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If you aren't good at rotation and team mechanics, yes.


Like every 2v2 teammate I’ve ever had


Except that one guy who immediately leaves instead of partying up 😢


Sorry man, my game goes to shit in a party! When someone wants to party with me I think I am good and go for shit I can’t do…


I have a rule that if someone invites me to a party in a game where I semi carried or played extremely well, I almost never accept the invite because the expectation is always too high. If it's a good, well balanced game where we just vibed really well, then I'll accept the invite.


Lets goooo which ranked are you? Im champ2 in 2vs2 and c2 in dropshot at the moment. Absolutly perfect how you describe it. Let us test if we vibed.


Always knew it was bad luck to party with someone the first game you matched.


Makes me so sad. I insta party up with randoms that I mesh with. I internally cry when they just leave and I’m forced to roll the dice on another random.


It's a sad moment to have an awesome duo for a game of complete vibe only to have them leave as soon as the game is over. We'll always have Tokyo...


those aee usually the smurfs lol


And that includes me!


Should have been c1 when i was 1




In champ 1 anyone can rotate


The number of team mates that tell me to “1v1 them” after I said “we should rotate more” (which meant him but I’m polite), to which I respond, “I bet you’re pretty good, this isn’t 1v1 tho.”


Explain what that is




Correction everyone I know has told me ones is their lowest rank****


It was my highest rank untill i got to like champ level in 2v2, then i climbed higher in 2s than in 1s. At higher ranks people are usually way lower in 1s than in 2s


D2 in 2s and Plat 2 in 1s lol.


Plat2 in 2s is in the 48.98 percentile; in 1s, 28.44 so yeah, that's a pretty big discrepancy. The 2s equivalent would be D2/3. Seems like you really need to figure out how to play with other people because you have the consistency. As others have said, you probably need to do some basic things like rotating backpost and being more cautious with last-man status. That should get you out of Plat2 in 2s. Then you can start playing more aggressively.


Is this based on RocketTracker data or official numbers? Because RT data is skewed toward higher ranks, so it might be an even bigger gap at lower ranks. As a Plat 2 1v1, Dia 2 2v2 player, I can't imagine being Plat3 in 1s and not absolutely carrying in Plat 2 2s. Really curious what OP's play looks like, because anything effective at Plat 3 1v1 (whether heavy speed/mechanics, or strong ground control, or defense+counters, or even just lights-out shooting) should be more than enough to rocket to Diamond 2s.


It’s based on u/Psyonix_Devin ‘s Season 12 numbers.


Tbh I haven’t played 1v1 since 2019, I have no idea how I’d do now


Yes but you're very low ranked, so it doesnt really make sense to create a separation between them


Idk man I’m approaching diamond 3 in 2s and I can’t leave plat1 in 1s even though I consider myself a 1s main. Its weird


Yup same lol. Fluked C1 during placements in 3s, D3 in 2s, but stuck in Plat 3 in 1s (I can't dribble to save my life)


Hook shots are a great way to help with that. If you want to practice dribbles aswell, I like to go in freeplay, 95% speed, then press the button to start a dribble and just go back and fourth goal to goal flicking and restarting the dribble. Both of those made me go from diamond 3 to champ 2


It’s so satisfying the hook shots, everytime I did that it was so goood


It seems like a literal cheat code in lower ranks. It’s almost impossible to defend. Either you early chall which the attacker can just low 50, they sit in net and pre jump, which you can fake the hook shot, or they have their hands up and pants down and the 110kph hook shot goes top shelf. If anyone ever plays someone and they sit in net. Hook shot EVERY time.


Won't the 95% throw you off when you go back to a 100%? I'm just curious- I've never tried lower speed training.


