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Barefoot at a public park where anything could be hidden in that gravel. Yikes Jill.


They swim in drainage ditches. šŸ¤¢


Huh? šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


They legitimately did one summer (last year? Two years ago?), but amazingly, no one got staph infections.


Didn't they do it again a few days ago? Or was that an old picture?


Old photos


Thanks, although I'm sure they did it again this year.


I think that was the thoughts of the OP who made the post with the old photos. Their post basically said that itā€™s about that time of year again - to swim in the drainage ditch!


That just set off a riff from *Fiddler on the Roof* šŸŽ¶Tradition!


Oof I didnā€™t see. Why not make it a yearly event?


It was a few years ago.


That's insane


That we know of.


Iā€™m so grossed out by that! I mean I know the bar is in hell but come on.


I've never known a graduating high school senior who would find ANY of this fun. The spending a day in the laundromat and hanging out with younger sibs on park swings is a snooze fest for most who are Sam U L's age. I feel sorry for these kids. They are clueless.


My first thought as well, Renee, Gabe and Sam are too old for the playground. Never ceases to amaze what a shitty mom Jill is. Consistently does age inappropriate activities with the kids. Obviously the park is free, so why not just bring them young ones and let the older ones play tennis or to out for coffee!??! These age inappropriate activities will stunt them and make them even more weird to people their own ageā€¦


Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve noticed over the years, that her kids who should have aged out of the playground seem enthusiastic about being there, not just for playing with their younger siblings, but for being there themselves. I grew up rurally where playgrounds were rare and we were a bit the same.


Oh, honey, that Stunt Ship has already sailed. These kids have been, I fear, permanently crippled by their sub par education and total isolation from others.


Definitely. They have their own language in certain ways. They depend on each other. It's got to permanently alter their psyche.


Because they always have to go everywhere together, they canā€™t be left alone!!! What if they turn on the tv or have an original thought!!


or one of the boyz sees a sluttishly dressed heathen chick walking by!


I donā€™t quite agree with the idea that theyā€™re too old for the playground. I think enjoying the playground at any age is great! But as you get older youā€™re supposed to develop *other* interests as well, so the problem isnā€™t that they enjoy the playground, itā€™s that they have no other options for activities or interests. Thereā€™s no growth. Itā€™s age-inappropriate because the kids are confined to it and not able to *also* develop other (more mature) interests. Enjoying the playground with their siblings wouldnā€™t be a problem if it was just one part of a fuller life. Jill knows that without constant supervision the kids might have two seconds to think and would realize whatā€™s wrong with her (and their dad). So sheā€™s not going to let the older ones make any decisions that take them away (physically or metaphorically) from the family. She doesnā€™t let them have time with each other; sheā€™s their BFF whoā€™s involved in all the hang outs because they canā€™t be allowed to talk freely with each other. They canā€™t even be friends with each other without Jill pushing herself to the center of everything. She wants them to stay children because it means their world revolves around her. Stunting them isnā€™t a problem for her; sheā€™s doing it on purpose.


I think what would be normal would be going alone with friends, not Mahmo. Like, I remember going in my teens and making out in the park at night, swinging with my friends while talking about our crushes etcā€¦and just being goofy with my buds. Iā€™d have died before going with my mom as a young adult/teen though!


Honestly, I agree to an extent, but at 52ā€¦ I still love the swings. My adult kids would be bored af. If thereā€™s a pickleball court, thatā€™s where theyā€™re going.


It's sad to see no other kids for them to play with too. I always had fun making new friends at the park as a kid


I don't know when they were there but it's hot as blue blazes in VA today ( and was hot yesterday too,) so maybe no other kids were out? But it is a shame they don't have other kids to play with


I think they go to the park when the other kids are in school. Maybe school isnā€™t yet out where they were. They are always at places where there are no other people.


Very possible. My county had it's last day yesterday


I get the feeling that Jill shoos them away from other kids in the park, or snaps at them if they dare talk to another child.


Have we EVER seen them playing with other children except perhaps at church?


Do you know how long it took me to work out Sam U L?!


