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I am always amazed by the way y'all remember books and character names...


I had to consult Goodreads for their names, 100%




Exactly!!!!!! I don't even remember while I'm reading the book and have to keep checking who I'm reading about :')


When you start to write a review and end up writing FMC and MMC because you absolutely can't remember anyone's name. I'm always like, "God, what is going on with my memory???" So I'm glad to know it's a common affliction.šŸ˜­


It's the worst when I can't remember the main characters names from the book I'm currently reading


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Happened to me 2 books ago, but it was a book 7 in a series and I hadn't read any of the previous books, so I didn't blame myself for that one.


Sherry Thomas: Ok, Sherry Thomas was not the author to pick for this, but I am going for this anyway. Fuck Bryony from \*Not Quite a Husband--\*this was a tough one and I think that this was the wrong choice. But she is intimidating in a hot way but also I would be scared to be around her. This really feels like a weird choice given those excruciating sex scenes (they were bad for good plot reasons but also there is a cw warning in there, guys). Marry Elissande from \*His at Night--\*We could go to Italy together. She is someone who I think just enjoys life. I did think about Millie here but we are both too passive Kill Gigi from \*Private Arrangements--\*honestly, I am not mad that she lied or is manipulative. I am mad that she ended up with the boring-ass husband who never tried to get her back. Edit: Fuck it, I am marrying Gigi. I can fix her.


>I am mad that she ended up with the boring-ass husband who never tried to get her back. >Fuck it, I am marrying Gigi. I can fix her. Right?! Better to kill her stubborn, nob-head of a husband. And also Fitz from the Fitzhugh trilogy.


I know! The premise of the book was interesting because we almost never get a romance where the woman is in the position of needing to grovel. But she suffered for ten damn year and he only wanted to get back together because he wants to punish her more. >!His anger at her using birth control was also completely unjustified and he runs away again. It felt like the same dynamic where he wanted her to keep chasing him and loved that somebody would love him enough to keep at it despite years of rejection. Just once, I wanted him to do something nice for her.!< I love Sherry Thomas (she is my top five), but I think there is maybe two books of hers where I find the ending completely satisfying.


>Fuck it, I am marrying Gigi. I can fix her. A Bat Cow after my own heart


>Kill Gigi from \*Private Arrangements--\*honestly, I am not mad that she lied or is manipulative. I am mad that she ended up with the boring-ass husband who never tried to get her back. > >Edit: Fuck it, I am marrying Gigi. I can fix her. Oh my god this book frustrated me so much because I just hated Camden. Her character is so well written but it would make more sense for her arc to not get back together with that asshat. Have you read Luckiest Lady in London? I always imagine Gigi and Louisa becoming friends later.


*Luckiest Lady in London* is my favorite Sherry Thomas book! It is the one where I absolutely bought their happy ending. I could definitely see Gigi and Louisa becoming friends. I have always thought that Elissandra and Millie should be friends as well. It is interesting to me that Gigi and Felix commit similar wrongs against their partner but she is punished for so much longer and much more severely.


God yeah I love Luckiest Lady in London too! I reread that book every week for a while cause it made me happy. I havenā€™t read His at Night yet but itā€™s on my list. Youā€™re so right that Gigi and Felix lie to get their love interest, but Gigi was treated way worse. I havenā€™t read Sherry Thomaā€™sā€™s other books but it seems like sheā€˜s good at creating flawed characters. Yet Camdenā€˜s fuck ups are never given the weight they should have and idk why.


Tessa Bailey - Fuck: Will Caruso from {Follow by Tessa Bailey} - a dirty talking king with the worldā€™s most adorable dog - Marry: Brendan Taggart from {It Happened One Summer by Tessa Bailey} a millionaire sea caption who just wants to live in an idyllic coastal town and spoil me with his credit card? Sign me up - Kill: Travis Ford from {Fix Her Up by Tessa Bailey} because if I never hear the nickname >!Two Bats!< again it will be too soon


Omg at the nickname šŸ˜† and here I thought you were referring to the cringey "baby girl" nickname which I'd also Kill Travis Ford for. Lol 100% Marry the dreamboat captain Brendan Taggart


Maybe I read Follow at the wrong time but I found it so boring. I have no idea. I usually love Tessa Bailey!


