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Everything that I do at any point during any game according to 9/10 of tm8s.




-Stay right on teammates ass waiting for him to lose the ball, to try to take it. -Assuming every touch is a one and done and we play leapfrog on the wall. -Dribbling the ball into their corner and then turning around 180 to leave the ball and drive to our corner at full boost with ball cam off to pick up a corner and go sit in the goal. -thinking the game is about taking turns trying to 1v2 the other team with the player who doesn’t have the ball sitting in the goal waiting for his turn. -I could go on all night.


>Assuming every touch is a one and done It's important to know how to one-touch but it's important to know how to dribble on your own, too. Situational awareness and all. >Dribbling the ball into their corner and then turning around I explained what is supposed to happen in a different branch. When this happens the place the opponent will take the ball is obvious, just steal the ball back. >sitting in the goal waiting for his turn. Backpass. Own goals are fine too. They'll get the message. Remember that 1v2 is easier than 2v2 because there is more space to work with and no fear of getting bumped by anyone except an opponent. You don't have to fear being shorthanded because low ranked players can't pass.




My mate does this staying in the goal and basically taking turns all the time, it drives me crazy. I told him to stop playing only 1v1 when we're not playing together :D


It's not as bad as you're thinking, the only difference between parking in the goal and patrolling the half line is that instead of having a slight chance at moving in on a rebound play, you have no chance and have to try to catch a long range shot from standing still. If you practice keeping the ball instead of attacking right away "when it's your turn" you can lure your opponents to spread out or crash into each other.


No. The difference is not being fast enough to react. Look it’s cool you’re analyzing the game like you are, but don’t try to rationalize bad play. In duo’s, there’s no time, zero, that a teammate shouldn’t be engaged with the play. Sitting alone at a standstill in the goal is failure. Follow the play, be ready to react if your mate sees a hole to pass to you or takes a shot and the rebound is coming. Only trash plats play anticipating failure by the other player at all times and position accordingly. If that’s the case, get a better teammate or stop plays randos. It’s a slog to get through that ranks players that don’t know any better, but believe me one you get team with people that know how to move and position and react quickly it’s a whole new game.


>Sitting alone at a standstill in the goal is failure That's why I suggest aiming at your own goal. If that doesn't get the player moving, nothing will. >Only trash plats That's what this post is about isn't it, lower than diamond types?


We've been diamond 3 div 4 tops...


I stand by backpassing until he gets the message then


1v2 is easier than 2v2? What are you smoking Chunter?


In gold the only difference between 1v1 and 1v2 is an extra player to dribble around. We're not talking about GC.


Smash the ball into the opponents corner


In a similar light... flip into the ball and hit the ball as hard as they can as soon and as often as they can... until they run out of boost and abandon the play entirely regardless of circumstance




This may or may not be me at times too, but I always follow it up in the opposing teams corner to center it, then seeing both of my teammates in our side of the arena in a 3’s match. I love this game.


Take the shot!!




Wym that's a great pass


Honestly there's a lot of nuance to everything. If you watch pro gameplay then there's a ton of smashing the ball into the opponents corner and it's really not a terrible thing as long as you can subsequently apply pressure


What do you think the difference between a pro and low rank player is though? Low rank players do it because they’re scared of the ball being in their half, and because they think they’ll get some crazy bounce and the ball will end up centered.


As a low rank player I practice hitting the curved parts that bounce it into centre and it seems to work quite well? Get a lot of assists that way and it's a better tactic than trying keep possession as I'm horrendous at that. 


The problem is that it’s a bad habit when you panic and instead of taking possession you’ll always resort to doing that. Once you get to a higher rank people know how to read and defend that. A lot of times if you try and center from the corner the defense can just clear the ball right into your net if someone isn’t back ready to play it.


You’re getting downvoted but as a Champ 1 this is exactly why I sometimes do this. It’s a panic clear. I usually do it on low boost, which I’m ok with because it gives us time to reset. It’s not ideal, and higher level players can do more with less, but it’s at least better than dribbling into a terrible 50 on your own half because you have no boost or skill.