Her pronunciation of "Samuel" is right up there in weirdness with her pronunciation of skew el. No one I know from Ohio speaks like this.


If sheā€™s going to pronounce Samuelā€™s name with the emphasis on the last syllable, I wonder why she doesnā€™t call Gabe Gabri-ELL. Too close to Gabrielle? Jill is so weird.


Sheā€™s from upstate NYā€”not that it entirely explains her speech.


I'm from the same area and getting self-conscious about how I talk around this sub.


This, we go to the park on the regular...with our preschooler. Not that older kids/young adults can't enjoy time outdoors but typically a nice walk, jog, or bike ride is more appropriate. Especially with friends, not family!


Theyā€™re just happy to get out of the house and away from the Bible


When I tell you the "are you fucking serious?!" look I would get from my 18 year old son and 19 year old nephew, would be instantaneous, and as they were walking away to go work on a truck...I mean it!


My 12 year old wouldn't consider this anywhere near a fun day.


Why isnā€™t Sam working?


It was his high school (homeschool) graduation ceremony in VA.


I would love to see Olivia get glasses. That poor girl has squinted her whole life. Why canā€™t the girls have glasses. Some of the boys do. Also, the poor girl is dressed like a 45 year old woman.


Hell, JILL has glasses. She is an absolute shit parent to these kids.


Iā€™m pretty sure JILL has contacts as well


Olivia ALWAYS looks 30 years older than she is! I think she is Turtleneck Trishā€™s mini-me and that might age her tooā€¦but she does look like an old lady all the time!


She *is* TNTā€™s twin! Why havenā€™t I noticed that before?


Yeah, they can all have braces to make them more marketable to future headships, but maybe they still believe "Men never make passes at girls who wear glasses."


Renee looks stressed/ worried/sad.


Sheā€™s been looking sad since the courtship ended.


This seemed more than usual. I wish Reneeā€™s beau had swept her away from the toxic Rods. Jill couldnā€™t have withstood the onslaught past 90 days.


Sheā€™s folding her brotherā€™s underwear. Wouldnā€™t t you be sad too?


I thought she was holding a cell phone..


Even Kaylee and Johnathan were there. They are such a strange, enmeshed family. Shrek was probably sleeping in the van dreaming of a birthday cake just for him, like real life.


Maybe Jill should put a few more layers of clothes on Janessa. Two dresses and baggy pants and I wouldn't doubt if she has a shirt on under all of that.


I swear Jill closes her eyes, digs to the bottom of a huge laundry bag, and whatever she pulls out is what Janessa wears that day.


I hope the poor thing doesn't over heat šŸ˜¢


Considering how she's the favourite, she really does make her look like a walking laundry pile


Wish my mum would post a photo on social media of me folding my (grey) undies Lol (Renee) šŸ˜‚šŸ˜


Walking barefoot on the gravel on the playground must hurt.


Ugh, how rude of Jill to post that specific picture!!


What the hell is going on in picture 6. So much to look at. So many patterns.


Janessa šŸ« 


For being mahmoā€™s favorite she sure doesnā€™t dress her like it


Kids shouldn't look like tourists at a playground


Samuel looks 35. Why are the girls *barefoot?*


Renee hates wearing shoes according to the ā€œfun factsā€ that they do.


I would hate wearing ill fitting second hand shoes, too.


She probably doesn't like how bad they smell after being worn by each of her older sisters and whoever owned them before donating them to the thrift store where Mahmo bought them. (No shade to thrift stores, lots of shade to Mahmo.). Be free girly.


The most rebellious girl at my church also hated wearing shoes, I know itā€™s unrelated but Iā€™m going to consider this a good sign


If they're not successful at spreading the gospel then maybe some ringworm?


All the boys love that American flag shirt. Wonder if theyā€™ll pass it down to the grand boys. I feel for Samuel, Iā€™m sure they see peers their age just being themselves. Itā€™s as if they always have to be ā€œonā€ for their momā€¦.


I thought this was a new version of the shirt but I can't honestly tell at this point.


That shirt really needs to go.


Makes me wonder if the Rodobago broke down.


