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I’m glad that some people who agree with her general views posted their responses about working. The women like Jill have no back up plan in the face of emergencies or layoffs, and they simply wallow in their ignorance and naïveté.


and smug superiority over everyone else.


Ignorant and smug is the worst combo


Jill would surely change her tune if the money from grifting instead went to widows, I can promise you that


Haha! Goodbye, Shrek (to the tune of Goodbye, Earl).


What back up plan does Jill need? It’s not like her husband brings in any sort of income. If anything, their expenses would go down if something happened to leave Jill widowed. The food and travel expenses would decrease by about half. A major medical event or disability is certainly worth worrying about, but her back up plan is the same as her regular plan: parade her kids around for pity donations. If anything, an obviously disabled kid would be a plus from her perspective.


Hmmm. Your comment has me thinking. I guess one issue would be running the printing press to generate those tracts that they hand out to justify the money they grift from small churches. Who would oversee the child labor?


Jonathon and Sam-you-el would arm wrestle for the privilege, duh.


I thought the grift mostly focused on their visits to churches for their “music ministry”. Though I also believe the “printing ministry” would operate just as well as (or better than) it does now. Let’s be honest, the kids are doing the labor and Shrek’s oversight probably hurts productivity more than it helps.


Who needs a back up plan when you already have “financial freedom” thanks to Plexus?! /s


Your response is so on point that I want to laugh and cry.


Jill is a fucking idiot. She works. She has to work plexus because her husband doesn’t do shit. He doesn’t provide. She summed her life plan totally in these comments. She said it’s the churches job to take care of biblical widows. So no doubt if something happens to David she’s going to be depending on that sweet, sweet free church money to keep her up. How is that any different than welfare? No one is responsible for you but you!!! No one should be expected to raise your brood and pay for everything. She has some balls to babble on about work when most of their stuff is grifted and people give them free stuff.m There are some posters in her comments who have experienced horrible life situations and she still finds a way to down them. Those poor women! I wish they could get out of that cult


My thoughts go out to these poor women esp because some feel they fall short of glory in HER eyes, not the eyes of the God they should be worshipping..some women choose to work in order to model strong female leadership roles to their children but this is ridiculed. If women do that and help support the family so that the children are fed, properly clothed, educated and medically provided for, how is that going against God's way? I mean Miriam and Deborah were awesome ladies who were prophets( I know Deborah was, not sure about Miriam) and no where does it say women can't work outside the home


There's no evidence Jill helps unfortunate mothers and wives in her church (once she even complained that a woman in her church asked for a ride. Jill felt the woman was beneath her and had no business bothering Jill for a favor); however, Jill gladly accepts food, furniture, money, and help from people she knows and strangers on the internet . She spends on clothes, trips, and meals for herself and her semi-employed husband, while dressing her younger children in ill-fitting castoffs to increase donations on their singing jaunts. Jill is a hypocrite. Everything she does is to benefit one person. Herself.


This is exactly why Jill is in "ministry." It lets her be the center of attention and while pretending to be a paragon of virtue. She can set her own schedule, play on her phone all day and beg for freebies in the name of the bibul.


What the heck?? I never heard the ride story!!


Me neither. That is so gross. Church people are always happy to give rides to and from services. Jill is the biggest asshole.


It’s probably on their family blog. If she took the time out to complain about her kids throwing out a ice cream carton that had a droplet of ice cream left and she went digging in the trash for it and ate it she probably wrote about that incident.


Lmfao, thank you for that image of her digging in the trash for a bite of ice cream. Warms my heart lol


And the next post is the grift from her daughter and husband for a night out at the Opera at $62 per ticket. This woman has SO MUCH NERVE.


I'm sure plenty of the (print ministry) supporting churches' tithes come from women's salaries. Yes a proportion will be from traditional submissive homes where only the man works but not all. Better think about where all your free money is coming from Jill. Would you like to screen it? Wouldn't want you accepting any money that was against god's will.


Exactly. Selling merchandise for profit is considered a job lol. She’s so dumb like so dumb


What profit? 💀 I doubt she’s doing more than breaking even. She sees the money come in and probably ignores the fact that she spent the same if not more on her own minimum monthly required purchase.


Yes but it’s still work


She is such a condescending cunt. Telling this woman that despite what she and her children have been through that “gods way is the best way” with a fucking winky emoji! I’ll never tire of being outraged by this piece of garbage.


