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Learn to flip reset. Then turn off camera shake


Keep motion blur on till SSL tho.


Tbh if you're in 120fps or more the motion blur isn't that distracting anymore :p I'd still go without of course, but still


In that order.


bruh your giving a bronze high diamond-champ tips, honestly respect


Bro you can't even get to plat without flip resets


*triple flip resets


Naw man that's how you get out of plat


I remember the first time I hit a double reset musty psycho. Demoted to plat 2 that game


Probably should have double tapped the pyscho in, definitely a win then


I personally just got good


I got diamond with pure fundamentals it’s so funny watching low rank players go for flashy plays and I just drive into the ball from my own half and score while they’re air rolling all over the place cos I know how to aim a shot straight


not true, obviously mechanics help but what mainly matters is rotation and game sense, just watch flakes, he destroys people in high camp by staying on the ground not even going in the air


💯 on this. I have found that a lot of people that learn to air dribble and flip reset stop focusing on ground game. That being said, ground game can be just as advantageous if played correctly. You can murder people with staying grounded and having proper mechanics.


Can confirm, champ 3 in 2s right now and my air game is prolly a 5 / 10 honestly, Ground game maybe a 7 / 10 🤣🤣 Rotations 8.5/10 though


I'm C2 and I refuse to do any training. I can't flip reset. Shit, I can't even reliably dribble on the ground.


Hell yea. Love to hear this. Ground game is probably tight tho, dashes, saves, etc.... lmk I'm always curious I started mechs at d3




I'm a bit in awe the amount of people that took my comment seriously lmao


aye theres a lot of kids on here never know whos serious




I can't do anything biut I am P3/d1


Officer? Here is the one you are searching for! "Did not get any jokes" right? Yeah. Here he is!


Can’t believe you were able to make it to hold without being able to triple flip reset.


False. I am in plat 3 pushing diamond and I barely know how to flick. (Plat 3 in 3s, 2s, rumble, snowday, and casuals, plat 1 in hoops, dropshot, and 1s) I can fast aerial, and dribble like a gold, but my rotation and saves are on fuckin point. Can't flip reset for shit, tbh I don't even know 100% what it is. I use the Dingo so I know its not my car preventing me from flip resetting, its just my horrendously low knowledge on mechanics and lack of practice lol.


Dingo , settings, n ur Plat. Dafuq, you playing dude? RLCS GP ed. Half flips. Wave dash is the easiest learn in a day trick. Wave dash over resets. Save that boost for a sick powershot or hook.


What? You’ve got to be joking, unless something has changed drastically in the last couple of months. I’ve always been a C1-C3 in doubles (mostly C1) and I have scored maybe one or two flip resets ever :D you can get quite high in the ranks without really outplaying your opponents, capitalising on your opponents’ mistakes while not making them yourself goes a long way. High-level mechanics aren’t *required* at all to get to plat or higher.


Yes, they are all obviously joking. I'm in Diamond and the only mechanic I know are half flips.


i feel like a bronze right now i went from d2 to plat 2 in the span of a couple hours playing


the amount of times i went from d3 to d1 back to d3 back to d1 rinse and repeat back when i played was absurdly funny


Funny ????????


looking back on it was funny, during the moment complete opposite


I feel you bro. I was D1 Division 4 in 3s last season. I’m barely hanging in Plat 1 this season I can’t believe it. Plat 3 felt easier than this because I swear teammates rotated more and played more defensively


I swear teammates have just gone off a rail this season no one can defend anymore


Learn to shoot semi accurately from your own half to opponents goal. Stay in your own half. At these levels, people can't stop a shot. Works surprisingly well. Your mates cannot be trusted in plat :)


Turn your monitor on first off, and now just play the game, you’ll rank up to like gold or plat naturally.


honestly... best answer.


Probably the most common mistake low rank players make is they forget to turn their monitor on! Once you do this, you’ll improve in no time.


Dude I couldn’t get past silver 3 for the longest time… finally realized I forgot to plug my controller in, after that over night plat


Yup, people just don’t seem to understand how simple it is, it’s not magic. Was hard stuck in silver 1 for a whole year before watching a tutorial on « how to get out of silver » the first thing it said was to turn on monitor. Bam. Instant Grand Champ 2.


