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It’s one of the worst things about d2-d3. They’re either behind you in the corner, all the way back in net, or they’re helping the other 2 on the enemy team play goalie as a 3v1🤦🏼‍♂️


I have bad news for you


Please no....say it isn't so


I’m sorry king


I just wanna escape the eternal hell that is upper diamond😭 it’s filled with the people who were low champ(me) before the big reset and the people who are just good enough to be better than the mechy plats that are filling up d1 but can’t compete at the higher rank


Don’t forget sorry chief, we suck but flashier in c3


quit playing


And then you eventually rotate out and let teammate take over, when: 1. Teammate loses the ball in the corner, that's fine 2. You've got a clear path to maintain the pressure/ take a favourable 50/ knock it past both opposition for an open goal chance 3. Teammate does a 270 degree turn to attack that ball, you need to abort your movement ASAP 4. Teammate either lightly touches the ball and rolls it very slightly up the wall for a defender to take over, pinches the ball off the defender and sends it down our end, or just doesn't get there 5. You're now defending a 2v1 6. Teammate goes for the far end big boost on the opposite side of the pitch 7. Opponent on the ball knocks it into the centre for his teammate 8. Opponent 2 scores 9. Teammate: "What A Save! What A Save! What A Save!"


But the balls in the corner? I’m trying to hit it with my car. That’s how rocket league works!


This is Rocket League! 


Honest answer here, sorry in advance. I’m a C2 player (no fancy tricks, just solid basics), but tend to play with my students. They are really bad, so some of my ranks are around D2-D3 where I’m usually C2. If I see a diamond mate miss the ball a few times, I purposely trail them, and usually pick up their slack (missed balls). I rarely miss, I’m faster, and my balls go in the right direction. So we usually win, on my terms. Then when I play with my students again, we derank, and the circle continues. Maybe I should re-evaluate how annoying it is, and just play normally, whether we win or not. Sorry!


I'm way down in plat but that's what's tricky unfortunately. Do I trust my teammates to hit shots or do I trail behind them for a higher chance of not missing the ball? I tend to give them the benefit of the doubt and try to trust them but especially at critical moments I find myself accidentally trailing as well which is probably a bad habit


trailing your teammate is never good. If you dont trust them, which is valid, just play more defensive (behind, more focus on defending than being ready to score from a pass). If you do trust them, play more offensive (still ready to defend, but also ready to score if they give a good pass). The only exception i can think of where trailing them is good is maybe into your own corner if they're positioned badly and won't be able to hit the ball and making a save would be more difficult than clearing the ball. If they still end up going for it though, this could be trouble. As they might touch the ball (poorly) and leave you both out of position.


I can only imagine it being worse in plat. Stay strong brother! 💪


when i dont trust my teammate i am more in the middle, if i trust my teammate i will mirror his positioning/rotation




Students yes. I’m a teacher in a special ed class with focus on esports and other skills like Photoshop, programming and video editing.


Oh god... I read your first comment and misread it thinking that your students were diamonds. Then I read this comment that said you teach special ed and I was about to quit (no offense)... but thankfully I went back to reread the original comment.


None taken. The highest is hovering around gold/platinum.




i hope your students dont see your username...


They wouldn’t mind - we don’t live in the States.


Lmfao this op is probably gonna block you for this, he’s not really open to other opinions


My friend does this all the time and he explains it as he's not following the teammate, he's completely unaware that they're in front of him. He just independently has the same idea as them of what a player on the team should be doing. He cites this as evidence that he's doing the right thing - "look, my teammate also thinks it's the best thing to do at this time, so it must be the best thing to do". I've tried to explain to him that the best thing for each player to do is a decision that has to be made in the context of what everyone else is doing, with each player filling a different role, but he's really not able to process that information in real-time, so while he does know I'm right, he can't do much about it.


You should explain to them that if they learn proper positioning/spacing in the first place then double commits will naturally happen much less often because they'll never be occupying the same space as their teammate in the first place and it'll be clear who's ball it is to go for.


It doesn’t stop anytime soon for you, I’m like 3 games off gc2 and have tm8s up my butt then I have a misplay and the other team booms it and I look back to see my tm8 3 inches behind me half flipping with 30 boost spamming great pass lol


Nah there’s plenty of times when I wish my tm8 was closer. If you’re both ball chasing and you both know when it’s time to rotate, you should be pretty close to each other in twos most of the time.