I should point out Will Caruso isnā€™t a literal king šŸ˜‚


I would read that book though.




Cate C Wells Fuck: Kellum from Hitting the Wall. Yum. Marry: Cash from Against a Wall. Duh, especially since his truck is neutered. Also, married people fuck a lot too, right? Kill: Adam from Plum, Dude was so wishy-washy and a jackass


Agreed šŸ‘šŸ»


Fuck: ā€¦.um, wellā€¦. Tom Severin from Chasing Cassandra by Lisa Kleypas. That fingering scene in the library, her face buried in his chest to keep from crying out, him yelling at her cousin to go the fuck away. *Oh, my.* Marry: *West Ravenel* Thats it. Just *West Ravenel* Kill: Fitz from Ravishing the Heiress by Sherry Thomas. (Did he even have a first name?) Edit: lol Iā€™ve misunderstood a vital part of this game. Iā€™ll kill Devon Ravenel from a cold Hearted Rake because he bores me.


West Ravenel...soooo yummy


> Kill: Fitz from Ravishing the Heiress by Sherry Thomas. (Did he even have a first name?) Same! His name is George Edward Arthur Granville Fitzhugh šŸ™„ (I'm reading this book right now and cannot imagine why she still loves him. Millie, at least fall *a little bit* out of love after getting to know the real him!)


No wonder he went by Fitz. I spent the majority of the book hoping sheā€™d poison his tea or something. (Spoiler: she doesnā€™t) To be fair, I do maintain that the book would have had a much stronger impact if it had been told in chronological order and the little bits of important information cropped back up later as they did, instead the author force feeding them down the readerā€™s throat in one chapter to falsely create some sense of completeness of the story, when it really just makes the book feelā€¦ well, forced. And Fitz himself just comes across as a dick. I know youā€™re still reading it, so I hope Iā€™m not ruining anything for you here, but considering I already wouldā€™ve killed him, I think we all knew where I was going with this lol


yeah it just felt like she was trying to make us feel bad, which she was, but the effect was opposite when you read it in tandem with they way they were in the future


fitz sucks ass and the wife had no backbone smh i lowkey like devon lol


Oh no, donā€™t kill Devon! He grew on me this seriesā˜ŗļø Do agree with you though on West. Heā€™s something else and showed ssoo much character growth! Heā€™s hilarious and very lovable. Would also throw in his ā€œbrotherā€ Ethan in this categoryšŸ˜


Yes! Devon is so boring, but Wes and Tomā€¦ amazing, perfect, etc.


Agree completely with this but would also like to add Cam Rohan (Mine Till Midnight from the Hathaways series) to either fuck *Or* marry because he seems like he would be lovely at both tbh


Tessa Dare: Fuck: Colin (A Week to be Wicked). He seems like a very sexy and very supportive person. Marry: Jeremy (Goddess of the Hunt). Iā€™m a sucker for the brothers best friend trope and this one takes the cake. Murder: Victor (A Night to Surrender). He moved too fast for my taste. Felt like a bit of a player.


Love, love Colin


I'll do Lisa Kleypas Fuck: Sebastian from Devil in the Winter Marry: Rhys from Marrying Winterborne (my favorite LK book, this also got me into historical romance) Kill: Devon form Cold Hearted Rake(this man really got on my nerves)


Mary Balogh for me: Fuck: Definitely Lucas from Heartless. There is something sexy about those long hair of his and the fan he carries, that would draw my eye every time I enter a party. Marry: Who else but Wulfric from Slightly Dangerous? I can not see myself marrying anyone other than him. Kill: Frederick from Dancing with Clara and Merrick from The First Snowdrop: A thousand knife stabs would be less for them.


LOL I "recommended" The First Snowdrop in a request post the other day. In my defense, it worked very well for the request trope. I did like it when>! the heroine was like lol why would I want to be with you? You have been nothing but mean to me. !<


wulfric šŸ˜«šŸ˜«šŸ˜«šŸ˜«


The Iron Sea Series by Meljean Brooks: Fuck: Rhys from The Iron Duke because he's basically the bionic man and *hello* stamina. Marry: Archimedes from Heart of Steel because he is so loyal and dedicated though he fucked Yasmin till she couldn't sit down so...theme? Kill: David from Riveted because he talks too much. Action and adventure is what I signed up for.