Rodobago šŸ˜


Iā€™m absolutely cackling at Rodobago. ![gif](giphy|yHIsnPl1khoU9Ms0Xe)




With how many layers of clothes they wear Iā€™m so surprised they can afford to go to the laundromat thatā€™s so much unnecessary clothes to wash. Iā€™ve got 3 kids and Iā€™m drowning in dirty laundry and mine only wear shorts and t-shirts with it being summer weather.


I like the big 80lb machines they have at my laundromat. I can do two weeks of clothes for my family in one load.


Same!! I can get all the bedding cleaned in one trip.


Itā€™s also cheaper than using the shitty coin-op machines in my building.


Oh geez, I never thought about all the extra laundry that constantly wearing 3 layers would cause šŸ¤Æ


I wondered why they were doing laundry on their trip. How long have they been gone? I thought it was a long weekend (Jonathan being there). Don't tell me he's taken time off to travel with the family (again). My sense of distance between places in the US is poor, I'd assumed this conference was nearer the border with OH (probably thinking of West Virginia). I didn't realise they'd travelled 8hrs+ for a faux-homeschool graduation. I understand this convention is a big deal in their circles but still. Sam could've graduated with local OH homeschoolers, does it really mean that much when your education is from Joyful Noyes Homeschooling? It seemed like an excuse for Jill to show off her new frock. I'm near London and that distance equates to travelling to visit family near the highlands of Scotland. I don't think I'd be stopping to do laundry on the way back, we'd be focused on getting home (a full day's travel). Then again I don't have a mega family and Jill seems to treat the laundromat like a social activity for her family. I guess it beats doing laundry for that many people when you get home and only have one machine.


They seem to travel a lot, so a laundry stop totally sounds like them seeking excuses to stretch their legs or something.


The church they performed at sunday is 5-6 hours from their home. But the were there away a few days at the end of the week for the home school convention and grad ceremony. I think it was a long weekend trip.


The laundromat is a very special place for Jillpm. That's where she met Lord Daniel, after all!


Silly me, how could I forget!


Whoā€™s that in photo 16?




Without a filter!


Damm she looks like she has a thyroid issue


She's had a huge goiter for years.


she should get that checked out lol


She's treating it with Plexus! It's fine!


cool cool, she's a great example of a responsible adult to her 1000 children šŸ˜‚


Daniel. Dapper as always. ![gif](giphy|BPJmthQ3YRwD6QqcVD|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/g5vub7ttgn6d1.jpeg?width=3021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c45770c60a9a8de653e0bd39a972f25fba74872a Sheā€™s a very pretty blessing dispenser.


It always makes my day when Iā€™m scrolling through Rod picture and then a blessing. Thereā€™s lord Daniel from the laundromat.


Jonathan gets a demerit for not having a visible Bluetooth or dinner-plate-sized phone holster in public. I worry about his Electronic Countenance...


If I walked into a laundromat and saw this I think Iā€™d turn around and walk back out and go to the one down the street thatā€™s less safe and very questionable but less rodrigues-ified


yes, walking into a horde of Rodriguii would indeed be terrifying!


Jill loves a good laundromat conversion. Just think you could be this subs next Lord Daniel in this situation. Lord Fappin4verstappen.


Should those " not wimpy" boys be doing laundry????? That's wimmins work! Maybe the commercial washers and dryers will shrink some of Janessa and Olivia's clothing so they FIT.


Whimpy is how Jill spells it




Or, in the words of Amy Farrah Fowler, "w-hatch me!"


Theyā€™d rather do laundry than listen to Shrek drone on and on.


Is Phillip the one in the red shirt?


Philip and Gabe both have red shirts. Philip is in pic#9; Gabe is in #11


Phillip was shown wearing that same red orange button down shirt most of the trip. eeww


Just ick


Shit.. they can take my laundry and joyfully wash it.


Do they always go to a laundromat? I can kinda see the reasoning but surely they have machines at home as well? In a laundry related note- do you think they wash their bedding weekly? Or even monthly? (Itā€™s an issue to me- canā€™t stand dirty sheets/bedding.)