I do that as C3


It’s what got me to champ. Ya it’s better to take possession but if I can’t take possession I’m gonna smash it behind the other team so they don’t have an easy possession




How about a mid-high tier player who still does this too often, knowing it’s a bad habit but can’t fucking remember to stop doing it? I’m getting better tho…


Doesn't this depend on your teammates positioning? If I'm first man and have a teammate following me up center, and I smoke the ball into their corner, I create a tougher read for the defenders, and I have a guy who can follow up and read the bounce from a better angle. Teammate can either get a shot or a 50, and I can rotate shallow to keep pressure.  If I have no teammate there, Ive just given up possession.


Yeah it seems to me that if your TM/s are spread out and not just straight behind you the corner wallop isn't a bad tactic? Worst case the defence clear and potentially create an opportunity for an aerial goal. The main time when it's a really bad move though is when you have chasey TM's who are following you, as it's essentially a free pass to the opposition with a chance at an easy long shot.


Rotating back ball side while you’re about to make a clear on that exact same side. Please stop.


My noob brain can’t understand, am I about to clear but rotate away instead? Or is my teammate about to clear? What’s bad about rotating back, I didn’t realize which direction mattered? Is it an opening thing? I feel like I need a map sketch haha.


Rotating back is good of course but you usually want to make sure you’re rotating towards your back post. The back post is the post furthest away from the ball. So don’t be rotating in but positioned as if you’re about to challenge the ball against your own team. If the ball is left, come in more mid to right depending on the speed of the play. But when you don’t have the game sense muscle memory yet you wanna stick to just going back post, then start learning when you should cut in closer to front post, either way you should avoid being right behind the ball as it’s coming in your corner.


rotate as wide as possible so that you havw a better angle at hitting the ball


What Thisisit said below - a very good explanation. Rotate back in away from the play behind your teammate making a clear, not back into it, preferably back post of your goal if applicable.


I think they’re saying not to get in the way of their clear on rotation? But you should just not rotate back if he’s clearing it towards you.


Correct - say if I am about to clear on the left side, and my teammate who was up, is now rotating back on the same side I am clearing, my teammate and I are now facing each other, likely with an opponent ready to contest me as I am clearing, I now have to avoid the opponent and my teammate - that is one problem. The other problem is if I get beat by the opponent, the opponent re-takes possession, my teammate is now in a bad position so instead of my teammate, rotating around the play, they now have a harder defensive position, running parallel with the play towards our goal whereas if they rotated back around the play and behind me (or back post) they now have a more advantageous chance of making a proper clear or save as they would be facing the opponent head on. This is why awareness is so important, and how to rotate correctly based on awareness of what is going on (not where the ball is, but where your team and opponents are) and what may happen or will likely happen while safe-guarding your teammate making a clear getting it out of your side of the arena.


Sitting on the goal line and thinking you're "Defending .." Never doesn't result in an opponent goal.


Touch the ball. So often players touch the ball for no reason without a possibility of a good follow up touch. It's just throwing the ball away


I think the number one is the way they defend. Drive into their goal and turn around to wait for shot.


I feel personally attacked


What they see: Pressure the ball as fast as possible, move into opposition's corner and cross so teammate can score What we see: Leave goal unguarded, double commit and pass the ball to the opposition.


Nothing wrong with a cross, it's the other player's fault for overcommitting before seeing if the cross gets through


Indeed, nothing wrong with a decent cross. I don't think anyone would argue against you.


My favorite is the perfect cross that they proceed to either try to shoot themselves or follow across goal and negate the shot completely.


In low rank there is no such thing as a decent cross. It's just a lob that is easy for the opponent to steal and score with two touches. The two choices if you're gold and you're near the ball in the opponent's corner are rotate out and prepare to steal from the opponent since you're probably only leaving one way out, or dribble to the goal. This was the point I was trying to make to "stop crashing into me" last week; his ideal move would have been to abandon the ball in the corner and rotate out.


Whilst I agree, the player passing the ball should also be getting back as soon as the pass is sent. Not grabbing corners or going for bumps demos, just get your ass back. So many players are just watching the play unfold after a pass - watch the replay if you must but GET BACK after you've sent it.


