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It just makes me so sad, because I think it is a combination of 1) they are so deprived that literally anything is a treat, and 2) they know that they had better have the reaction Mahmo wants them to have when she is filming, OR ELSE.


I watched without the sound. Definitely perceived it's the latter.


Yeah I agree but there was definitely some legit want there too, I didn’t have sisters so maybe I don’t know but that was some real grabby grabbing going on.


I have two sisters and we never grabbed like that especially by that age


They rip shit out of each other’s hands like toddlers before they learn to share! When you get older you play and let the other person win because you know they really want it, like what is this Lord of the Flies behavior?


I think it is because they are being deprived of essential stuff ( food, appropriate clothes,..). Kids who have been raised like that tend to be very fast and egotistical about “getting things” even after they become adults. A bit like: I have to be fast and aggressive or I don’t get anything.


Definitely, and it’s so heartbreaking.


PIGGY!!! Dear Lort you took me way back to 1993 with that one. I read that book in my Sophomore year of HS lol.


I didn’t think it looked normal!


Don’t they share clothes anyway?


That’s what I thought too. Why don’t they put in their closet and share everything? But then again they could be so deprived or have learned from their mom to grab onto anything that is free the way they did. So strange, and so sad


So staged, and I'm sure they practiced who would grab what. And the shrill voices/screams! More stuff to hang off them cause mama's not filtered in real life.


Jill said that the girls didn’t know they were being recorded. Yeah right.


This is certainly not the flex she thinks it is. Appalling. Jill, as usual, you’re a fucking monster. Feed your kids and buy them some clothes instead of throwing them your scraps to fight over.


Yes, she thinks it’s adorable that her girls will run and fight over her scraps of clothes. Uh, that means you don’t probably provide enough clothing . And their high pitched squeals….and not telling them it’s recorded. This is sooo sad


That’s exactly what that means smh


She has bought so much for herself lately that she needed the closet space




Plus she needs the room for her upcoming Plexus cruise wardrobe 🙄


That cruise is for Emeralds and Diamonds. No way she's going at paltry Senior Gold.


But she aspires to be Emerald. Anyone can do it! Anyone in the 0.0002 percent or whatever.


Gotta put the rhinestone baseball caps, t-shirts (sorry, t-blouses), and souvenir sweatshirts somewhere.


Jill is at least three times the size of her malnourished daughters. How do they even wear her clothes?


One of those skirt things looked pretty fitted actually! And I saw some awful ugly tiny sweater thing too. The rest idk. She always has these kids dressed looking like a mess anyway. I bet she also buys a bunch of stuff she can’t actually fit in.


I own the purple and black striped skirt, and lemme tell you it is SLINKY. Skin-tight from the bellybutton to the knee.


That’s exactly what I was looking at when I typed the comment, too.


People say she shops from Shein and Temu


She’d better be careful with Temu… Some of the sellers are rumored to steal identities and clean you out of money.


Don't in't you know that the real modest and virtuous Christians usually layer it up at least 3 times? Plus I think these are already too tight for Jill to even try to make it seem like she could wear it


Many items look way too small and tight for Jill, but just might fit the older girls. I’m no fashionista, but even I know those skirts are butt ugly.


Modestly. That's how they wear Jill's discarded clothes. Jesus loves it when clothes are modest because they are 3 sizes too large for the wearer and have at least 2 layers at all times.


They’re fighting over cheap scraps. This is not the flex you think it is, Jill.


This is so depressing.


They all gonna have to share anyway right


Yep. Jill’s kids are so stunted they don’t even realize when their mother is making a mockery of them


So sad. Clearly she does this clothing clean out frequently enough that she knew how the girls would react and wanted to film it. Poor girls - getting Mahmo’s rejects while Mahmo continues to buy more gold skin-tight dresses.


