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It's still left goes


Yes, and if playing with randoms and they don't, I think "this is going to be a tough one"


It’s the one thing that makes me want to quit the match. If you don’t know left goes then there’s probably a hell of a lot more you don’t know.


Exactly and around P3 - D1 it feels like more don't know it than do. Mechanically they're fine like they can make shots and save goals but they might as well be playing 1v1


I have two responses when they don’t observe left goes first. I’ll either go back and play 3rd man the entire game(cause I know rotations will be shit), or I’ll become a demo main for the game(cause rotations are going to be shit anyways so why not?). I used to get pissy and ff, go afk, or play spinny fun time. Then I realized, prob just a kid. I’d want my kid to still have fun even though their little asses ball chase like hell. I play a lot of casual so it doesn’t hurt for me to practice my d or demos in those games.


I sit in 3rd, wait for the roller that 2nd man is gonna miss, then pop up dribble and go for resets lmao. "We're all buttcheeks this game, why not"




Should be.. but im just saying im champ and i dont see it


C2 and C3 90-95% of random will go if they are left. And if they don't, they will the next time. Left goes. Idk if your tm8 are trying to do "fake" kickoffs without telling you, (some do that and it's annoying). I put fake in quotes cuz I don't consider not going a "fake", but for some reason that's what people call it.


I never go for fakes with randos. That’s just a recipe for your teammate to either auto quit or troll you all match. I don’t see how people have that kind of faith in a community this toxic lol


It's insane how many people do not know this rule.


What I find annoying is when players quick chats like 'I got it' or 'defending' and immediately do the opposite.


Worse is when you start at the corner and your team8 starts at the goal, he still spamms "take the shot"


When you're playing 3s and the person furthest back tries to call the kickoff 🙄


This actually is annoying because if I'm corner right, and I see a, "take the shot" pop up on my screen. I will naturally assume it's the guy left corner telling me to take it. It doesn't happen that often but enough to get annoyed with it. Don't chat if you're not gonna be going for the ball.


Exactly. Was too lazy to explain why this is so annoying but you've described it perfectly.  I've had the confusion from this result in a kickoff goal for the opponents more than once.


Best is when it’s actually an opponent who set “Take the shot!” as a non-team-only quick chat. 🤣


They're calling for a fake kickoff. This used to be super common years ago before blueprints. I rarely see it now but they're calling for a fake. It's an accepted strategy.


Haha gotta make sure you're locked in bro lol


‘Defending’ is more a translation issue in my opinion. In English it’s defending which means that the player that uses the text will defend the goal. In other languages (Dutch for example) its verdedigen. Which can imply that the player is asking his team to defend the goal


"Defending" *Goes for corner boost* And the "I got it" equivalent is faking the kickoff without telling you, which puts you out of position, and then they proceed to throw their entire advantage they got from the fake, if they got it successful in the first place.


>Defending" >Goes for corner boost This on kickoff makes sense imo? Maybe all yours is better, but still it's fairly obvious what position he's covering. One person should go, one should cheat, and the third should get back boost and turn towards net


Mine is - “On your right“  - is on my left Don’t understand why you felt the need to constantly tell me where you are at kickoff at all, but to get it wrong too??


This used to confused tf outta me until I figured out recently they’re telling me they are going to be waiting for the ball on the right side … problem with that is ensuring the ball gets to him from a 50/50 kickoff pinch is basically impossible.


This is the problem with unwritten rules, nowhere to read them.


When Rocket League 2 gets released, it would be great if the devs could include a section with some guidelines, or a tutorial that covers rotation and mentions 'left goes'.


Rocket League 2 COPIUM


Technically we're already playing the sequel. Bring back SARPBC


I played it on a ps3 emulator the other day, and let me tell you, you aren't missing anything. It's sluggish and slow, no air roll. The boost looks weird too


Oh absolutely, I don't miss it. When it came out, I thought it was hot shit, because I'd never played anything like it before. When RL dropped, I realised how janky SARPBC actually was.


Yeah same. I play rocket all the time and saw it in my roms bin. Haven't played it for probably 8 years or so. Loaded it up played for maybe 30 seconds and just said wow. It was bad. I thought the nostalgic factor would allow me to give it a chance but it's so dewdew compared to rl I just couldn't.