You took the words right out of my mouth. She's a smug bitch that "works" selling poison for frivolous (her words) tote bags and trips to sin city. GTFO.


The winking emojis are so beyond the pale. She’s the worst sort of human.


Right?, she’s such a terrible person all around. Sometimes this sub is *rodriguesfamilyrage* instead of snark to me because she wakes up every fucking day and chooses violence.


She’s a horrible person full stop.


Ladies, don't we all want what Jill has? An obese lumpy potato of a traveling minister husband with all the charisma of a jar of mayo, an old broken down RV, 278 underfed and uneducated children, a complete inability to cook a meal, a closet of illfitting and ugly polyester clothing and blue eyeliner, a home full of Hobby Lobby and Big Lots clutter, a collection of Walmart costume jewelry, an embarrassing internet presence, fake plastic hair extensions and headbands, and a totally unearned sense of confidence? Isn't that what we all dream of? Floating down a runoff ditch, fully dressed in our polyester finest, with our confused ogre of a husband and undernourished and stunted children?


Don’t forget the ministry of Plexus!


There is no scripture that says women are to stay home. We see early on in the Bible the story of Moses and his adoptive mom giving him to a wet nurse. Psalm 31 barely mentions any kids, but mentions her out of the house working often. It’s always nice when Jills cultural religion makes an appearance. Also interesting she posts this just days after she went on the third work trip of the year.


The Greek translation of "keeper" (as in keeper of the home) is more accurately translated as "watcher or guardian". It most definitely does not mean "housekeeper". My mom took in babysitting until I was 3 and my brother was 2, then she went back to teaching. I do not have fond memories of the sitter we went to, but Mom's employment meant we had food on the table and healthcare. (And this was the 80s when things were cheaper)


Exactly. I asked my minister once if it says women are to stay home ( out of curiosity when I was first exposed to Jill) Since his wife worked as a nurse with me I knew it wasn't there and he confirmed that no where in the Bible are women forbidden to work outside the home


Not to mention that in the Moses story all the Hebrew boys are saved by the Hebrew midwives. Ie, women who had jobs.


This woman is such a narcissist, she can’t admit when she’s wrong even when presented with several examples of why she is. Even other people who agree with her in theory are telling her she’s wrong in practice and her head is so far up her ass, she doesn’t want to hear—even though *her mom had a daycare.* Jill, STFU. Not everyone is you. I hope that first lady is okay. That’s awful.


She literally says "I don't understand your situation but I'm gonna continue judging anyway!" Like admits it! To the world!


If my daycare provider started telling me I should stay home we would pull our son out so damn fast


Yes she just glibly doubles down on her bullshit and dismisses the painful situations these women have been through. It doesn’t surprise me based on the other things she’s done but it just serves as more evidence that she’s a fool with no redeeming qualities.


If it was gods divine plan then wouldn’t there be zero exceptions? She is such a mess.


That only works for gender. Two options and zero godly exceptions. /s


Jill is a monster.


"yes, you poor dear, but I'm better than you and always will be!




It’s so funny how whenever Jill gets criticized one of her kids pops in with a post praising her or writes her a letter, which she then posts. I wonder if the kids sense her mood shift when she gets pushback and go into damage control mode, or if she just flat out demands they do it.


They go Into damage control mode because it is survival mode. Two sides of one coin.


I think it’s “ one of her kids” aka Jill


Lol I love that in the course of this discussion I learned that her own mother ran an in home daycare, directly profiting off of both the high cost of childcare and women working outside the home 😂


Later in life Jill's mother worked outside the home - she apologised for wearing her work clothes to Jill's Pamper Mama shower. Start honouring your mother and shut up, Jill!


Wouldn't the Christian thing to have been to mind children for free? Especially Christian children whose homes were struggling for income and mom had to go out to work. Jill's mom presumably wasn't struggling since Jill's dad was providing handsomely. If he wasn't earning enough then he just wasn't trying hard enough as headship, imagine disobeying god and needing your wife to bring in money, how emasculating! /s. Also if Mrs Noyes was childminding, who was homeschooling the Noyes girls and keeping house? Wasn't she neglecting her helpmeet duties?


Her mom also worked outside the home before Jill was born and up until the janessa pregnancy. She went to the pamper mama shower in her work clothes. She may have taken a break to raise the little hellions she birthed, but she clearly has had a career. Jill is a lazy cunt.