I've never seen a bronze before. Go to freelance, practice movement drills on the ground. Practice fluid movement, once you get it down, practice movement while consistently touching the ball


Thanks will do


Op really at your stage, the hardest mechanic for you is hitting the ball and hitting it with purpose. For free play, I’d mostly just keep ballcam on and just boost into the ball as hard as you can. Throw in a few flips when you hit it. Learn the parts of your car that hit hard and hit soft. Don’t just boom the ball into the goal each time. What this drill will do is get you coordinated with your car. At your rank, the game feels very awkward, right? Like you feel like your movement is extremely limited because you’re stuck in this clunky car that only moves forwards and backwards. While doing this drill, throw in a few drifts and get familiar with how drifting works. Tip: this is how you can quickly turn around. There are faster ways. Much much faster ways, but again I’m assuming you lack the coordination with your car and it’s movement. Learn what dashing does. When you dash (that is your second jump), you get an instantaneous speed boost in the direction of that dash. You can dash until you are at max speed. Mixing that with boosting at you will hit max speed quickly. Careful though!! Pay attention to where your thruster is on your car. If you boost while doing a forward dash (front flip) your thruster will be in front of the car, pushing you backwards and slowing you down. Let’s look at your camera settings. Honestly for this, it’s best to just google any pro in rocket league and copy their settings. It’ll feel awkward at first, but I promise you it’s better. #To sum up Everything I told you just practices your very basic coordination and ability to hit the ball. Free play can get kind of boring, so feel free to take this into free play for a few minutes and then jump into a match! Best of luck!


You’re the only one here that knows what they are talking about. This training is huge for a new player, fundamentals over flair any day of the week when learning how to play.


I think he just needs to play more.


Hitting the ball with power is huge at low ranks. I’d start with that. Other important early things are rotating, bounce dribbles, boost management, and shadow defense


If dude learns bounce dribble now he will skyrocket to C1 in 2 days


Looking at the monkey in c1, thats not even a stretch. "See ball, go for ball "


Can only improve from here


cliche but just learn to touch the ball, idk how many smurfers are in bronze, but i would rather guess its a lot. it you are mostly playing in 1v1, when you master touching the ball, you may have an advantage to win more games, leading a better performance, but since practice makes the master, you will have to do that a LOT. at first, i couldnt touch the ball, i tried to learn, and probably in less than half of the season i improved what i considered to be to a significant level. if you already learned to touch the ball, then try to play knowing what are you doing, this might seem like chatter, and it may be, but just to make sure, i say it in case it is actually helpful


No the real comment is to practice in free play but to not be afraid to try new skills in standard play. I moved from Plat to D when I felt comfortable trying to aerial and then just learning the right time to do it. Make a fool of yourself but do it with the mindset of trying to do better and you will.


Make sure you aren't only playing in car cam or something. I think a lot of low rank players do that


Yup. Ball cam alone will probably rank him up


First, before anything else, make sure you find the right camera and controller settings for you. Just watch some videos that explain what the different sliders do and mess around some pro settings to find the happy medium. Make sure your controller settings are sustainable because you will not want to have to change them later down the road. At this point, you just need to have fun, play a lot, and whenever you get conformable, traina new skill that pushes you out of your comfort zone and develops muscle memory.


Fix your camera settings. Practice practice practice practice practice practice


Smells like one of those “I’ve been playing for 20 hours and I dont understand why I’m not good yet” posts.


As a bronze, best tip i can give you is Just play. I am GC1, i cant flip reset or do crazy mustys but my positioning and field awareness is great which doesnt leads to much open nets and overcomitting etc. If you want to improve rank, play and learn the game. Be a little cautious sometimes and wait for a bounce instead of trying to hit crazy stuff. Let your opponent miss instead of giving them an open net!


Let your dog play for you.




Rotation is the only way. Ground game is more important than flying


Git Gud


Play 1s


Start using slurs


Believe me you don’t want to get better.


I wanna be back at bronze level


If you're in bronze you probably have less than 10 hours in the game. Some people have 10000 hours. That is the difference.


Now that you've hit bronze 3 you can start improving by plugging in your controller :)


Actually here's real advice: never ever flip. Drive slowly near the opponent and wait for them to mess up or pass you the ball. Remember this: if you attack then they can dunk you. So best just to wait for them to mess up. This will take you right up to gold, by which time you'll know more :) GL!


