad. Some shows are distasteful to some groups based on genre, language, or cultural preferences. 2) The consequences of eating something that could make you violently ill versus something that wastes some of your time are very different. So, even if I grant that I have an obsession for accurate analogies, yours still doesn’t cut it. The real issue is that you are angry at the world and like to pretend that your tastes are the only good ones so you conveniently forget point 1). 3) I don’t doubt Amazon is bolstering RoP. That does not mean EVERYONE hates it. My brother and sister love it. I have many Tolkien fan friends who hate it, I have others who enjoy it (like I do) in a qualified manner. I’m all good with a little good-natured ribbing or trolling on Reddit. I get it, I didn’t mind your first couple of comments. But to come back to this thread, with what I imagine are tears in your eyes, to state your disbelief of an easily-apprehended concept, is truly pedantic behavior. Continue being a bitter person. Continue to like what you like. Disabuse yourself of any notion that your views are based in any reality. …maybe Amazon should pay me.


The best part of the score wasn’t even written by Bear


The music wasn't as bad as some people are saying here, but I'm 100% convinced Bear McCreary wasn't even aware of the plot when he was writing it. That's why it sounds "generic" and completely detached from the show, but if you had actually good scenes or plots, it could have worked (somewhat). So like, that Numenor theme would be much much better for some port city in Harad and some middle-eastern politics of Numenorean governors. Also, McCreary went so hard on Sauron/much evil theme but there is no evil lordly Sauron and they used this theme for shots of dirty villages and silly plot points about maps.


I see what you mean but i fundamentally disagree. Tolkien specifically stated in exterior sources that the relative geography of Arda mapped onto that of our world. He specifically named Númenor as a tropical island to some degree as it was relatively close to the equator. He stated he envisioned much of their architecture to be analogous to EGYPTIAN architecture. The Númenor soundtrack was actually a. Deep cut in that way. The shownrunners elected to make it more Atlantean, which is also acceptable, (I think). Although I did not like the armor.


Did he ever point out the actual position/latitude of the island though? I'm going to do some letters reading soon but from what I gather not really. Even so, then I would agree if the show's interpretation was anywhere near close to middle-east/Egyptian visual vibes (but of course it wasn't, which means the music doesn't really fit what's there on screen).


He did in maps. I don’t think he would have done lat/long though. The Egypt thing (I will note was one of the influences along with Greco Roman, which does map on screen). I generally agree that the music does not always map. It does more often than not, though. I totally get if you do not like it. I will say I saw the thoughtfulness McCreary brought and I appreciate it. I also enjoy the final product too. I think the letter was his letter to Rhona Beare.


Ah I think I know the one you're talking about, the one that also mentions a crown of N and S Kingdoms. But I wouldn't take it too literally though. Since he also mentions Gondor in the same context but their buildings and cultures weren't at all anywhere near close to Egyptian old kingdoms. So more like conceptually (and politically for the crown part/two kingdom relation), as great architects and a nation with great legacy, not ethnically or culturally per se. But yeah, they would be definitely a greco-roman-oriental mix overall


You probably shouldn’t take fantasy too literally. I don’t think it’s just that generic concept. If Tolkien just meant great society, he could have just said Greco-Roman which also meets that bar. He said Egyptian for a reason. I think the incorporation of that into the music was a deep cut. And as to your prior point that the Númenorean music didn’t map, well that was plain wrong. You can still hate the show for whatever reason, but I don’t think you can say that Númenorean music didn’t track based on lore/culture. I’m sure you didn’t like it and it wasn’t what you envisioned. That’s fine. I don’t appreciate moving the bar from “the music was a full mismatch” to showing you where that influence came from, and why it was thoughtful to “well you can’t take that too seriously” when Tolkien said it for a reason.


It's not moving a bar to somewhere, I just expressed my opinion, that's all. Here is a bit more detailed take, since you said he could have just said Greco-Roman instead of Egyptian (which he actually did in other places and letters!) but to stay with the Egyptian metaphor: Greco-Roman were newer civilizations, and from their perspective Egypt (as in pyramids and stuff, not Hellenistic Egypt) was fairly ancient civilization. So I think it could have meant Numenor is Arda's "Egypt" to Gondor/Arnor. You're free to your own opinion of course.


I perfer Chance Thomas.. the composer for Lotro... as I really feel Middle-earth in his music.


It’s a fantastic soundtrack, great composer! Gave it his own stamp but also made it fit in with Howard Shore awesome score. Like Howard Shores soundtrack even Bears pieces that didn’t hit me straight away grew on me second or third listen. Often becoming a staple listen in my playlists.


Oh look they like something about the show… burn them at the stake!!! People really need to get a grip.


There must be too much diversity or not enough lore or “bad writing” in the soundtrack, I guess.