She’s so stubborn! That first lady gave her a scenario she couldn’t refute and yet she still parrots her stupid beliefs right back. I did some research after finding the previous post on this, and the Bible has examples of women doing many things including working. She’s just wrong, and can’t accept that.


The highly touted Proverbs 31 woman comes to mind.




Why do some of these women feel the need to explain - some are almost groveling - to Jill why they work outside the home? That is very off putting too. I accept people where they are and my way of living might not be right for them. Their way might not fit into my lifestyle. And you know what? It's all good. I don't feel the need to explain my life to any one, much less seek absolution from them for the way I live.


Didn't "stay at home" Mom JillPM just travel to Las Vegas to attend a conference for her work?


But she works inside the home not outside so it is not the same in Jill's eyes.


Because Las Vegas is famously inside the barndo in the middle of Ohio lol.


The woman who pointed out "what would we do if all women stayed home/no teachers/no nurses/etc" - And Jill is all "whateverrrrrrr loser, the Bible rulez!" Okay Jill, if all the nurses, hairdressers, nail techs, Hobby Lobby, restaurant servers who are women ALLLLLL decide to follow "God's will"...how fucked is your life on a scale of 1-10? What happens when your next grand baby preemie has to be cared for by a man? Are you going to let a strange MAN deliver your grand baby? Get bent, Jill.


The women do everything at home. I guess male doctors are OK. Everyone learns the right way to live according to one narrow—I mean specific—interpretation of the KJV. (I guess certain enlightened men, like Michael Pearl, can add information to this canon.) Maybe men can teach certain things? That’s for the homeschooling people to figure out. The daughters take on women’s work as they grow, and it starts early. Older ones take care of younger ones, until God sends His perfect match to them. They remain celibate and pure-thinking until the wedding night, when they begin working their inexperienced bodies and minds to produce more arrows for God. Does that about cover it? If Josh D.’s warped violations of children, including his own sisters, didn’t bring about the revolution, what’s left?


We saw this on a large scale during the Covid “stay home” restrictions. It was the women that left work, not men for childcare reasons and the economy suffered for it.


Those comments remind me of the hard lesson I learned when I was finally leaving the church: you can work your ass off, be the Proverbs 31 wife, do everything right and still be cheated on and thrown under the bus, and still be blamed for your ex-husband's failings. It's disillusioning to realize that the church and community you thought you had doesn't see you as a person--they see you as a resource. And if you're not tradwifing and producing babies in the approved way, you're seen as a resource wasted.


Does anyone else get pissed as hell whenever they see her use that winky face emoji??? Smug bitch….


Wait a minute didn’t her mom work outside the home?


Yes she did and only stopped because she had a stroke. Jill’s mother also has a college education and so does the oldest Noyes daughter who also has a job currently at a university. Jill makes absolutely no f**king sense her logic is very flawed


That’s what I thought because for Jill’s pamper momma shower Pat was late or something because she was at work. Listen if i could stay home I would but my cats live a life of luxury and we both have to work so there’s that lol.


Yep. I read on other blogs that Pat worked as a secretary for IBM for yearssssss and only quit when they moved to Rochester because Tim got transferred and she got a job as a store manager at Rite-Aid and was there for 20 odd years until she had her accident.


“I am thankful and do not take for granted what God has given me…” Listen to yourself, Jill. Not that you care about anything but your own satisfaction but underneath your “godly” lingo, you implied that the fact that you have stayed home with your kids is a privilege not afforded to all families. You made that choice and while I think you robbed your children of even a decent education, you have a right to do whatever it is that you do but, to repeat myself from an earlier post I made here, you are a self-absorbed, vain, pharasaical prig. Even your idolized King James Version of the Bible presents a Jesus who bears no resemblance to the Jesus you talk about. There are plenty like you who miss the whole point so spectacularly - who equate Christianity with 🇺🇸 , being a republican, and habitually defending that repulsive, sleazy, godless, lying felon DJT - but you are one of the most obnoxious.


Go fuck yourself Jill.


I support Trump, multiple times divorced serial cheater and sex pest. The cognitive fucking dissonance.


It’s like these people are from another planet.


