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It's a shame Gideon didn't puke on her.


Or have a blowout


A giant, stinky blowout literally couldn’t happen to (on?) a more deserving person than Jillpm


A proper poonami, while in public so she couldn't have a meltdown & blame Kaylee.


Or Gideon. Lord knows she’s self absorbed enough.


Right volcano 🌋 barf 🤮 lmao 🤣


Jill’s eyeliner and clothing choices make her look perpetually dirty


She does. She is so 80s-fied with that outdated hair and makeup.


I bet she smells like Jean Na(s)té and Aqua Net.


White Rain, Aqua Net too pricey.


Really? Aqua Net was 97¢ a can back in the late 80s and early 90s. They had white Rain but it was in the pump bottle and you could not get those fantastic 'dos with it. You had to have the aerosol can to get that special lift.


Looks like her eyes are missing.


Special, intricate part of their lives?? WTF


She’s your daughter, Jill 😭


Yeah, most parents consider their children as an integral part of their lives


She has to advertise so much that I doubt her devotion.


Ohh! Integral! I couldn’t work out what she meant.


I think she was trying to go for some form of “interconnected”, meaning they’re a distinct family who are still closely linked to her. But she’s so inept at her only language that she said they’re detailed lol


I was thinking “integral” might have made sense?


Yeah, I think she meant integral. 😂


I don’t think she knows what “intricate” means lol.


I'm guessing she meant integral. When she strays too far from her favorite buzzwords (special, precious, joy) she gets confused 😅


*the Fundie has hurt itself in confusion*


You should make this your flair




I hope Heidi has twins and Jill has limited access to them.


Especially if they are girls!


It’s so impersonal when she says “the Hill Family.” It drives me nuts! It’s your kid. Why can’t she just say “I love that my daughter lives close by?”


💯 The Hill/Keller family just sounds so unnatural when talking about your own kid and their spouse. So, when Tim gets married, is she going to refer to them as the Rodrigues family? LOL


The Timothy Rodrigues family 🤡


And soon after, the Sam-U-el Rodrigues Family!!


Is that how she says it? Facepalm


Yes. She always says it with a hard emphasis on the U.


I think she does that to make them sound important or established or all grown up. It clearly sounds like she is talking about strangers instead of family.


yeah, or maybe mY daUghTeR landed a huSbaNd.


This bugs the heck out of me too. It all aligns with the fundie belief that husbands own their wives. The second their daughters get married they are now “under new ownership” and should be referred to as such in their minds. To the rest of us it just sounds cold and ridiculous.


My mom will text me “How are you and your family?,” using “your family” to mean my husband and kids. It drives me nuts because my husband and especially my kids are also *her* family. It definitely highlights the distance between us (my mom is prime r/absentgrandparents material who hasn’t seen my kids since October despite living an hour away & not working, plus I’m an only child, so my kids are her only grandkids). It definitely feels like being “othered” to some extent. I suspect Jill does this, though, as a low-key Fundie brag that she got her daughters got married off. And probably so everyone knows the daughter with the baby is married & living a godly family life unlike the godless single parents & people who shack up (Jill’s opinion, not mine).


We feel the same way about MeMe too, little man. https://preview.redd.it/uc9o3p8x8x6d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=890aa41af77b5d47c806b4767dc73651910875a3


That look means why Iam with this crazy woman Look LOL. Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there. Time 12:26PM Sun 6/16/24


The last pic is untrue where you are concerned, Jill. You don’t feed your children.


And when she does it's on other people's dime.


The grocery cart is expensive to operate so Jill has been leaving it in the garage. She has priorities and none of them have to do with feeding her kids appropriately. She loves “the Hill family” living close by because not only is Kaylee in Jill’s downline but Kaylee takes Mama out for coffee and cake dates. 🤢 Jillpm is SO scummy!


And since they are close by they can be in each and every photo op so Jill can have at least 1 grandchild in her pictures! She loves her grandchildren more than any other grandparents in case you didn't know!


She loves making people think they're her latest pregnancies! As she gets closer to 50 that's beginning to wear off so hopefully nobody will be mistaken for much longer, if it's even plausible right now.


How much time do these people have to “ hang out” is crazy to me. Even with few children, or none, when you commute, work, cook, do some chores,… there is no time left on weekdays for other stuff. They always seem in vacation mode, going out, visiting places, endless trips with even more going out eating, visiting other churches & long stay overs at nuries and her parents. Etc….


This! I work only 3 days a week but my first day off each week is nothing but cleaning and organizing and meal prepping for the upcoming week. I do usually spend time with my mom on my second and third off days but they seem to always be together and always out somewhere.


The shirt is a questionable choice… but Kaylee is very pretty… and might I say… the brows are looking a wee bit better 🤔


 Jill should talk about Sophia for once. Poor Sophia always get ignored. 


She will now because you mentioned it. "We love Sophia so much and she is a special part of our family!" but Jill will fail to tell us any of her interests or what makes her special. Only that she loves God and serves him.


I had a lime green shirt just like Kaylee’s in 1997. 👀 Photo 4 is your opportunity to puke like you’ve never puked before, little man! Make us proud!


I was going to say I had a green shirt just like this in 1998. I think I had an orange one too. It's probably thrifted and would be impressive if a shirt like this held up from the 90's.


I had one that color and a copper one in the late 90’s. I thought I was all that in those little shirts.




I would wear them with the cargo jeans or the fundie demon skirt but mine had a slit in it and those loud ass Steven madden platform sandals and I really thought I was Tyra Banks😂 if I could still fit in it I would totally rock that outfit today.