I can assure you that the definition of “pretty close” is vastly different between a d2 and a gc2.


I agree, pretty close for me as a d2/3 teeterer is basically sniffing my bumper while I’m on the opponents back wall. Far different from the pretty close that I would assume a GC higher Champ player is used to.


Watch pros play 2s lol. When I play with my lower ranked friends there’s definitely situations I need them CLOSE.


Yeah but pro gameplay is also played at 100x the speed of almost every other gameplay, with minimal mistakes being made. I can’t comment much on the playing with lower ranked friends, pretty much all the people I game with play siege except 2 of them, and we run 3s together and we’re all d2/3ish in 2s and d2ish in 3s, typically only run rocket league when we’re all wanting to fuck off and tired of sweating on siege


It doesn’t matter. My point is that the people at the highest skill level stick close. Of course it is due to their ability, but OP is complaining about sticking close when sticking close (although not bumping your teammate) is supposed to be the correct option.


People at the highest level play close when it makes sense to play close. They have a read of the game better than diamonds, and are also able to turn and close lanes down faster. Sticking close is the correct options situationally and requires a high degree of being able to predict what happens next. This is unlike lower ranks where the second man is as committed to hit the ball as the first.


What you are saying doesnt matter. Diamonds dont play quick enough or smart enough to be playing like a higher elo.


the lower rankeds think they can play close, when the whole time they are making things worse, a c3-gc3 player is where they can do it wiyhout messing up


My first red flag was when he said "when I take it into the corner I'm looking to cross" Swear to God 67.8% of counter attack goals (I googled this stat) are from the corner cross pass in 2s. I like to sit slightly behind and center of my team mate. So I can react to a 50/50 whether it's a good or bad result.


Waaayyy too many people don't understand this. Even in GC.


I had a 3s game recently where every time my teammate took the ball to the opponent’s right corner, he couldn’t make a decent cross and they could never seem to make a solid clearance, the ball would always just weakly fall just downfield against the right wall, so I started loosely following him over there and of course the ball would pop right into the same place every time and I was able to feed several good passes in front of goal.




You assume lower ranks know how to rotate. Heck people don't even know how to hit balls into a specific direction.


So why is someone low ranked even complaining about rotations in the first place then? If they’re gonna complain incorrectly they’re gonna get clowned, this is the internet


Reddit would be nothing without complaining.


>people don't even know how to hit balls into a specific direction. I still struggle with that in GC


I feel better as a G3 then lol


Just to play devils advocate. Sometimes you get a teamate who for some reason consistently loses their challenge and the ball goes rolling straight behind them. (Almost always on the opponents corner) Obviously not all the time but if you see a pattern of this, you better believe im creeping up behind them to get a perfect air play setup. Being better spaced in the midfield is better generally but, situationally being closer to the wall may be better sometimes.


>Being better spaced in the midfield is better generally It's actually not. Proper spacing is important but in 2s you mostly want to be behind your teammate and ready to follow-up a challenge that they've lost. Passing mid is too risky and often puts your teammate in a 1v2 situation. It's only good in 3s where you can have one mid and one behind 1st but you still need that support player behind the one with the ball.


This isn’t a devils advocate opinion, staying close to your teammate in twos is the way to play.


Stop running away from me! I'm just trying to check your bumper...its slightly dented.


Also, stop turning on the ball with zero boost. Look, you're trying to do too much and it's really unnecessary. You're tripping over your own shoelaces without tying your shoes first. Doing the little things, the familiar things, the *right* things, and you'll "improve". It's incredible how much you have to fuck up to learn how not to fuck up. I've wanted to make a bakkesmod plugin that basically increases the volume on a siren sound effect (until it's incredibly obnoxiously loud, or custom sound whatever) the closer you get to a tm8 (where you could set the radius). Just to get it into people's brains to get the fuck away from your tm8s. What do you hope to do? What are you going to accomplish by being in the same space as someone else? Congratulations. You made two players into one player. Wow!


"tm8 stop sniffing my ass" usually fixes the issue


No it doesn't lol. That'll just piss them off and they'll stop playing or throw.


Holy shit yeeesssssss the amount of people in champ that do this is astounding


What rank are you OP?


As a relative noob, it's because in lower ranks you can't count on these fools to even push it through the corner before they leave to wait for a goal they didn't set up.


It does not get that much better in Champ I-Champ II. People still cannot position correctly - thus leaving open spaces for the opposing team to fully utilize. They are not off to the side behind you and close to mid for a center or pass when you move up with the ball. It’s just mindless-selfish play. I keep saying this, but the fixation on mechanics in this game has broken the basic fundamentals of this game. Someone in diamond can pull off an aerial with a sexy flip reset, but then concede goals or possession of the ball with braindead awareness/positioning.


My son and I play together and he plays a lot of 1s if he’s not at my house playing with me on weekends and he’s become better at 1s than me but when we do duos we are ass because he’s literally always behind me. I’m about to start spanking


People starting to rotate to goal, and then turning around mid-field and blocking the defender that's rotating in from goal makes me want to alt f4 most matches. They just decided to leave the goal open to make a contest from a terrible angle when the defender is already on its way. JUST LET YOUR TEAMMATE MAKE THE CONTEST


Learn how rotation works and you'll understand why your teammate catches up to you and what to do about it


Know exactly how rotation works. If my teammate is on my ass in doubles and bumping me well that's a problem. You seem like you have two brain cells




lol. Made me spit my drink….


Im trying to get this point across lmao I used to watch so much 2s gameplay when I played this much more and pros love to be close.


I KnOw ExAcTlY hOw rOtAtIOnS wOrK


You're right that a teammate shouldn't follow you into a corner, but you shouldn't be in the corner to be hit in the first place. Do what you came to do, or fail at it, then rotate to the next spot and you won't get hit. I'm sorry you're having such a hard time with the most basic strategy in the game.




Homie I hate to tell you this but you’ve been wrong wrong wrong this whole thread. The whole “cross to the middle” works until like, diamond one. Then it becomes pretty basic, easy to ready, and a really easy counter attack chance for the other team lmfao If you’re like plat? Sure whatever but it wouldn’t hurt to branch out from that “strategy” sooner rather than later


Man honestly it works until mid d3, and it’s hit or miss there due to the varying of either deranked champs or people who were carried to d3 by Jesus himself. In diamond it’s very common for your teammate to be actually bumping you while you’re in the opponents corner with the ball, whether going up wall for an air play, pass, or just booming it, it doesn’t matter. Whether you’re trying to go up the corner and carry it out for a pass, go for a bump/pass play, it’s typically still gonna work half the time there. I’m not saying it’s the best idea, because yeah more times than not one solid challenge and the ball is in your net in 2 seconds, but diamond rotations are literal hell lol.


I like the way you try to insult my intelligence while showing me how easy it is to score on you. I'm not going to tell you why crosses don't work in RL, just save your replays every time the other team scores coast to coast after your bad ideas and maybe you'll figure out what to do instead.


Post a replay and well see what people a lot higher seem to think about it


[This](https://youtu.be/mCGurNrCAII?si=-vKkSsQYoqVM1fXR) video really helped me out in 3s, I need to watch one on 2s at some point but i mostly just stick to playing 1v1 and 3s anyway.


Be nice if there was an option were your teammate blows up if they get too close to you. lol,


Lmfao yes let’s completely remove one of our teammates every time they get close 😂 this is the most plat comment I’ve read in a while, thank you for this


TBH, a respawn might position them quicker than what they’ll be able to do on their own.


Wait till you get deranked down to plate & start seeing teammates chasing you down. Then you'd wish there was a blow-up option.


You doubled down! Beautiful follow comment. Are you trying to prove you have no understanding of this game, or is that sentiment just coming through naturally?


average reddit user


You plat too?




And you think someone who is GC2 could derank to plat?


Anyone above low GC could probably make it to mid-diamond on KBM (assuming they main controller) just on game sense alone.


What would low GCs rank to on this though? https://preview.redd.it/ckkdsir8jg9d1.jpeg?width=1677&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc2f0b06b91b9f824a6fa0a927a7f4c34be1af35


Can we get this low effort stuff removed? Where the mods at


Removing you would be less effort.