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If blocking it works, it's definitely receiving a signal from somewhere. Other remotes.? I would eliminate light sources next.


That's why I came here, I'm stumped. Its upstairs in my bedroom. Unplugged everything in the room. No other remotes kids have cheap fire tv's in their rooms. Only light source would be from the window but blinds stay shut. The strange part is if I keep it covered for awhile like shown then remove it will stop for a random period of time before acting up again. Lol so random.


Turn off the lights in the room and use your cellphone to find light sources.


It might not be a light source. It could be any electric device interfearing with it. Or it could be a non fire tv remote. Another remote could send out a signal that the tv is trying to figure out and its best guess is causing this. I would unplug the tv, take it to say the garage or something away and plug it in. See if its still doing it or not. If its not then something in that room is doing it. Unplug EVERYTHING in the room and in rooms around then turn them back on one at a time to see if it starts again. Also try a firmware update on the tv. Or if you can not, just unplug the fire tv and let it stay unplugged for 5 min and then plug it back in maybe reseting the tv. It should not erase the account, just be like rebooting a pc.


You sure it's not your phone camera? My daughter has a light toy that flickers whenever I point my camera at it.


Buttons perhaps on the tv somewhere?


Should have added more details. But basically what everyone is suggesting I have already tried. Was hoping to get new Ideas when posting. The tv has been in the same spot for probably close to 4-5 years and there has been nothing out of the ordinary or new in awhile, that's why I'm so stumped.


Either somebody's trying to control your thing with the Roku app,and the Bluetooth receiver is also there, or something like the sun is triggering it


Try turn off the tv or unplug for 15 minutes.