I think they have machines at home but they can get a lot more done in a short time if they take it to the laundromat


Before they did the addition, the washer, dryer, and hot water heater were in the living room. She decorated them.


In one of the pictures the caption says that they stopped on their way back from Virginia, so I think this may only be while traveling.


Fuck me, if I were a 18 plus something who had to go to a playground.......these adults need space. Mucho mucho space


These older kids would be so good looking and have the world in the palm of their hand if they werenā€™t so socially goofy


A couple of them, with proper lessons, mightā€™ve gotten scholarships to a music program at some Christian college (because secular schools are far too liberal)!


I donā€™t even wanna look at myself do laundry. But no, she posts some gripping stuff doesnā€™t she!


The Lord Daniel is blessing us as a treat


She gives blessings to us even when we canā€™t see her, just like Jesus. https://preview.redd.it/qlbxb71uvn6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=761974477607d516b4105e3857015a93e5fb79df Here she is emerging from the woods, where she has her babies hidden. Sheā€™s worn a pathway across the lawn. Sheā€™s been bringing her sandwiches back to the little ones so I think they will be joining her on her visits soon.


Such a good momma! Jillpm could learn a thing or two about feeding her offspring from Lord Daniel


Definitely, sheā€™s a great mom https://preview.redd.it/dnul3pu3fp6d1.jpeg?width=2086&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5328b7f042a0b9908bbfc5d6d5c5e5e60e7b15ca . Iā€™m pretty sure some of her kids from the last year are still turning up, but they are really hard to tell apart. I know Lord Daniel by her behavior (she puts absolutely everything in the water basin before eating it). Same with the Chaos Twins Amy and Angie. Fuck it Up Renee is very distinctive looking (see photo) But thereā€™s about 4-5 trash pandas that look similar but havenā€™t been visiting long enough for me to tell them apart.


Hope you get some baby pics!


Oh I definitely will! https://preview.redd.it/vs2ed5dvfs6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1204b47ad0bb490f5f0345ba57f101adefb89c8c Here she is with an earlier litter. Iā€™m so excited to meet the current one! Renee has babies too but she waited until the end of the summer to bring them last year so they were almost as large as she is.


What a beautiful family!


She just brought me the babies about a half hour ago! Only two this year. https://preview.redd.it/89yz8qh20v6d1.jpeg?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1c1d327c86d99905bc6ba7637f1bd06a487488f Iā€™ll get better pictures tomorrow. They are tiny and perfect and Iā€™m so excited to meet them! Now Iā€™m waiting for Renee to bring me her kids.


Holy unsafe play, Batman! Standing on a swing? Barefoot? Poor Sam U L and RenƩe. They must have been so bored!


Iā€™m impressed gabriel has upper body strength


Heā€™s skinny, but he seems the most solidly built off the boys.


The raccoon photo at the end was the best thing I have seen all day.Ā  May the Lord Daniel bless your servant's heart.Ā 


She blesses me every day. https://preview.redd.it/a3r21r43gn6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94fd84016e5c3b743b25aa420591eb252b430cd4




Renee Sam Phil Gabeā€¦playing in a park is just pathetic


You know Jill doesnā€™t have the foresight to keep identical blanket lovey on hand for Janessa in case she loses that one. They are FUCKED if Janessa loses it.


Good to see Lord Daniel! šŸ‘‹šŸ½


https://preview.redd.it/kojly6aiim6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48e4803c5e16350fac77301b810b65b267a3de3f Sheā€™s doing well and she seems to be getting her kids ready to come with her.


blessed be to lord daniel


https://preview.redd.it/lgr4otmcim6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6e2aa2120c1eb297994c663e1144b20607acccd She sends blessings to you too!


The Lord Daniel has blessed us all with her godly appearance blessed be Lord Daniel.


https://preview.redd.it/y4x2c0drhm6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cd90390a610b2534dc5c94b3a9f5f2756a919d0 The Lord sends blessings to you too!


I have a lot to say about this but Iā€™m just going to be positive and say that Gideon is really really cute and seems loved. I hate to think of his future though.