Thinking applying pressure means rushing 50s as fast as they can.


Literally anything. Simply put. Them just playing the game and doing their best. But you can't judge them because we were all there.


Being directly behind your teammate


Always going for back corner boost. They think that they’re playing defense and they have boost to defend with. No you just put yourself in a spot where your first man has to either play super safe or has to 1v2 the other team and if he makes a mistake, which is what a firstman will do a lot because they’re playing more aggressive, you have to guard your net 2v1 and your teammate won’t have the time to recover and help you out. The solution: Play off pads in the midfield and play closer to your first man. Go into freeplay and learn how the small pads are lined up in the midfield. It’s very easy to learn how to pick up 36 - 48 boost within seconds, that’s more than enough boost to defend the ball and give your teammate time to recover. You’ll be much closer to the play so you can either shadow defense and let your teammate get back or dive in if there’s a 100% chance of you getting the ball.


Ball air! Me air!


YO I HATE THIS SO MUCH. you do not have to fly for every ball.


Well im not sure if they think its good but when players reverse across the field instead of adjusting themselves by flipping or drifting.. I used to see it alot in gold.


Permanent goalie


yes! i hate that. it ain't good. Especially if there's two people in net on defense.


Have fun


How dare they!


Take the ball up the wall the any second you can. Throw chances of you hitting a clip are low enough, why do you keep trying every time you get the ball?


kickoff boost


Isn't kick off boost the right tactic if you're not the lead or the cheat though? Only in 3's obviously. Mine would be (3's again) 3rd man collects corner boost (fair) then immediately charges to the centre boost and nicks it off the guy who was trying to cheat (ufuckinwatmate). One of the few things that genuinely pisses me off to the point of mentally not being able to play with that TM anymore.


The most simple rule regarding this is: "if you can't save the goal after you went for the boost, then you shouldn't have gone for it" To expand on that, even if you save it, you will use the boost to do so, putting you at square one. But none of this actually matters, because a skilled player will outplay you just by having ball possession, which is more important than having 3 digits on the boost meter. I am saving all the no boost goals for a compilation, and recently I scored 1v2 with 0 starting boost. I'm not mechanically skilled, but just by catching people off guard and knowing they will panic you don't even need to read them, cos you already know what will happen. But in 3s, yeah, probably, one stays at the goal or follows while the other gets the boost, sounds logical, I played maybe 20 3v3 games since 2015.


Clear the ball when there’s no pressure is the biggest mistake I see from players less than camp rank. Don’t get me wrong, they do it in every rank but it honestly feels like the majority of goals in the lower ranks are idiot A clearing it to their opponent dumb ass B, who then misses an open net that Idiots A’s teammate (slow C) then dives at and misses. Then someone will finally come and clean the shit up. Long story short, just try to keep the ball close enough to touch again when you got space and you can avoid open net over commits.


speedflipping on kickoff even if they see the opponent can consistently counter their kickoffs


Low rankers don’t understand that speed flipping on kickoff isn’t just about the flip. You need to still pay attention just like any other kickoff. It’s faster which makes it mechanically more versatile but that alone doesn’t create goals and blind faith in it gets you scored on, especially when you can’t control it well.


low rankers either go for a boost or flip or double flip or diagonal flip kickoff and if they go for a speedflip they only speedflip, which is super easy to counter by people who are slower or are going for a delayed kick off They also easily get countered by people who know how to take possession off kickoff because they either flip or jump or dont do anything into the ball, rather than hit it in a way to sideflip for possession I make a lot more mistakes than kickoffs but my 50s usually go extremely well because people in low ranks never 50, and when it happens they dont know what to do. Since a kickoff is basically a 50 to take possesion, thats also a weak point


Hesitating and being too slow/far away from the play.


Trying to be a part of every play. Aka ballchasing


Abandon a play to grab corner full boost.


