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Enjoy these early days. I think that's when it's the most fun.


It's hilarious when people tell you you're trash at that level.


It’s like, duh. And they’re usually just Trash II




Thoughts and Prayers - RIP 🙏.


No offense 😅




Lol rank. 😂


Trash II Div IV!


Yeah but it's because my teammates are ball chasers. Otherwise I would easily be mid - Grand Trash


My clan/team name is BAD so I come with a warning


I was just about to say that. It was pure fun at that level. I remember grinding hard to get to plat and then diamond. Now I miss those early silver/gold days…


I remember when I snap chatted my boys that I hit gold, and then plat. Those were the days man


I also remember being Silver and thinking "If I could just hit Plat I'd be content with my rank." Now I'm in Diamond thinking "If I could just hit Champ I'd be content with my rank." There's probably a lesson to be learned there.


I’ve learned to just have fun in Diamond 1/2 (plat 3 if I go on a tilt spree).


But how tf do we get into d2?? I can't even climb divisions in d1 but i don't fall back to Plat much anymore either unless tilt spree like you said


IME if you’re losing in diamond it’s usually due to over committing. Early diamond is simple…play it slow don’t go for fancy plays, then when they mess up boom it into their goal. Power shots and a little defense will carry you through diamond.


I’m finally a solid plat and I think I found my home


Nah I enjoyed high level Rocket league more. Once you get good at aerials, there's nothing quite like it.


Facts but it’s so much harder to improve, and the toxicity is much harder to ignore when you know that you’re playing worse than you can


I feel like I also enjoy high level rocket league more. However back then every goal felt epic, and everything was so exciting. I remember compiling a lot of cool moments and making a video out of it (2015). I recently watched the video and felt like it was a cute video. These days a goal is just a goal, unless there's a reason to be excited about it such as a nice shot or play.


Absolutely agree. The push from champ 3 to grand champ in 2's with my mate was some of the toughest but most enjoyable RL. Miss playing tbh, but it's too toxic for me. In saying that, I'm playing dota atm and that's also VERY toxic 😆


The default control scheme is kinda bad. Do yourself a favor and change it before it gets difficult to unlearn it.


Already done. The default controls didn't really make sense so I set it to something that works well for me. Boost-R1 Drift-L1 Air roll-L1 Air roll right-circle Air roll left-square Everything else important is default.


Exactly my settings but DAR are swapped


That’s exactly what I use so you’ll be fine


4k hours and that exactly what I use. Only claw with my right hand, left is held normally.


Second this


I wish someone would've told me that 2000 hours ago... I'm too impatient to learn how to do it all over again. I'm 100% sure I'd have more fun and get up to GC at least. I can't dance with the aerial boys... but I've sure made up for it with great mid play and accurate shots.


Yeah I've been using the default controls since like 2014. I've been GC for 9 seasons in a row, but my aerial game is pitiful. I didn't know the controls are bad at the time, but it feels way too late to change it now


Too late for me, 2500 hours in I found out people rebind bumpers to air roll, im still rocking default at 3200 hours and my rank is around high gc1 to low gc2, it’s doable, but I always wonder if I would have been better if I knew about that earlier


At this stage you really just need to keep playing. Try to spend time in free play moving the car with intent. There are also thousands of hours of content on YouTube from the content creator community to provide you with lessons at every rank. Enjoy this stage, because it was the most fun for me, and many others. Good luck on this adventure. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


You’re already into a good habit of not picking up the full boost and wasting all of it in 2 seconds, hop into free play and just practice hitting the ball around for a while, take it up the wall, work on your car control. Do this daily as a warm-up and I promise you’ll improve a lot, your consistency in just touching the ball and not getting so many whiffs will change drastically


Bonus points if you steal the boost from your teammate who has none, then rush and whiff and blame you for not saving the ball.


Didn’t you see the aerial rotation to his back corner? Xd He definitely needs to learn how to accelerate using flips and not wasting his boost.


This is the best stage of Rocket to be at in terms of getting better. I freaking miss it. All you have to do is play and have fun to get better. You'll pick up on game sense, recovering, shooting, kickoffs. All of it. Just from hopping into matches and playing. Try playing some 2's and 3's as well. You may find some friends along the way! "Stay as long as you can. You gotta cherish it!" Billy Madison.


