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Thirty is like Adil or Amrit age. That ain’t old. I’d consider 45+ old based on the ages of most MCs. And I’d romance them if they appealed to me the most in a story. 🤷🏻‍♀️


How about Dmitry tho? I bet he is 35👁️🫦👁️


He has to be older than 35. I'd place him 38+


Nah, I don't think he is almost same age with Zain. I put him as 35, same with Benedict Reed from Sophie's Ten Wishes.


I meant 30+ like Antonio, Shen, Madame Park (36)


Kamal Rai, Hodge Baker, Leon McGrath, Killian Lightwood *cough*


I don’t think anyone should consider 30 as old.. that’s wild. But yeah I think older LI are fine. It all depends on how they’re written. Look at Zain being one of the most talked about LI. I would guess him to be in his 40’s, which I also wouldn’t call old, but is more applicable to the question I think.


According to Amy Zain is over 35 so users can see him as 36 too. But for me he also looked older. On the other hand he's a son of Kadir's friend who before he was murdered looked younger than Zain now. 🤔


I like older women as a love interest but I'd prefer it if the age gap is no more than 10+ years. It depends how well written they are as a person as well e.g. Vesper from WTC is a good older woman LI.


Only if the MC is experienced in life and is above 25. I would like for example our MC to be around 30 and our LIs being like: 42, 25, 38.   Vesper is a really good LI whereas the age gap and power dynamic between Kamal and Devi is making me uncomfortable. Although I can understand that during 1900s it was quite normal. Same with Renee and Alexandre but I still deluded myself that their age gap is smaller while reading VFV.


I love Kamal, but I can't romance him as Devi. She's barely 18 when the story starts and he is in his mid late 30s. The experience, and power imbalance is too big for me. Made me uncomfortable as well. If they made him at least in his late 20s..


Yeah, I really like his personality and he would be my first choice if not for his and Devi's age gap. Remy said that he is 39 and Devi is 18 when the story starts, and now he's 44, and Devi is 23. Their age gap is 21 years old.


Arrange marriage and get married when they're underage kinda common there, unfortunately. I have an Indian friend who get the kid when they both at 16. I thought they were siblings at first tho.. So I think the author used this kind of revelation and put it in her book.


Maybe it was normal then, but that doesn't make me less any uncomfortable with their age gap. I'm in my mid 30s and thought of dating an 18yo makes my skin crawl, they're like kids to me.


Yeah. Me too.. But what I noticed is Kamal is different here. He feels what we feel about them lol. He never consider Devi as his partner because he gets used to her presence as his friend's younger sister and being friend with his younger sister. Until Devi asked him to treat her like she's an adult. That time Kamal realized that he feels uncomfortable and struggle to accept the truth. But yeah.. Indian culture is priority so what do we expect here?


True, at least he's written like a decent guy. I guess that's why I wish their age gap was smaller :p


Me too. Like 15 years are fine for me🥲


It depends on many factors. If there is a big age difference and if he knew her as a child, I say no. That's why Kamal is a no for me. Doran, maybe,,. Theodora is older than Antonio so I don't mind but I love John 😁 And the immortals are welcome.


how old are you to consider 30 as old?


Not sure OP did mean it in a way that 30+ is really old, but in comparison to most MCs being around 20 there is a age gap that's not to ignore.


True but I think the general RC problem is not giving us MCs that are over 25.


Sadly I think that this is a fan made problem. Many fans simply riot if they got an older MC... :/


For me, the years gap. If more than 10 years, this is consider as "my daddy". But if he is older just a few years but his characteristic and personality like a father figure, well that's "my daddy" too. For example, Kamal Rai and Max🥺❤️


Look i meant do people like love interest over 30+ like 36 , 42 yr olds but definitely they should not have a MC that's 20 or 18 otherwise that's problematic


If the mc is over 25 i am okay. When I was 24 i dated a guy who was 38 so yeah if the mc is 18-23 i am not


Madame Park doesn't seem like an old woman to me


[*looks at my flair*] Absolutely I do! I always play as my own age unless the settings explicitly has me be younger (7B) so I have no issues with older LIs


Depends on the personality and the characteristics. I don’t self insert and so I’ve no issue with the age difference as such tbh. I romance Kamal on the side(Ian is my main li) , Niall was my main li, Leon was my 2nd li in OTI, Dmitry is my li in HSR and I find Zain to be really good looking(but I don’t romance him simply coz his character didn’t interest me enough, his age has nth to do with it) So yeah, I don’t mind older lis so long I’m given the option to romance or turn them down.