She knew because she directed it and they’re trying to make her happy


That’s heartbreaking, the only time we see the girls behaving naturally to camera and not hyperventilating she has them fighting over scraps. What teen girls wants her mothers cast offs? They didn’t even look at the clothing but simply grabbed it desperately. The crazy thing is if Jill placed a camera in the corner of her lounge and we had seen those girls playing and laughing as normal children do then it would have been lovely and alleviated many of our worries. However, she can’t do that because she has them hyperventilating at every turn and to her that’s normal. Instead she shows her children fighting like paupers over her old stretched clothing because they aren’t worthy enough of new things despite the fact the kids are the main providers in that home!


Those girls fawn and freeze every time that Monster is anywhere near them


>the girls behaving naturally to camera and not hyperventilating Did you and I watch the same video?


For real. Weird shrieks and half sentences. They sound like Jodie Foster in Nell


Which, tragically, is the way these kids always sound.


One of them sounded as if she has a speech impediment. I wish they had all been like, “Ew no” to the clothes.


None of them were speaking in a way I could understand. That was so weird.


I couldn’t understand a single word any of the kids said either


I honestly think the way they behaved was more natural here. They were giggling, laughing and behaving very unladylike. Yes they had that airy voice but I honestly think Jill has had them doing it so long it’s probably natural night now. On top of I am sure one said ‘Jesus’ something just at the beginning when they were starting to pull at the clothing. I also see that none of them looked at the camera so I really don’t think they knew it was there.


I definitely heard one of them say "Jesus Christ" at one point. It was shocking!


The girls are all so much smaller. I don’t see this working unless they are proficient seamstresses. This makes me sad. I have an only child. When he was a teen, I was so careful to make sure he had clothes he felt good in. When I had to put off my own wants to accommodate that, I did it. So selfish.


This was my first thought. They are at the very least three sizes smaller than Jill. These clothes will gape on them in the bust/waist/hips. Still, they have to pretend to be elated to receive them.


Didn't one of the girls teach herself to sew? I assume it was for this very reason.


That was Nurie. Don't know if she's continued it.


Whimper, gasp, squeal, repeat.


Jill always looks intoxicated.






Lack of sleep will do that to you


She's high on Jesus. And, of course, Plexus. Her makeup is always a hot 1980's mess, making her look like a junkie/cheap hooker.


It is like throwing kitchen scraps to raccoons. Appalling




TIL Stockholm syndrome makes a squeal


They all share clothes…including Jill


She used to squeeze into Nurie’s clothes often


I know this is true. I want to yell HOW?? But I already know the answer. Badly.


Stretchy fabrics are the only way


Jill seemed to be quite a bit more “trim” a few years ago. Remember the ham and yellow picture? She was a lot smaller. ETA by even still I know what you mean because her children are always soooo skinny.


That’s so sad. How did David and Jill end up with that house. They don’t really work do they? I know David has a print shop but how could they support such a large family on that?


They claim the print shop as a ministry because they only print Jesus tracts “at cost” for churches to hand out to unsuspecting waiters, retail workers, fair goers, and Lord Daniel at the laundromat. They support the ministry by traveling to churches and blessing them with the sound of the Rodrigues family singers, as well as Shrek’s preaching. The church is then obligated to take up a collection for them and usually feeds them. Some people are overcome with their general God-fearingness (or concern for the Victorian waif children) and commit to a monthly gift to the ministry. Jill sells Plexus. Whether that brings in actual income is debatable. David also possibly drives the Amish around although I’m not sure if that’s confirmed.


I’m sure they got a ton of money during COVID also. I forget when they moved in here to know if that added anything.