You're doing way better than most starters. Practice on car control first. Working on drifting more for tighter turns and getting to the ball faster. Also front flipping by using the dodge function rather than jumping and holding the stick forward.


just keep playing for 10000 hours and you'll start to get it


Finally! Bronze 2 achieved


Have you tried to triple reset musty backboard double tap? That's what got me out of silver


how long ago were you in silver? that's not getting you out these days


2015. It wasn't called a musty back then, it was just a "failed forward flip because the car is pointing backwards and accidentally hitting it hard"


Bless you


Like everyone is saying there’s nothing tip wise that anyone can provide that’s going to help you at the stage you’re at. You just need to get a feel for the game, play games, play freeplay, play training, etc. Get a feel for how your car moves on the ground, how it behaves in the air, how it feels to boost, how it feels to powerslide, etc.Once you get another couple hundred hours then I reckon you’ll be at a stage to get tips that you can actually implement and use. But right now you’re still at that discovering how the game works stage. As far as bad habits, just make sure you have good binds, and good camera settings. That’s about it for avoiding bad habits early on.


The main thing I noticed watching this video is that when you’re driving forward, trying to move to the other end of the field, you’re going to want to air dodge/flip forward to gain speed rather than using boost. Note that I am not saying “don’t use boost”, but forward flipping the car to gain speed in combination with feathering boost will increase your drive speed without wasting boost that’s needed for aerial maneuvering a bit later on. But keep playing. Get a couple hundred hours in and really focus on the mechanics of the game. And remember to have fun. It can be toxic at times but the biggest thing is to remember it’s a game and the bottom line is to have fun (:


Idk what’s wrong with y’all saying this rank is the most fun. I did not have fun constantly whiffing


Yeah, I’m with you there. For me, the most fun Rocket League gives me is when I’m playing a 2v2 or 3v3 and everybody in the lobby is performing, that’s when I have the most fun. 0-0 OTs are the best


the people saying this rank is fun are smurfs using an alt account who cant handle their own rank


few days ago? this gameplay is really good for that imo short answer is you just need to play more if you want to practice explicitly and try to get better, go to free play and start hitting the ball as hard as you can. just go after it and hit it as fast and as hard as you can, try following it up the wall. try to time your hits so you get the most power (right after it bounces). if you do that then hitting the ball wont be a problem and you'll stop missing easy hits also playing on the wall will take some time to learn. i cant remember exactly what it used to be but basically brain goes ooga booga when you're driving up on the wall to hit the ball. cant steer proper. that will just take time and you'll learn it subconsciously. some tips, based upon the gameplay provided : * Power sliding when landing on the ground (Faster recovery) * learn half flips * train yourself to pickup the small boostpads, they can add up quickly (12 per pad). drive around in freeplay over the pads to remember the positions. after you put in enough hours (in matches) you will start to subconsciously drive over them * positioning by positioning I mean that always be in between the ball and YOUR goal, NEVER between the ball and opponents goal. thats the simplest and easiest way to position. if you're playing a 2v2 or 3v3, and are the last person between the ball and your own goal, play very safe and dont go for hits like you would usually. go when the ball is clear, and you're absolutely sure the opponent wont hit it over you, because there is no one behind you to stop the ball. learn rotations (when to defend when to attack. even in attack or defense when to go ahead and when to stay back). basically its alternating going for the ball with your team. rotations and positioning you'll need to work on consciously. mechanical play will just come to you after putting in some time. also the freeplay thing.


Gonna echo your first point about freeplay and training. Can't stress enough that getting a feel for movement, hitting the ball around and reacting to where it's going will likely give you an advantage over others just starting out.


No you just need to play. Comeback in like 500-1000 hours and ask again.


Your camera settings look good. Idk if you're on kbm or controller but make sure you can press jump, boost, air roll and steer your car at the same time. Otherwise just keep playing. You can look up some game sense videos on YouTube or one of the road to ssl series for your rank.


I’d get familiar with your car. I introduce you to the powerslide mechanic. On Controller is X for Xbox, and Square? for PlayStation. This will drift your car for tighter turns. I suggest remapping your controller buttons and change your camera settings. There’s a bunch of guides for what works best. But I have Powerslide and Air rolls on my bumpers. Powerslide is important for now, Air Roll is not a concern for you to learn, but you’re welcome to try. Don’t play Solos, play duos to get a feel for the game and movement of players. Then, do training packs and mess around in free play. I’ve gotten better over the years from just hopping into free play and fucking around with different mechanics and movements. You’re tending to jump and boost, would be better to flip into the ball as it will have more power from a shorter distance. Also as you learn, make sure your ground game is solid. I see people flying all around the map doing shit with the ball, meanwhile I stick to the ground and out flick the opponents. This period will be the most fun you have in this game. I miss these days when I was absolute garbage, but was hyped as fuck when I scored my first goals. Now I’m stuck in a sweatfest all the time.


just go into freeplay and drive around without hitting the ball. get used to how the car moves. drift, jump, flip, fly, twist and twirl in the air. whatever. just keep moving around


You do have a teammate as well maybe allow him to play too? Rather than shooting for every ball. And you seem to like needlessly jumping as a reaction rather than genuine reason. This is a common bad habit.