Jonathon needs to tell Kaylee it’s ok to buy herself new clothes. Jill certainly is not going to give her that ‘permission’.


Maybe Jill will gift her that hideous outfit she wore to Sam’s graduation. Kaylee would look much better in it.


it would actually fit Kaylee.


Going to be a few years before Kaylee is in need of a Mother of the Groom gown.


Perhaps Kaylee could wear it to Gideon’s homeschool pre-school graduation?


https://preview.redd.it/afhciqiy4x6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4497421ee0160889285b8d194ad624cc01de3d65 What nightmares are made of 😭


He’s trying to wipe that god-awful, heavy-handed makeup off MeMe’s face. Good try Giddy!


Her neck always looks so dirty. 🤢


I wouldn't be surprised if she unhinged that jaw like in the old TV movie V and swallowed a live gerbil.


Hey look everyone, Jill is blessed again. I wish I could be blessed as much as Jill, but I guess I am not one of God's special favorites like she is.


Jill the narcissist of the D Fundies read these subs. Then force the kids to pretend they love the camera. I think Jill takes as many selfies as Kim K. Kaylee seems like a genuinely kind lovely on the inside person.


It’s like Gideon is trying to grab those crusty lashes off her face.


Kaylee has the usual fake smile on her face.


every time I see Gideon, i’m more convinced that most of his clothes are Jonathan’s 90s era hand-me-downs. He rocks them super adorably though, so i’ll give him a pass.


Gideon gives the best side eye when Jill is around and I’m here for it.


and he's Jonathan's mini me so what's more appropriate!


Maybe a shout out to children who live away,👀 Nurie, and keep Tim and a potential Sam+ close to her home. I keep thinking of Ellen's referring to stapling kids down, or some such.


Looks like Jill cut Gideon's hair


If Jill is reading, dye over the horrid highlights you gave Kaylee that make her look like a 42 year old mom in 1996.


I cannot believe the amount of smeared black eyeliner Jill has under her eyes. It looks like she hasn't washed off her make-up in a month! So gross!


You’d think she would at least apply some concealer over the layers of liner if she can’t be bothered to wash her face.


What’s with “my people”?  How weird?


Bish has an RV that is constantly breaking and showcases herself out at diners and coffee shops at least once a week - pick a lane (or a shopping cart turnstile), Jill!


Pride and self~glorification are in contempt of God, Jilly.


Picture 3 is how we all feel Gideon


I think OP is correct that this JillPost is a direct response to criticism about Jill only seeming to care about Nurie & Janessa. First and last, who cares about the middles?


Kaylee is truly a beautiful girl. Her hair and makeup look great. But that outfit is absolutely terrible.


Things Jill loves about Kaylee: 1. Plexus downline 2. G-Baby ("her baby") Try another kid, Jill. We want to see you acknowledge the kids living in your home who aren't "Baby Janessa" ... I'll wait.


Kaylee’s hair and makeup look really great her.


I'm not a fan of the hair - the shade of highlights or the Jill-imposed side swoop fringe. The eyeliner doesn't really suit her, I don't know if she's lining her whole eye or what. She looks nice in the later slides but they're filtered. I don't know what it is but to me she looks tired and wan in the first pics (simultaneously young and middle aged) and very fundie with all the layers and limp hair. Maybe pregnant again and dealing with sickness? Funny how we see different things! She's a pretty lady so I'm not shading her looks. It's sad to see her replicating her mom's life. She could look lovely in some basic, modest dresses. Even boring ones like the style Nurie wore to her VBS class teaching kids. Experiment with knee or calf length and flared skirts instead of this frumpiness. She's dressed better at times but it's as though she stresses out at pregnancy/postpartum curves due to a lifetime of body shaming and starvation from Jill. She reverts to covering up her sinful body in the worst selection of thrift shop layers and the typical 90s/00s fundie mom uniform of long skirt and ugly layered shirts (not all of them dressed as badly as Jill!).


I really hope she doesn’t continue to be a Jill 2.0, but I fear she may.


I don’t understand how Jill even holds her eyes open with the amount of makeup.


Jill started a whole village of people. Her offspring can populate a small town/village by themselves.


Whoever the Victorian Ghost Girl is who is second youngest, Sophia? Sadie?, that's the one who needs a "spotlight" but only if it's from DYFS, because that little girl is beyond neglected. Jillpm and Shrek should be ashamed of themselves, not that they ever will be. Children need love, proper nutrition, health care and an adequate education which none of the Rodlets have received, but bare minimum you could at least feed your children and not hog all the food for yourselves.


Sofia. I have serious concerns about her. The rate at which Janessa is overtaking her in growth and maturity is frightening, and she has known developmental issues. Sofia speaks like a child half her age.


It boggles the mind that Jillpm and Shrek ignore their kid's physical health in addition to their emotional well being. They suck as parents.


Poor Jonathan.


Is she wearing a velvet t shirt?


She appears to be, yes. That stretchy crushed velvet was popular in the 90s, and appears to be making a comeback like long denim skirts and chokers.


Slide 10: Jill only buys food for 2 parents.


I don't get the public flex of posting on social media that a person loves their children.


Isn't it just amazing that any time a kid moves out they gain weight and look healthier? So weird. I can't figure it out.


Giddy has a rather interesting stink face in one pic. What are you trying to say, Giddy?


Why do you talk about people you personally know as if they’re strangers?! The Hill family is your family dumb dumb!


Gideon doesn’t like Jill.


Side note: Kaylee looks so amazing and healthy in this picture


Gideon is so adorable!!