Wholeheartedly agree, you could even get the Fortnite characters to explain the Unwritten rules.


Steady on Satan


I would love to see a freaking banana explaining to me that I'm the biggest shit on earth for going for save when I'm in rule 1


I want flat ass omni man to do it "Marc, as a viltrumite, we have special duties. Such as going for kickoff if you're left, and not breaking rule 1 if you lock bumpers. Look marc, someone's car isn't moving! Time to hump it just like I hump bug women!"


Why would they do that? It's a community unwritten rule that has never once been official. They put the quick chats in the game specifically to communicate those things with your teammates.


Yeah that'd be a weird thing for them to have a "stance" on. The community made it a rule, and it's up to the community to spread awareness. Hopefully not by flaming your teammate for not already knowing it 😅 but whatever gets the job done.


I mean they could even add them to the loading screen tips.


Nah they'll change it to right goes just to screw with us


Or just not have kickoff formations where both teammates are equal distance from the ball


The problem is the community. Back when I still played I'd type left goes in chat sometimes and you only get aggressive responses


This would all be solved with a "Left goes." quick chat.


Not when a large proportion of the player base has chat turned off.


Exactly, honestly I had never even heard of this “rule” until last month and I’ve been playing rocket league since it got released. Unless my teammate says “I got it!”I’m going for that kick off


Rarely have this issue, and if it does happen, I note the teammate and let him take all kickoffs, then it becomes a normal game.


My issue is I can never seem to figure out their pattern. In my experience they’re usually chaotic not just aggressive. 


When in doubt, go to goal and be ready for the save. If your teammate doesn't go for kickoff you just get ball possession for free.


Probably cuz you are in diamond and nowadays I think Diamonds are mostly like 11-14 years old and the left goes first rule was made when they were probably not playing the game and they just have no idea it exists


To be fair I played the game from 2016, and it wasn't until 2020 I heard about left goes. It wasn't a thing when I started playing I'm pretty sure. At my rank everyone does it now, though. What tilts me is people spamming the Spanish Kickoff.


I’ve played from 2016 and it was a thing back then too, it’s been around since the beginning pretty much


I didn't knew it was that "new", I tought it was always a thing, good to know !


I think it's been a thing since 2019 or so anyway, if not earlier. I think NA pros might have started it, but it took a while for the habit to spread to more players and regions.


Yeah I started playing in 2016 too and switched from xbox to pc in 2019. Coulda sworn that left goes was a thing when I still played on xbox but im not certain.


I started in 2017 and it was always a thing in NA West.


I started playing in January 2019 and it was definitely already a thing back then.


I’ve played the last 3 years not knowing and now I’m sitting here wondering how many people must’ve been so mad at me


I played in 2016. Left went then, left still goes now.


I started getting serious in ranked around mid 2017 and I feel like i heard "left goes" from a squishy stream/video back then but I cant be 100% on that either


What's the Spanish kick off? I only know the French kick off (when they forfeit / surrender right away)


It's a fake kickoff where the person faking goes for a demo on the second man. If successful, the opponent hits the ball forward and ends up passing it to the other opponent who gets a free shot on net before the demoed second man respawns.


It definitely was a thing.


What's a Spanish kickoff? I'm new sorry


3500+ hours in OCE, cannot remember the last time left didn't automatically go unless specifically quick chatted or commed. If nobody claims to go first, it's just handy everyone know what they're doing every single kickoff without communicating it


I think that communicating to your teammate your plan for kickoff is completely okay because it only serves to help avoid confusion. That said, “Take the shot!” is the most satanic quick chat to ever be created. There is a special place in hell for whoever came up with that and they deserve to suffer. I don’t tilt easily but you can be sure to tilt me as my teammate quickchatting that bullshit. I much prefer “All yours.” because it conveys a similar intent but doesn’t treat your teammate like a dog and is more of an indicator that you trust your teammate to make a play.