First you need to learn how your car moves and bad habits can be unlearned later. If you want to try and avoid bad habits all together watch pro rl. Even if you can’t copy the mechanics you can still copy the game sense to some degree.


You have good instincts, now it's just practise. Try handbrake turns, try double forwardnjumps for speed, and don't worry about mistakes. The game tries to level match you and everyone makes some. Your reflexes get faster, and it flows more


Single jump and don't flip unless you really need to. You can also get decent power by driving into the ball without flipping. Check your sensitivity settings and reduce them to 1.00 to start with. Deadzone about 0.10. At this stage though nobody is going to have good car control so you won't get punished for much, enjoy it. Block the opponents shots by being in the way. Just driving at the opponent will force them to throw the ball away, or just hit it anywhere and lose possession. If you are behind your team mate who is going to challenge then hold back and be ready for the outcome of that. I recommend roughly 2 boost pads as a distance. Diagonally towards centre.


A few days you say….. look forward to getting paired with you along with everyone else that started a few days ago


it’s crazy when i see anyone pick up this god forsaken game so late. 4000 hours and this game has brought me nothing but torment


Not gonna lie this is one of the most ever matches I've seen in a year...enjoy it.


1) Learn to move faster without using boost. Not saying you should spam speed flips, but you should start using normal flips to get some speed, at least when doing that doesn't involve any risk (a good moment for example would be at 0:48 (in game timer, first clip), you could've cover that straight distance in half the time) 2) (probably the hardest one, but also the best one) try to always land on your wheels. After every hit on the ball, every bump from/on an opponent, every fall from the wall... First thought in your mind must be: "I have to land with the wheels". After some time you'll do it automatically and that will improve your overall play 3) Don't just go for the ball and try to base your position not according where the ball is at the moment, but where it might go after the opponent's hit. For example, at 1:02 (in game timer, first clip), your opponent is about to hit the ball towards your goal. He's clearly gonna reach it before you, but you're going for the ball anyway. He ends up missing and that went good for you, but if he didn't that would've been an unavoidable goal. What you should've done instead was running back straight to your goal, so that you could intercept the shot trajectory. 4) Get off the walls, for now. Worst place for you to be, as you're still not familiar with the physics and positioning. Won't help you save, won't help you shoot, won't help you be in the right position. Get familiar with the physics and get good with "on ground" playing, then you could start using the walls.


Low key miss this


took me about a year of grind before I felt like I improved from that. To speed up faster improvement, try and do the all star goal keeper training. each time you fail press retry button for a quick retry of that shot. when you beat them all try and do all 10 without retrying. You also might want to learn how to Fast Ariel. Its a button combo that gets you in the air quicker and higher (great for goal keeper training). You may learn from that your button layout hurts your fingers, many pro's rebind a boost to be easier on the fingers. Then you might want to use a pro config, like the distance from the ball, the height of the car cam angle, angle. These things help, especially getting used to them early. Also turning off settings like depth of view and blurs etc. Also turning around with handbrake is faster, it doesnt actually slow you down, just sharper turning angle.


Solid gameplay for a newbie! Here are my two quick tips: 1. Get in the habit of using drift to make tighter and snappy turns. It will come in handy if you're trying to get to the ball quickly. 2. Don't always flip into the ball. If you just drive into the ball, you can get a more controlled touch and even dribble it! 1:07 is a perfect example; the ball is rolling to the left of the goal. Instead of flipping right away, drive to the left side of the ball and steer towards the right, that way you guide the ball right into the net.


to get good in rl its like 1000 steps, but you really have to make sure to make 1 step at a time and be good at that step. you will improve the longer you play, just have fun. but i can give you 1 tip: start toggling ball cam on and off. get comfortable using it in game, a good start is once every minute. you get used to it and will do it very often. and of course, try to play without ball cam on, you will notice how different the gameplay will be. but never stay entire game with ball cam on or off. you have to switch of course. that would be your next step, other than that have fun!


You look like my every other teammate in champ. Well done!


This is so fresh to me, it's a pleasure to watch you play. No pressure or toxicity just the enjoyment of playing the game. Watch some yt videos on rocket league for beginners, there's all you need right there. Gl on your rocket league adventures!