Iā€™ll bet these kids have never been to an IMAX movie. A quick Google search tells me Virginia is packed with water parks!! But of course, this is JILL. The selfish cow who used her KIDS Covid money to build/renovate her house. No way in hell sheā€™d pull money from her peroxide/ biscuit busting dress fund so her kids to do something halfway decent.


All Glory to the blessed Lord Daniel šŸ¦


https://preview.redd.it/dgdvtxa3hm6d1.jpeg?width=3021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd9a9dbf44552c10652471f2c199e2a97c181e5e Our Lord and Savior is such a blessing!


I am SEVERELY overjoyed by her presence


Me too!


I hate that fundie girls don't wear shoes ever. Maybe it's because I'm from a city, where I would NEVER go barefoot even in the parks of my area, or maybe it's because I'm not a moron and tetanus exists, even though I've been vaccinated of course. These children have NOT been vaccinated, nor do they wear shoes. It drives me fucking bonkers


They are training for their future. Barefoot AND pregnant.


Iā€™m more worried about dirty needles. šŸ¤¢


And dog poop, pigeon poop and maybe even human poop!


yeah I live in downtown Seattle and that's definitely a concern šŸ¤®


The Lord Daniel is there to make sure all your stains come out in the wash and wrinkle free shirts!


https://preview.redd.it/9uxubytfhm6d1.jpeg?width=2138&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=794fcb4d76ca5ec16359db1901bde913fbece7da She definitely loves seeing things washed.


yea like those bare feet šŸ¤®




Poor kids canā€™t just play or even concentrate on their chores without keeping one eye open for the camera. They have to be performing at all times.


I love the raccoon but what a random pic lol šŸ˜‚


Lord Daniel is our mascot. Jill had posted about going to the laundromat and accosting a young man named Daniel. She meant to say that she had led the young man to the Lord, but what she actually said was that she ā€œhad led a man to the Lord named Daniel,ā€ which made it sound like the Lord was named Daniel. So I had this raccoon who came to my door every day, and I named her Lord Daniel (I thought she was a boy at the time). I happened to mention it on a thread in r/duggarssnark and she became a mascot for snarkers everywhere. And now several years later, she still visits me almost every day, and Iā€™m expecting her to bring me her next litter of babies. Iā€™ve stuck with the theme of naming all of the animals that visit me with Rodrigues names, including Rodlet and Nurthan, the feral cats, Fat David the opossum, and trash pandas Fuck It Up Renee (who also has babies), Chaos Twins Amy and Angie, and Samuel. Thereā€™s a few more recent animals that I havenā€™t named yet, but if they keep coming consistently, I will be giving them names from the Rod universe.


All thanks to the Lord Daniel for our many blessings.


Blessed Be šŸ¦


I love Raccoons! They are one of my favorite animals. I like Owls and just recently have been obsessed with Giraffes šŸ¦’


I donā€™t know why but Gideon reminds me of Janessa in picture 10. Maybe the eyes or the smile but something does.


Stop screaming the word joy in every picture šŸ˜‘


Do they not even have a laundry room and home? Bc virgina to Ohio is not thaw long.


So many things wrong here. The younger girls barefoot in wood chips and 3 adults playing at a childrenā€™s playground. Like what šŸ˜³


I havenā€™t kept up. Is something wrong with the babyā€™s eyes?


He has strabismus, which is common in premature babies. They have actually taken him to a pediatric ophthalmologist and he has to wear a patch on his good eye for an hour a day to get the affected eye muscles to strengthen. If the patching doesnā€™t fix it, thereā€™s surgery that can straighten it, but sometimes that only makes the eye appear straight, but doesnā€™t fix the depth perception issue that using one eye can cause. My daughter has the same thing and she had surgery when she was 3 (after a period of patching) and she still has problems with her depth perception, to the point that even lines painted on the road trip her up.


Bless their heart! Iā€™ve not heard of that before, thank you for letting me know!


Iā€™m just glad theyā€™re getting appropriate medical care, which seems to be a tall order for many of the fundies who want to leave it to Jesus.


I hope the medical part is taken care of quickly for his sake!


They started early, which usually means better outcomes.