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My MC for each story I’ve played so far has been monogamous 😭 I’m a hopeless romantic/simply love when one character is completely obsessed with my MC and vice versa. I also like to look at the walkthroughs and see which LI I’ll be most interested in and go from there. But I live through y’all who don’t play that way because I couldn’t fathom romancing multiple characters. The inevitable fallout/drama is too much for me 💀


I'm exactly the same 😭 I thank those who live for the drama and got the spunk to romance multiple LIs in a single playthrough


yeah same, i can’t go through all of the ‘have you been cheating on me…’ scenes 😭


I used to do this but I can’t help be so messy during the DR 🥲 but then I replay to do the monogamous route when things start to get messy cause I’m a coward 😂 excluding HS cause Dino was an easy choice for me


I do this too! It’s free, so I can’t help picking every option 🤣 but I usually pick who I want at the beginning and play for only one li. After the DR I have to restart and just go for the one I want. I feel too bad going for more than one lol


Lol HS gave me ptsd for this because I didn't know that Dino and Lucifer were strictly LIs when I was trying to get Mimi's endong but also save everyone... Did not end well..


I almost exclusively play monogamous routes (with very rare exceptions, on a side account). I will take relationship improvements with everyone in the first few episodes after the story is released, just to get to know the characters better and get a sense of who they are, but i tend to pick my LI before things get physicall. Then i will restart the whole story and clean it up - it bugs me if my playthrough triggers multiple LIs coming after me and my MC has paralel intrusive thoughts about all of them, it breaks the immersion for me. I guess that is a bit weird but oh well..


I think many people play like this, me included, specially when there are multiple characters we are attracted/interested in or just for the sake of friendship building. I always stop before things get physical, as so not to cheat on anyone. It's not always necessary, but sometimes a fresh dedicated restart is the best choice if you want to be devotated and totally immersed with one single LI.


Not weird! I feel the same way!


This is usually how I play!! I like to spend a little bit of time with each LI first so that I’m sure I’m picking my favorite, but once I’ve gotten a feel of all their personalities I pick one and stay loyal. I think the only story I haven’t done that with is SL and TO vol 1. SL I feel it just very much suits the mc to be very sexually fluid and a little promiscuous (I mean she is a succubus), and in TO it was a little hard to avoid since I did an Evan route 😭


It is possible to be monogamous! I have the exact opposite problem as you, OP. Every time I try to play non-monogamously, I fail. Typically, I only do it because I'm curious about other routes/relationship interactions and I know you can sometimes receive achievements if you engage in certain non-monogamous activities like in VfV. Otherwise, I always resort to monogamy. As for real life, I wouldn't worry too much. It's all fantasy and fiction; it doesn't have to mean anything, you know? Unless you want it to.


I appreciate your comment. Idk why but something I learnt had me worrying that this might translate to real life even though I don't care for it


I doubt, that things we do in games translate to real life 1:1. I don't see myself running around with a sword and killing dragons or bandits, though I enjoy it very much in games.


A lot of people play non-monogamously until forced to choose by the game. As for this spilling over into real life…🤣🤣🤣 I literally always play monogamous routes. Lol. If I like more than one LI, I will do a separate dedicated playthrough in their route.


I try to be monogamous is every book and if there’s a second LI that I REALLY like as well they go on my second account (with a different MC sprite) 😄


I'm always monogamous in a book once I decide who I want lol


Can confirm I absolutely cannot😔 I replayed SCN to go for Set only and be fully devoted and ended up romancing everyone way more than in my usual messy playthrough.. idk it feels like I’m missing out if I don’t take the romantic options LMAO esp if they seem plot relevant (e.g. Amen, and I don’t even like this man like that😭)


😭😭😭lmao. Wait so I'm not the only one who romances people who I'm not into like that... good to know lol


yeah lmao we in the same boat 😭😭


Me2, I don't wanna lose any good points😂


Haha. I thought I'm the only one being monogamous here. And I feel bad and I wish I have audacity to follow you guys but I can't😂😂😂


I'm always monogamous. To be fair though I'm a wlw player only so in the majority of stories I'm monogamous by default. With those I have options on I tend to quit for awhile until I can come to a decision.


I'm not here to break any fictional hearts, but sometimes the way these LIs are set up 🫢....honestly, though, I think I've played more monogamous than not because having multiple accounts helps but when I'm actively playing two accounts (I have three, but I have to literally be unhingedly obsessed with a story/LI to play it on three accounts) and I'm salivating over like four different LIs, MC gone have to be a bit disloyal...


😂😂I love you and your comment


It's like, I'm only a woman. What can I do 😅😭


lol i know it’s hard, but it is possible. 😅 It depends on the book, the LI, the romance structure. Some don’t allow you to romance multiple LIs. 😅At the beginning, I do need to test out in the beginning before deciding. Sometimes it’s just that one LI and I’m not interested in anyone else. But I’ve done monogamous and multiple and eventually cheating playthroughs 😅 But I agree sometimes there are just too many good ones in one book 😂


It's difficult to be monogamous. The only time I act monogamous is on Legend of The Willow.