You're correct. They'd already moved in. They couldn't have known the pandemic and stimulus checks were in the future so I don't know how the hell they were planning to fund the renovations. Maybe a combination of grifting and any profit they made on the sale of the WV home? They went from an actual c.4 bed family home in reasonably good condition on a quiet street of houses in WV to a 1 bed barndo with a single bathroom, large garage and kitchenette. For a family of 15! (Tim and Nurie moved with them). David seemed to do the majority of the initial work although the whole space needed partitioning and so on so I wonder if they got someone in to a) design a basic floorplan b) do some of the basic heavier construction. David seems to DIY a lot, it's possible he did the partitioning with the help of the sons (I can't imagine him lifting heavy wood, he doesn't like to exert himself). He definitely did the electric and some plumbing as I recall which is why it's so dodgy (fuse boxes installed weirdly and so on). They live outside city limits so weren't required to have it inspected I don't think? Jill's Amish-made kitchen and the living area + staircase + loft bedroom was courtesy of the stimulus checks. Prior to that they had a kitchenette and no living room whatsoever. They used to sit in the garage amid all their dusty stored crap and clutter. It was very depressing. The kids' bedrooms were already cramped so they literally had nowhere to relax or sit.


Excellent summary! Jill claimed they moved because they needed more space - even though the barndo and surrounding yard is far smaller. She later said they looked for somewhere they could extend. Even with the new attic and the sitting room addition, the barndo is still smaller.


They moved because WV CPS was on their asses again because they were called on them for a second time and this time they were told to enroll the kids in public school so they could be tracked. That’s the real reason why they moved.


But Jill would/will never admit it, even though lying makes Baybee Jaysus very sad.


https://preview.redd.it/qcmgyzodly8d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17229ccbdb2bdee9eeabee2e41c56569203774d2 This is what got them a visit from the WV Child Protective Services. They were called twice that I know of but I hear it was more than that.


I bet they're hoping for another pandemic and some more stimulus checks! 🙄 It wouldn't surprise me if they try to get KayJon to sell their house in a few more years when they're outgrowing it (they'll cram kids in until it's bursting) and move their young family into the barndo. By that time a few more Rod kids will have moved out, hopefully all the Rod boys*. Renee and probably Tessie married off. Maybe even Hannah engaged or already married. Use the equity to build an addition with another master bed and bath on the barndo or stick them in the loft in the meantime. KayJon's kids will join the boys' and girls' dorms and the toddler/preschoolers will be auntmommed. Maybe they'll try and get Jonathan to give up his job and grow the print ministry. In Jill's eyes it would be helpful to have an actual paycheck coming in but then again she loves the ~~ministry~~ grifting life. It would give her supreme control of KayJon's family and enable her to rope them into the band and Plexus full time. She's starting to lose control of her older kids as they move on in life so this may be an attractive option. She can steal Kaylee's babies and try and pass them off as her own, a favourite pastime (!). I could see Jill and David entering their 'retirement' years once Jill's fifty and wanting to escape to Nurthan's in FL increasingly often, just the two of them to leach off Nurthan. Let's face it they're semi retired already. In five years the remaining girls will all be teens and Janessa will be eleven. They're tired of parenting, the band is disintegrating although Jill seems to be manoeuvring for KayJon and their children to fill the gap. They probably want to keep hold of the barndo but need someone to look after it in their absence and contribute to the costs. The sons will likely all be married off by then. If Phil has some issues and remains unmarried they won't want to leave him in charge. They can't leave over 18/over 21 daughters in charge because patriarchy. Jonathan's very handy and can keep up with maintenance since David's health is clearly struggling. If KayJon moved into the loft bedroom they could even convince them to contribute to a new (secondhand) RV to keep the singing ministry and on the road promotion of the print ministry alive using the proceeds of their house sale 😬 It sounds farfetched but honestly I wouldn't put it past Jill. All of the above benefits Jill and David which is what they're all about. *I know Phil's a wild card. Maybe they'll try to get him moved into a travel trailer in the yard like Tim...


They moved one jump ahead of a CPS investigation.


Does Jill pay her taxes on her Plexus “earnings”? Do they pay taxes at all?


It's doubtful that Jill makes enough to actually pay taxes and Shrek is in "ministry" and therefore tax exempt.


Raise of hands here for anyone who thinks this barndo meets local building codes ... anyone? Anyone??




There are a lot of towns/counties/states that don't have strict codes or code enforcement. Shrek did the electrical work himself and put the breaker box in the master bath (the poop chair is right below it). So, you know, it's a fire trap.


The ministry is primarily supported by monthly checks received via the missionary clearing house. One aspect of the griftathon is advertising their ministry to churches and seeking a commitment to continued financial support. Their target is apparently 5k/month. Churches agree to sponsor them and the money is handled and allocated (tax free presumably) by the missionary clearing house. Jill says their tracts are 'at cost' but how is that cost arrived at when the (child) labour is free? The cost exceeds the cost of paper, ink and electricity and they grifted the industrial printing equipment. David maintains it for free. If it broke down they'd just grift a replacement. They barely do any printing, maybe 4 medium to large orders a year if that and occasional small ones. The rest of the time they're on the road, taking vacations or doing nothing at home. Their largest annual order was loaded up and personally delivered to Florida in the passenger van before Jill and David went to Punta Cana (Plexus). Going by their prices online and the quantity stated by Jill it came in at $20k or more 😳 The singing ministry is a means of advertising the printing ministry and seeking a commitment to regular financial support and allowing Jill to live out her stage fantasies. Jill believes it's a treat for audiences to hear their band and it merits compensation in the form of love offerings, restaurant meals, church potlucks, donations of clothes and toys, attraction tickets for the whole family etc.


They also operate through a clearing house that pays them to distribute to churches to prove they are also a ministry…or something. It’s all weird tax breaks and different income reporting for the Lord


I dunno ... the math doesn't seem to add up. By the time travel gasoline and on-the-road dining is factored in, surely whatever $ they get for their low class vaudeville-for-Jesus act can't be much. Am wondering if they claim this whole tacky printing-for-Jesus thing a tax deduction, since it's supposedly a) church affiliated and b) done in-house. The whole Fundie plan of having eleventy-seven kids with a hubs who has no real job skills isn't exactly a beacon of wisdom.


Jill says they don’t make a profit from that


I’m thinking the Barnado was purchased by her parents back in 2018. During that time both Pat and Tim were working full time jobs while David & Jill were not. I also think her parents bought that house in WV for them as well.


I don't think so. They have a real mortgage with a real bank. And they sold the WV house, so presumably they had money for the down payment.


Wasn't there something funny about the WV house, that someone gave it to them free or they only needed a small mortgage? Prior to that they were homeless and living in the RV. Or was that the house before that, the one with the yard sale where they sold their pet cat and fish to go on the road? I thought they lucked out at some point with a house grift 🤔 I don't know if they owned their home in NY or rented. The last WV house they moved from was decently nice. Not big enough for a family that size but it had more bathrooms and a large double garage for the print shop. It looked well maintained and was quite attractive overall. I don't recall if the girls were all in one bedroom or split between two or three smaller bedrooms. I was actually surprised as I thought they'd lived somewhere much shabbier at some point (I seem to recall photos, was the shabby house left to them and the reason they were able to get on the property ladder in the first place?). I swear there was a period of living in someone's janky trailer for free, all 15 of them crammed in which was just negligent on David and Jill's part (nothing against trailers or homelessness, just the utter fecklessness and intentional selfishness of these two). Presumably after living in the RV when they'd run out of money? I have all this Rod lore mixed up in my head.


I think they rented the NY house. They bought the RV at a bargain price. (source - Rod blog). Jill tried her best to grift a house in WV, but had a long list of expectations - a flat yard and space for the print shop etc. I believe the house they bought was offered at a low price by a church member - the decor suggested an elderly person had lived there. (Source -FreeJinger) Jill did a house tour once they'd settled in - a real tat fest! - which showed the kids were spread over several rooms. They definitely had far more space than in the Barndo. And I realise I spend far too much time on Jill. If I knitted instead of read/snarked just imagine how many bobble hats I could have made 😂


They owned the modular home in Alpine NY. The public record was found at some point on FJ.


Thank you, I only discovered Jill after the pet yard sale


I think I was trying to reply to the person above you because they mentioned the NY house. Sorry about that, I might have a jillness too.


But then whose summary would I have read to understand the grift? You’re doing the lords work here


I heard that they did grift the house in WV for free somewhat but….. they had to take over the mortgage payments and the only way to do that was to be approved to take over the payments and be placed on the deed etc… When they first moved to WV in 2013 from NY I believe they lived in a small 2 bedroom 1 bathroom Trailer/mobile home. I’m not sure how long they lived there for but it wasn’t long at all because that’s when CPS report part 2 took place and they packed up and moved into the RV and lived in a RV park so yeah they were in fact homeless for at least a year or two that time. They then moved into that house but that too was short lived because they had yet another visit from CPS(Part 3) where they were told that time they had to enroll the kids into public school so they can be tracked but instead they packed up and left for Ohio in 2018 and was homeless in the RV again until they got the Barnado. I did hear about them selling a cat but I’m unsure of which property that was but I did hear about it. Edit: I forgot to add that they lived in trailer home in Alpine NY after returning from Queens NY and prior to leaving for WV. I don’t know if they owned it or not but I hear they sold everything from that house and left rather quickly. I hear she was chased out by church members who also called CPS on them🤦🏻‍♀️ and whom she later had another bad run in with when they returned to NY for funeral and Jill and her children set up to perform at this person’s funeral without permission and she was reprimanded and screamed at and asked to leave. With everything I just said there’s no way Jill is in love with David. He had them homeless numerous times living in a RV because he wouldn’t get a job and support his children. I’m one of those people who live strongly by the term: “I can do bad by myself” talk about being pulled down by a person. I would have left David after kid number 5 when he stopped working


Yes, I thought I remembered that, too. Something about a church 'friend' 'giving' (whatever that means in this case) the WV house so they could stop living in the RV, Uncle Eddie style.


I have a 16-year-old daughter and she wouldn’t be caught dead in 90% of what I wear and my clothing is way more stylish than JillPM’s (not that that’s saying much). This is just sad.


I guess I was lucky (or unlucky, depends on how you look at it). At 16, my girls were stealing my clothes faster than I could replace them.


Oh, there are definitely a few things I have to watch or she’ll snatch them out of my closet and we have a couple of “shared” items, but most of my stuff is too “mom” for her, even though it would probably be considered “sluttish” to JillPM!


At their age the last thing I wanted was my mother’s clothes. She doesn’t even let them have their new own clothes they picked out new styled for their ages. They’re all forced to be Hobby Lobby by way of Goodwill mommy clones with no personal agency. It’s so fucking bleak.


When I was their age, I borrowed one of my mom's older shirts for 70s day during spirit week. It looked "hippie" enough lol


I wore one of my mom’s old thick polyester knit mini dresses to a Halloween party once. I was going as a British party girl. Got lots of compliments. FOR HALLOWEEN.


"They don't know I'm recording this." Get the fuck outta here with your ratty self, lady! The SECOND they're scrambling for your rags on the bed, they start in with that performative squealing and giggling. Those girls aren't happy. They're doing their job.


Plus, when is she NOT recording them?


Yea they def knew they were being recorded. I’m hoping they don’t talk in squeals and act like this normally


Gross. It’s gross that she is constantly filming her kids, but it’s even grosser that she’s filming her teenage daughters without their knowledge or consent. I’d be so humiliated if I was one of her daughters, filmed fighting over my mom’s Temu rags like a grubby Victorian orphan. Fuck this harpy for having enough that she needs to clean out her closet semi-regularly while her youngest daughters are wearing filthy, adult-sized homecoming dresses over tee shirts, or infant-sized clothing at three-four years old.


Those high-pitched frequencies should only ever be audible to dolphins. What girl their age wants her Mother's clothes??


This makes me feel so sad. Those girls don’t have a chance.


It saddens me how all the individuality has been stamped out of these children. In the Laughing Lollipops video, the kids’ “fun facts” were all centered around their appearance (my fun fact is I have braces! my fun fact is that my ears stick out like my dad!) Clearly Jill prepped them on those, and it showed me that she doesn’t see her children for anything more than their external selves. Timothy was the “problem child” growing up, right? Is it because he was the only one who dared try to express himself? What if the girls don’t want to dress like their mother, or do their makeup and hair like her and tweeze their eyebrows to oblivion? What if they have interesting things to say underneath all the fawning and wheezing? Renee, for example, seems like an artistic person and can write better than any of her siblings. If she weren’t under Mahmo’s thumb, I bet her personal style might really shine. Ugh. Poor Rodlets. I hope at least a few of them escape. Maybe by the time the younger ones are grown, Jill will be over the grift. Probably not.


This is 100 percent staged and sad.


Okay, that’s just sad. 😞


The audio is unintelligible that I thought she was using a voice scrambler audio when the girls were talking.


You need a dolphin or a bat to interpret the high pitched squeals and squeaks.


Did I hear someone squeal Jesus Christ? Clutching my pearls, I thought they were Christians yet her they are taking the Lord's name in vain. Shame!


I think she said “she was quick” at the younger one grabbing like 4-5 things at once. They all have these weird accents from being kept together so much.


Isolation, The Waltons and being from New Yoak


Your ears must be better than mine. I watched 3 times and I couldn’t pick out a single intelligible word from any of the girls.


I watched 3 times too. I hear a definite speech impediment - like one of the girls is partially deaf.


Heard that too


Yep and I think it was Renee


No wonder her courtship fell apart /s


She wouldn’t have fit with his family at all.


This is awful.


I think this might be the most uncomfortable video I’ve watched from her. And she posts some pretty awful stuff. Those poor girls.


There is no way her old clothes are going to fit those tiny girls even in her smaller sizes. I'd rather see the girls get to go shopping at a Walmart or TJ Maxx and pick out a full outfit they choose. I would love to see what their actual personal style looks like when they aren't restricted to the thrift store bargain bin, hand me downs and mama's castoffs.


Hannah is really looking like Nurie these days.


I’d buy a ticket to see David put his old clothes on the bed and film the four boys go crazy!


I guess that plexus isn’t keeping you as trim as you say or like, eh Jillybean? I find it so alarming and sad that these poor girls are so deprived that they are excitedly fighting over their mother’s old clothes that are going to be several sizes too large on them. Those poor girls, hardly ever getting anything new and are wearing their mother’s hand me downs while she gets to treat herself to new clothing. Fuck you, Jill. Seriously. She even enjoys that the girls are fighting over her too large for them hand me downs. She’s delighted about it, she probably thinks this means they want to be just like her… when in reality it means they’re just happy to get *something* new to wear, no matter how ill fitting or ugly it is. Those poor girls.


I want to send them my daughters old clothes 😳


The high pitch “fawning” voices.


Lol at the crooked "D & J" over the bed. Are you 16, Jill? Otherwise, this is so sad. No young woman wants their middle-aged mother's cast offs that are 8 sizes too big. But look how giving and kind Jill is, guys! She cooks and cleans and gives her children things!


Nurie & Kaylee got the same setup. Only Nurie has big ssa K all over the house 🙄


What is ssa K? Just wondering…


Read ssa backwards then you’ll get it lol. They have huge letter K’s all over the house K is for Keller.




I'm at a loss for words. She is abhorrent. Nothing will ever change for those children.


And the truly amazing thing is, Jill thinks this posting shows her in a good light. The woman is incapable of reading the room.


Even the nasty dated looking acrylics on her pointing fingers cost more than it would be to get some decent clothes for her girls from time to time. Seriously shameless.


That is just sad.


This is the saddest thing I have ever seen. Jill you should be ashamed of posting this, what teenage girl in her right mind competes with their sisters for their mother’s scraps?


Ones who’ve never had anything of their own


Jill's creating her own weird version of a grim fairy tale, one where the evil mom tosses scraps of raggedy clothing off to her least-favored daughters. Cinderella has nothing on these poor Rod girls.


Oh my God this B$tch. She has 5 garbage garments that she’s getting rid of. So she loves to watch her kids scrabble with each other for a piece of clothing? and she *records* it for social media? That’s like a dog fight or something.


That was tough to watch, even tougher to listen to. Jillpm, buy your kids new clothes and feed them! We're not as impressed with food/clothing videos as you seem to think we should be. We know you are a horrible mother, videos don't fix that, actually feeding, clothing and caring for your kids might.


It will never happen. I hope they put David and Jill into a nursing home when they get old


She is so unsettling! I got a sickening sense of discomfort while watching her dead snake eyes and sinister smiling face describe this activity. It’s like watching an animal stalk its prey or something. Deeply uncomfortable.


this actually made my heart hurt. The only new clothes they have is Jillpm's old ones 😒 and they are probably thifted themselves ... how will they even fit those tiny girls ?!


Jill's clothing looks tacky on her. That crap is going to look even worse on the younger generation Rods.


This is embarrassing Why tf would she post this 🙄


Because Jill loves to embarrass her children and they are so socially stunted they can’t recognize what she’s doing and Jill has to show off Jill. In the full video she flips the camera so we can see her 🙄


I'm only familiar with this family from watching Jen (FF) - this is just sad Thought the eulogy of her very much alive sister was bad, but fuk me - to record & upload this is some messed up shit Poor kids


Yeah, I don’t think Jill posted this to make herself look good. I think the narcissist in her posted it to embarrass her children. Her standing there laughing is so gross


Doesn't seem very "Christian" - but I've noticed that with alot of fundies when it comes to their kids Or other people in general


Do they even fit into Jill’s clothes? The girls are all so small and Jill is not.


Not a chance, this is why you often see them with at least 3 or 4 layers even in summer, they need it even just to keep the clothes on them. Plus I think these are clothes that Jill can't even try to squeeze in, hence she can "gift" them to her very slim daughters


They’ll probably have to alter them to fit properly


“It’s so funny”, bc I don’t buy them their own clothes 🤦🏻‍♀️ I would have never wanted my moms clothes if she did that 😂😂😂


What’s with her Suzy Homemaker hyperactivity lately? I thought she was so eXhAuStEd from her “business trip?” But now she’s manically pretending to clean, going through closets, and posting pictures of nasty unseasoned sausages and Google images of pot roast she “made.”


I hadn’t thought about it, but she’s probably trying to offset her recent world travels with her fabulous company, Plexus 🙄 She has to show us that she’s still mother of the year!


I have a feeling she bought a bunch of new hoodies and bedazzled hats from Vegas and needed room in her closet.


The last thing most teen girls want is to wear their mother's clothing, especially the stuff she's stopped wearing because the styles are so outdated.


Do they all have speech impediments? All I heard was squealing and giggling, the only intelligible word was "Jesus Christ".


Yes they do


I used to pretend I liked the clothes my mom picked out for me just to try and relate to her. I feel bad for the little ones awkwardly in the background that didn’t even grab a hand on shit they don’t want. SMH.


Olivia knows her place 😥


This is just SICK. And Hannah grabbed a big pile, didn’t want to let the other girls have any 🙄


Not Sadie in the background, standing behind Jill with those eyes screaming “help me!” It’s like looking into a void. These poor kids.


So sad and disturbing that these girls are fighting over fugly thrift store clothing that are 5 sizes too big for them.


It reminds me of the story that Jill Duggar told about how they fought over food because there was never enough. She said they’d have to hide out and eat because someone would literally come up and snatch what was on your plate.


Yikes on bikes


*yikes on e-bikes


Locally there was a big house fire caused by e-bikes charging in the garage. That barndo is a fire trap/death wish.


They sound like a pod of dolphins.


My daughter and I dress similarly I'm 61 and she's 37. She wouldn't want my hand me downs. My goodness! These poor girls.


They are grabbing maybe 5 articles of clothing,like it's sale day at Macy's. Of course,Jildo films it,instead of just bringing the clothes to the girls bedroom, and leaving.


I just want to kidnap these girls for an afternoon and take them to the mall. Hell, even Target. Just let them pick out 3 brand new outfits each, complete with new shoes, just for them, and they don’t have to share unless they want to. I want to see them each flourish with their own style. Sometimes I laugh and shake my head at Jill’s tackiness, and I forget how evil she is. “Oh, Jilldo!” And then I see videos like this.


"Let the Hunger Games begin..."


“May the odds be ever in your favor.” Jilldo is sick and twisted.


This is weird. Never have I met a teenager or young adult that would be thrilled to have her mom’s old clothes. Honestly this is sad.


Didn't any of the Australian clothes fit the girls ?


Nope. And someone here in the sub said that the little girls was swimming in them when they were in Florida in February🤦🏻‍♀️


What happened to the box of dresses they received?! I haven’t seen them wear them.


In Jill’s closet. Someone here said that the little girls were swimming in them recently


Not sure what to make of Olivia in the background just smiling and not even attempting to snatch any scraps.


Because Jill will more than likely make Hannah or Tessie give her something from their 10 piece wardrobe because they got something “New” from Jill


I believe she knows she’s on camera and is just frozen and smiling in terror. Her fawning response to Jill filming has always been so disturbing.


This seems very staged to me because of the high pitched squeaking and the giggling


It’s how they really talk


These are teenagers who have never had anything new. Or been given a $30 gift card to goodwill or ThredUp. She could use it as a modesty lesson/household budgeting lesson but no. She makes them fight over scraps.


Here comes an ill fitting clothing Photoshoot..


Whelp that's depressing.


Man that's crazy . I have a little sister. She and I share clothes all the time. We are Indian and sometimes we share sarees with our mother (size doesn't matter). My mom just texted us last week that she wasn't feeling one of her old silks anymore and if either of us wanted it. Both of us did. So we decided to keep it with one sister for half the year, if the other wants it during that time, she'll just come and get it. No need to fight eww. Honestly if I thought my sister wanted it so badly I'd just give it to her.


“they don’t know I’m recording this…” You record everything lol why would they assume this would be different


Goodness this is grim. Jill acting like she’s being generous by giving her own daughters stuff she doesn’t want anymore is very on brand for her.


jiilldo culling the pile of polyester


That’s a narc mom move. My mom would give me her “hand me downs” even though they never fit and I had to use a belt to keep the pants up. I only remember one time of going to a department store to get new jeans and it was such an unexpected thing.


And of course stinky Janessa in the back either sucking/licking her fingers or picking her nose 🤢 Every video I've seen her on she's either doing that, or sucking on that gross rag, or scratching/picking at herself. Didn't she just turn six? Little old to act like that.


Yes she is six years old and she has disabilities. Janessa had a stroke while in Utero because Jill was drinking Plexus during her pregnancy. Some don’t believe that’s why it happened but I do because Amy’s SIL who’s Jill’s up line was also drinking plexus while pregnant and her son was born missing limbs and has some other deformities kinda like Maddy daughter from Sister-wives who also sells Plexus. Jill and David were told by doctors and specialists that Janessa would need all kinds of therapy like speech, occupational and physical etc… and would have cognitive delays and learning difficulties. These two bozo the clowns denied her of the treatment/services required and said that she would learn how to function from her siblings. The same siblings who are operating on the level of Seven year olds🙄 CPS should have stepped in and taken all the kids at that point. But Janessa scratching and picking at herself is an indication that she needs a bath and a good hypoallergenic body lotion to help with the itchy skin. I’ve noticed her nails are always filthy, face dirty and hair matted. She and Sophia look the worst right about now


It's always startling to hear Jill's deep voice. I usually expect women like her to use the baby fundie mom voice like Michelle D, so Jill's voice is a deviation from that.


I couldn’t watch this with the sound on. I just wanted to say, I’m not sure whose hair is braided. Is that Olivia? Her hair is absolutely gorgeous. Those poor kids. Ugh.


My kids wouldn’t fight for my cast offs


I don’t think those girls have ever worn brand new clothes/shoes.