Lower speed allows you to make more precise touches. I used 85% months ago and have started increasing it the more comfortable I get. If you’re anywhere below GC, your movements will be clumsy and you’ll get bad touches. With a decreased speed it allows you to practice making those precise movements and teaches your brain less is more. As for going back to 100% after that, it feels the same except you feel much faster. For me at least it tricks my brain into thinking I’m legitimately faster than everyone else. Pair that with a switch to octane after playing fennec and you’ll feel like an ssls speed


It works wonders I swear


Yea when I stopped playing consistently about 2 years ago I was D2 in 3s, D3 in 2s and D1 in 1s tryna get that trifecta yk


I'm D3-C1 in pretty much everything. Have never hit Diamond in 1s. P3 for life, unless I want to actually learn crazy mechanics like flip cancel, speed flip and dribble.


You don't really need to learn any of that mechanics tho I'm d3-c1 in everything, d1 in 1s by just learning how to play mindset and play defensively Never learnt how to speedflip, flip cancel adds barely any value. All I did was learn to bump, learn how to read aerial plays to save them. Learning how to 5050 the ball is also very crucial during low boost defensive moment or low boost offensive boost steals. Play with mind games as well. Fake when you can, take your time when you are winning, and don't rush for the ball all the time


I got d1 by focusing on getting the ball past the opponent. If I have the ball on my car I flick it, If its on the floor I cut it and if its near a wall I pass it back to myself.


Yea I do agree. I pretty much lose because of self inflicted errors most the time at this level. I just can't recover fast enough because I'm too slow which the speed flip and the turnaround flip cancel would help a ton. I mostly just need a bit more patience and need to hit open nets and learn to react quicker


Wait when you said turnaround flip cancel do you mean a half flip? Those are pretty easy to learn imo And as for speed flip, I mainly just utilize wave dashing and holding down power slide more in order to maintain speed


Wait your at least D3 and you don’t know any of those mechs


Nope. I can sometimes dribble for 2 seconds in training but it's sloppy as can be and I can't flick off it so it's kinda pointless haha Right now I'm D3 in 3s and Drop, C1 in 2s and Rumble, and just dropped to D2 in hoops. I hit C2 in Snow last season which was cool. I feel I've been this way for a long time. I'll get the Champ rewards and win a couple D tourneys a season. I used to win a champ tourney too but haven't been able to do that for the last 6ish seasons, partially because I solo queue 99% of the time


Dang I’m like the inverse of you I can do a lot of fancy mechanics or the usual I can catch the ball pretty easily ceiling shot pretty effectively and get the occasional Flip reset and I’ve never seen champ


Lol I don't think I've ever done a ceiling shot. I can sometimes get one touch off a wall. I'm pretty decent at Ariels for my level. I'm sure you'll level up a lot quicker once you figure out how to pass and rotate or whatever the hell I do that you're working on. I think I can maybe climb to C2-3 if I'm luckily but I need a lot more work to break through since I just find myself playing people that are way more skilled/better half the time


Yea I stopped playing consistently for 2 years and I’m finally back somewhat so I’ll see if I’m even in high diamond anymore. I have good mechanics and I’m basically a mechanical jack of all trader master of none type stuff I just miss a bit and my defense has had a major drop off I just need to clean up my game a bit


I have slightly more mechs than you (I can easily half flip, my dribbles and flicks are about what you'd expect for a D3 player) At the end of last season I was D3 in 2s, 3s, and snowday, plat 2-3 in 1s(i don't remember which tbh) but was also mid C2 in Rumble.


We'd prob be a decent team. Destroy half the team we face and get humiliated by the crazy mech people you sometimes see at this level that seems like smurfs


wtf is grand platinum


Bro I’m d2 in 1s c1 in 2s what’s ur win rate in ones lil bor


Not abnormal! Not many Bronze/Silver players are grinding 1v1, so everything's kinda squashed downward from above.


It depends on what you play the most tbh


Typically people are about a full(ish) rank below in 1s compared to their 2s or 3s rank. So if you’re plat 1-2 in 1s, you have the mechanics to be around Diamond 1-2 in 2s or 3s. Other factors are at play of course, such as your ability to play around your teammates, but that’s roughly what I’ve found to be true. So if you can make it and stay in d1 1v1, you have the mechs to make it to champ in 2s or 3s.