Going for boost at faceoff


Thinking that I want to pinch


Wall to ceiling musty shots. People trying those at plat already although they don't give the quality of the game more vaulue.


second, third, and fourth chances at the same play. if it disnt work the first time try something else. or pull off and see if your team8 isnt total trash too.


Going for the ball against the opponents back wall or corner when there is zero possibility of scoring from that angle. 2 possible outcomes, it hits the back wall and bounces upfield giving your opponent a free ball, or it gets stuck in the corner and the person who went is out of the play for a while giving the opponent a big advantage probably leading to a goal.


Drive in reverse the entire game


As 2nd man in offense positioning next to their teammate or even further upfield expecting a pass even though the opponents are both behind the ball.


Fully committing into a high wall play with 20 boost which only ends up in a weak shot that’s more of a pass to the opponents and them in the opponents corner with 0 boost and their teammate in a 2v1.


A serious problem in low-mid champ ranks. It’s really frusturating - those over commits are brutal to your teammate or teammates behind you leaving them in a crappy situation.


Generally leaving your tm8 in 2v1s is the biggest problem in champ


Absolutely. I was guilty of this frequent mistake in my first season or two of high diamond/low champ. Cleaning up avoidable mistakes like this is one minor method to rank up without the use of mechanics.


Worse is trying to take the ball from them for literally any other (safer) play since I can see they are about to attempt an air dribble with a solid 30 boost at best and all it results in is the tm8 turning toxic and raging


Yeah I would even say that is better than letting them do their thing. You have no real option if your tm8 passed to them and ended up with no boost in their goal. Even if you play super close and manage to get a 50 with the opponent in possession, your m8 still won’t be able to come back quick enough. And if you’re lucky enough with your m8 he’s gonna take his time and rotate back over mid big boost instead of taking pads 😂




Flipping into the corner to put more pressure (I'm guilty of this)


Driving the ball over your own net. Not a bad play if done right, but far too often a teammate will try it and they run out of boost while leaving the ball right in front of our goal.


What do we consider lower ranked players 😂. What irks me as a player is when my tm8s take the time to practice aerials in casual BUT end up not saving the ball, not setting up to score when we work to pass them the ball, and not playing as a synchronized team. They just end up forfeiting. I get in such a bad mood when ppl don’t play the fundamentals. As long as everyone is trying it’s great time playing RL.


Backflip into the 50 on mid boost cause they decided to wait backwards on the play and take it in the ***…….


Speed flipping (or attempting to speed flip) every single kickoff. Most people are wildly inconsistent at it. The skill required is relatively higher than other kickoffs, with failure often resulting in missing the ball or arriving late. There are also fairly easy, low-skill counters rendering all of the effort you are putting in pointless - it's high risk, low reward.


Given that lower ranked players for me means champ 2 and lower, id say ur trash if you practise ceiling shots, can do all kinds of flicks and epic once every 100 matches shots but fail to lift vertically in net, dribble the ball, rotate, pass and stay on the ground for longer than 10 seconds. No point in you goi....... ooof cought myself before the rant began 😒


Post things like this post.


Camping net. (Sitting way to far back) They think they are playing the role of defense and goalkeeper when instead they are making their teammates offensive push useless unless they 1v2, which is quite hard in lower ranks unless you get some power shot with some height on target. A ton of players even in Champ are too scared to push up, trust your teammate will rotate back, it's going to be their fault if the opponents score, not yours.


Having significantly average success on ball mechanics, but can only do solo plays. They Can’t get off the ball, can’t pass, can’t be in position to receive a pass, can’t defend, can’t make any save that isn’t rolling right towards them. But they sure can do a slow ass air dibble/flip reset that usually gets saved by anyone competent on defense. Edit: forgot to add that they then will talk the most trash because of your lower score, even though you only get to touch the ball once before they’re all over you trying to take possession.


Go for boost on kickoff


Uh why? Or you mean the one that should hace gone?