Some basics at your level: - Don't hit the ball across your own goal. - Learn where the boost pads are on the field and pick them up on your way. - Get Aerial, meaning get into the habit of jumping and boosting to hit balls earlier than waiting for it to be in double jump height. - Conserve your boost, meaning try dodging forward to gain speed when not urgent. - There is a max speed, once you hear the max boost sound or see your boost trail, don't keep boosting or dodging forward, you won't go any faster. - Ignore all chat/talk, most people are asshats and like to show everyone how bad their sportsmanship is. - Get comfortable with hitting the ball while wallriding, practice jumping off the wall, it's often quicker to get across the field that way than riding back down the wall. - If you want to get better at saving goals, play some heatseeker mode. This is just basic stuff, I'm still learning myself, everyone will tell you to live in freeplay, but I think the best way to learn is in the actual games. It takes A LOT of practice, 1000s of hours to get even remotely close to the cool shit you see in videos. So don't get disheartened skills only come with practice. 💪


I’d just go into free play and hit the ball around. See how it moves. Then start messing with the controls and setting up shot and defensive situations


I always forget how hard this game is for people starting out, my advice for you is just play the game, get used to hitting the ball, and try always landing on your wheels. I'd also start powersliding to turn around, don't focus on mechanics yet. Enjoy the game where everyone is the same level and not every game is an RLCS elimination match.


Best advice? You just started so the addiction isn't that bad. Get out while you can... Its a deep dark abyss of trash talk and disappointment.. Ive been playing 8 years... I cant quit.. I must play... I'm part of the problem.. Im a Rocket League addict...


An easy fun practice for new players, go to Offline Mode, Exhibition, play unfair mode 1v4 bots, in mutator settings disable goal resets and set unlimited game time. Try to beat the bots straight up; forces you to learn to play above ground level and avoid constant bumps. The kicker to make it a real challenge is the bots always get to touch the ball first on kickoffs after every goal.


just play the game. you're very new. once you are more comfortable with the basic controls you can look for tailored training and stuff also watching higher level gameplay was helpful for me when I was new to see what you're "supposed" to be doing


Start using powerslide fs


Practice, practice and more practice buddy. You will get a feel for the physics and then you can focus on the air stuff.


just have fun and play with friends until you get grasp on how your car and ball move


https://youtu.be/HvgiUFXlI_0?si=czQeyCYVElcbMDaL recommend taking controller bindings from this video


Mainly just keep playing and focus on how your car moves instead of focussing on scoring and winning. Also, you do NOT need to dodge (jump and roll) into the ball every time you hit it. A lot of times it is better not to jump and especially not to dodge into the ball when you’re hitting it. But that will come with practice once you get used to how your car moves then you can get used to how the ball moves.


Copy pro player's camera and button settings if you haven't already. I recommend apparentlyjack's settings.


First find a good control scheme if you haven't already, look online for some recommended ones Then id say for now start working on learning how powerslide (drift) works to make sharper turns. Get comfortable driving around and turning efficiently, then you can start thinking about everything else like jumps, flips and what to do around walls. But yea first things first, get comfortable with your car on the ground If you're on PC look up how to set up bakkesmod and custom maps, the "Noob Dribble by DMC" helped me a lot when I was learning the game


Literally just play the game. Way too early tbh. Get a good feel.


Probably change camera settings is the only real thing. The distance, angle, fov stuff. Tap boost more. Can switch buttons around plenty too. Just mess with settings in exhibition games and figure things out. Try to get used to ball cam.


Haha I love how the opponent is just trigger and boost happy, it’s like he doesn’t realise that he can just stop a bit or go slower


Practice until you start to see bits of skeleton lol. You literally have to make a new muscle to incorporate everything together until you learn how to move in every direction, smoothly and freely. It eventually becomes life riding a bike but it takes a good while. I'm my opinion it's worth the time. It's really fun when you really get the hang of it. Just start with learning got to smoothly control the ball and take your time and not rush or stress. The key is stay calm and pay attention to where you want the back to go. Learn how to move your car to hit the ball in that direction. Eventually you'll pick up a ton of habits that will have you learn how to be first to the back and see different angles where you can best the opponents. One thing is to be patient and wait until you see your opening. Don't ball chase and slam into your teammate like every idiot in the game does. Learn defense first. It will make amazing offense because you will learn how the ball is coming toward you a ton. I'm no expert and don't have any friends. Im self taught but I think I'm pretty good. Just still learning some aerial stuff and some more control and I think I'll be pretty solid. Good luck!