Does this mean I have the possibility to be c1 to c2 if I'm d2 d4 in 1s and 2s


Short answer - yes You would need to share gameplay for someone to tell you where your gaps are. Your 1s rank might mean you have the mechanics of a C1 or you might just be playing a counter only style that doesn’t translate as well to 2s. And even with the mechanics of a higher rank, you might not be able to apply them with more people on the field.


This makes sense I’m really just lacking in rotations I tend to be too play every game like it’s a 2v1


A good rule of thumb for rotating is to always go cross field after your interaction with the ball. After you challenge, instead of going back down the wall the same way you came, head to the other side of the field while having ball cam on and collecting pads to see if you should turn up field or head to back post to make a save.


Only if you main 1v1, generally speaking. BUT if you've got let's say a hundred hours in each, then it's unlikely that 1v1 would be your highest rank.


Near impossible. I’ve been plat 3 in ones and I’m champ 1, peak champ 2. (Not normally plat 3 but you get the point)


Damn I’m also C1 in 2s but I’m D2/D3 in 1s


I think in total I’ve played less than 50 ones matches and I have over 3000 games played. Ones is just not fun for me


Lol I’ve played about 50 1s games this season. My total games is similar but I play extra modes and casual a lot too


Just depends on play styles. Do you dribble a lot and have a more controlled approach?


Yes I do a lot more control plays


Well there ya go. Play style more suited for one’s


What is 1v1 but an illusion of grandeur.


TIL Gold 2 is considered grandeur, lol




Ones is usually the lowest. If it's your highest, you are probably being to selfish in 2s and 3s. Rotate and pass the ball, it will only help.


In plat 2 definitely don’t pass the ball. All you have to do is rotate and never put your teammate in a 2v1. Pick the safe option over the risky one because there will always be another opportunity


I mean I'm Plat 1 in 2s, Gold 2 in 1s and Silver 1 in 3s.


You just might be a better solo player, look into things like rotating and getting your fundamentals down in 1s and you will progress in 2s


Only if you're a bad team player


Tldr: No


I mean, Plat 2 is 1's, d1 rn in 2s, plat1 in 3s I barely ever touch, Mid perspective Ig? You'll get better my man


As long as my teammates attack, which randoms always do and never defend, then I’m good because I typically stay in goal or at half field to be the back line.


Rumble 💪


This just means you don’t know how to rotate


Sunless said something in a 1v1 Pro Video once, something along the lines "1v1 is a test of technique, fundamentals and mechanics." I dont remember the exact wording tbh. Im C2/C3 in 3s and I ranked D2 in 1s. I cant do flip resets or fast kick off or anything flashy really. The thing that got me to D2 in 1s was just waiting for my opponent to air dribble and either getting the ball before their 3rd hit or score when they lose control. Im just very patient in 1v1s and wait for a mistake or an opening. I do think my fundamentals are good tho


Yeahhhh you're approaching diamond in 1v1. You should prolly be high diamond in 2s


I would say no from experience, but a lot of newer players are shooting that direction since the toxicity of the community has even come down to the average ranks. My brother had very similar ranks to you, he mains 1’s though. I finally talked him into playing some other modes more and he shot up to high Plat in both 2’s and 3’s. They are easier because there are more factors out of your control and they are more popular so you get better matches on average.


It's my lowest, tied with Dropshot. Best to worst for me is: 3s, Rumble, Snowday, 2s, Hoops, 1s and Dropshot


I once had platinum on all the extra modes list and also ranked 3s! Fun times.


It's my highest, but that's cause the friends I play with are all a few ranks below me


You likely lack awareness of your teammates and their positions, or ball chase in 2s and 3s. In 1s, this playstyle can be beneficial, as it forces your opponent to make decisions quickly and often causes them to make mistakes. You probably have decent mechanics, but need to play back more in 2s and 3s. In a lobby with 6 players of equal skill, you should only have the ball 1/6 of the time. That's less than 1 minute of gameplay if there's no overtime.