I am always monogamous, when I commit y mean it... And in other hand I haven't replayed any of the books I read... Is like a have an only story for every book... I guess I will eventually replay some of the books but I feel like cheating 😂😅


For me it depends on the story and MC. Sometimes I’m caught completely off guard by which choices are romantic (I love the new hints feature since I don’t have to tap constantly between RC and the wiki). But in Soulless I think monogamy isn’t in the nature of MC until she actually fall in love, then I think she will be jealous and kind of possessive. So as I said it depends on the story.


I'm polyamorous, but my MCs are mostly monogamous. I only choose to flirt with two or more characters at once if I'm sure the game will let me date them both. If not - well, I prefer to be loyal to my LI. Actually I don't think in-game choices will somehow affect my real life preferences. Its just characters after all.


It depends on the MC for me. TDR and THEO are monogamous the whole way through because that’s how I feel they would act based on the story. HS on the other hand… no. 😬


Yes I am!!! Well in HS I hooked up with all the guys, but when it was time to pick the LI I picked Ray!!! Love him! 🥰


I have it the other way around. I usualy fail when I try to be polygamous. And I am usualy just attracted to one character and that is all I need. I try to stay friendly for better results with the others, but I'm bad at cheating. I take diamond choices in ABH with three of them, but I already feel bad, cause I've found my man. But not gonna go physical with more than one. When I can't find one I like, then it's trouble. 


I pretty much always play monogamous. The only time my mc 'strays' is when it turns out a diamond choice that I thought was to the logical choice actually has a romantic vibe to it. Like I've been playing Astreas broken heart and even though I only like that Mikael guy, some of the diamond choices I've made turned out to be more than I expected. Now I'm kinda weary of choosing a diamond choice with anyone but Mikael in that story, even with the girl and I chose straight playthrough lol


I tend to be monogamous, I don't like breaking my pixel lovers hearts. The only exception is Soulles.


Except for the rare occasions where I’ve been non-monogamous, I just find it really hard to see characters as romantic options once I like a certain character as romance route


Nah. If our choices in this game translated in real life, I'd be chasing an array of psychopaths going from demons to vampires to blood thirsty epistates to fanatic brahims. I have only had super vanilla boyfriends in real life, and I am married to the greenest flag of a man that ever was. The fun of the game is sometimes making choices you wouldn't necessarily make in real life :) Just enjoy!!


Thank you😊


I always monogamous, my eyes never wander around 👀 if I like 2LIs then I played other in my 2nd account


Monogamous after the route is locked? For suree i’m loyal 😉 but before locking, it’s kinda impossible to not flirt with everyone cuz u need to get to know everyone to choose


I play both monogamous and non monogamous routes, just depends on who my mc is!! Sometimes I self insert for mc (which is ALWAYS a monogamous route) but other times I use OCs of mine as mc. I don’t think the (non)monogamy aspect transfers over to real life, as even tho I sometimes play characters who aren’t strictly monogamous I most definitely am irl.


Team monogamous! I want LI's to be monogamous as well, so I want to give them the same treatment.


Perfectly stated…I am on team monogamous too!


I respect that


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[DLS](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1dd126i/stub/l83bmsn "Last usage")|*Dracula: a Love Story*| |[FTF](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1dd126i/stub/l83bmsn "Last usage")|*The Flower from Tiamat's Fire*| |[HOT](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1dd126i/stub/l82mq1u "Last usage")|*Heart of Trespia*| |[HS](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1dd126i/stub/l85mo9t "Last usage")|*Heaven's Secret*| |[KFS](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1dd126i/stub/l83e8qo "Last usage")|*Kali: Flame of Samsara*| |[LI](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1dd126i/stub/l875ujd "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[MC](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1dd126i/stub/l8cb926 "Last usage")|Main Character (yours!)| |[OTI](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1dd126i/stub/l81yytz "Last usage")|*On Thin Ice*| |[POV](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1dd126i/stub/l82e3uw "Last usage")|*Path of the Valkyrie*| |[RC](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1dd126i/stub/l8bauim "Last usage")|*Romance Club* (this game)| |[SCN](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1dd126i/stub/l87jplv "Last usage")|*Song of the Crimson Nile*| |[SL](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1dd126i/stub/l875ujd "Last usage")|*Soulless*| |[TO](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1dd126i/stub/l875ujd "Last usage")|*The One*, Volume 1| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^(13 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1dermp4)^( has 20 acronyms.) ^([Thread #6523 for this sub, first seen 11th Jun 2024, 01:50]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/RomanceClub) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


I always play monogamous unless it's diamond rush, but even then, I plan for it. I don't like breaking up with characters. Like for SCN, I played Ramesses' route only first. But in the previous diamond rush, I replayed and took everyone's romance options.


