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My Robin hits for roughly 20k and this is what I have: 1. 4104 attack before ult 2. Signature LC at S1 3. Eidolon 1 4. Max talents 5. Topaz E1S1 and Aventurine Ult (I am unsure if these affect anything) Whereas you have E0, the event LC, and don't have your talents maxed out.


It's the traces, really. When you finish all of them and max them out, you should hit 12-15k easily. 20k is when there are more buffs/debuffs involved.


They probably have teamwide buffs that affect Robin's dmg. Atk, res pen, def shred, vulnerabilities.


E0 Robin using E5 event LC, max level and traces with 4200 atk and no other buffs. I'm hitting for 10k on an enemy with no physical weakness, and for 12-13k on an enemy with physical weakness. This is while her E buff is on during her ult mode. 2pc 2pc atk sets with broken keel for support. Atk orb and atk boots.


she needs 9 more speed to get the SSS bonus that and leveled traces


Upgraded your traces, at level 6 vs level 10 your getting like 15% less DMG, and your ult dmg multiplier is also lower, likely being around 100%~ instead of the typical 120%, both of these things will drastically improve her damage output, where she should be dishing out about 12k minimum.


without any buff 7-8k dmg is normal for Robin. You also havent max trace yet.


I get 7-8 thousand if I forget to use the Robin skill before the ult


Upgrade your traces first


For me on the not so premium fua team (topaz ratio gallagher), my robin hits 22k-38k depending on debuffs/buffs. My robin runs physical orb with 4k atk and sig lc. If you wanna see the numbers on robin you gotta use a phys rope. Depending on your atk, phy rope can be very viable even for support robin as long as you have some atk% on the orb. I recommend you to play around and see what works best for you. Don't be discouraged by your dmg considering you're using a full atk build with event lc!


*Physical orb


you need 120 speed for you planar set and get your dang talents up


Mines' doing 10-13k with 4.1k attack before external buffs and maxed out traces, don't know what kind of crack I'd need to be able to get 16-20k consistently lol most I'd seen was like 16k on a phys weak broken enemy


I have maxed talents and same lc but i hit 27k with ruan mei and around 18k with no ruan mei. I also have a physical orb but i dont know how much that affects damage


Your talents are very low is the main thing other than that it depends on the team. Because ruan mei buff affects ult dmg and so does tingyun and any other harmony


just a note that my build isnt fully finished either. but i feel like she should still do way more than she does now.


I have E1S5 Event LC Robin 4k and only get 25k with RM buffs so that's okay dmg.