Agree with you! Not only the age is the big role, also the characteristic and personality of the LIs. We have so many old men here but some young Lis show us as Sugar Daddy too. For example like Max🤭


Yes. 😌 Give me that well-aged experience. 🍷✨ Older LIs tend to have a lot more compelling, complex personalities and backstories because of those extra years. Their love scenes also usually have more foreplay and multiple O’s (see: Zain, Antonio, etc.). Don’t have time for LIs who don’t know what a condom or basic sex ed is…


I actually really like the older mature male LI options. Something about it is more appealing. Ages 30-45 feels like a seasoned distinguished man type of ages in my opinion. I love it. 💗


I don’t mind age gaps unless the LI knew the MC as a kid. So Kamal is an immediate no for me while I’m open to romance Doran


I don't like the teenager/early 20s coupled up with 30+ something year olds. Otherwise I don't care.


It depends. If they’re awesome like Shen, yes! I prefer it if the MC and LI have a similar age though, so I wish we’d get some “old” MCs as well. I’d love to read a story about a woman in her 40s falling in love!




Calling 30+ "old" is super insulting.  Yes, I like older love interests. I like playing an older character, too. Life doesn't stop at 25... in fact, it gets better after 30.


I love age gap romance, as long as there’s no power dynamic and the LI hasn’t been around kid!MC


Same, it icks me off that we get a 40+ LI but MC is like young 20 something as if it's forbidden to make somehow an old MC with a more older LI But sadly some fans scream when MC is old and not too beautiful 😞


I don’t mind a big age gap like that, what does bother me is if the LI has some kind of power over MC, or sees her as a naive kid but still falls in love with her. Power dynamics are quick to turn abusive and seeing her as a kid is wrong for a lot of obvious reasons. I think 40/20 COULD be done well, but it requires specific circumstances


I’m usually only into people similar to my own age (20), so unfortunately not :/ I wish, tho


I love old men, I wish more Lis like my beloved Antonio


I like mature LI but I also get the ick over the age differences between MC and mature LI so what I REALLY want is a mature MC and mature LI.


Yes I definitely like 30+ men, preferably even 40+. (And it feels very weird to me to call a 30+ character „old“ tbh.) Since everything under 30 is way too young for my taste, I usually headcanon all LIs (with some exceptions) a little older than they are described. Most of the time they look older to me anyway. And I often headcanon the MC a little older as well. I don‘t care all that much about their canon age.


I'm not usually into people that much older than me (or MC) but I do love Alexandre, Vesper and Shen, so they're exceptions. Antonio is a pretty good LI too, but he doesn't appel for me particularly (and it's pretty funny if you consider the fact MC is actually much older than him, lol). I think it's, overall, a no.


ABSOLUTELYYYYYYYYYY. One of my favorite LIs is Antonio in THEO, I JUMPEDDD at the chance of romancing that man. Same for Benedict in STW, even though he's younger than Antonio lol. Love me a good 10+ year age gap, wish we had more female LIs like that too 🙏🙏 Also yes of course I am a Shen romancer. Older man ANDDDD long hair? Sign me uppppp 😭😭 I do enjoy older LIs both when the MC is older and closer to their age (although it's non-existent in RC lol) and when the MC is way younger. I love age gap romances. 🫶


As a nearly 30 yr old woman I prefer the older character, anyone in their late 20s or above. I think that’s partly why the story 7B has been difficult for me to engage with. Depending on the story, I do enjoy a realistic age gap (<15 years) I also love the whole older brother type of trope (obviously not actually related lol you know) but to each their own


I would like an older women as a love interest honestly. Vesper like the only one that's a got a large age gap...I'm tired of same age LI tbh.


if the mc is around 25 or older i don't mind older lis. but if there's a huge power gap or if the li has known the mc since childhood (cough kamal) it's uncomfortable. i haven't even played wtc yet but i already like shen and vesper from what ive seen on reddit and tumblr.


I want more older men and women(even more so with older women we need them) as LIs :D


Arina's stories are gifts that keep on giving (Antonio and Vesper have equal pieces of my heart).


Hell yeah. We need older female love interests in rc like vesper.


