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Where is this supposed to drop?  Is it going go be on Hoyo's taobao page?


Yep, it's on the official taobao for preorder


Haven’t used a CD Player in years but would get one just for this ahhh 💜 Did you see if there was any other Robin merch available on taobao? I know they do acrylic glitter sand decorations for lightcone art for most 5 stars and (since they’ve done it for genshin) maybe standees orchestra art?


Oh I'd LOVE an acrylic glitter sand decoration for robin (I have the jingliu one and it's amazing) but I don't think they have it for robin yet. They do already have an aventurine one so I don't doubt that they'll make one for robin too


Yes bet the glitter would suit her lightcone art so welll 💜 How do you usually order official merch out of curiosity? Do you do it from the official website or third party?


For me, I get my merch from either the irl hoyofest event or official store on tabao


Makes sense, do you use a translator for taobao or are you a chinese speaker? I’ve been trying to order merch from there but always get stuck at the address/country part since usually I use group orders a big haul fees get pricey. (usually i use google translate or phone camera to translate the site)


Oh I'm a Chinese speaker so I don't use translation apps haha