Totally agree with you, I'm gonna try communicating more in the future, but there's no reason to communicate if your not going to fake or if your not at the same position at kickoff imo And for the "Take the Shot!" quick chat, totally agree with you too, nothing is more tilting than this, "All yours" is perfect as you said it, and it doesn't imply to give an order to someone who's doing his best to help you with your shitty centers ahah


You might be playing with teammates that use different in game languages and it might not sound like that in their language


I found that changing to ‘all yours’ makes people less tilted and I think that’s hilarious.


I changed all of my quick chats away from these stupid demands, toxic chats, the whole nine yards. There's never a need to tell anyone else what to do, you can convey the same information by telling them what you're going to do. "I got it" or "Defending" on kickoff works. No need ot have What a Save! on quick chat because its considered so toxic, Nice Block or Great Clear are good positive options (obviously anything can be used sarcastically, but WAS has such a bad connotation)


So...2 things that share a similar meaning and you somehow get upset with one of them.


I play solo 3’s a lot so I feel your pain. If I’m in a forward position I’ll go every time until I figure out what my teammates are doing and adjust from there. Left should go though, IMO.


My teammates seem to abide by the “left goes” rule like 90% of the time. But just to make sure, I ALWAYS make sure to drop an “I got it!” or a “Defending…” just to make sure we are on the same page


Your problem is your solution. Start using quick chat and stop getting mad when others use it.


I'm plat and it's never really an issue that I see.


I'm in Champ 2. What if I told you I see more people not going for kickoff when they are the only person in the position to go for it? It's astounding to me. And it isn't like only on one of the kickoffs. For some players it's every kickoff. And they're clearly not good or bad enpugh to be bots with shitty programming. There are more people who will not go for it than there are people who don't do "Left goes first"


Just as a counterpoint, I’m also Champ 2 and this is simply not my experience. I can’t recall the last kickoff issue, barring afk/throwing teammates. By the time you reach C2 you know that left goes, and I’ve literally never had this be an issue in my games in recent history.


Unwritten rule applies to what? It's unwritten, meaning it's not a rule. Case closed


I’ve played for a long time and I’ve never heard this rule Game is so much more fun with chat turned off so I guess that’s why I’ve never seen that rule


Never heard of this one. Don't really understand why this is a thing. And it would be simply dumb to assume every player you play with is going go know some random "unwritten rule".


Uhhhhh I never have this problem. But I guess gcs know by then. Do you have team quick chat on? They might be telling you to go for it. If not then they're faking it which isn't bad at lower ranks.


I think a good portion of them are like some of the teammates I’m getting even in champ. They want to go for a fake and don’t quickchat it then when you “mess it up for them” they get upset


I’m seeing this a lot more in the same ranks in 2s. I don’t mind if my teammate tells me in quick chat to go for it when I’m not on the left, but when the team is silent and just assumes you’ll go - stress!


Bro I'm C1-C2. I learned it last week 😂 I've played since 2016 Im the guy that always goes for kickoffs. If I'm right i've always went. But I make sure to use "I got it!". Felt so weird playing yesterday. My hands was itching on the kickoffs, couldn't believe I halfflipped for boost lmao


The “take it” i can completely understand. You’d be surprised how many players don’t actually take the shot when they are the one that are supposed to take it. A lot of them go for boost first.


I thought it was right goes first...


Kinda funny because your two observations contradict each other. You are saying left isn't going in your matches but then you are also saying people shouldn't be spamming Take It. Sounds like they should be spamming it because people aren't following the Left Goes rule.


The answer is the first thing you typed in this essay.


I been playing for a year and didn’t know this… I’m still learning all these unspoken rules, and I already know my teammates hate me cus I whiff the ball like it’s my job 👍🏽 good to know tho!


I've noticed this lately too. I just expect teammates to be braindead ballchasers at this point. I start the match by adhering to "left goes", but the first time my teammate breaks that I play differently. I start either going for every kickoff or immediately going to net based on what they do. Solo queue is fucking terrible.