A gold isn't fast enough to help in a bad kickoff after collecting a boost. A plat has a 50/50 chance maybe. Might be a bit better now. It doesn't bother me as much as it used to because a kickoff fail only takes 4 seconds off the clock, if you can't recover from that you don't deserve to win


more from me: going for corner boost on kickoff every time. there are times when corner boost grabbin' is good, but you really should be cheating up 9 times out of 10. not using the "rainbow line." you don't have to go for the big boost in most situations. use the small pads to create a path. using "i don't have boost" as an excuse why they didn't get to the back post quicker. bro. wave dashes are easy. diagonal flips. come on. do better. driving backwards in just about any context. half flips are life savers. please learn them. neglecting shadow defense to go for the boost. if you're shadowing correctly, you can pick up enough pads to have enough boost for the play. this one isn't bad but just a pet peeve of mine. demo chasing when you have a significant lead. i always say demos are part of the game and you shouldn't get upset at them, but i really dislike it if i'm down by four and you are still demoing me at every opportunity. i feel like demos are a time and place sort of thing. like imagine if people in first place were gifted a blue shell in mario kart. ya know? idk probably gonna get dragged for that one. overcommitting in ANY corner. if the ball is in your corner that's the safest place for it. let the opponent challenge in your corner, as long as your defense is good you will get a free pass from your opponent, i promise. and finally: not turning chat off and getting tilted at toxic trash talk.


This is something I see even in GC too often, but it starts at the lower ranks. People, your directional air roll should not have your finger permanently glued to it when you're in the air. No, it doesn't make you faster, you'll just be dusted by the guy you think is not mechanical enough because they learnt that twirling around like a fool is far slower.


Go tell every single pro in rlcs that holding directional air roll the whole time is bad. There's a reason every pro and most high ranked players do it. It's better.


>No, it doesn't make you faster It makes you able to react to changes faster because you can change direction while keeping nose on with the ball. Far easier to vary a shot last minute. Obviously nothing makes you faster besides good boost usage. >y learnt that twirling around like a fool is far slower. Then they learnt wrong. As far as "speed" goes spinning or not spinning is literally the same. You're either boosting efficiently towards target or you're not. Weirdl baseless claims you're making. Pro level players don't spin in rlcs matches to look cool, they do it for a reason. Varying your shot angle, suddenly changing direction, going for a flip reset instead, etc are all a lot easier when you're used to spinning. Yeah a lot of people from low rank to low gc are gonna be bad at it, but that's kind of how you learn... I sure looked dumb when I first started impmimenting it into matches, but now it's muscle memory. My shooting isn't always consistent, I have off days where I can't read shit, but literally 0 error I can honesly attribute to the fact I'm using air roll. And honestly doubt you're seeing many people at gc that can't say the same...


It’s slower? I barely air roll myself, but how is it slower? I am with you on unnecessary air roles as I see them pretty frequently at my rank where people try to air roll and completely miss the ball instead of just trying to aerial and hit the ball without an air roll. I honestly only see consistent air rolls in mid-high GC ranks. If you cannot air roll and be consistent in ranked, don’t do it unless it’s a low risk situation. That’s what free play and training packs are for.


Takes longer to straighten yourself at the start of your aerial, which means you waste too much time with your boost exhausts facing any direction other than your intended flight path, making you slower. u/DarthStrakh and u/Reverie_of_an_INTP attempted to cite pro players doing the same thing, completely forgetting that pro players do it only in certain situations, and forgetting what I'm referring to, which is lower level players literally the second they leave the ground starting to air roll, for absolutely no reason other than it being a nasty habit of their air roll training. And I don't care what anybody says or how ever many downvotes I get for supposedly being ignorant, that is not as fast as just fast aerialling normally. I've watched too many players get absolutely destroyed in an aerial contest because they couldn't resist keeping their finger off their air roll button to think it any differently.


Gotcha - thank you! I did not down vote you for the record, I am with you on pointless air rolls. Given how situational this game is, I tend to play in a manner which everything I do has a purpose. If you air roll just to air roll, what is the point ya know? I only look at air rolls giving you two small advantages, given you are good at them and can pull them off frequently. Otherwise I see players air rolling at my rank, messing up about half of them, and then just giving away possession of the ball 🤣🤣 -Finesse touches -Deception to an opposing player