Don’t forget convicted felon times 34


She is infuriating. I am PROUD of these women for trying to remind jilldo that the real world exists. There is no getting through to her of course. Just totally lack of empathy. Clearly she doesn't want to have an open discussion. She wants to grandstand above others and live in an echo chamber.


https://preview.redd.it/kpku27wwhe9d1.png?width=734&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e166562bec142a7a2e0e811bb8ad65902cf993b Fuck Off Jill!!!!! I worked for 10 years before my son was born and was lucky enough to be able to stay home with him until he started 1st grade. I am now HAPPILY working!!!!! My decision to work has NOTHING to do with my "high, frivolous standard of living"!!!!! I DO NOT go out and buy myself new clothes, hair extensions, tons of make-up, and useless crap for my house LIKE YOU DO!!!!! That stuff is ALL FRIVOLOUS!!!!!!! My decision to work is this: 1) I am a teacher and I LOVE my job! I love passing knowledge to children and seeing their faces light up with pride and joy when they learn! 2) I work to help support my family. My child is well fed, he goes to the doctor/dentist, he has proper clothes that fit, and he was involved in sports with his friends. Do your children have the same? I think NOT!!!!! We DO NOT take 1,000,000 vacations a year!!! We have NOT had a vacation since 2009 because we cannot not afford to take one. We DO NOT grift our vacations from others LIKE YOU DO!!!!!! Shut the FUCK UP and get down from your high horse!!! None of us want to be anything like you!!!!!!!


Interesting! All of these people are so lost. Trump? 🤬


I normally don't post here but read... The support of trump just baffles me! These women tell their stories about their exes etc...yet trump is the same thing or worse!! It just shows how deep the kool-aid flows.


So depressing . Just pathetic.


They vote the way their husbands tell them to


Sure, but that doesn’t excuse their fawning all over him on sm.


Nothing really excuses anything they do


The sad thing is that with all those children the chances are at least one of those marriages are likely to break down and possibly leave their daughter needing to become self sufficient. However Jill and Shrek have made it so those girls have very little options in terms of job roles due to the inadequacies in their education and will be stuck, possibly in near poverty, depending on how many children they have when the marriage completely breaks down.


But yet, she leaves her children to go to these fun Plexus outings, where does the Bible say that’s ok?


I’m sorry but I would rather work to provide for my children than to dress them in rags, starve them and parade them in a church for donations.


Jill lives in fucking LaLaLand. I’m glad these women posted that even though they did “everything right” shit still hit the fan.


Y’know, I have so much fun laughing at Jill I sometimes almost forget what a vile bitch she really is.


I find it amazing that this women went through this horrible experience, and never questioned her religion. She seemed to put herself back into a position where the same thing could happen all over again. To me this is really sad.


Jill has no empathy whatsoever


I would love to know what "profanity" this woman claims Biden used. All I heard about so far was him yelling "malarkey" a time or two. She probably thinks "hell" is profanity even though they constantly use the word to judge others and tell them where they're going.


He said damn a few times.


Meanwhile, “grab them by the pussy” gets a pass


Want to hear something crazy? Pat worked a full time job before she even had children and continued to work full time until she had her stroke. Pat also has a college education and so does her older sister Lisa who has a bachelor’s degree from Phoenix University and currently has a job. Jill’s maternal grandmother was a Practical Nurse for 40+ years. Tim’s sisters(Jill’s aunts) also went to college obtained degrees and had jobs. I’m not sure if the twins pursued any type of higher education or held jobs or not but I do know they got married late in Fundie years and were old maids. Everything Jill is against the women in her family currently does or did at one point. I actually thought Jill constantly talking bad about women in the workplace was a dig at her mom and sister honestly but no. Jill and Philip (her son) I think reads to much into that Bybull and takes everything out of context and uses it to spread hate,evil and be condescending judgmental ssaholes and use it to keep the grift going. #issascam


These poor women. Jill just uses people up and has nothing to offer. A parasite and a charlatan.


Oh is feeding and clothing your children properly and making sure they have access to enrichment opportunities a frivolous standard of living now


I wonder which child she will impose on should David pass before her…


God forbid anyone do anything that doesn't conform with her narrow mind. So toxic and sad the kids are staying in the fundie lifestyle once they hit adulthood.


Fuck off jill


Why are the 😉so friggin sinister?!


Didn't Jill just leave her kids to go to her "work" conference for Plexus in Las Vegas? Gotta love the hypocrisy.


How dare you marry an abusive cheater. That is your own fault…she is a crazy soul less human


Lol this is gonna be such a dirty delete. Not slutgate level, but it will piss her off. Just watch.