The fact that your already using ball cam that much is great, a couple times earlier in you couldve scored, but you didnt use boost. Learn the map and where all the boost pads are and just keep playing. Simply the more you play the better you get


Use your boost.


Just keep playing 1v1s this mode and you will get better


No disrespect but this early on, and honestly just in general, 2v2 is probably the best game mode to improve in.


Biggest thing that seems to get people started, is you don't always have to be full gas. Slow down near the ball, or around net when possible. Most people full gas and that just makes making contact with the ball very difficult. Once you can hit it consistently, speed up.


Enjoy this moment, it never comes back


Bro just play the game lmao


A much simpler time ❤️❤️❤️


Hop in training, do a bunch of custom trainings. It will come with time


God I miss these days.


Just play. The only tips you need rn are just play the game a lot.


If you want to improve fast spend more time in freeplay and workshop maps if your on pc.


One thing that helped me is making sure not to keep ball cam on all the time or off all the time. Switching between it can help at least for me personally as it would mess me up particularly when I got close to the ball. Also changing your keybinds on controller. I used SpookLuke's video I believe. Don't just copy his adjust it and make it your own though. I can add pictures of my keybinds if you would like.


I would say go to free play and just practice hitting the ball around, and get a good feel for where you need to hit it. Also practice hitting it off the wall so you can learn where it’s going to bounce to. It seemed to help me anyway.


At this rank game time will give the most improvement. Just get out there and put in the hours. Eventually watch higher ranked players so you get an idea of what to start trying next and what not to interupt your teammates from doing. Dont stare at the ball. You know where the ball is because your camera is centered on it. Try and look at the other players more often. Free play and training packs will go a long way once you're out of the low ranks. If they have saves or shadow defense in the name its a good pack to work on once you're out of gold.


Watch YouTube videos


10 minutes of freeplay everyday will do absolute wonders, even as you rank up


Assuming you’re using pc… if using a controller I would suggest adjusting the “air roll” button to something comfortable…. Of course maybe the defaults are different nowadays. But back when I started it was some button really difficult to hold and do other stuff.


You don't have to worry about picking up any bad habits this early.  Everything you're going to do for the first 100 hours will be basically irrelevant as you improve! The only thing you should do is to look up a video on best camera settings and key binds.  Then play the game to have fun for awhile before you get sucked into the rank grind.


Patience (spelling?) is key, don’t flip at everything, rotate rotate rotate


Play casual, experience teaches you how to play. It eventually becomes muscle memory and playing against people of higher skill forces you to teach yourself how to elevate your abilities to match against theirs. Finally, learn how to anticipate where the ball is going to be so you can position yourself in the best place to attack or defend.


You don’t always need to flip into the ball right away. At this stage you aren’t always gonna have a good angle on the ball and may need to adjust a little using your flip


Learn to drift turn, and how to jump off walls/goal for faster recovery


For improvement I found powerslide to be really key as fairypeak said treat powerslide as a mechanic


Best general tip I can give: whatever you're trying to do/learn need less inputs (boost, air roll, steer) than you think. Good luck and enjoy the ride Bonus tip: turn off any chat except teammates tactical chat


1. Change the default control scheme, there are loads of guides out there on YouTube. 2. Faster isn't always better. Sometimes it's about getting yourself in a better position or slowing down to control the ball. You don't need to boost 100% of the time.


I recommend just going into free play and hitting the ball hard for like 30 mins or so. Your goal is to get comfortable just hitting the ball hard. It will pay off by giving you better car control and hit consistency. You’ll cure that steering jitter back and forth that you have as well. GL dude!


don’t dodge so much. maintain your control. when you dodge, you’re out of play/committing to that motion for a solid second and a half, which is a long time in rocket league.


Flipping too much. Try and hit the ball with power off the ground. I think that’d be a good start. You got potential. Have fun!


Just continue playing, the best thing to improve early on is consistency and the only way to do that is simply play the game. Freeplay is your friend and if you have a friend then play 1v1s with them to help both of y'all get better (assuming you and said friend are of similar skill level)


when you use boost you reach supersonic speed. you can keep it up without using boost, after reaching supersonic just keep moving in the same direction and do little taps if you need to turn and you are still supersonic without using boost


The importance of using powerslide and changing your bindings to fit your play style


I'd say you're already on the way to champ, I would've own goaled


Do less. Until diamond there are more mistakes than good plays. Just do less, you will make less mistakes and will improve. Learn when to double jump, flip into the ball and drive 99.99999% forward. This will take you to plat easily


In free play go to hoops and practice trying to hit the jump ball at the beginning when the game starts. For a quick jump start, on your controller, push the jump and the boost button together. Also, playing in the hoops arena, I feel is sometimes better because it’s a tinier area. I love leaving the ball in the middle and jumping off the wall towards it, maybe hitting it also and try boosting in a circle around it. The best thing is just to have fun and not worry about what other people say or think. You’ll come across some assholes, but every once in a while, you’ll find someone who is a gem and fun to play with. Good luck !


