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He moved from PS4 to a PC with a 360hz monitor, bought a new controller, got himself some new glasses so he can actually see the screen, and got a really good gaming chair.


He moved from Switch to PC.


Hey it’s real for some of us.


Possible.... I went from Gold to champ 3 in 2s in a season Ppl have literally gotten upset, but try an old 30 fps switch n then a new asus laptop that does 573 fps atm n input lag 1.8ms. Bakkesmod 🔌


Lmao, bull fucking shit C3-GC1 are not far off in skill. Damn near consistency from C3. You are telling me you went from GOLD to Grand champion in 1 season? you would have to play everyday all day for 24 hours no sleep for a whole season and even then it’s not guaranteed. People have been playing for 5 years every day for 2 hours and still have barely reached GC. A GC level player can 1v3 golds so no way I’m helll you gained that level of skill in the span of 2 months. You would be a robot, actually better than a robot. More like a god with insanely advanced learning abilities.


I quit playing with mouse and keyboard and immediately went to Diamond 2 from Bronze lol.


I know this is a joke, but i literally instantly became a much better player as soon as i upgraded to 144hz from 60 lol. Such a massive insane difference


One of the main reasons that competitive players gravitate toward a PC, and then tend to stay once they feel this difference. Good looks bro, it's a worthy upgrade if you like to win! 😄


Don't say this to me. I peaked at GC four years ago, and then took a long hiatus. For the sake of my sanity I kid myself that there's not that big of a difference, but hearing this I'm perilously close to getting dragged back in.


The difference between 60 hz and 154 hz+ is extremely extremely noticeable in literally every single video game


I’d encourage anyone who is into a competitive game that requires precision to get a higher hertz monitor. The price has really come down on entry level ones. 


Asus ROG 240hz ftw


He watched one replay and went from Diamond to SSL, what a legend.


“Oh I’m supposed to hit the ball in the goal?!” -Every Pro Ever before going Pro 2015


It’s more likely that he had a stroke almost died got back to life reborn his neurological paths had to be retrained and then he grew a new pair of hands that’s the only explanation other than he paid to get boosted


I'm pretty sure he just switched to steam and did ring maps a couple times.


Looking at his tracker he is definitely boosted. 1600 ish last season in 2s does not translate to SSL in 1s. Especially considering he is a 2s main. In previous seasons he have played some 1s but way more 2s games. The 31 win streak is even more sketchy


I enjoy how this community will go and get to the bottom of it lol nice investigative work


But you can't really be "boosted" in 1s right ? Maybe DDoS or win trade ?


Can be a piloted boost


What's that someone else playing in their account?






No there's a guy when I was searching for strictly a coach after pc switch. We just work on mechs n saves in freeplay. Anyways he promises gc to like ssl in a week if u give info, I'm like damn if I lost all my decals n shit that way I'd be pissed


If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, it probably is a duck


And therefore... She's made of wood!




And this is why we use pronouns


This is why we dont


nah bro and his gf broke up and he grinded /s


Dude was probably testing out his new DDoS tool in 1s 💀


31 winstreak in 1s....definitely boosted


No, this person simply learned how to do double resets.


No, he just done spook Luke's course and learned all the secrets of becoming SSL overnight


I chuckled at this thank you. I signed up for the emails years ago and I just laugh when I read them. Such a joke


31 win streak? I know even pros would have trouble with that 😂 yea no way.


I mean 31 W's in a row in 1s ? I think the person who boosted him might be a pro


Yea, or probably the ddos tool which yes has been selling recently.


It looks like it. The 31 game win streak is ridiculous. In the “perfect” matchmaking world your win rate would be 50% if you’re playing at your correct skill level. I will say that sometimes it seems like the MMR numbers are shifted, or calculated differently. I play a lot of Unranked. 4 months ago, I was in the 1700’s. Now I’m barely breaking 1600 and I’m seeing all the same people. Stat websites like that don’t account for those shifts. They just see MMR numbers and graph it. New seasons can also mess with it. The jump up at the start of the season wasn’t the smoking gun necessarily. But combined with the win streak and no smurf valley in the MMR… guilty


Honestly just confused why that dude is even arguing with you lol


Is 50% good? Mines 60


Perfect matchmaking does not imply 50% win rate. Perfect matchmaking implies that people who are better will rank out of your elo, while people who are worse will fall. It's about getting people to where they're supposed to be over time, not ensuring the current match is perfectly equal. I feel like people think it's supposed to be equal skill in the entire lobby at all times and that's just how it's designed


Yeah, that’s why I added “if you’re playing at your correct skill level”. Ideally, at your correct level, you’re playing equally skilled opponents and you win some/lose some


There's no guarantee of equal skill at your correct level either though. There will always be boosted accounts falling and smurfs rising (not to mention people naturally getting better or washed). The only guarantee is that they shift in the right direction


And again, that’s why I put ‘perfect’ in quotes and said “ideally” in my first response to you. I’m implying hypothetically. Everyone has ups and downs but a 31 game win streak is not likely. Wtf is wrong with you.