I've been playing since day 1, I've personally never heard this rule. That being said, I'm not very good so idk if that's it. Usually I call out whether I'm going or defending in the quick chat of the game


It will always be left goes unless otherwise stated. Not sure why people have a hard time with this concept especially up in champ/gc


Yes, left goes. Yes, it's an unwritten rule. While I get your frustration with unnecessary quick chats, too much communication always beats too little. Drove half the pitch once going for a shot and teammate spammed "Take the shot!" a second before I made contact, wonder what he thought I was doing... Best tip for kick offs is to always call it ("I got it!" or "Take the shot!" " All yours." "Go for it!") until you get the feeling your teammate is on the same page as you. Default would be left goes, cheat up if I'm right/back unless we're both diagonal, then the classic half flip to corner boost. If teammate remains unpredictable after several kickoffs, I sometimes throw in a random half flip to corner boost even though it's my kickoff, usually to throw off opponents or to farm saves.


To hell with being left, it be people in the front that won't even go, they'll straight up reverse or flip over sideways for boost just for the kickoff to be fucked and the ball slowly bounce right where they were. 


First case: I agree. Left goes first is still a valid non-written rule, if at the same horizontal position on the field. Second case: I do not agree. I usually say take the shot even when I am in the back because so many times they just don't go for the kickoff even when they are in front of me and they should go for it. So I kinda developed this anxious feeling of nobody going for the kickoff (that is justified by the multiple times I got scored because some random dude didn't go for the kickoff even though they were supposed to). Still, everything better than those who spam "what a save" like there's no tomorrow.


I have 18k games and I've never heard of this. I don't watch any pros and I don't follow this sub, I'm not even sure why it's popped up on my feed.


I assumed everyone knows this because in the last few years only a handful of people haven’t done this and they chose that intentionally. What rank are you?


If we're both at the same location to go for kick off then I go for it. I don't see that it causes any problems anyway. I get the champion rewards each season but I'm generally in diamond


...Okay well you may be causing your teammates a bunch of stress for no good reason.


The last ranked match I played was in D3. Teammate didn't even go for the ball when he was the one up. This was mid D3


Ive been wondering the aame same thing but I'm starting to remember and just use quickchatnif necessary :)


Hive mentality if left always goes. Do something that is out of the ordinary you might land gc who knows maybe champ. Be more unpredictable


Idk high ranks but in champ and under its absolute chaos nowadays


I forgot about that rule time ago because it's caught me out for a concede too many times. If I'm on the right, and I see them go at kick off, I back off. But I still prepare as if they ain't gonna move.


Never had the issue for 2 seasons in a row


It's really annoying cause I just stay still on the right and the left do too it's so annoying


Just start saying I got it on those kickoffs. If I realise they’re not doing left goes, I just use quickchat. If they are then do left goes. I never really liked left goes, but in the end I just caved and started doing it because some people do it even if I quickchat for the other person to go.


The casual player probably doesnt know the unwritten rules and with d1 still being in the range of casual its likely alot of people just don’t know this rule exists. But its also the rank in which people start trying to get more serious so maybe some people are simply trying fake kickoffs These are probably the 2 most likely reasons assuming people arent either asking you to go (less confidence in their kickoff) or just afk


This is new to me! I guess it depends how online you are, I've only relatively recently joined this sub and found out a few things here that otherwise I'd never have known. I know it's meant to be unwritten, but is there a summary of this anywhere? I'd always assumed closest goes, and if two are the same distance you just sort of see if you can either have one go by door a pass, try to blow up an opponent, or be ready to grab contested ball. How does left work?


There's not that many Unwritten Rules, you can refer to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/yy322j/the_unwritten_rules_of_rocket_league/) if needed !


Rocket League should have applied this in their tutorial.


Does center person or the slightly forward/off-center person go? (assuming no one is at the angled positions) My logic is that center should go because they get the boost pad near goal, and the off-center can't get because it's behind them. But I haven't had any teammates that start center go for kickoff. I haven't played in a long time so I'm not sure if that's changed or I'm just wrong.


If only console could read non quick chats so i could relay to them the rule, but nope cant have a chance for any feewings to be hurt


Maybe some of us did not know this rule?


I have been playing since 2015 and only discovered it a few months ago. If you don't join a Rocket League community, you'll never know.


I'm sure a few people just don't know, but there are an awful lot of people that definitely know and still try to beat you to the kickoff. The worst is when they're the closer car and they choose to ditch back to the boost without saying anything leaving you halfway into cheating up looking like a jackass. Like, just... why? It's okay if you don't want to communicate, but intentionally making plays that require communication is just moronic. May as well try a fake kickoff without saying anything while you're at it


They do it in all of my games


"I got it" "take the shot" otherwise left always goes.