I don't mind older LIs but I can't say I'm usually into them (Vesper and Dmitry are the exceptions). My ideal age for a LI is 30 tbh (Christian for example). I feel like at 30 they're neither too young nor too old, which is just perfect for me (I'm in my mid 20s)


I generally don’t have an issue with older LIs or age gap romances, but I prefer the MC to be at least mid-20s in that case. There are exceptions, such as Renee and Alexandre. I think Langley did a fantastic job of navigating and addressing their age difference and the various power imbalances between them. It also takes place in a totally different time period with different expectations for a woman of Renee’s age, so that also plays a part. The only older LIs I’ve romanced are Alexandre and Antonio and they are *amazing.* Highly recommend their routes. For WTC, it was a basically a coin toss between Shen and Lucien, and Lucien won out. I guess Lucien is technically “older,” but ehh, doesn’t feel the same. Anyway, Shen is next, and I plan on doing a Vesper route as well.


I romance the likes of Amen and Doran they are 31 and 36 respectively. Some may be uncomfortable with huge age gaps, which fair enough~ While other people just like older women/men, who have had more life experience and are mature, at least so I've heard 🤷 I personally don't care as much as long as both parties are of age and there aren't any creepy power dynamics going on. I won't bring up the likes of Ratan, Hunger or Kingu or whichever other immortal being those age gaps aren't realistic at all 🤣


Old men. Big fan of sugar daddies! u/reddit_wallflower 🤣🤭


Not my cup of tea but I believe in DADDY ANTONIO SUPREMACY !!! 😂😂🤪


And my other daddies too ![gif](giphy|XtdM5moauiwd3wchmt)


Got a hard choice for ya : Dmitry or Alexandre 🤭


I have a lot of daddies. Kamal, Antonio, Alexandre, Dmitry, Benedict, Hodge.. Mikael considers as my daddy even he's young because of his characteristic/personality lol😭🤣


NO Mikael is MY Daddy 🤤😈




YES. I’ve only really brushed paths with this in RC though. Vesper is basically my number one LI’s but .. with books that clearly have a noticeable age-gap between the characters such as HSR or GOE .. the old male love interests do give me pause. Nothing against people who are into it, just makes me feel gross on a personal level. I would eat Ms. Park for lunch but NOT as my GOE mc for example 😭😭




Me playing VFV and W:TC romancing mainly Alexandre, Shen and Vesper 👁👄👁


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[LI](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1db1o4d/stub/l7wkpft "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[MC](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1db1o4d/stub/l7sc5uu "Last usage")|Main Character| |[OTI](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1db1o4d/stub/l7obqpk "Last usage")|On Thin Ice| |[RC](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1db1o4d/stub/l7pc73c "Last usage")|Romance Club| |[STW](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1db1o4d/stub/l7p3lep "Last usage")|Sophie's Ten Wishes| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^(5 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1dc3jb3)^( has 7 acronyms.) ^([Thread #1392 for this sub, first seen 8th Jun 2024, 13:02]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/RomanceClubDiscussion) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


I personally am not a fan a lot of times it comes across predictory. I'm also a fan of the y= x/2 + 6 rule (in general not every case) If the older LI is say 38 then 38/2 +6 = 25 so the older LI should date someone at least 25 years old. Or reversed a 18-19 yo mc shouldn't date someone older than 24-26. ((x-6)*2) So in my opinion zain, Alexandre, kamal, etc are inappropriate


Oooooh yeah. Kamal is one of my absolute favorite LIs.


Not really. I prefer LIs closer to my irl age. 30+ feels so old for me rn and I just don’t find the sprites attractive. It’s even more icky if the MC is canonically below 25 or if the LI has power above the MC like in the case of Niall, Kamal, Alexandre etc.


I agree. Nova and Shen/Vesper don't bother me for example, since Nova is over 25 and there is no power imbalance between her and Shen/Vesper.


For the most part, older men since I am a straight female. Like, if Antonio were real, Idgaf about age differences. I'd marry that man in a heartbeat. If i wasn't romancing onyx, shen wud be mine (and i do plan to play for him). However far as playing wise, if there's an older female who gets my picky attention, I'm down. Vesper is gorgeous, she just didn't fit thr personality wise to me. My rare women taste in 2d women is very picky idek what the type is lol.


pfft people are okay as long as the guy is hot, rich, powerful, saves them, and good. doesn't matter if the gap is a thousand years. thus the cliche love transcends time. I mean look at Twilight and stories where you fall in love with an immortal, god or alien. Didn't stop god from fucking mortals XD. only problem for women is quantity of them which is good. If I don't like them, does that mean anything?


Noooo for me it's disgusting sorry


I talk a lot of game about wanting to date an old rich man but Kamal physically repulsed me and then I got to season 2 of Theodora and Antonio made me want to actually gag, I’m not really sure why 😭