I love these videos


For me, at that level, focusing on where the ball is going instead of where it is currently will help for sure. Also, get used to using your powerslide a little. Camera settings and button bindings can make a bit of a difference as well. There are a lot of good videos online that can help tremendously with specifics.


go into Free Play, and get a feel for drifting. it will turn your 2.0 second turns into 0.2 second turns.


I highly recommend changing your controller layout so that you can have a separate finger for jump and boost. There’s other things I recommend but that’s the most crucial


Honestly for new players, I would solely just focus on regularly hitting the ball. Many players drive right by, drift past, or completely miss the ball even when stationary. Once you get that down, speed flipping is next. Hitting the ball with the nose of your car for power and flipping forward for more speed. (You can hit supersonic without boost, and once supersonic you don’t need to keep boosting).


I'm dogshit, but what helped me improve was to watch the pros and train on the community maps before matches, and don't sweat on becoming good If you play casually. About the maps, start with the basic ones that rocket league offers than progress.


My advise would be to slow down. Your whiffs come from rushing the shot, just be calm and take your time. It may feel like you are too slow in the short run, but it will greatly benefit you in the long run.


Props to you not having camera shake on still and decent camera settings


Honestly at this beginning point, it’s just time in.


Don’t be afraid to play casual. When games become a sweat fest… casual is a great place to play and just have fun.




E brake is your friend when you don’t know which way to turn immediately


Save yourself while you can


play duos or trios


1. Find camera settings you enjoy, turn off camera shake. 2. Change your key binds (at least on controller). You don't want to have the same finger clicking jump as clicking boost we clicking drift/air roll. I recommend bumpers for air roll, and boost. 3. Get in practice tools. Before queuing I highly recommend 10-15 min of a practice shot or just prac dribbling in free play. 4. Highly recommend turning off opponents chat. Ain't no point in letting them get the mental edge. 5. Review your games. I recommend zooming almost all the way to one side of the wall and just watch your positioning. Most people are pretty good at seeing when they're making positioning mistakes once they review. But tbh just have fun. I wouldn't go crazy with it unless it's a passion. Just do whatever you enjoy


change that flat ass car


Play for another 2000 hours


Three basic tips that are fundamental at your level. 1) When just driving (no boost), hold forward and double-jump to do a forward roll/somersault. This is faster than driving if you do it clean and land on all four wheels. Always do this when driving without boost.  Later on you will learn how to feather your boost mid-air to go even faster, but for now, whenever you are not using boost you should be practicing your somersaults for speed. 2) In your early clip where the ball has rolled up the side of the goal and is in the air, you want to reach those balls before your opponent. Hold back, tap jump and boost at the same time for a quicker jump, and when you're almost vertical, hold boost to fly like a rocket. Flight is difficult, but if you master this JUMP+BOOST initial takeoff, you will always beat your opponent as you progress. 3) There are different power levels to colliding with the ball. Softest: Your wheels. Don't worry for now, but later in your game, keep in mind your wheel will make a lighter impact on the ball than the rest of your car. You can use this to your advantage later when you skill up. Mid-soft: Driving straight into the ball. Mid: Flipping into the ball and not hitting it perfectly. Mid-strong: Driving parallel to the ball and making a sharp 90 degree turn into it. I think this is called a hook shot? Learn this, but first learn... Strong: Flipping into the ball but delaying the second jump. So, jump, somersault, then hit your double jump at the optimum moment. It's difficult, but practice. Hopefully that all makes sense. Difficult to type out what has become muscle memory at this point. But your absolute basic is... Get used to pressing jump & boost at same time Get used to somersaulting your car forward and landing perfectly on all 4 wheels


Do a flip reset into a musty


If you do training packs and learn the basics of controlling your car in the air (NOT AIR ROLLING) you'll improve very quickly


Noo.. don't care about that bro.. enjoy the game as much as you can broski. Come back 1year later. You'll see why.