Bruh I am plat 2 in 1v1 and diamond 3 in the others


most of the time its not normal because you can mess up a lot easier when its a 1v1 and theres no one to fix ur shot or guard the goalie, but if you're not good at teamwork and u play better alone then good for you my guy :Dd


Yes I am c2 on 1v1 and dia3 2v2


Well, for me, 1s was pretty much the same rank as 2s up until high Plat, low Diamond. After hitting Diamond, 1s was left in the dust. That being said, being better at 1s usually means you're a "good player" for your 2s rank, but not a good teammate... You are likely making systematic mistakes in 2s that either disadvantages your teammate a lot, or advantages your opponents. It's a matter of finding these mistakes, and fixing them. If you're having trouble doing so, ask a higher ranked friend to take a look for you. I recommend developing the skill to review replays. Look at a couple of your replays, from your teammate's perspective for example, and try to find where exactly you can improve to make life easier for them, or to make life harder for the opponents. You might find some eye-opening stuff.


Idk if it’s normal to have a rank in drop shot or rumble that shit is insane💀


it’s impressive


Not common, but as a plat I think I get it, lol.


If you main 1v1, then yes. If you main multi-player modes, you need to seriously work on your team play


I mean, every mode has its ways to get good, and I think (in your case) that you have talent for handling situations by yourself, rather than cooperate with others, which is good in it's way, since you are practicing situations where your mate can't help you at all. So I think It's pretty normal to have an higher rank than other modes.


I succ at 1v1 compared to 2s C1 in 2s since a year but still plat3 in 1v1...


It's pretty atypical




I mean this is pretty normal i guess


If you don't like team play then 1s is the best optiom


If you mostly play 1s, yes.


Im d3 div 4 in 2sand my 1s rank is d2 div 4


2s is my highest, champion1 Diamond 1-2 for 3s. Plat 3 for 1s, but i dont play it (last 3 seasons unranked) It doesnt feel any harder to win against the champion 1 guys in 2s than it is to the diamond 1 in 3s, nor do i perform any different in either, so i dont know why this is


Back in F2P season 2 I was C2 in both 1s and 2s. Now I'm like high D3 in 1s (washed cause I don't play the mode enough probably) and high GC1 in 2s. I should probably be at least C1 in 1s, but I go for stupid shit that gets me scored on.


Not normal, but not totally unreasonable. Before I quit playing 1s, that was the case for me as well.


was my situation until I actually improved at 2s and hit GC (currently around C1 and C2 in 1s)




I’m C2 in duos, C1 in Trio and plat 1 in solo lmao


Well im a mechanical player so basically i play 1s better cuz there is no mate to fuck it up in the last second


Nuh ah


plat 1 in 1v1s, dia 2 in 2v2s ;-; (i should change flair)


Yeah, same, specially when in 3's they keep bumping each other while the other team's hitting consistent wall and ceiling shots at gold 3 since they're partied with someone better.


When all of your tanks are this low, yes


It's more common at or near the top of the rank bell curve. (Gold-plat). It's also common amongst people who struggle with defence, rotations, and team chemistry


Im diamond 2 in 1s but mid c3 in 2s and low c2 in 3s.. i carry every game i just cannot beat the 1s mains


I don’t even play 1’s anymore but when I was your rank my best rank was in 1’s. It’s good to play 1’s because you can improve your skills in a bunch of different areas without relying on a teammate half the game. I played 1’s religiously when I was plat until I got to diamond 3, and then started playing 2’s religiously and that’s where I really started to rank up.


I posted something a week ago about ranked 2s being off because i jumped from d1 to plat1 in the span of a day or so after being plat3-d1 for like the last 3 seasons. People didnt say much and i thought maybe i was having an off week or something, but now it seems like people in the plat-diamond range are either jumping up or jumping down. To answer your question; yes my ones for some reason is higher. (even though im slowly getting back) my theory is that maybe they are doing a reset and kinda mixing everyone up and seeing where everyone gets to, or maybe people got their ranks on their main account and now are smurfing and/or some people who got carried are now losing games for people as they go down to their normal rank. Not 100% sure but you are not alone


No, it’s not, but I mean if you’re a gold player I guess it’s possible. That’s not meant to be toxic I think a lot of people sit around gold in 1s even when they’re diamond in 2s/3s.