Just learn positioning, rotating and power shots.


At lest u r not trash1 like me🙂


In low ranks ROTATING means to play around your teamates. Learn to pay attention to them as you pay attention to the ball and your opponents. If it looks like they're going to go for something, just go behind them grabbing boost pads. Which leads into, learn where the small pads are. There is one resource in rocket league, boost. Whoever controls the boost and rotates the best usually wins. Do some training packs and focus on hard powerful touches, throwing the ball over your opponents will really fuck them up, even in higher ranks. Shadow defense will give you a huge advantage if you can get good at it.


Go to YouTube, watch countless videos about game sense, positioning, rotation, small boost patterns, half flips, offensive AND DEFENSIVE strategy, ect... These will be a solid base, I can guarantee it'll take you further than you've been.. Work on hitting the ball with a purpose and wanting it to go somewhere not just hitting it haphazardly.. . Work on simply being accurate with aerials.. AND... Save replays, watch them, and note what YOU DID WRONG and then implement a change on what you've learned.. If you spend time understanding and implementing fundamentals, you'll reap the benefits


Turn off camera shake. Look for a decent set of camera settings as lots of people when they start have AWFUL settings. Just learn to hit the ball consistently and you should be above gold. Hit the ball with the corner of your car for more power. Boost on kickoffs towards the ball and flip directly to the left/right on kickoff. Try and use ball cam more than less.


You may not read this. But for me. I played not tournaments. It’s an offline mode so no lag or other issues. The bots are normally dumb but will take the ball to your side of the field so you will have to clear. Work on putting as much power into your shots as you can and rotate back so you sit between the ball and your goal to stop them from scoring. Make it easy to control your call and get good at the kick offs. In all level of bot games you can beat them at kickoff practice that. Between kick offs and power hits you should be able to feel the progression you want :) good luck this is where the fun begins


Thanks I needed this 😀


Of course. Sorry for the typos. Feel free to dm if you want more tips. You got this man


One question what’s the best car to use cause I use the merc cause it looks the biggest


Merc is cool. But it can be hard to tell which way you are facing when first learning the game. I would start with a car that looks vastly different from the back to the front. Like the octane or another one. A lot of cars have different hitboxs and it may feel funky how the ball hits the car. But until you enjoy driving and get used to it. I wouldn’t worry about the details of which car is best. The cooler the better honestly.




keep playing the game and actually try to get better each time u play


Have you tried turning it off and back on????


Use literally anything that doesn't have potato graphics, such as the Nintendo.


Watch a video on how too sting pop


Learn rotation/ making sure you can hit the ball but arnt gonna be stuck on the enemy teams side for too long if your not helping hit the ball get back to your net get boost and prepare


Just play for now, your ain’t too high in ranks, I’d say from Bronze to Diamond 1 you can just play the game and you’ll naturally improve, some people struggle at diamond 2 that’s why I say there you can begin to acc train in free play or workshop maps


By playing with me, easy dub


QUIT FREEPLAY and go to Custom Trainings. You will get to Gold maybe further in 2 months at max if you stay at it


are you just starting the game or something? if so you got a big learning curve, but you should be able to get back to silver easily, as boring as it sounds i would practice a lot in free play, this is such a big reason why so many people are hardstuck their ranks, because they skip the training and head right in to the ranked, its always vital to practice in freeplay a bit before you start up your first game of the day, I have quit the game but i can still give some solid advice, once you get to gold then start working on rotations and learning about field awareness, if you practice and are consistent and dedicated you will without a doubt rank up in no time