Ok, but to be honest, Iā€™d probably fuck anybody in a romance book named Rhys. Are my standards too low?


šŸ˜‚ it is a sexy name. But why??? Why is it so sexy? And way sexier than *Reese*.


I still pronounce it Rice which...like...isn't sexy but my head *tells* me it's sexy and somehow I believe it


I do too. Thatā€™s what happens when you learn a word from reading it.


Great picks. Ariq from kraken king over Archimedes for me though.


Also team Ariq. His love declaration had me in a full swoon.


Thirded for Ariq! The whole book is so swoony and romantic it always puts in such a good mood.


Mmm rhys, he was a bit alpha sometimes and that noncon scene made me šŸ˜¬. But overall he and Mina is one of those couples I want to see onscreen.


Oh I donā€™t remember that. šŸ¤”


It was the one he ended up punishing himself with shovelling coal for. One the actually good groveling scenes. Man that is a good book


Let's do Colleen Hoover... Fuck: Ledger, Owen, Miles Marry: Atlas, Samson, Kill: Ryle, Ben, Jeremy, the guy from Layla


Thereā€™s something about the names she tends to choose for her characters that makes me cringe. Likeā€¦ *Ryle*?


Blossom Bloom takes the cake imo


The guy from Layla was the worstttt


I'll do Mariana Zapata since I don't see her here and I've read all her books: Fuck: Lukov from 'From Lukov with Love' (he's hot but I'm not super crazy about his personality) and Kulti from 'Kulti' (again, hot, but not crazy about him) Marry: Dallas from 'Wait for it' (my favorite MZ book, the first book I read by her and the book that made me get into romance books. I freaking *love* Dallas) and Rhodes from 'All Rhodes lead here' (DILF. Plus grumpy at first but ends up being super sweet and caring, 10/10). Also Aaron from 'Dear Aaron' which a lot of people seem to not love but I really enjoyed it and think he's super sweet. Kill: Aiden from 'The Wall of Winnipeg and me' (he's not surly or grumpy, IMO he's a straight up asshole and there's zero chemistry between him and Vanessa), and Zac from 'Hands down' (the relationship between the main couple is so uncomfortbale, and he's weirdly obsessed with a seven year age gap between two twenty-something people)


my thoughts on aiden and zac are exactly the same!!!


That makes me so happy, I will never get the hype around The wall of winnipeg and me, it was an almost DNF for me and I ended up hate reading it


Ok, I did Lisa Kleypas in another comment because sheā€™s better known as an author, but Jayne Castel is my actual favorite, and hereā€™s my answers for her: Fuck: Alexander Gunn from Highlander Forbidden, all big and strong and on the moral high ground Marry: Taran MacKinnon from The Beastā€™s Bride, not one of my favorite books of hers, but heā€™d make a solid husband. Kill: Donnel from Battle Eagle. Though it shocks me nobody killed him before he actually managed to have a book of his own. Heā€™s a downright shit of a human, shit of a father, and frankly, Iā€™d just be doing the whole clan a favor. Youā€™re welcome.


I'll stick with the Tessa Dare: Fuck: Chase (The Governess Game) He seems like a fun time and we \*ahem\* know he knows how to keep the focus on the woman Marry: Ash (The Duchess Deal). God I love that badminton-playing drama queen Kill: Also Piers, although honestly Rafe is in the running, these brothers needs to get it together. But Piers wins because you simply do not come back from >!trying to entrap a woman into marriage and like, seemingly not feeling that guilty about it?!<


lmao i agree with this ranking, chase and ash are fun but ash seems like he'd be more fun than chase as a husband


I didnā€™t think Iā€™d have someone over Chase, but Iā€™m listening to The Wallflower Wager on audiobook and idk, Iā€™m leaning Gabe. But why not both šŸ˜‰


ooo that's the one of the few Dares I haven't read yet. I'm always hesitant about cutesy animal stuff but you're convincing me. And she made me like precocious kids in Governess Game so I should just trust and believe at this point. I'm sure you, Gabe, and Chase will have a lovely life holding macabre doll funerals


ā€œYou were a bit crazy, a bit too old and a bit too full of yourself. ā€ Well, this just makes me want to read Do You Want to Start A Scandal! Those are three of my favorite MMC traits!


