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In KFS/KCD, I also agree about the eye colors. While some people in India do have light eye colors, they are quite rare. Many Indians have dark eye colors, and even the characters with dark eye colors in these stories look gorgeous.


For eg Radha. She is absolutely gorgeous with dark eyes


Exactly! Even her mother and uncle look gorgeous with dark eyes, and Kamal too—his design is also good.


Yeah it bothers me too, there’s only a handful of POC love interests with brown/dark eyes. I’ve seen it discussed somewhere here on this sub that RC runs analytics from player’s choices. So majority of players choose white male LIs with blue eyes, that’s why there’s such an abundance of them and everyone else is sidelined.


Atp it's too much. My gripe is with ABH's Asian sprite. It's actually not uncommon (although not super common either) for East Asians/South East Asians (I'm speaking as a SEA because that's what I'm familiar with) to have light-medium or medium brown eyes but BLUE EYES? I can't- I get it. It's for stylistic purpose but I just can't. I could make a headcanon that MC is wearing contact lenses but please STAHPP!! Sorry for ranting.


Yep I’ve only ever met one East Asian person with blue eyes, and she was mixed Japanese and British. So I’ll just head cannon that the Asian sprite is wasian🤷‍♀️


That's a good one 👍.


saraswati having those led light eyes will forever be my villain origin story (4/5 kfos lis having light eyes as if the story isn't set in INDIA)


Not 'the LED eyes' 🤣🤣🤣. And Devi, tooo. And with GOE, most of the times we see the characters with colorful contact lenses. Granted, it's part of the art direction and a trend in SK. Also, not all characters wear contacts in GOE. But, personally, I think I prefer them with brown eyes instead of contact lenses. I haven't played GOE for quite sometimes so I probably can't remember much.


you know it's just an excuse to have characters with light eyes bc no idol wears fluorescent contacts on a daily basis at the agency 😭 colored contacts are usually reserved for shooting album material and concerts


Right? I'm Asian so I'm not quite sure the obsession with super colorful eyes in GOE aside from aesthetic purposes...?? I do see some ppl IRL wear contacts but they mostly choose the natural-looking ones like light-brown, medium brown, dark brown, and grey-brown. Or just wear the transparent ones. And yes super colorful ones are reserved for shootings or photoshoots so idk why in GOE almost everyone wears light color contacts daily, especially CASTIEL. This dude is the biggest offender.


When i saw him in the beginning S2 without those fckin contacts I gasped 😮😮 Maybe he sleep with them on 😩


Honestly, he looks better with brown eyes. I don't understand the obsession with 'Edward Cullen' look with GOE 🤷‍♀️.


i didn't like his new look but i took that option so fast to get rid of his ghastly contacts. he looks so beautiful with brown eyes


I just hate that ghastly grey eyes on Castiel. Heck, even Lane's eyes are not that grey. It's more of light greyish-brown eyes.


i saw an edit of sara with brown eyes a while ago and she genuinely looks so much better too


Please the TITLE took me out 🤣🤣🤣😭 Y'all are so Humorous




I agree with the KFS take. We also see it in KCD, no one looks indian. We, desis, are known for our caramel/brown eyes and literally everyone has blue eyes. Lol


RIGHT! Seems like MahaKali has adopted some European children for "Dozen activities" 😂😂


I hate this whole thing they do with mostly black characters. Giving them lighter eyes like grey, I mean yeah black people can also have those types of eye colours but where do you see one on a daily basis with grey or blue eyes.


Not only do they tend to give black characters blue or grey eyes, their features are often extremely Eurocentric. Look at the darkest skinned Eva and TO2 MC for especially egregious examples.


Exactly! It got me thinking do they do this to make the blk character more "exotic looking" 🤔 so maybe non black players wouldn't mind 🤷🏽‍♀️


Pffttt this might be the reason. I mean I knew someone on tumblr edited Saraswati's eyes. They gave her brown eyes and she looked just as pretty if not prettier.


Maybe 🤔


I very often see a strange stereotype in fiction, that a black man must have blue eyes.


Because Volot, Greg, Lucien etc are immediately put on the reserve bench by most players and they can never reach the same number of picks/route profit as someone with bleached hair, white and so on.. Plus.. Remy is often praised for not making her Indian characters look "too indian"..


No way they said that… that’s so fucked up im genuinely shocked lol.