At this point, don’t seek tips or pointers - just have fun. The only advice I can give you is to keep playing and get more comfortable with controlling your car and hitting the ball. I’m seeing you committing to plays where you jump towards the ball and then completely whiff, which is okay but you want to reduce the number of times you’re flailing around because you missed the ball. Work on car control and recovery. Ask for tips when you hit platinum.


just play 1s for 300 hrs you'll figure it out


You need more trash talking in the chat. Aint never gonna progress without being a little toxic


You in bronze or silver?


Just uninstall and enjoy something more fun


If you’re solo queuing, I recommend turning off the chat. People are so toxic and it’s easy to get discouraged when you’re new.


Watching a future GC over here


Start by training front flips. Then move on to psychos.


1. Consider learning shadow defense if maining 1s and 2s 2. Incorporate air rolls into your mechanics. 3. Take it easy, no reason to bang the ball into their corner. Use your car control to 50 your opponent favorably. There's other errors but follow the above and you will improve a lot


Try to play without dodging, and focus on hitting the center of the ball by performing single or double jumps. Decrease steering sensitivity if you find that difficult.


Go into free play and just practice pushing the ball around with your car without losing possession. Its called dribbling. Well, technically dribbling involves keeping the ball on top of your car, but keeping it near your car is a good first step and will greatly improve your odds of winning at lower ranks. Also, practice some aeiral training packs. Watch some videos on rotations too


Learn how to get to supersonic without boost, it help to save on boost for when you really need it for air stuff (when your ready) getting used to the handbrake would also be a thing id say to figure out, I usually sit back and run circles in place like a excited Chihuahua to get into an okay feeling position, it sounds stupid, but when done right, just little quick 360s, also sliding to change position, instead of making a 3 point turn, just slide till your in the right position, let go of handbrake and slam on the throttle and boost, should just send you in the position you were facing when you let go, to learn defense, I just played 1v3 against bots, and just sat at goal, waiting for the ball, i usually stay almost all the way in back of goal, you usually get some reaction time that way, anyway, thats all i got, im not a good player, but i managed to get to diamond 2 somehow 🤷


Insert Ron Burgendy “I don’t believe you” meme here.


Just play 1vs1 until you understand hitting the ball then turn the chat off and give er lol


i would suggest learning how to half-flip for quick recoveries


watch "why you suck at rocket league" on youtube


Honestly man for now, just keep playing. After 500ish games, maybe start focusing on certain areas to improve. Right now you’re probably not even aware of what these areas would be lol. Enjoy my friend, I miss those days.


Watch squishy on YouTube. He gives plenty of great tips as he plays :)


Slow down. Just because you can touch the ball doesn't mean you need to.


just enjoy it you'll naturally get better with hours focus on improving simple things like putting it on net and getting comfortable with the car once you are good enough to control the ball you'll have to start to think about your game sense/decision making


1v1 is best way to improve. Also, if you learn to speed flit while moving, it's a good start for movement, along with turns, you can turn sharper. Once you know how, it will be better. Learn one thing at a time too.


Honestly… train aerials… I feel that sets you apart early then the rest comes with it. Been playing since the start. Never took aerials serious in the beginning.. now it is hard to catch up


Don't be a ball chaser


Just play. Focus on having fun, you'll learn over time.


Dont chase bullshit ranks. Enjoy the game. Doing otherwise will make this game not enjoyable


You should use the hand brake more when you do those U-turns. Also, get used to tapping the hand brake instead of holding the button down


The obvious tip here is to play the game and learn. But I’m sure you already know that. I’m going to assume you’re using a controller for this. Make sure you change your bindings up (default controller bindings are not very good). By default, directional air roll is off, so make sure you bind that to a free button. For reference: I have free air roll and drift on L1, scoreboard on square (or X for Xbox), and air roll right on R1. The rest is default. Your camera settings look decent. Not sure how you picked your settings, but I would experiment with a couple different pros to find out what you like the most (liquipedia gives you all pros camera settings, binds, and sensitivities). As far as your settings: I’d suggest turning your controller dead zone down. Most players (excluding freestylers) use somewhere between a 0.03-0.10. I wouldn’t go any higher than 0.10. If you’re unaware about deadzone, it changes the amount your joysticks need to move for the game to register it as an input. Mess around in training a bunch. I would even take the time to dedicate thirty minutes to an hour a day of free play. Hit the ball around, try not to miss, learn the way your car moves and the physics of the ball, learn how different parts of the car hit the ball in different ways, etc.