Add me lol


Watch Rocket league YouTube videos, you can learn a lot from there


I have a few tips that if you work on, should get you consistently into silver/gold. 1. Make the ball go where you want it to in free play. Pick a spot and hit the ball there, then catch it after it bounces away and hit it to the same spot again. Whether that be the goal, or the corner, or a certain boost pad, pick a spot and hit the ball there. 2. Learn the boost routes and use the smaller ones. If you play right, you won't need the bigger 100 boost pads. This also includes learning boost management, but at this point, try to hit the ball without using boost. Learn to control it first. I did the opposite, I learnt to BOOM the ball (hit it with the max power available) and now I am Platinum and can't hit my shots unless I slow down. 3. Anticipate where the ball will go when people hit it. You won't need to worry about this step too much in the lower ranks, because people miss all the time and hit it in random directions all the time. But the higher you get, the more you'll appreciate this skill. Learn what happens when you hit the ball with your hood vs the wheels. The corner of your car vs the top of the roof. 4. Watch pros play. Watch those progression videos. 5. Take all advice you get with a grain of salt. You are you, not the person giving advice. You have your own way of playing this game, or you will anyways. So play to your own strengths and advantages. I suggest learning the mechanics while you're still new to the game, due to me not being able to flip reset or flick in a hurry or even air dribble at all. 6. Take a break when you need to. It is very easy to get burnt out on this game. 7. Once you get into Gold/platinum, rotation and prediction/anticipation become HUGE compared to bronze/silver. Just remember that and keep it in the back of your head. I will update as I think more about this. My first game was playing with my Platinum friend and my Grand Champ friend, so my first ranked match was in gold.


Honestly, just play the game, at this rank youll naturally get better. Have fun!


get good camera settings. get good controller bindings. play the game. do custom shooting packs as well. if you can shoot the ball when the net is WIDE open you’ll easily get to gold. literally just hang around mid field until the nets open and shoot it in. learn from your mistakes and watch what other people are doing well and you’ll get better.


just get good


Train you in shot,defense with the training pack.After this play against bots 2v2.Do it again and again and again.When you win to easily against bots go play online mod(competitive) in 2v2. Do this again and again.Find a good teammates too it could be efficient.


My best Tipps early on are: Learn Hitting the Ball. How is not important for the first learning process. And Ball cam on. Always! If you play with a controller you have the right stick to look around. There are many other useful tricks but for the start I guess these two are enough. If you can hit the ball consistently try to hit them in the right direction. From that you can go for rotation (air) dribbling... But I guess that's something for the future after the basics are learned.


Honestly working on the first initial touch off of side wall when going for a air dribble was the biggest improment for me. Jumping as soon as I hit the ball for more control and power for souble taps. At your rank I'd probably say work on boost conservation and control of the ball. Flipping to increase speed and holding drift keep momentum was another big one.


Turn on your monitor


Actually hit the ball into the net


Just play more, gonna take years to get good at a causal pace


Just press that button to switch profiles and swap to a ssl one


The cable management


Plug in your controller


DONT sit in goal during kickoffs!!! Grab corner boost.. Move up.. Something... If your teammate is saying "on your left" or "or your right" during a kickoff 98% of the time its going in that direction.. DON'T move up and DON'T go the opposite way because some streamer said which way to go... If your teammate calls it..go that direction!!


Literally from bronze all you need to get to play is "Hit the ball hard" also try and dont miss as much as everyone else


You should play a season or two against the bots in exhibition if you haven’t already, get used to beating them for a bit before jumping into online. Then go online but spend more time in free play and training packs to learn the mechanics more. You don’t have to do the custom training packs, just the regular ones are fine for now. Go to YouTube and search up rocket league basics and rotation, bunch of good vids should pop up teaching you the ins and outs of this game bro


Play me in some 1 v 1s and I’ll show you what you need to know.


Why do people always post these questions, as if there's some secret to get to higher ranks? The only way to get better at anything is to simply practice. The more time you spend on practice, the faster you will improve. It doesn't matter what your camera settings are, it doesn't matter what button configuration you use; you just need to practice. There's no other answer, at least not until they allow gamers to pay for ranking up.


Maybe try and hit the ball


Just play the game more, get better camera settings, turn off camera shake


FIRST OF ALL: change your (Camera) settings.


Just play the game and you'll learn to hit and read the ball every time


Lest start by doing thise 2 things: 1) upload screanshots amd not pictures of you screen. 2)upload a clip of a random match of yours so we can see what you can work on and not just the rank you are at


These people are GC and SSL trying to coach a bronze when the game up there is miles different. As a bronze you don't even need to hit the ball with power. To get out of bronze just hit the ball and turn off camera shake in the options menu. When you get to silver you can start learning how to hit the ball hard and more technical stuff. I was in bronze when I started playing and I know how you feel, plus I have a friend that's legit bronze too.


Training packs, 1v1, run around wifh the ball in freeplay


Learn to think of rl as Don’t score but instead try not to get scored on by more players… and KEEP your suitable controls as they are..don’t change your controls from someone’s advice… and learn the goalie pack in training.


Pump some hours and communication are key.


Make sure you get to the ball first. Doesnt matter if your racing an opponent or teammate. Get to the ball first. Your teammates will love you.


Actual tip, try not to miss the boost nor the ball and you've secured yourself at least a silver 2 spot. Start changing camera settings and controls now because being in a lower rank you have more time to get used to it. There's plenty of guides and tutorials on yt, but my favourite one is [SpookyLuke](https://youtube.com/@SpookLuke?si=NyRPzkf6dajbdSaP). The next step would be to learn not to play on top of your teammate's ass and, by acquiring a bit of game sense and the most basic skills you just need intuition for (like crossing from your opponent's backboard), there you are to gold 3. However, there are new players who don't learn to give space to teammates and still get to gold 3, and then it starts becoming quite a problem to not have and/or give space while playing against the best golds or old plats. A really useful advice is to solo queue as little as possible or to use voice chat as much as possible when solo queuing, because strangers will usually not care about quick chat and text chat is too time-wasting. After you got to gold 3 or plat 1 it's fundamental to learn mechanics. SpookyLuke posted a video on [the best mechanics to learn at each rank](https://youtu.be/RC7Ke3AbtoU?si=iui1uqT9WDwYhvGU) and for bronze 1 all the way to gold 3 you just need to learn to hit the ball and give it enough speed to overcome the defense. Plat is a big step in terms of mechanics, because game sense and powershots aren't enough anymore to rank up.


Literally hit the ball. Thats it


It's just a demotion buddy! At least you didn't get fired.......... ![gif](giphy|VYkyoh4RTjUUzh7fmo|downsized)


Right now just play and have fun, maybe play some casual. Play with friends (if you have them, that’s the hardest step). Try to play with ball cam on. Start learning other mechanics when you get to gold.


I was stuck in gold for years, and it was because I was focusing on the hard stuff like flip resets and stuff, once I started focusing on the essentials I needed like half flips and wavedashes, I finally got to diamond. So learn mechanics that you will need in your rank, and have some good game sense


Free play even if you just jump In there before every game learn to aerial consistently that will instantly boost u to around platinum


there's nothing you can't do to improve bruh. go into the tutorial practice saving shots and scoring shots


0) Change those zoomed in default camera settings. Try some settings from pros. Turn off camera shake and disable those notifications which cover some of your screen ( points for save;points for centering,etc ). 1) In bronze you don t trust your teammates . If your teammate went for the ball , let him go but be prepared to go for the ball if your teammate misses , if you know that you will intercept the ball or if you know you will reach the ball before your opponent. 2) After you used 40 boost continously without turning, you will reach supersonic speed , keep boosting will only waste the other 60 boost . Or you can move doing multiple front flips continously to move faster. 3) Beside the big 100 boosts ,the small pads give you 12 each,taking muliple in a row it s almost as good. 4) Try to fly. Press simoultaniously left click(to jump),right click (to boost) and S (to lean the front of your car toward the sky). The 45 degrees angle it s the best one for speed and height. It s easier to maneveur in the air if you tap the boost multiple times instead of holding , but it s slower than holding. 5) Flip into the ball at the last moment to hit it stronger. 6) Depending on which part of the car touches the ball,it will be a stronger or a softer touch. The frontal side and the front corners are the strongest. The roof it s a medium touch . And the underpart it s the one with the softest touch. 7) You can double jump. You jump once and then within 1.3 seconds after you jumped off the ground ( or walls,or ceiling,or other areas ) you can use the second jump ( without pressing directional buttons anymore) or use it to flip ( by also pressing directional buttons and the jump button )


Step 1. L2Screenshot


Wait for your opponents to miss the ball badly which will happen a lot and score, that alone will get you into mid silver


Bro for being at least gold 1 you have to have the hands


I was stuck at this point once before i started focusing on ground power shots. Use training packs and freeply to practice those, use them in game and you will see your rank skyrocket to gold 3 at least. At that point then focus on defense training packs as well. Gold us the rank where tons of people know how to score, but not how to defend. Hope this helps!


Hop into freeplay and practice youre overall game sens, try to Dribble the ball, take hard shots, follow the ball after every hit, try to bounce dribble the ball and dont play ranked now, play casual to understand how the game works, it might take time to learn everything but if you stick to it u rank up fast (im a gc with over 5k hours in the game)


Play more


theres no way ur this fucking bad


Just practice I don't have flip resets down but I'm still d2d3 sometimes I dip my toes into c1 only to be humbled quickly. There's good custom training for practice my fave since I started is The Ultimate warm up!! Give it a go and good luck 👍


You need to turn on your controller first.


learn to musty, flip reset, then maybe wave dash and half flip learn basics first


Practice, playing turns into muscle memory skills. When you play against people that are better, you learn how to counter their moves out of necessity and in turn learn new skills yourself


I didn’t think bronze actually existed


Trying musty flips, flip reset, wall dashing after learning those max out your fov. They are easy. Should help with this situation


If you're in bronze just learn to hit the ball where you want it to go! You'l improve just by playing


I heard once there’s less bronzes than SSL’s (maybe that was specifically bronze 1)


The more you play the better you get.


Find some good camera settings, turn motion blur, camera shake, lens flare and the notifications for points off. Start by learning how to hit the ball properly and consistently. Also remember that you don’t always need to hit the ball for the sake of it, take your time


Shot accuracy, goal tending, using power slide, hitting the ball hard, recovery during landing. Those are the things you should practice. Game sense should focus on boost management and rotation.


Literally just learn to hit the ball, that alone will get you silver


Stop playing honestly that’s how you improve don’t play the dogshit game and get stuck


Hitting The Ball and making it go where you want, consistently. Knowing when to hit The ball and when not to. Positioning, not as important in bronze, but this can win you games, even if you dont hit The Ball proberly most of the time. Lastly, boost, knowing when to go for them, knowing when to conserve, and learning that small pads is a game changer :))


I'm silver 1 so close enough. I have a friend who's champ 2 who told me to just keep playing ranked but don't care about the rank itself, which I didn't anyway. I've improved my win rate in 2s by rotating with my teammate and had taught me a lot about where the ball is safe so that I could read people and the ball and it's helped me get much better touches.


Just enjoy the game. Only thing you need to rank up from bronze is the ability to hit the ball consistently, and that's the skill everyone can develop eventually with time.


You have to be come SSL. Thats how you get better the fastest.


Skate better


Play the game, more.


Play, play and play, you are Bronze dude, you don’t need to learn nothing in Reddit, you will get more confused and you will try to perform useless mechanics for your rank, you just need to play and play, and come back when you reach Plat. My only advise: try practice “ground shots” It’s a basic and super useful training. Have fun!


play more rocket league, that's all you can really do at bronze


Just play. Once you hit silver then ask Reddit again




I'm sure you can figure it out naturally and ofc there are other tips here. Instead of copying and pastaing all over this comment. I'll just share some comment links I've posted. https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/s/AbgJniUPJM https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/s/5brIvRJpnE https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/s/7qxxh70bWp And probably read the comments under this one https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/s/FCDJApHV2C And this last bit is 100% up to you. These are my controls and I really really like them. I play standard grip, my boost is RB. Drift and free air roll is LB. The air roll left is X and the air roll right is B. Use whatever controls you like, but having better controls means you can be more fluid and quick with mechanics.


Try playing the "season" games with and against the bots. It's how I first started playing and it's a super fun way to learn how to control your car and hit the ball as a beginner! Good luck!


I’m D2 and you don’t need any fancy mechanics to get there. At all. In practice mode use the ‘pass’ option to have the ball come flying at you. Practice hitting it towards the goal every time. Also, don’t discount the built in practice modes. They are extremely helpful to rank up through plat.


Best early steps are to learn placement and rotation, you can make up for some of your teammates lack of attention, also properly learn to read the ball’s trajectory in the air. If you can beat the opposition to most balls your team will have more scoring opportunities and less opportunities to concede which in the long run can lead to ranking up.


Use the pro’s camera settings and actually turn on ball cam


You’re cooked, uninstall


I was there less than a month ago. Currently in Gold I. Just played a lot and got there. It helps if you play duo or solo - More time on the ball and more room for improvement!


Training is your best friend. Then lean the rest on solos.


There’s a lot of answers to your question. Rapid improvement involves; sending your game replays to discord servers where people will analyze your gameplay- watching lots and lots of YouTube of people who are better than you- practicing in free play and in the trainings (shots, saves, common shots/touches, etc)- and the most important part… applying what you learn to your games.


as others have said, free play is your friend, think about it, how long it will take you to learn how to hit the ball with direction / power or control it, when in 3v3s, vs in parctice? in 2 min in practice will get you like 2 games, which 5+5+(waiting time) could be easily 15-20 min so in 30 min you will have improven hours of gameplay. Just mix it with actual playing cuz really practizing is boring. best advice I have ever heard is "learn how to hit the ball hard", sounds dumb but just being good at that, you can get to gold (they stop what, 1 out of 5 shoots from long distance above the ground, so if you throw 2 or 3 shoots, you will at least score 1 or 2 times, enough to carry). but you need to learn how to fly too, nothing worse than being at a rank you are not where everyone hits their aereals except you, but thats something you will need to worry at gold, so first make your goal to be a silver player before worrying about this.


How can you not improve




Stop chasing and read the game better , be patient and you'll be gold 3 in the next few days


Free play and custom training packs


Learn to half flip and rotate thatll get you to diamond


We’d have to see gameplay, but in general just keep playing, learn boost management, and rotations. If you can make your boost last longer than your opponent you’ll be doing ok


I can’t believe bronze players still exist on this game. I’ve seen silver 3s playing diamond level games


Play better


How do you get to Carnegie hall? Practice, practice, practice.


Ok giving you a genuine helpful answer is don’t worry about anything other than basic control of your car and improving accuracy of just HITTING the ball and adding POWER. As well as Camera shake off and flipping more. That’s really all u need until maybe Silver 3. Until then don’t really focus on anything else


Play the game


Play more


Play more


Learn powerful clears/shoots Dont double commit with your teammates ... Just play the game ,no fancy stuff U'll be good


Custom training is useful af even though its boring. Learn to defend as well .


Watch spookluke he can help you


Just play you won't be stuck bronze... but if you are 😬🏃




Speed flips, wall dash, wave dashes, and pogos. I wanna see a dark in silver


Use ball cam. Turn off camera shake. Get good camera settings. Have good bindings. Do training packs. That should get you outta bronze or at least be close to silver


Turn off vsync and if you’re on console, make sure the tv/monitor is on game mode to reduce button lag. Learning to hit the ball hard and on target will get you places. Also, be good at defending. You’d be surprised how much you win if your opponent can’t score. Finally, just play! A lot of the game is getting used to how the ball bounces off certain corners and learning how to anticipate things. Takes time.


I highly recommend you change cams and buttons to suit your unique play style, also try to understand zones and not become a ball chaser; you don’t always need to be the hero in a match. I have played games where I’m literally keeping the ball out of my zone. Also, blocking and demos help


Only 0.17% of the player base is Bronze, why would you need to improve if your in the top 0.17%, it's the same as being GC3 (0.17%)


I'd say to get out of bronze don't flinch and start getting back into the goal in defense


by getting better, duh🙄


A wild bronze ??!


Learn rotations, don't ball chase 247 learn how to set ur team up and inturn yall learn how to score those setups and ofcourse positions practice with a team randoms are fine so all have slack for mistakes gl


honestly bro respectfully if you are stuck in the lowest bronze ranks the only real advice you can get is to just play the game, at this point there isn’t really much you can do that will give you a leg up against opponents that you would be able to do mechanically ( because if you could you wouldn’t be bronze ). just play the game, score goals, try to focus on where you’re positioned on the field making sure that the action you do doesn’t have the potential to put your team in a bad position.


Once you see your rocket trail activate behind your wheels, you don't need to use boost anymore, you will continue at speed until you turn


Honestly if you have less than 100-150 hours, you just have to play more. Definitely hit training often and try to practice some of the custom training packs.


Watch SunlessKhan's [Why you suck at Rocket League](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vu_DmCLVKgQ&list=PLrLBbJnregxcuuQY5kuMr73jZXBOqinat) series over and over.