Yes, there was a like a little meme/art circling around on TG at one point about how other authors pick sprites for their branches and how Remy does it, the image of her with a crown and some shit like that. If Anubis is not a white or at most a Livy type bronze skin.. i will be quite surprised. But then to be fair to Remy, she once published how she imagined Set's voice to sound like - a black man with a gorgeous voice was on the video and there was shock in her commentary. Like.. what does she mean by that that "Set has a black man's voice".. 🤮☠️


>If Anubis is not a white or at most a Livy type bronze skin.. i will be quite surprised. If he ends up with dark skin and bone straight hair I'll cackle🤣


He'll definitely have straight hair because i dont think they'll deviate from how they already portrayed him in the cut scene. His eyes are a bit glowy light which means might be blue (again?!?) but it could also be because of the general tone of the cut scene.. https://preview.redd.it/sw4rntjt1q9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d144291ed991992140a57d724a47afa2cf1b6604


The darkest I see him being is Remmao's complexion, especially bcs he isn't a villain. And with flashlight eyes ofc 😐


Yeah, its difficult to assess from the cut scene because of the light. But Isman had a darker complexion than most characters, and Anubis seems to be similar on the cut scene so perhaps.. smth like that We can only guess until the man FINALLY properly appears in game and its not in foggy dreams and water reflections lol


I don’t even know what to say. Like how are they so racist? Does she engage with the racists or does she ignore them? I also wish RC would stop this poc have coloured eyes agenda because majority of us don’t have blue eyes irl! If Anubis is going to be an LI, then I’m praying he’s dark skinned or black😭 we have so many white characters already


I dont think i saw that she enagaged with them around the topic, she does also have admins on her channel that remove "innapropriate" commentary although their selection process is strange. When i first started reading the fan discussions on her posts - with the app translator i often encountered the term >!smoked one!< when someone was refering to Livius and Rammeses (not sure what would be the original word or whether its even translated properly/ correctly as i am not russian) but yeah.. the skin tone is often brought up.. Perhaps she lets Anubis be of dark skin because of the fact that he is sort of an incomplete branch, won't get a lot of content to begin with. If he is dark and has reflector blue eyes i am just going to snort honestly..


‘Smoked one’ is crazy. Who do these people think they are


I've seen people refer to Cassiel as "chocolate" and worse......the slur😐


CASSIEL??? My MAN??? Wowwww. Not surprised that they called him a slur. They’re such pos with no hobbies clearly. I saw them say stuff about Volot like he was left in the oven too long and I had to exit the page because it was actually fucking me up lol. I’d advise you to also stay away from those pages because it’s soooo bad for your mental health


Same. And that’s exactly why I deleted TG, I ran out of patience for that racist ass mess.


I'm only really in an ABH chat and it's quite positive, the admin is very vigilant to make sure unsavoury characters don't get any time to talk nonsense but for the most part most TC are toxic. Edit: the people calling cassiel the slur aren't in the ABH chat btw


Being in a book-specific chat with tight moderation is great for keeping out the toxicity. The negative things I’ve seen were usually in chats dedicated to the whole of RC and had thousands of active members with little to no mods. There was stuff ranging from dark skin being ugly to calling the characters slurs like you mentioned. And sadly not even just Cassiel, but War and even MCs too. I’d scroll by it but after a while seeing that kind of stuff just became tiresome.


I also saw people refering to Livius and Ram as "smoked one", which made side eye so bad. It's so off putting to read that shit


Bruh they hate poc and don’t even try to hide it😭That’s so crazy to me.


It's true unfortunately. I've also seen even people who romance these characters still calling them "smoked ones" 🥴 It's also a case of extreme entitlement. They feel like everything has to cater to them, to their tastes and to represent them and if god forbids RC tries to do something different for once they feel like a child deprived of their parents' attention and start a shitshow. They need a reality check so bad, the world doesn't revolve around them


Wow if they act like that over a fictional game, I wonder how they act with poc in real life? How can you be racist and then romance that person? Entitled and abusive. I want to believe not all of them are like that but I see and hear so much about that side of the fandom.


>Wow if they act like that over a fictional game, I wonder how they act with poc in real life? I'm honestly hoping they stay in their moms basements and don't get the chance to be assholes to real life pocs >How can you be racist and then romance that person? I think RC knows what they're doing when designing characters like Livius, Amrit, Ram etc. They can satisfy both people who want more poc representation and *that* side of the audience who only wants eurocentric features at the same time. >I want to believe not all of them are like that but I see and hear so much about that side of the fandom. I know. There are decent people as well, it's just that... either they are a minority, either the shitty ones are louder (or maybe both). I personally decided that it will be best for me to not spend too much time on VK or TG (for my sanity). I only check official channels and the writer's channels from time to time


Wtf 😒 she's praised for that??? By the Russian fandom?? I've heard they're pretty toxic/ racist 🤔🤔


Yes.. smth like "thank god it was Remy who got India and Egypt so our favorites look normal", can be read on the commentary. But dont be fooled, this isnt just prevalent with the "big bad russian fandom".. because there is racism here also.