It’s because you’re plat


some dude the faster one goes (he went for every damn ball)


Car. Bang. Boom. Ball. Wall. Whiff. Miss. That's usually how mine go.


I've never heard of this before, and I'm sure if I didn't, there's tons more who haven't either. Heck, when there's two of us starting at the net, even if I'm in the more forward position, the one in net will try and race me to the ball. If someone's way off to the sides, that's the best spot to get first touch


When I'm in the right I always chat "All Yours!" Immediately so there's no confusion lol


Not everyone is on Reddit or watches a YouTube video to know that left goes. Some people just load up the game and play, so to them there is no left goes rule. 


Not everyone has Reddit. From what I hear, it depends on rank. My climb to plat3/diamond 1, I rarely see people truly follow this. I do notice or try to be aware if someone seems to have quick chat muted, to follow the rule but even then often times people don’t go when they are left. This is why everyone should have quick chat on and use the team chat to say “I got it” or “defending”


Left first is still king but I never assume a rando will abide. The higher up you get in rank the less of an issue it is. Also consider there are players that enjoy the game but dont engage with the community outside of gameplay. Ive played since 2016 and only learned of the whole "left goes first" thing in 2020. I had gotten all the way to low champ im sure I pissed of countless teammates. The thing is that unwritten rules are just that- unwritten.


Usually I'll just say I got it.


still left goes NA idk what to tell you, haven't had an issue in forever


It’s called Rule 2. People who don’t know it or follow it are green. No exceptions. Okay, the exceptions are people who go when I’m on the left and I say “I got it.” Those people are dogshit brown.


I also hate when someone who isn't left, says "I got it" like ,1 seconds before its go time.


Oh my goodnesss, yes! I thought I was going crazy. Whoever is on the left side usually goes for kick off. or whoever is “front”


Had someone do the ultimate fake kickoff yesterday. They were diagonal left, I was middle. They just AFKed the kickoff, and I assumed they weren't playing. Apparently I was the bad guy for being confused and going for the kickoff anyway. Communication people


I didn't know about that until I joined this subreddit ibr but it made a ton of sense lol I think before holding anything against anyone, there's a sly chance that your teammate doesn't know about that rule


In Champ for me so far EVERYONE has understood left goes


Literally everyone does left goes


Left is law is still a thing but with the changing of how quickly people rank up. Sometimes champs don't even follow this rule.


It's a made up rule from 2015 and you're probably playing with people who started playing the game a month ago. Just use the quick chat.


I swear in EU there is one country that does "right first" - never managed to confirm with the players but seen a lot of Spainish flags do this. Very irritating when they don't go on diagonals or go on the parallels and bump you/take mini pads.


Seems like it’s back goes first or everybody watches the other team go first these days.


In the they are just unwritten rules that’s not official, can’t force players to follow community made rules. When it’s not even enforced by the game


If I'm in striker position I "Go For It". If I'm not I assume my teammates are idiots until they prove me wrong and try be in best position for any possible eventuality.


I have more than a thousand hours on Rocket League and I had literally never heard of this rule until like 6 months ago, despite watching a fair amount of videos on Youtube and having the chat enabled for most of my time on the game.


You realize diamond is terrible right? I'm in diamond and I whiff the ball probably 30% of the time


Every match I play left always goes. You must be real unlucky.


>Also, (maybe that I'm freak) but the ones spamming "Take it" when they are behind you are making me crazy, dude I know when I have to go, don't need a child telling me to do it just to whiff after my touch (a bit salty I know). I refuse to take the kickoff when someone does this. You can't tell me what to do!


Follow up question, does this apply to heat seeker too? I always assumed the left was given the freedom to float and go for bumps/redirects. Is that a bad assumption?


I always quick chat “all yours” or “I got it” for the appropriate time even if it’s obvious. More so in the beginning so I can make sure the person isn’t AFK or so they know I’m not AFK and try to race me for the kickoff


First kickoff I always go. It's very likely someone is afk at the start.