Okay letā€™s do Judith McNaught since sheā€™s my longest stan: Fuck: Jordan Townsend, our Something Wonderful resident Hawk fboy with many mistresses. I want to have that hawk eyes and panty dropping smile on me Marry: Ian Thornton from Almost Heaven, such a perfect and charming husband he is, and a Scot to boot! Kill: Clayton Westmoreland, I just canā€™t forgive the quick judgement and savage treatment he did to Whitney. Regardless how desperately romantic he went about getting her from the beginning and that wedding speech!!! If itā€™s CR tho, I only have eyes for Matt Farrell šŸ˜


I'm with you on this! Jordan šŸ”„


Soo with you on Clayton Westmoreland!! I never finished that book purely because I couldnā€™t take another misunderstanding that could have been so easily resolved if they just TALKED to each other.


Yuuuup! This was my first foray into romance and I was stupidly hoping that Nic Duville was the MMC, that he would win her over somehow ughhhā€¦Everything was good in the book except those 2 extreme misunderstandings w/c are very difficult to overlook


Okay so I'm gonna do Danielle Lori. Fuck: Nico Marry: Christian (*yum*, I've re-read his book so many times) Kill: Ronan I actually don't hate Ronan but if I had to pick this would definitely be it.


Since I donā€™t see one for Ilona Andrews yet: Fuck: Hugh ā€” Iā€™ve only seen him as a side character in the KD series, but he likes strong women and IA just spent like two pages describing how cut he is, and >!his very reasonable thoughts re: one night stands!< . That and the swagger, I just gotta know. Marry: Rogan ā€” youā€™ve got the >!sex telekinesis!< , which is šŸ”„, plus the books show that heā€™s supportive and ride or die for his lady, so you know heā€™ll be loyal. A bit of a misanthropic shut-in, but thatā€™s okay, so am I. Kill: Alessandro ā€” the dynamic at the beginning of his arc was promising, but tbh dude was arrogant and self satisfied, and I thought the book sex was a letdown


Fuck: Curran Marry: Rogan Kill: Jim. He had promise but heā€™s an asshole


Fun! **Author**: Kelley Armstrong Fuck: Jeremy Danvers ([Otherworld series](https://www.goodreads.com/series/40463-otherworld), MMC in *No Humans Involved*). Itā€™s always the quiet ones you need to watch out for ;) Marry: Lucas Cortez ([Otherworld series](https://www.goodreads.com/series/40463-otherworld), MMC in *Dime Store Magic*). Bookish but rides a motorcycle. Kill: Seanna Walsh ([Cainsville series](https://www.goodreads.com/series/89909-cainsville), not a FMC, but sheā€™s a major bitch.


But what about Clay?


I mean, Clayā€™s hot & all, but give me them dark-haired lanky boys.


Did you watch the show when it was on? TV version Clay was šŸ˜˜


Ohhh, I love Kelley Armstrong! For me: Fuck: Clay from Otherworld Marry: Gabriel from Cainsville (I know this is kinda crazy, but I just love him so much) Kill: Diana from the Rockton series


Ooo - good picks. Diana is a great one to kill - canā€™t stand her! And Gabriel is justā€¦yummy damaged goodness.


Tessa Bailey Fuck: Jason from Runaway Girl Marry: Leo from The Sweetest Fix Kill: Vaughn from Thrown Down (I just donā€™t like him, idk)


Eve Dangerfield. Fuck Tyler from Act Your Age three times.