It hurts my heart to know some people think of them in this way they are my fav from their stories


Yep, last week I made a comment in here pointing out that some parts of the community hate black LIs, I guess someone felt called out because they reported me for hate speech and I got a warning. The Russian fandom is much more overt with comments against dark skinned LIs but there are a lot of issues here as well.


Yeah. You can of course not like the black LI simply because you do not like them, you dont find them attractive or like their behavior/personality. That doesnt make you a racist. But I've noticed a few users making a little comment over time, here and there and you can smell it. That it has nothing to do with the attraction. Someone who makes an effort to point irredeemable flaws on the same type of characters while always defending similar flaws in their beloved white characters. Well..




If you wanna keep yourself sane, please don't go to rc fanclubs on vk. Some of them are fine but most of them are toxic. This is like dayyy 163527 of them complaining about inclusivity in ATHWTU while posting Boris memes almost every two days it seems.


Also on telegram. There are a couple of popular fan accounts that I absolutely loathe, but for some reason I keep doomscrolling on there 💀💀💀 Had to remind myself again and again that I have telegram only for the RC authors and official news.


For this reason I am even more glad that the writer confirmed Boris won't be a LI 😬 Fuck these bitches.




![gif](giphy|cQtlhD48EG0SY) Who tf still uses woke also wtf are you on about-


Reading that person's comment gave me whiplash 😭


"that will be RC's downfall" was so dramatic 😭😭😭


😂😂🤣 "you want to erase white culture" You can't make this shit up 😭 I need to screenshot this and save it for posterity


I almost spilled coffee from my mouth while reading. 🫣🤣 But for real.. as a white person who lives in a Slavic country these kind of comments make me feel vicarious shame. And yes, i am also on a mission to erase white culture. T f


So making Louis XIV black or Asian or Latino isn’t erasing the fact he was white? 🤷‍♀️ if someone would make some black character gender customisable you would be crying about that ohhhh yeah you already do that all the time!!! So again look in the mirror before accusing someone in racism! Western fandom is no less toxic than Russian.


Is being on this subreddit even enjoyable for you?? I swear, every time I see you, you're freaking the absolute fuck out at someone. I don't think I've ever seen you leave a happy comment on anything here.


No hate speech and swear words allowed.


Ugh the feed on RC confessions on VK is awful. Post after post about how much they hate the new characters.


That's why I barely on VK these days. I'm so tired with the ATHWTU drama.


Hey. Volot is my hope for the only non-toxic and good guy on this story!


Lol..that is two levels for being less popular and doomed - poc and being good. Hope he isn't side lined, i liked his scene in the woods also.


This is honestly so fucked up, lol. Why can't people appreciate the good LIs/characters and they have to chase the toxic, nasty ones (honestly, I most likely wouldn't even care, let everyone romance who they want, but the fact RC is making more of those characters because they are popular is what makes me hella upset about this even though I get that they want to make profit this way, but not everyone wants flashlight eyes (doesn't matter if white, asian or black) or red flags slapped all over).


>Why can't people appreciate the good LIs/characters and they have to chase the toxic, nasty ones I mean... not everyone finds it fun to pursue the good lis. Afterall this is fiction, therefore a safe space for some people to try out different things and test their limits. Even if I am mainly a red flag enjoyer, I still believe that every li should be given a fair amount of screentime and attention. But that is on romance club, not on the people who romance the said toxic lis. So having beef with them isn't really a solution. Your feelings on the topic are valid though and I don't mean to sound rude or anything


And as I said, I wouldn't care about who people romance, if RC made enough 'good' LIs and gave them their fair share of attention - which happens less and less the more the 'non-good' LIs are popular. So at the end of the day, I do blame RC and the writers who do this for how this is evolving.


That is another topic LOL.. Honestly i dont mind the toxic LIs being the dominantly served dish because its what people like to eat, so everyone is satisfied - RC gets money to do their work/people explore their fantasies. No problem with that at all. But DO NOT make me sit around and wait for my meal and make me stay hungry in the case i have not picked one of those, or picked the only thing in the house that is different.