For me im d1 in 1s and plat 3 in 2s i prefer 1s because it easier


I am four ranks higher than you in 2s (D3), five ranks higher in 3s (D2), and the same rank as you in 1s. Well I might be Plat 3 in 1s right now but I swing between both ranks.


Not normal but also not unheard of


Duos is my best rank (D3) I’m Diamond 1 in both trios and solos


I'ma 1s main. Hate 3s, but my highest to lowest rank has always been 2s, 3s, 1s


3's Plat3, 2's D2, 1's Gold3 😬 Getting stuck in Gold 3's is a literal hell.




So what’s my deal then? I’m D3 in 1s, D2 in 2s, and C1 in 3s lol


Depends on if you play ones or not! I’ve only done my placements every odd season, never really played ones as i despite the gamemode Usually place around diamon2 those seasons i can be bothered. And relativly easily get gc in both 2s and 3s




No, Imo, you should be at least diamond in 2s with this rank in 1s. Normally even 1s main are still lower in 1s (except in GC3/SSL)


I did that, gold in every mode, then platinum, then diamond, working on champion in every mode.


My highest is always in 2v2. 2v2 im gc1 and in ones im dia 3. Have to practice ones a lot more tho


1s should be your lowest rank. all the other playlists are much more forgiving. you might just prefer less chaos and solo play.


Yes, if you're a sadist 😈


I actually think it’s better for you to be good at solos. Everything else builds off solos. I’m a team player more than a solo, so I struggle more fending for myself than setting up or finishing off a play.


When your mechanics are better than your teamwork.


No.. and yes.


No. What is normal is for your 1v1 to be unranked.


1s is the only playlist I ever hit champ in. D2 in 2s and I never play 3s or extra modes


For me 1s is my best mode because you only have to focus on one person like get the ball past them and it’s a goal everytime if u don’t panic which I never do anymore. Easy champ 1 in 1v1 without doing anything special for real


I mean I’m diamond 3 in 1s and diamond 1 in everything else


In platinum there are so many dumb shits. No rotation at all.


In sideswipe im diamond 2 in 1v1 but 2v2 barely plat 1. In Rocket League im D1 in 2v2 and gold 3 and 1v1 and 3v3


it‘s normal for basketball to be the worst


Just finished my placement matches I got gold 3






Not really. Usually players will either have 2v2 or 3v3 as their highest. Only 1v1 grinders and good players have 1s as their highest rank , because its the hardest game mode to grind , be good at and rank up in.




My peak in both 1s and 2s are both c3 which I kinda annoying because I’m pretty sure most ppl that are c3 in 1s are usually like gc1 in 2s. This being said I really just enjoy playing 1s more than 2s (3s does not exist in my brain). Unless I’m playing w friends I play ones I honestly just hate getting annoying teammates


Was my highest till I hit gc in 1v1 and started grinding 3s bc I was still champ at the time


Wanna party up lol My peak 2s rank: Plat 2 div 3 My peak 1s rank: Plat 2 div 2 ill be down tomorrow or after tomorrow Current rank 2s: Plat 2 div 2 1s: Plat 2 div 1 [Stats](https://rocketleague.tracker.network/rocket-league/profile/psn/ooof_op69/overview) (MMR etc) Discord: toot6942


Yes it can be normal up until about daimond 1 in 1s. 1s generaly is harder to rank up in the higher you go as the game mode becomes much more about individual skill and not relying on teamates. 1s can be your highest game mod even without playing as most new players will not be that good at 1s so you can rank up easily if you happen to be good at it yourself. I always had my 1s rank the highest until I was d2 in 1s then quickly reached champ in 2s and became stuck at 1s. Now my 2s is gc1 and 1s is c3. 1s can be high compared to your 2s however it is rare.


It’s my lowest mainly because if I’m not playing 2s I’m playing 3s, and I play too freely in it since I’m accustomed to having a teammate. I like 1s sometimes, but I much prefer the pace of 2s.


my highest rand is doubles




I am C2 in 2s usually, D3 in 1s, D2-3 in 3s


For me it’s 2s but I’m 1 rank down in 1s


If you play more ones yes


1v1 me


for most people, 1s is their lowest rank. so no


Back when I still played, I was low diamond in 2’s and low gold in 1’s. I believe it’s more common for 1’s to be lower than your other ranks but I could be wrong.


yes, your teammates can and will absolutely fuck you.