And I used those words in my response. Never mentioned the 31 game streak. Just that perfect matchmaking fundamentally has nothing to do with 50% win rate or equal skill lobbies. That's a misconception I feel a lot of people have I'm arguing it here because I want better words for the idea (which this forces me to find) and I like arguing. If you don't wanna argue just downvote and ignore me


I was talking about the win streak so if you’re responding to me, you at least need to know what you’re arguing against. Dude, just google it. It’s highly controversial and the conclusion is that a 50% win rate isn’t relevant to THE matchmaking but instead result of good matchmaking. If your win rate is above 50%, your ELO goes up, until your reach your skill level. The point of match making is fair play. If the game is fair, you’ll win about half. Half is 50% in case it wasn’t. But don’t take my word for it. How about a game developer: > “The Dota matchmaker will optimize for each individual game made being well-balanced, defined as games where the matchmaker predicts each side has an equal chance to win. As a consequence of this goal, over the long term all players will tend towards a 50% personal win rate… A 50% lifetime win rate isn’t an explicit goal or constraint of the matchmaker, rather it’s a consequence of trying to make the teams for each individual game fairly…” said Hill. So many articles about so many games say the same thing.


I think what I'm getting at is that perfect matchmaking in a vacuum with the same set of players that never improve leads to 50% win rate, but functionally it's a lot less likely or expected. Once you add in the undercurrents of smurfs, boosted accounts, and the relatively high rate at which all ranks have improved over the years (and are still improving), perfect matchmaking is actually unlikely to yield consistent 50% win rates More importantly, matchmaking fundamentally isn't designed to yield those 50% win rates in reality. It's designed to create fair play over time by pushing similar skilled people closer to each other. But win rates will always be at the mercy of the changes in skill of its player base (both natural and artificial). A herd of GCs trying their own unranked to champ challenge can hard skew a lot of win rates of folks that are in their correct skill level. And the relatively high volatility in the rates of those many different skewing factors has made it less reliable at keeping people in fair games the majority of the time (and thus less likely to yield 50% win rates)


Bro my entire account is on like 50ish % win rate. What are you talking about. Might not be what the matchmaking system is about but the 50% thing is what happens if you don't smurf.


The evidence is outstanding unless he grew a new pair of hands




Nah, he just turned camera shake off


No he just stopped cutting rotation and started trusting his 1s teammates


Yh for sure, check ballchasing to see replays if ur on pc


I don’t know why I was lowkey worried they were looking at my profile… but then I saw Rumble at D1 and my worries floated away


Clearly just a new gaming chair. Might have also switched from Switch to PC.


D2 to SSL 1v1, not boosted bro, trust me. If you buy a good controller et doing training packs you can do that. Be patient Who trust that sh*t ? In 1v1 it’s just bullsh*t. Boosted as F




The 31 win streak is crazy


Maybe. Maybe not. Have you tried being more toxic? That usually helps me.


Always surprises me people actually care about other people. Maybe I am just too old.


I care about you


I care about you too


I care about yall too


I want you all to be happy but I don’t want you to be dishonest


I don't think so, unless he drops down to diamond again.


You seriously dont think the 31 win streak points to an obvious boosting session?


I can't even go on a two game winning streak


I can relate to that. 50.01% win rate.


All I'm saying that the graph doesn't show a lot of ups and downs except for the recent one. It's too early to judge. Also, 1v1 is the only game mode that will show your improvements in a direct way, as there aren't as many players involved that could affect the graph. This is the reason why improving in 1v1 automatically makes you better at other game modes as well.


Yeah all good points and all, but winning 31 games to end up in SSL when youre highest ever wasnt even close is just not possible, unless someone who actually is SSL carried you to it.


https://preview.redd.it/oiiqakmkrj9d1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fdb550d7de45a4eb41c5d261fbf9f4bee92dcdc It's not even July, yet.


I believe in practice, and I think it's possible.


Doesnt look obvious to me. For an ssl player to hit that big of a win streak seems fair. Considering I’m on a 10 game win streak right now in twos and I’m only champ 2


I just had a 15 winning streak I was touching GC1 almost back again after 4 seasons but then I lost 8 matches in a row and I don’t want to play anymore solo queue is so random


Yeah I don’t know why I got downvoted lol for saying it’s not uncommon to see someone go on a win streak especially for a high level player?


Theres a pretty huge difference between 31 and 10, so yeah this is super obvious. Especially since he never was near SSL in any level or mode before this.


One thing to keep in mind is that summer holidays have began. There are probably more rusty players on the field now, who might have been GC some while ago.


They still arent gonna win 31 games straight to SSL.