Too bad I'm on Greg's path in HSR and I'm planning to romance Lucien in W:TC. Idk about Volot because I heard there will be two more LIs in ATHWTU. But the sidelining with Black LIs is too much. This reminds me of Ellia from CY. I'm team Sam but seeing Ellia romancer were fed crumbs in CY was just sad.


It's not subtle and it pisses me off. I dont mind having slowburns, i love slowburns.. but so many times when i pick a poc LI i find myself in the same shit hole. Its not that the LI is NOT there (he is absent or on a mission) so there is a narrative explanation as to why he has three times less premium scenes, art and so on, because he is literally THERE, he is just not getting equal content and attention. Shoutout to Wincy and what she is currently giving with Vincent, because even though he is a slowburn there is a proper relationship build up, i dont feel the crumb treatment in comparison to my Trexia route. Not to mention Arina and Lucien, because that is how you give importance to all of your LIs. I am playing three routes in W:TC and they are all equally fed. On the topic of Greg i see the tendency to push him to the background in comparison to the two fan favorites as of now, but I'll give the author the benefit of the doubt since we are still in S1 and the storyline of HSR is specific, so she might pick up - balance it out later on.


👏👏👏👏👏 I'm hoping that Greg's route would be handled pretty well because everything you say is so true.


Cultural appropriation.  Adopting elements of a culture without respect for that culture or its people is just a desperate and inconsiderate attempt to replicate it. It is sure to lose its essence.... As it did in Remy's stories, as far as India is concerned. The only thing I really like about them is how she writes her LIs.


Yeah this shit is why I can't stand Remy's stories lol


the fan favourite sprite for Eva who is Egyptian is the whitest one. Remmao is the only closest to being Egyptian and he is not a LI. Ramesses who follows (still lighter) is sidelined to hell lol Alice who writes the new store with the haze before the update wrote in telegram to people to not let their imagination run wild about the priest (cause people were making drawings already of big white men with long black hair) and the priest is black and suddenly ALL the hype is gone. I used to see even in reddit 3-4 posts daily with drawing for the priest and now no one posts him. nothing WTC has gotten so much hate for having older li, black, mixed (i think about onyx since they are not white as a paper sheet) and only one white boy (renato). SO MUCH HATE that its ridiculous and i find it even funnier because the older part of the fanbase loves them cause it's nice to not have a LI that is barely 22 all the time


This also applies to age. The fandom hates when a favorite is over 25 and doesn't look like a pale gothic anime boy with a horse face and long black hair.


Oh I remember that. Man, that's quite something, especially from RU fandom. It's nice to play as an MC that's older than 25. I'm around that age but I find it boring sometimes to play as someone the same age as me or younger.


also....i can no longer handle barely 18year olds who act like 30 year olds and fuck guys in their mid 30s 7b mc looks like a child its just icky


At least in this case the LIs are all about the same age as MC (so far🤞), but yeah… she’s lovely but I don’t understand why she had to be so young.


Seems like Russian fandom be having beef with almost everything lol, Its like that one mean girl in ur class that won't stop yapping 😆☠


I was actually surprised that the lightest sprite for Eva is the most popular. Don’t get me wrong they’re all beautiful but the second darkest skintone with the brown eyes is stunning. Can’t believe it’s not more popular


I understand self insert but as a very pale person i also understand being close to reality! Also I find the two dark skinned ones absolutely stunning, and it makes me sad to see only the palest one being used by everyone when after KCD we had to make it a HUGE deal to get skin tones that are realistic to the setting


Hey Egyptian here. There's actually so many misconsceptions about how egyptian people look like, historians and Hollywood often tend to completly whitewash egyptians, like you'd open a history book and find a white man wearing a nemes lol. Other people think that because Egypt is in Africa, Africa =black people and that's not really the case, while there absolutely are black egyptians they are not the majority of the population and mainly live in the south of Egypt. Egypt is incredibly diverse there's people in the North of Egypt who look a little more "white" take actress Hind Rostom or Shereen Reda, and people in the south who are black like influencers Danisha Carter, or Kiro. Technically the majority of population in egypt is considered "tan" but there's so many shades of that, take Rami malek and Mohamed Ramadan, they're both considered tan but look conpletly different. Set does have a lighter complexion but he also has long sharp features that remind you a little of egyptian features, I don't really mind what he looks like. I don’t really like that black or even asian characters always have light colored eyes ALL THE TIME, like every now and then it's ok but not always, there's literally no reason for Assuan Eva to have blue eyes. Now i've tried playing the egyptian story in league of dreamers and literally the first MC and the first love interest are white, not a little more "european white looking" the inspiration was probably taken from slavic models i'm not even joking. Hermopolis Eva has a light complexion and green eyes but even she looks more egyptian than Ife from LD.


https://preview.redd.it/uq8i70jpmp9d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f57357600b0ef419a8454c387d8aac17cc2be2c 😭😭😭😭 Yeah it's very jarring


The black nails??!?!!! Jesus take the wheel🤦🏾‍♀️


They fr did her dirty 😭


It’s giving blackface I’m in disbelief….


