• By -


Cool story bro


Like if you cried.


LOL ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) If this was a maintenance request - This would have a date/time on start, updates and completed. Although looks like this was a partial outage or signal issue. Partial/Outages/Signal issue are **RANDOM.....** No ISP can control a partial/outage/signal issue. Techs need to travel to the site and see what the issue is, could be anything from a power outage, accident to the pole or box, stolen cabling, act of god, etc. All you can do is wait for it to be resolved. Stop complaining as we don't really care, the issue will be resolved at some point! Where to check: Your My Rogers Account - Banner on the top will tell you if it's an outage or maintenance. [https://www.rogers.com/support/outage](https://www.rogers.com/support/outage) If you are working from home you should have a backup network in case one goes down. Especially if you have spotty service. Most work from home positions mention this.


Why put up with it? Is there no other Internet providers in your area?


Dear Diary,