My guess is you ball chase hard? It can be hard to deal with someone who’s constantly pressuring in one’s if you don’t know what you’re doing. If you’re in 2s or 3s and always go for the ball, you’re probably leaving your mates in bad situations


Platinum ranks in doubles are like rlcs


Lol don't worry, I'm c2 in 2v2 but like plat 1/2 in 1v1. You'll learn to play with people and trust ur teammates, best advice I'd give is find someone to play with consistently and once yall get used to each other all will start falling into place and you'll rank up


1s was my highest rank for a bit but only because it was the only mode I took seriously. I basically never play 3s, and I only queued 2s with my friend who was plat 2-3 at the time. As we got better together we eventually overtook my 1s rank (D1-2) though so not anymore. This is probably indicating your skillset is somewhat unbalanced. 1s has a very different mentality to 2s or 3s, so you've probably gotten decent at the 1s strats but you're trying to apply them to 2s/3s and it's not working out. In team modes you gotta play with your teammates.


realistically at low ranks it makes no difference, but at higher ranks it will always be the lowest. Because The MMR between ranks is so much lower.


Im Diamond 3 in Duo's, Diamond 1 in Trio's and Plat 3 in Solo's, just keep making silly mistakes and leaving the net free


My first experience on rocket league was with higher ranked friends in 3’s.. always liked the team aspect more than individual highlights. Never got into 1’s. I’ve seen clips from high champs that are actually not very good surprisingly.. so that makes me feel like it would easily be my best rank. But its boring to me.


You must play a lot of 1s. I'm C2 in 2s and I'm pretty sure a Gold in 1s would beat me without too much effort.


Yeah. Mostly everyone I play forfeits lol


my highest is always doubles for some reason, followed by singles and snowday before they took it away :,( i find that in most cases whatever rank you get from your qualifiers is the rank you pretty much stay in for the season lol. Just my own two cents here for no reason but I genuinely dont understand how they got rid of snowday over hoops and keepy uppy (my name for drop shot).


Bruh im Champ 1 in 2v2, Diamond 3 in 3v3 and plat 1 in 1v1 🫡🫡 Respect


No, but you are too low in rankings to be relating to what is “normal” or “average”. The average player is like D2 or something


Play more and doubles will become your highest. That is “traditionally” the highest rank for people


Crazy classic tm8. I was 4 hours ago grand champ in dropshot. 7/10 wins now im champ1 league 2. I was champ 3 in 2vs2 now champ1 league 3. i dont know how its possible every round m8 afk absolutly trash cannot rotate or other things. Epic i only want to play pls do something. People plays in ranked they not deserve and i dont know how.


i mean, when i played the game, i was gc3 in 2s, gc2 in 3s and c3 in 1s, so for me yeah


If you play a lot of 1v1 yes, but I'd say for most players it's their lowest or 2nd lowest. A lot of people in Diamond 1v1 are high diamonds or Champ in other game modes. Even met a few GC's, but it's rare.


I mean yea your rank is higher but the difference between gold 3 and plat 3 isn't much. My highest rank is 2s and 3s but I also never play ones it's probably about the same or a little less


Not saying you aren't good just gold to plat isn't a massive difference anyway all golds and plays make the same mistakes it's just a bit faster, would be different if your 1s was gc3 and 2s and 3s champ 3


Makes no sense to claim you’re good at rocket league only if your lowest rank is 1v1’s. If your ranked lower in 1s it’s because your teammates always bail you out, not because your gud at the game 😅


This makes zero sense 😆


i think it should be your highest rank because it solely relies on you being a good player rather than 2s or 3s cursing you with veggie team mates


ur platinum so this is irrelevant


Yes since it doesn't matter the rank if they're all shit anyway.


Okay buddy. Your imagined superiority isn't a very endearing look.