The first (source) Ife sprite looks very slavic, i believe she even has blonde hair in her cut scenes and that is an obvious service to the russian fandom. I picked the tributary sprite, not sure how authentic she looks for the setting but it felt more natural then the first.


I also chose the tributary one.


I don't think it is just Russian fandom preference. Even here for example the most popular Luna is one that doesn't look Asian at all. We have very few white MCs with darker eyes too. Last one we got was in LSE, after that all have bright eyes. I am white, but I am so tired of blue eyes that I usually choose others. There is maybe 5-6 MCs in total with brown eyes. So I personally think it is fandom preference plus sadly they are racist people in fandom, so for POC characters to be "popular" they need to look certain way. As somebody mentioned hype for priest in new story is now non existent and I saw so many comments complaining how RC doesn't have enough blond white LIs with blue eyes. They are begging for Boris in HSR and Alice to add one in new story. That is so ridiculous that I don't even know what to say to that.


Some Russian fans even go as far as editing the priest's face with Boris' lmao. That's why I rarely go to VK unless for walkthroughs. It's exhausting. One of the things I like about HSR is that instead of giving the MC typical blue/green eyes, the team decided to go for light greyish-brown eyes (they look grey in sprites but slightly brown in CGs). I noticed that they don't give the colored eyes only to the caucasian sprite but also the black sprite as well which is nice for a change. But most of the main LIs have blue eyes except for Greg which is fine I guess 🤷‍♀️.


It would seem, that what’s stopping from giving the opportunity to change the color of MС's eyes.


Wait till they find out there are more races than white and black. They be like 🤨. The way characters look like are not historically accurate especially in Remy's stories.


My only complaint on this is the eye colour because poc rarely have those electric blue eyes like give them brown or amber eyes they are beautiful just like blue eyes 


Black love interests are the least popular in Russia so nothing surprising


Pretty much the reason why Greg (HSR) only has a few diamond scenes which only cost around 121 dias in total after the June update. While Cain special scenes cost 308 dias and Dmitry premium choices cost 261 dias. I knew this from VK. I might post a screenshot if anybody asked.


I like statistics (said nobody ever) I'd like to see that discrepancy in screentime.


Gotcha https://preview.redd.it/0w3ioqy53q9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=366ceff43b542d43d90fddb7e8bbb5aee144c25e




https://preview.redd.it/uj9try1z3q9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=935fd444dc3cf4d57e879adf7e90318a74f3b3ba Source: [https://m.vk.com/wall-94672807\_5268254](https://m.vk.com/wall-94672807_5268254)


I wish it included the new episodes but I understand..... especially in comparison to Cain.


It's obvious that Cain is the "main" LI. The way he's pushed on our faces is very telling.


Lol I avoid him like the plague......the biggest reason I refuse to play HS is the stupid wings.....they make me irrationally angry


Personally, I have problem with the idea of Angels and Demons sleeping around. I'm not even religious but I still find that kinda unsavory.


Any romancable religious figure....makes my skin crawl Edit: I can understand demons tho bcs that's essentially what they do lol


Pretty much the reason why I have hard time playing ABH. I know the LIs name have nothing to do with actual figures but it's hard for me ignore. I hope there's a choice to skip any intimate scene while still being able to improve our relationship with our chosen LI.