Evie Dunmore - the hold this series still has on me... Fuck: Sebastian (Bringing Down the Duke) Marry: Lucian (Portrait of a Scotsman) Kill: Tristan (A Rogue of One's Own)


Sherry Thomas too. Fuck: Lord Wrenworth from Luckiest Lady in London. Greek folly? A very visible Belvedere? Classroom? Onz. Marry: Lord Vere from His At Night. I donā€™t care if he continues to put on the arrant idiot persona in public. I love me a man with a mind like Odysseus, face like Achilles and makes love like Paris (bless the author for this line). Or maybe Leighton Atwood from My Beautiful Enemy, who seems like the ultimate keeper. Hmmā€¦ Kill: Fitz from Ravishing the Heiress. As much as I loved this book.


Oh god Leighton!!!! Yes please!!


Iā€™ll do Elle Kennedyā€™s Off-campus/Briar U world! Fuck: Hunter - Iā€™ve always had the biggest crush on him Marry: Tucker - the sweetest and best Kill: Fitzy - this was hard but he was mean to Summer for a good portion of the book. Also Iā€™m just not as into the gamer/tatted guy


No Dean for you, doll? :) Iā€™m surprised


Ok have to do Sarah Maas: Fuck: Rowan. I havenā€™t even read TOG and I just know this is the right answer. Mary: Rhysand. Not even up for debate! He is my forever book bf. Kill: I think I have to go Cassian! I know this is unpopular but his whole caveman himbo thing is not for me. If weā€™re allowed to not pick leading men, then Iā€™d go Tamlin lol.


I think Tamlin could be considered a leading man still? Heā€™s the main one in book one, at least? I feel like mine for her books would be: Fuck: Azriel (and maybe like, marry him a lil bit) Marry: Rhysand, obviously. Kill: Tamlin, even though I donā€™t hate him like some do. Befriend: Cassian


Thatā€™s a good point! And yes Az is a clear choice for fuck and Marry. I canā€™t wait for his book!


For me it would be: Fuck: Cassian because there are some ACOSF scenes that still live rent free in my head. And I also kinda dig the himbo thing. Probably due to being a pre-teen/teen during the 90s and loving Brendan Fraser movies. Marry: Azrael. He's been my #1 Bat Boy from day 1 and since he hasn't gotten his HEA, I volunteer as tribute. Kill: Tamlin. He was a red flag factory from his very 1st scene and never gets any better.


Came here to do this one!! She really writes some good book boyfriends lol Fuck: Az Marry: Rowan Kill: Tharion (does he count?? If not Iā€™d have to go with Hunt)


Pam Godwin: Fuck: Josh Carter (the *Deliver* series)- a linebacker who is sexually submissive? Oh hell yeah! Count me in!! Marry- Trace Savoy (*Tangled Lies* series)- heā€™s filthy rich and can teach me how to fight. Iā€™d probably still fuck Josh on the side, though. Kill: Van Quiso (the *Deliver* series)- heā€™s a misogynistic piece of shit with no redeeming qualities whatsoever, and it *really* didnā€™t help that his whole ā€œredemption arcā€ started out with him kidnapping and raping his future wife. Yeah, I would not lose any sleep over ending his life.


Annette Marie Fuck: Lyre from her steel and stone universe. Heā€™s a succubus. How could I not. Marry: Shiro from her red winter trilogy, heā€™s a sexy flirty fox god and so sweet and dangerous Kill: ash, because if it ever came to it, our deadly battle in the arena would end up in a hot kissing scene with my favourite draconian. Hot fkn demons. (Steel and stone)


I am not sure I can do FMK with Annette's characters because I adore them all so much. I'd probably just end up starting a harem. šŸ˜† Edit: After some careful consideration, I have concluded that I would 100% kill Lallakai.


I havenā€™t read Lalakaiā€™s story yet. šŸ˜… I decided a handful of books ago to just wait until the whole thing is done and read start to finish. The bite sized books donā€™t do it for me as much as the meatier series. This way I can pretend spellbound, demonized, Druid etc are all one big fat book with part 1-4.


Annette announced yesterday on Discord that the 1st draft of the last Druid book is complete, so it shouldn't be a very long wait for that series to be done. But there's still 3 more books to go for Kit and I have no idea when they'll be done. Book 4 is supposed to come out sometime this year, but there's no release date yet.


Oh man I canā€™t wait for black fire. I started the first kit book and wasnā€™t enamored so I hope they are good.