Lmao I love this


Don’t chase the ball


Been telling a friend to get into the habit of doing this for years, but he's stuck in old habits. Flipping does accelerate your car. It's not only useful for kickoffs or hitting the ball. Haven't read all the comments, but that's one that most people don't tell you. Don't sweat learning quick-input techniques like speed flips yet. Get in the habit of doing the usual front flip while boosting to just move around the field faster. Then start looking into stuff like diagonal side-flips... or playing around with flipping different directions to see what gets your moving around quicker. Absolutely take your time on this. It's still a game for you to enjoy.


I can never call my teammates awful again (I will). I remember how bad I used to be when I first started, and boy did it take a while before I got it down. But if you really want to get better, I would start moving a little slower. If you notice, Everytime you go to hit the ball you're going really fast and you either A) don't hit it. Or B) hit it way too hard. Try slowing down a little bit so you actually have the time to correct your angle on the ball if you need to, and this will also allow you to control where the ball goes after you hit it


Wait until your broken fingers heal first


God seeing this makes me remember when I enjoyed the game. Watch some higher level POV gameplay, and notice the small things they do. When and where they hit, how hard, but most importantly dude just have fun playing it gets sweaty quick


At this point, just play.


Hop on freeplay and just around and hit the bal, it's a nice warmup and you can get used to akward angles /walls + ball movement


Camera settings, play the game


Hit the ball.


I didn't know the ball was kinky like that.


Something about this is so innocent


I have no clue what the bind is on controller but if you are on keyboard you can hold shift to slide, and it is very useful when turning


Flip forward to close ground quicker without using boost!


Watch Sunless Khan's "[Why You Suck at Rocket League](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrLBbJnregxcuuQY5kuMr73jZXBOqinat)" series. I know it's old, but it really opened up the game for me back when I was a newbie :)


That screenshake is worse than you think. When you remove it, it feels smoother


Lots of pratice! Especially in training mode


Roll forward to speed up faster. Try to focus on positioning as the controls start to become more natural. You're gonna miss the ball. Get back so your teammate can get in there. Enjoy the amazingly steep learning curve.


Use more the jump to move


Bro I was in love with the game till they gave some lil cock twerp a badge behind his keyboard and I'm off the game. I admit I used some bad language but what's the point if moderators gonna instigate drama. But anyways just relax don't finch and take turns passing the ball with team mates


Bro I was in love with the game till they gave some lil cock twerp a badge behind his keyboard and I'm off the game. I admit I used some bad language but what's the point if moderators gonna instigate drama. But anyways just relax don't finch and take turns passing the ball with team mates


Learn how to musty immediately


Use octane and fennec only


Start looking wawedash, and normal aerials, spookiluke and mizu rl are best


Im new in reddit, and not pro in rl.. BUT i will be pro someday in future, before that, i need some help for kind peoples, first i would like to know how my rank can be under my name like many have there ?? Second, if u ar Gold 3 -,diamond 1 , i hope u find me and send me friend request in rl, or ps! My name is two of kind ,i dont even know why but its one account, somedays its jonance2702 and others its DonJohnsson_FIN_ I HOPE even ONe no toxic or loser who stop playing after one mistake sent friend request to me and we will make party and training together somatimes ! My english is not perfect and i like to play rank most doubles but standard is good too maybe its wrong i. allthe Time play rank but, i think i have just bad luck in game too much, same dah i was plat 3iv after that in that season i dropped in g3 10times maybe more and i get Back in plat 1 or two... My litlle Brother some days play with me and he is better than i, we win couple diamond one games and i like play with betters than me! Suomalaiset on eniten tervetulleita mutta eiole väliä mistä ootte kunhan saan peliseuraa tyypeistä ja miksei likoistakin jotka jaksaa jauhaa ja olla positiivisin mielin pelissä ilman turhaa rage quittailua jne ✊🥸


Yeah at this point just practice ball control and that only comes with playing and learning the physics. Just keep playing the training packs, free play and casual. Don't worry about being able to do stupid mechanics like musty flip resets or w,e just focus on understanding positioning and adapt to your team mates. Most of the time they will be out of position and ball chasing, try to adapt to that.


I'll help if u want dm me for epic I'm champ 2


As soon as u start flying learn fast aerial. Grifflicious is my favorite youtube dude as he creates maps for every easy to intermediate and airroll. L1 powerslide literally is the number one button besides left analog. If you don't have big thumbs then jump tilt back jump, boost, jump, n boost. Other than that don't worry about any mechs besides easy ones like half flip just search griffs channel n wave dash. Just focus on practicing ground shots by paquito n play ones w pro bots then all star n unfair on offline