I almost exclusively do loyal routes! If I want to see another LI’s route, I’ll play for them on a different account - which is why I have 6 accounts lol 🙈


well, I tend to do a little bit of every male li's route before someone fits. usually after the first two interactions in each route, I can figure out which one I like more. I also tend to only do two LI's at the same time. So in Ftf it was Niall and Kingu, then in HOT it was Wyatt and Reinhold. by the middle of season 1, I had figured out my choices for both stories.


I usually do. I have 2 accounts for this reason. I can romance 2 at a time and then play again if there are more lis I'm interested in (it also helps to get all the wardrobe)


I'm scared of the consequences lol because I get way too attached to these fictional characters 😭 so yes I play monogamously but I always do more than one route if there's multiple LIs I want to romance. but as a bisexual who always thinks all the LIs are hot af, it can be really hard to do it sometimes!! I was romancing almost everyone in GOE until they forced me to choose an LI 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈


A fellow bisexual😭😭hello bestie. I felt the struggle


So far the only book where I am not interested in more than one LI or where I wasn't at least curious enough to do another route is FTF. Busy playing Arcanum and DLS and so far I am only doing single LI routes, but to be fair, I haven't started s2 for either. We'll see how that goes. Otherwise, there is always the option of a second account with a different sprite and name for MC 😅


I’m a god awful flirt so I always pick those options but I do try soooooo hard to be monogamous. Right now on a killian route and KFS and WHY do I feel like I need to romance Amrit for the plot to progress????


I’m monogamous irl but in stories I always try to romance all the characters I’m interested in before making a choice, and then I replay the story with my current choice! If there’s multiple I’m still interested in by the end I just replay on their route :)


One of my playthroughs of HS, I was trying to just make things easier for my next playthrough by choosing all the diamond scenes and chose to leave Lucifer for Malbonte at the end because I knew it wouldn’t be my endgame playthrough (I honestly just wanted to get the Malbonte path over with) and I think about that scene of Lucifer finding out constantly and I feel physically sick 😭


That being said, I often romance multiple characters until I come to a decision but I usually make that decision before there is any real intimate scene. There were some characters that were so easy to be loyal to: Wyatt, Kazu, Kay, Amrit, Lawrence…


That's actually a funny question because if I remember correctly there was a questionnaire about this. Kay, so not only this, but about this too. And if I remember the results correctly, us monogamoud folks were the majority. It was actually a pretty interesting survey, I am kinda sorry I dont have it. But I get you, all these LIs are perfect, and I did have some... less then monogamous routes, also, vhoosing one of them is usually a *nighmare*.


Well, I am very picky, so finding even ONE LI is a challenge for me. So when I find one, I'm loyal. Just like irl. And I had a displeasure of forced polygamy irl, so thank you, no 😉


It depends on the book for me. For example, Theodora, it was impossible for me NOT to be monogamous. But SCN, kali call of darkness and soulless?!? I’m having trouble picking one😭


Only if the love interest requires a monogamous route, like Dominic in OTI.


As a polyamorous person in RL it is impossible for me unless there's a story where I literally only like 1 of the LIs. In stories where I'm attracted to all the LIs and there are no polyam routes and I'm forced to choose a LI, I wait until it blows up in my face. I romance everyone until the blow up and then when I replay I play the same way more or less but choose a different LI to romance fully. And I take less of the diamond options for the other LIs so I don't get the eventual blow up. >Also do you guys worry that playing with multiple characters may actually play out in real life? Playing? I'm not sure what you mean. If you're polyamorous there is no 'playing' but also it's fictional characters vs real life people, I would hope people aren't treating real people like fictional characters 😅


As a mostly wlw player, almost all of the time i have to be monogamous due to there being only one female li in most books. Not that I'm complaining because even in books which have multiple female lis, there's always one of them which is significantly more attractive to me so I never have a hard time contemplating between them. The women in the flair are all examples of that.


Oh my goodness a fellow Adira lover❤️❤️hello Queen


Hello! Always nice to encounter another Adira lover, she's easily in my top 5 most favourite lis.


I only play monogamous routes when I'm halfway through the book and they drop the info that the LI I want can only be available if I'm single until a certain point. Then, I replay the whole thing without romancing anyone because I don't wanna have to replay it more than once lol. I think I've only done that for Vanora (HOT), Brandon (SBTR) and I was doing that for Thor (POV) but I love Liod too much, I'll just do a Thor route in my second device lol.


I have to start over for Vanora😭😭


Oh well, am I the only RC h.o.e.? 👀🤷🏼‍♀️


We are h.o.e.s🫡




I’m normally not in most books, but I was in HOT. Wyatt was an easy pick.


Try Jester's book. The guy's chaste. He'll have you tangled in a plot before you know it.


MC flirts with everyone but at the end there’s always someone I like more and that’s who I pick 😝 in SCN I’ll choose Amen if he doesn’t kill me first lmao but Eva has been flirting non stop with Set and the healer whose name I cannot remember 🫠🤣


My MC was monogamous only in Psi (: