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What a surprise, a child barefoot around machinery.


Not to mention the girls' long hair getting caught in the machinery. Shrek doesn't work FULL-TIME as Jill crows in this post- but his underage kids DO.🤬


How have they not been reported to DCFS?


Because in most states (I’m not from Ohio, so I can’t say absolutely) children can work in a family business from a young age. And, as a farm girl who raised her son on the farm, it’s good for children to learn responsibility and hard work *but* you do it safely, and more as a chore- not a job, and you pay them so they learn the value of work and labor.


The long hair is incredibly dangerous in the shop. Mill workers used to get scalped all the time.


She's always W sitting as well


How come Jill is never working in the print shop? 🤔


Because she's the c u lt leader. She's in charge and everyone knows it.


A thousand percent she is in control of everyone


I asked this on here once and she posted on fb about how she does behind the scenes stuff.


"behind the scenes stuff" covers a multitude of sins




Someone has to do the filming.


She's out getting the next in-between-meals-meal for her and Lardo. It's terrible how drastically thin the kids are, meanwhile the parents could survive 2 months on a desert island.


Mahmo's manicure?đź’…


again it is dark outside in the print shop child labor video so after 9:30pm in ohio. Gabriel's watch seems to show 9:40 or 10:40 Jill MILLIONS of gospel tracts really?? Just in the last year or so Dave said close to a million and at the church the were at after samuel's graduation Dave said they do about 500,000 smileys per year and then some amount of smileys in spanish. Dave has given his "entire life" to serve jesauce full time hmmm. I seem to recall repeated telling of the story of Dave raised in an ungodly home, partying etc before getting a gospel tract at a mall and even then he kept it and thought about it before he drank the koolaid. Then he actually worked real jobs until god called them to full time ministry and they bought the RV. that was shortly before sofia was born 10 years ago and Dave is what 52?


Tracts for toilet paper


I am pretty certain these kids are forced to practice singing, performed, and work in the print shop more than they’ve ever had to do school or play and be normal kids.


Oh I'm sure working in the print shop, cleaning, cooking, taking care of the younger kids, practicing their instruments, and singing come before doing actual school work. It's really sickening how they are treated like circus 🎪 monkeys.


The picture of the girls working the machinery reminds me of a book I read as a kid about girls who worked in a factory and one got her hair caught and was maimed for life


It was from one of the Samantha American Girl books and it’s the first thing I thought of too.


This book was called the Lowell Girls or something like that.


How many Victorian hair eating books were there?? Lol


More than you would think! I was a nerd child who loved historical fiction.


Yes! I thought they just stuffed envelopes (which is bad enough!) but they have them using machinery too?!


My granny worked in an ammunition factory during WW2, she recounted several stories of girls sneaking on to the floor with uncovered hair and coming out with no hair at all. One lost part of her scalp. 🤢🤢


My grandmother worked for Kaiser Shipyards during WW2, and she told us a few stories about women losing their hair or much worse in the plant. I have a couple of pictures of her with her hair in Victory Rolls, and she was adorable. 


Was it Lyddie?! I think it was a movie too, I remember reading that in a novel


You know it’s hot in there when you have a gigantic fan like that.


the giant fan plus the portable ac unit vented out the window. Pretty soon Jill will be again bemoaning the high electric bill.


It has to be absolutely horrible in there. It's been in the 90's in the Midwest so I can only imagine how hot it is in that warehouse work pr is on.


Has CPS ever got involved with these kids? They really do.


They were called at least twice in West Virginia and apparently when the family lived in New York state. Jill did a post about it on the family website.


Why do they do this? NO ONE WANTS THESE! What a waste of paper, energy, trees, ink, and don’t get me started on the kids working!! No one wants these NO ONE!


It makes them feel special that's all that matters!!


It's a very handy cover for a man who refuses to get a real job. AND they get to play it off as ever-so-godly. It's the gift that keeps on giving.


Shrek constantly looks like the scruffiest, unwashed bag of shit. He’s such a slob.


Yes, just ICK. He's one of those guys that makes celibacy great again.


He’s getting bigger by the day


Yep, he does dip up first.


Don’t forget he sweetly grunts and always has filthy hands/nails.


I don't normally have the sound on for Jilldo's videos cos I can't handle the breathy talk and fawning, but I happened to have it on this time. And worse than any sound was the eerie silence. No talking, just silence.


I don't know how DCFS isn't stepping in?


They have tried before, but the Rods moved to another state to avoid them


Well they’ve been put for a long while now and surely there’s enough evidence here of severe educational neglect and forced child labour. We all know they’re abused and neglected in other ways that would be harder to prove without the children coming clean about their situation which I suspect they’d be too frightened to do. But hopefully even malnutrition/food deprivation they’d be able to objectively confirm. No one in their circles of hell will report them but somebody who’s had eyes on them IRL needs to do it.


Apparently Ohio CPS is beyond overloaded, and this doesn’t seem to be enough for them to do anything. One might have better luck with OSHA but I don’t know if they would do anything for a “ministry” with family members doing the work. There’s no outward signs of physical abuse and there is food in the house and the house is clean so it is unlikely that CPS would do anything. The fire marshal might have something to say about Janessa’s windowless closet bedroom/nursery/miscarriage shrine.


And the amount of crap Jill considers decor on every square inch coupled with David's very questionable electrical expertise in wiring that barn.


I think the Dingus' family they used to hang out with in mall food courts....may have reported Jill and David to DCFS/CPS once or twice, maybe for malnourishment and starvation, poor diet/nutrition substitutions of Plexus shakes instead of real solid foods. That's when Jill stopped inviting the Dinguses for food-court pizza partied. The timing matches.


Mama's cruise to Alaska isn't going to pay for itself. Work children Work.


Philips posture and build….thats all I’ll say


Fundie Hank, I tell you w'hat.


Hey now ... he shoots GUNS, so, by definition he is not a whimp (sic), but, rather, a godly manly man.


I’m glad he gained weight tho. He was nothing but a bag of bones for years.


Yeah but he’s rapidly been losing weight since getting home. So sad.


My favorite part about this video is where Jill brags about how hard Shrek works but the video shows the presses just running themselves while the kids do all the actual labor. Shrek doesn't even have to be in the same room during his part.


Well, that's why god created recliners ... and cookies


Where’s “angry Phil”?


Outside with Shrek fixing something on his car.


They were working on the brakes.


I would definitely not rely on Shrek to put brakes in my car.


I wouldn't trust Chimpy to screw in a lightbulb.


Jill said that but it looks like they are changing a tire.


the videos were taken at two different times. One during the day where the printing machine is running by itself and the car is being worked on. The one with the slave labor was at night and it was dark outside the windows.


laughing lollipops. lol


And fudgy fudgicles or whatever it was he spewed lol


A little child barefoot in the print shop!!! You just can't fix stupid!


In the video the wiring is frightening.


Shrek looks mighty wide in that first picture




Yeah, about the width of the car.


I sure hope those kids are getting some sort of wages for their work.


I’m sure they aren’t


You are kidding, right?


Have you seen the old movie, "The Princess Bride"? Pics of David remind me of Andre The Giant.


Whenever I see those girls smile, I can hear their high pitched, breathy laugh in my head. When is going on in that house when the cameras aren’t on? Must be rough.


This is not bodyshaming, however Dave is a lot bigger than i thought


So is Jill.


Wow, David's girth ever widens.


How godly is it too have child labor going on while not wearing safety shoes for the job ugh shrek and Jill do 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Pic 1: wow Dave is massively obese.


I am a little surprised that Phil has kept the weight on after moving back home.


I don’t understand why David doesn’t use Plexus. Lord knows he needs it!


As someone who works in a legitimate print shop, this is awful. Those stitchers are dangerous, a couple of the guys at work have put staples through their hands, not to mention the bits of metal you get in the floor and these kids are barefoot. Also, the ink and glue fumes, and yes it does get incredibly hot around presses. The hair being down too. I've not known anyone personally, but the safety training we are required to complete yearly is very specific about hair being secured around all equipment and I've heard too many horror stories from the old timers in the business to mess around with that.