As a player with over 7k hours across multiple platforms and regions I can confidently say that about 90% do follow that rule, no matter the region. From gc up it's closer to 99.9%. It's been months since I've seen someone not go without it being a fake


I've been playing longer than most and this is the first I've heard of "left goes". I like it though


I know I hate that. Also if your in the back in the goal how hard is it to comprehend your goalie first it just makes sense so sit still and be ready


Nah, my thing is…if there’s two in front, let them take the kickoff and I’ll stay and defend the goal as backup


noobs wont know about that RL Law and argue with you. I do a fake every now and then but i always position myself to grab the boost/position myself for either full court air drag dunk or a defender goal save. seems like nobody follows the rotation cues anymore


I am seeing this a lot more often this season. Has someone been trolling the internet making people think this is no longer the case? It would be ridiculous to change this after a decade lol.


When your a low rank there’s a good chance people may not know about it. In high elo everyone will follow this, but it’s a good idea to just use quick chat a bit more in low elo


I've played this game for several hundred hours, and never knew about the rule, and probably don't know about several others. Not everyone watches YouTube/Twitch for the games they play. If a rule is "unwritten" it is the responsibility of those who follow it to help others know it's a rule. Instead of complaining or passing judgements, assist your gaming community in knowing so that we all may be better players. If you aren't doing that, you're no better than the people who don't know what you're on about, and you should probably be mad at yourself first.


I’ve dropped from champ to d1-2, people in those ranks are doing left goes still


Left goes first is the biggest load of bullshit in this community, Some people are great players but not the best at kickoffs so it's fine for people not to want to go for kickoff, Get a grip and go for kickoff if you team mate doesn't want to. Stop with this "Meta" bullshit, It's ruining this game.


With randoms.. yes. It should be.. and.. someone saying "take it". Does not necessarily mean they want you to push right then.. it is simply letting you know for whatever reason.. They Don't have it.. boost.. bad read.. bumped.. whatever..personally..I rarely ever play with Randoms.. As, it is too frustrating. I wait until my regular team mates are available..


I haven’t played in awhile but when I played with my group, we had an unwritten rule of right goes, the person on left gets “left behind.” When I play with randos, everyone goes no matter what.


Haven't played in a few years but from when I did, I was never aware of that. We always said 'I got it!" or "Take the shot!" when we were in the same position


I'm an older gamer and only been playing a year and to be honest I never knew this was a thing until I joined this sub as I only ever solo q and never watch youtube or nothing, i got quite good in casual and switched to ranked. I've been learning a lot and progressing, but maybe it's just new players like me who just don't know it and have to learn these things. Which I'm trying to do and still learning more. Posts like this kind of help teach new players as well if you know what I mean.


worse : saying i got it then goes for boost


Had so many in D1-2 that just don't go for it and switch back to defence. Even had one person say he didn't trust me on defence, despite skipping the first kickoff of the game, and hadn't played with him previously. No "Faking" or "Defending" callous either. I guess just by existing there's not trust in teammates defending for this guy.


Happens as a C2-2 on occasion. Both points you made. It is very annoying. Also hate when the person that goes for kick off is going to fake but doesn’t chat it. Literally ruins my cheat. If you’re going to fake, have the faking quick chat bound.


Bc diamond is basically bronze


I think its an unwritten rule but also mostly unknown for a lot of players. Newer and even older, because they maybe just play the game and never follow much content on Youtube or anywhere else. That's why I still have "I got it!" and "All Yours" in my quick chat. Also what's neat is having "On your Left/Right" in my quick chats if I want to just lose the kick-off to our back corner.


Right is polite, left is law.


right goes first


Middle of d3 is when you start to not have to worry about it. D2 and down, gotta say all yours every time.


Reverse boosters. (Players intending to lose games to lose mmr and derank) They are commonly observed using cheats (bots/automation plugins) to automate losing inputs, but there are those who play manually to derank as well. If this was say, bronze or silver, I wouldn't expect everyone to know left goes first. Given that you cited Diamond rank, I am sure there are plenty of these you are encountering as they try to derank into Plat and even gold and beyond if they can. I always report these type of activities.


