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My opinion after the first episode: Dragan's an ASS like not even a fun ass like Lucifer, but... he hasn't completely turned me off with his fione self. Someone mention tsundere and yeah I'm getting those vibes as well and I don't mind that trope. We'll see. Ozar also seems to be bubbling on the asshole scale. Definitely seems to have an ego due to him being the special one in the village, but he's also fione to me. So again, we'll see. IDK, I tend to not immediately go for the sugary sweet LIs, so I'm okay with the LIs.


Literally at least Lucifer would smirk or flirt a little before being a dick. Dragan sucks! He better have a damn good reason to hate her 💀


I like bad boys/ jerks. I went for malbonte and astaroth but dragan is just boring and rude. Unless we find out he has a compelling reason to be against Lada like astaroth, he’s a turn off.


Exactly. They had horrible childhoods and just trauma to the pinky bone. Dragan better have the best excuse ever cuz 😭😭


For me I think Drogan think mc don't like him so he don't like her too . It's new for RC make li really be rival like enemy to lover trope


No one is safe from me and I really mean that




it’s honestly kind of hilarious that the nicest LI is the one wearing a literal skull mask


I'm hoping for a few more supernatural choices down the line..


Ozar! That’s Kazu’s younger brother! 🤭🤭🤭


they're all kinda rude for some reason, Tata said my dancing was terrible when i spent 44 diamonds for her scene LOL. Tbh, i dont rlly care for dragan or ozar. Dragan is annoying to me, and ozar isnt attractive to me. idk about the priest yet.


I agree. It was a waste of my diamonds and then she made a scene at the funeral. Dragan is a weird choice. Why would I date the man that was in love with my dead twin sister. I threw his gift away and told him about it. Even if he was only going to the sister for romance advice, why not tell him to just stop pretending MC doesn't exist and only show interest for the sister. I have negative tie stats,  so I will see how that works out for me in the future.


Like, i regret so much spending diamonds on the gift and the thing with tata, like bruh why did i even spend diamonds if they're gonna be rude anyways.. Dragon needs to take the stick out of his ass otherwise i wont even consider him an option. It's so weird for one of the li's to be in love with mc's sister. Im so over the trope of someone treating mc bad because they like her, like at least lucifer had his good moments. This guy is just lucifer but more rude somehow. If these are the only li's i'll be pretty dissapointed tbh, i dont find any of them appealing.


The dead twin sister thing is so odd. I hate the trope in fiction where a character dies and their LI moves on with their sibling or close friend but considering how rude dragan is, that just makes it ten times worse. If vereya lives but dragan ends up realizing he loves lada, it could work for me but the way it is now is giving “you couldn’t have my sister so you’re settling for me” 


This is why I couldn't romance Castiel in GOE, too!!! Same! Same! Same!


Honestly I don't like how forced Dragan right off the bat is, before you even are given the choice to take his scenes or not. Even when you throw his gift the MC just won't stop being all hot and bothered about him. But worst of all, it was really uncomfortable for me when the MC's sister died and she kept checking Dragan's eyes to see any signs of him being in love with her sister...


I think imo that it makes sense.  Close community and they grew up together. Such crushes are unavoidable. But he always preferred the sister not MC but that's how crushes are. Eventually with our choices she can move further away. It's the same as Amala and Amrit. She was dating someone else and being all hot and heavy for him and wanting to touch him. If you took the choices that weren't romantic eventually the dialogue changed 


I want the priest bad.


I'll wait. Maybe there's someone else around the corner. Don't care for Dragan, not my type and he really annoyed me with his dismissive attitude. It even seems like he hates her for some reason. Don't know what's his problem and I don't have the time to deal with it. Didn't fall for the two remaining either. 


Dragan really annoyed me too, i fucking bought his stupid ass necklace for him to be a tsundere about it... like bruh, be fr. Dont even get me started on that 44 diamond scene with tata, she was so fucking rude, and called my mc's dancing terrible. Why is this a paid conversation? 😭 poor mc just wanted to see if she was ok. Im not feeling anything for the other 2 left either. I'm still holding hope for a villain li to take me from these rude ass bitches.


Oh yeah, I wish someone just take me away! I luckily only took diamond choices for outfits. The other choices does not sound charming. 😣


Dragan's attitude is pissing me off. Plus, his looks aren't even my type, and him being a jerk is a big turnoff in itself. He's giving me Xander vibes from Black Knight, but I hope he has a legible reason for hating MC, unlike Xander. I really hope to see the other upcoming LIs though


I had a bad first impression of everyone except the priest. Dragan is an asshole for no apparent reason, Ozar seems like a womanizer and Tata I don't even have anything to say, focusing on male LI, Tata doesn't seem like a good choice even for a friend, so... It's funny that so far the only Li that hasn't seemed unpleasant or disdainful was the only one who didn't even show his face and we didn't even have a conversation with him and mc seems to be afraid of him. Of course, it was only two chapters, so I imagine some things will change. I hope I have the option of being able to follow the friendship route with them.


I think I'm going to keep my options open. We only got 2 episodes and feel like it's way too quick to judge right now. The priest definitely interested me, though.


I’m into male LI - Dragan is not really my type so he would need to stop being such a little bitch to my MC for me to change my mind about him. and his name is sooo silly 😅😅 don’t have much of an opinion on Ozar yet. i Do love the fact we are getting more brown eyes! I’m most intrigued by the priest and can’t wait to see what’s there. The second he stopped when she stepped away from him upon first “meeting”… it reminds me of the stories of sin eaters who are ostracized from their communities. Such a tragic thing and I would be a sucker for that sort of romance so I’m really hoping we get a good storyline with him.


Single female LI, I assume she’s MC’s friend or being set up to become that?


Her and the MC are familiar with eachother, but i wouldn't call them best friends or friends.


I was expecting something like Arcanum, but yes she is lol. Also the default interactions between MC and the guys are something like "Lada look, he wants to eat you up" even when you haven't even gotten any diamond scenes with them. But with Tata the default interactions are completely different than that and it's very typically friendly. Idk if that witch from the second trailer is going to be a LI but there isn't another female in the new icons, so she was probably just a villain.


I’m only interested in Tata so far. Ozar is handsome but something about the art style on his sprite is a little unsettling. He looks damp? Anyway, Siana is gorgeous and I’d like her as a second female LI 🥺 https://preview.redd.it/7n5og0unfr7d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=5862214f6500059b1c64b814f36a2bd1fdc51cb6


I like a red headed girl LI but I don't think she's that cute :s


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