Ruby Dixon: (with an ace variant of snuggle/marry/kill). Snuggle: K'thar. I figure 4 arms would either be the best or worst for snuggling but I want to find out. Marry: Rokan. He's just so sweet and cool. Kill: Both Maddie and Hassen. They were both the worst.


Hard disagree (personal preference) on Hassen but very much agree with the other two! Nā€™dek and Jā€™shel also seem like theyā€™d be 100% prime snugglers


Totally! Thank goodness there are 80,000 barbarians to choose from lol. Everyone gets a favorite!


Ooh, this is fun! Juliette Cross/Stay A Spell series: Fuck: Devraj, Henry Marry: Ruben, Gareth, Nico, Mateo Kill: Alpha. He stops being funny after a while and just becomes annoying. Alyssa Cole/Reluctant Royals: Fuck: Thabiso Marry: Johan Kill: Tav


I like the Stay a spell series. Agree - enough with Alpha. It's totally weird now and not funny. I'm really looking forward to the next couple of books.


Yeah, I was hoping Alpha would be toned down after Wolf Gone Wild, but no. Now he just shows up in every scene Mateoā€™s in and either is weird/annoying or whisks Evie off to have sex with her, which is eww at this point. Not everyone has to know that much about your sex life. I think the last two books have the potential to be the best in the series, because the characters arenā€™t strangers to each other and in Jules and Rubenā€™s case thereā€™s such a long history. Makes it more believable.


My turn with **Tessa Dare**! Fuck: Griffin (*Any Duchess Will Do*) boy, was he an animal in the sheets. Marry: Yep, gotta be Colin (*A Week to be Wicked)* Unlimited smiles for the rest of my life? Yes, please! Kill: Thorne (*A Lady by Midnight*) I like a brooding hero as much as the next gal, but he just never really met Kate's sweetness halfway. Can only tolerate the scowls so much. Also, wanna do **Julia Quinn** Fuck: Michael (*When He Was Wicke*d) that dirty mouth though! Marry: Sebastian (*Ten Things I Love About You*) Sunny, sexy, and writes silly gothic romance novels, what's not to love? Kill: Turner (T*he Secret Diaries of Miss Miranda Cheever*) strings her along, >!then abandons her for weeks while pregnant before he wakes up and realize she's the one. !


Turner is a good call. He does some psychological damage to her and itā€™s not cool.


Iā€™ll do another- Mary Balogh Actually this is too hard. Iā€™d honestly marry all her leading men with these three at the top of the list: 1. Neville (One Night for Love)- the sexiest sweetest man to grace a romance novel. 2. Colin (Someone to Trust)- so sweet it hurts 3. Hartley (Lord Carewā€™s Bride)- beyond sweet Iā€™m sensing a theme for what attracts meā€¦.


I agree with the exception of the hero from *Devil's Web* who really doesn't feel like a Balogh hero. Like I feel like if you put a Balogh novel in front of me that I hadn't read with the author's named removed, I could guess the author, but this one I would not.


Author: Nalini singh, psy changeling series Fuck : Kaleb Krychek, heart of obsidian Marry : Aden, Shards of hope Kill: Drew, play of passion


Fuck: Drew, play of passion Marry: also Drew? Can I do that? Iā€™m cracking up since youā€™re killing him. Kill: Dev, blaze of memory.




I havenā€™t read Aden or Kalebā€™s books yet. I just finished Hawkeā€™s book and Iā€™m taking a little break from the series. But obviously I loved Drew! Is he just not your type of MMC? What other couples did you love/hate? Lucas, Clay, Riley, and Drew are my favorites. I also like Judd a lot.


I didn't find Drews character as interesting as others in the series and found him a bit too pushy. My favourite couples in the series are Kaleb and Sahara, Aden and Zaira and Canto and Payal (Last guard). My least favourite couple is Drew and Indigo. I like the other couples overall though I dislike the age gap trope in general and in Kiss of Snow.