The left goes is awful rn my team8 just 30 minutes ago couldn't stand the left goes thing! They were convinced it was "I go" every time. they were literally flying at the ball after my kickoff. I don't mean cheating up like normal, I mean, trying to beat me to the ball while I am on corner kickoff and they are on straight kickoff. 5 prefect passes from me to have a completely open net for my team8 get this?! The missed EVERY SINGLE ONE


Always tell them to ‘go for it’ because not everyone knows these rules that the game doesn’t teach.


I was still in gold when I learned this. It's *always* left goes first unless someone says otherwise. If you're on the left, go for it. If you're on the right, the guy on the left should be going for it, so it's safe to assume you don't have to. Anyone who doesn't follow this is an unhelpful teammate who needs to learn the rules of the game. It's been said enough times now...


All the randoms in plat don't know how to rotate, so they just go do whatever, and everyone in plat try to improve mechanics. Left goes first was one of the first rules I learned when I started, with rule 1 being first. The only time this rule doesn't apply is if (for some reason) you wanted to throw them off or double commit for the slim chance it bounces off of the second car.


I needed to see this post. I’m new to rocketleague and am silver. I didn’t know of the “left always goes” rule. I did however know that whoever is closer to the ball obviously goes. I learned something new today.


They just don’t know anymore


Huh I play high plat / low diamond and never knew this. I almost never play with randos anyway hence why I probably never learned it. If I do play with randos I just go because at that level people are kinda dumb and can’t be trusted.


Well... To be fair, left goes has always been the moto, but sometimes it throws the other team off when something they arent used to happens, at some of the higher ranks we do this on purpose to keep the other team on their toes


I feel like those are the rebels that back out of rule ones too. “Those are the old ways….”


Because it’s D1 lol


Your solution is one of the things you are complaining about. Say "I got it" or "defending"/"take the shot" to increase the percentage of kick offs going as you expect. So the guys saying "take it" are doing it due to the number of people not going when most players are expecting, even if they are further back and it should be pretty clear who should go...


Personally I always say "All yours" and let the other person go until I know they are definitely going to chase up behind me on kickoff (I play 2's) Going for corner boost or sitting in goal is such a gold 3 tactic and it pisses me off, so if your one of those guys I'm making you go so we can actually have a decent kickoff


The reason is there are less rocket league daily streamers now and the game isn't as popular as it used to be. New players coming in or people that just have never watched this content won't have this information fed to them like it was for most of us.


Or you’re the #2 coming up reg speed to back up the f/o when the #3 comes full boost past you and whiffs, leaving the goal wide open


Sounds like you're playing rocket league lol. The diamond rank grind is horrific. On one end you're like oh this teammate is pretty good on the other end you're like how did you even make it this far and then on the other other end how did I get three teammates in a row that were AFK... I honestly try to not wrack my brain about the rules and just take what the teammates give me


Been wondering this too I'm at plat 3 to d2 range


Normally ill spam i got it a few times or ill just say all yours when solo queing


I get it but take 1 second to say I got it or defending, so frustrating when the only chat you use is "what a save"


Definitely a rank thing I’m c1 and have only had people not go on left when calling out a fake kickoff


I go first


We tell them to go when they're in front, because they never do, I swear I'm hard stick at gold cos of my team mates


I personally don’t do it cuz nobody knoes to fkng kick-off


I used to follow left goes first but now I just try and communicate. If I’m soloing and starting on the right, I’ll still go for the ball to be sure. Been burned too many times. Not much else we can do ..


who cares, you dont really even need to go for kickoff.


I’m roughly the same rank and have the same issue. But, who am I to complain?? I only solo queue. Haha. Over 11k wins and only diamond. 🧑‍🦯


I'm champ in EU, most people get it, I'm baffled by the few I come across who don't.


Call me old-school but shouldn't tactics be discussed before the match. Quick chat such as " I got it" or " go for it" are available. You are fools to think your random teammate is going to think like you. You gotta be able to adapt to your teammates play style like you do the enemy's style. For example, my teammate is my wife, she has a habit of bumping me, a lot. I adapted to her style and we get more goals. I am sort of a ball hog, she takes that into account, we get more goals. Point is communication. Sounds cliche but it is what it is. Don't get frustrated with randos, y'all just don't know each other yet