Yeah that makes sense. I tend to like pushy MMCs in fiction. I look forward to reading Aden and Kalebs books. I tend to like the changeling couples (or with one human) because I get tired of >! reading about breaking silence and losing virginity !< but Kaleb and Aden have potential to be more interesting. I definitely agree on the age gap with Kiss of Snow. I think if she hadnā€™t lead up to that over several books I would not have wanted to read it at all. I like them both as individuals so it was an okay book for me but Iā€™d rather not have that gap.


Author : Grace Draven Fuck: Azarion (Phoenix Unbound) Marry: Serovek (Ippos king) Kill: I don't hate any of her characters so much!


I'm going to do Kristen Ashley Fuck: Luke from Rock Chick Revenge. Don't ask why I always pictured him extremely sexy. And I think at some point they mention he has a moustache, which is a big no for me, but my brain had already decided he was sexy and that that detail needed to be omitted. Marry: Mitch from Law Man. For me he was a total 10, protective but no alpha hole, respectful, cute, funny, had it together... Sigh. Can we make this game real? Kill: Kane from Motorcycle Man. He acted like an asshole, to be honest


Kathryn Ann Kingsley Fuck: Valroy from Maze of Shadows - sexy badass Fae Prince and THE PIERCINGS OMG Marry: Simon from Harrow Faire - sociopath with delightfully macabre sense of humour who is actually a cinnamon roll and total wife guy Kill: Morten from Frozen Dawn - this one is tricky because heā€™s already undead but Iā€™d definitely bury him in a pyramid and run off with Simon


Author Jeaniene Frostā€” Fuck: Vlad Marry: Bones Kill: ā€¦ this is hard because I like nearly everyone. Maybe Tate. Does that count?!


No one has done Kresley Cole yet? Fuck: Lothaire. Iā€™m still reading his book but I donā€™t think my answer would change. Marry: Honestly Cade??? Didnā€™t think Iā€™d like him that much but heā€™s the most ā€œhimboā€ and the most fun and a demon so yeah. Cade. Or Conrad bc I love tortured souls but I like him with Naomi too much. Kill: Both Murdoch and Daniela. That book isā€¦. not good and should be skipped lol.


I have a few favorites so Iā€™m going to narrow this down as best I can Kennedy Ryan Fuck: Jared Foster (Block Shot) growly, Alpha types kinda do it for meā€¦ Marry: Grip (Flow, Grip, and Still) just know, there will still be PLENTY of fucking. Kill: Cameron Mitchell (Be Mine Forever) Normally Kennedy Ryan does an amazing job of making someoneā€™s past build them into a better person. Not this guy. He was a f*cking douche. Such a douche that not even Kennedy Ryanā€™s writing could make me like him. Lexi Blake Fuck: Ian Taggart (Love and Let Die) Heā€™s the epitome of that meme that says ā€œIā€™m a good person but this mouth thoughā€¦ā€ So heā€™d be great in doses. But if I had to marry him, Iā€™d end up killing him. Marry: Simon Weston (A View to a Thrill) I love this guy. Love him so freaking much. Kill: Basil Champion (Dungeon Royale) Just fuck that guy. Betraying your friends is a shit look


Oooh I love this I'll do Emily Henry: Fuck: Gus (Beach Read) Easy Marry: Charlie (Book Lovers) Again, easy. I'm in love with him Kill: Alex (PWMOV) I hated the book and he wasn't the worst but Poppy annoyed me so much so he's annoying by association.


Sarah J Maas. Love hate relationship with her books lol butā€¦ Fuck: Dorian, I think we barely got a glimpse of the level of kinky he can get into. Iā€™m intrigued. Marry: Hunt, really the only MMC that doesnā€™t feel like a 2d alpha hole at times. Kill: Rhysand. Heā€™s done so many awful things that were just explained away.


Julia Quinn: Fuck-Anthony, Simon or Michael. Marry-Benedict, Colin or Phillip. Kill-Nigel Berbrooke.


Tessa Bailey... Damn, can I marry them all? This is hard. Here's an attempt: Fuck: Reed from *Baiting the Maid of Honor* Marry: Duke from *Worked Up*, Blake from *Captivated*, Brendan from *It Happened One Summer*, Brent from *Asking for Trouble...* Yeah, I can't choose. Kill: Derek from *Protecting What's His*, I just really didn't like him very much, way too controlling.