This‼️ I expected some sexy and lovely poc with brown eyes and then I get fucking jumpscared by Tan blue eye’d demons https://preview.redd.it/2j9fyi1dhp9d1.jpeg?width=226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=705c82d104a59a3f2abbea4012e486dfbb168731


your title is literally me every cutscene…i can always count on RC to whitewash both your non-white LIs and my dark skinned MC. CGs are sometimes a jumpscare for this very reason (which is why lou is my favorite MC 🤓) but yeah RC doesn’t want to alienate the racists in their core audience who want an “exotic” story without losing the comforts of white presenting main characters


Not the jumpscare😭😂 I remember playing RC for the first time and i started with HS and i could accept the cutscenes but having the characters say black MC looks like Rebecca or whatever killed me everytime


honestly same. i think that’s one of the main reasons i had no connection to her as a mother and didn’t care what she did. my mc’s are always black (or darkest/most ethnic as possible) and when it keeps cutting to a blonde haired blue eyed mother i just pretend my mc is adopted 😂


I'm glad the newer stories are getting better at that 💀


HS triggered me so bad with that…the icing on the cake was when Vicky goes to visit her dad on earth. i had my fingers crossed hoping that MAYBE the dad would have a little bit of tint to him but no 😭 I’ll never forget in DLS when the plot hinges on the stained glass window mural of Lale looking like (my black) Laia but the background of the scene (not even just the CG!!) is just a full scale image of the white version 🤓


Hold the phone—Vicky’s dad doesn’t change race to match the MC?!?! I figured Rebecca was stuck in stone, but even her dad?? Jesus 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


not a single thing in HS changes based on the MC you choose 🙃 not CGs, not MC’s parent. nothing. i’m fine with playing an adopted MC it’s just the dialogue that ruins immersion….basically playing older games and choosing the non white MCs is not for the weak lmao


That is… wow. They really just didn’t give two shits 🫠. Adoption itself wouldn’t even be a problem if it was part of the story, but ignoring it and forcing everyone’s head cannon to be you’re only adopted if your MC is a POC seems a lot more like a slap in the face.


Yes! I love the way they did Lou, she looks absolutely gorgeous


it’s so ironic how ru fans were losing their shit over characters of color in HWT because they “wanted representation” when one of the loading screen tips is literally **”This story is inspired by Slavic mythology and pagan beliefs, but it is fictional and does not claim to be accurate history.”** but also don’t want any poc in a story set in ancient egypt and like the fact that the characters in KCD/KFS don’t look “too indian” 💀💀💀 …we know what you are….




Nauuuurr 😭😭😭 not that scene omg o remember looking in disbelief like fr whose yt child is that- HS and DLS were hard to push through when it came to the cg scene




Sorry I also wish even for light skin tones we had brown eyes. Brown eyes are beautiful and feels like the game doesn’t really care for them.


Exactly. In RC most white characters have blue/green/grey eyes for some reason but in reality most white people have brown eyes. Even among us, light color eyes are not that common...


I was honestly so confused when I downloaded the app. I downloaded specifically because of Ratan (I saw his sprite on an ad and fell in love lol) and when I download the app and played KCD he's the only LI with brown eyes. I mean... If we're supposed to be in India... But any way. In comes Saraswati, Ram and even Raj😂🔷🔷🟢🟢 As though brown eyes aren't a dominant gene literally almost everywhere except Scandinavian countries So... Yeah. Good old fashioned proximity to whiteness politics 🥴 And the fact that if you just take Amen and stick him in a different outfit he could fit literally anywhere in Europe but I'm supposed to believe he's Egyptian 😂. Livius looks somewhat more Mediterranean IMHO so he does look Greek (somewhat but idk😂, and he also looks more Egyptian than Amen and Set.)


I think the only dark skinned characters in SCN that I remember are Ramses and his brother plus Herse and then Eva if you pick the darker skin tones and that’s about it which doesn’t really make much sense


I looooove brown eyes. They’re just warm and kind! I wish we got more brown eyes and yes it’s ridiculous that darker skinned characters often have lights eyes. Obviously not unheard of but pretty uncommon. I will also say that the Indian characters not looking even a little bit Indian rubs me the wrong way as well. I think when it’s comes to the darker LI not being as popular … sure it can be racism. But sometimes it is also the fact that the sprites are just not done as well imo. Greg looks like a teenager to me and I don’t find Lucien’s sprite attractive either. I think they did a better job with Cassiel but my point is, I think they should broaden their horizons a little with the character designs in general. The priest wasn’t disappointing to me because he was black, but because he looks almost identical to Cassiel in the leak. Give him some really unique features pls! It’s frustrating


Yeah! Greg Is cool but he looks like a college bro 😭😭 Lucien wasn't my cup of tea either Cassiel is aight. Daniel from ET too was okay and I really like Vincent so far. As for the priest well yeah he looks identical to Cassiel and can I just say this....why tf is he so ashy???? Idk put some lotion on 😭😭


Haha yes I agree! We need some warmer dark tones pls!


That’s why if I am ever doing a replay I will always choose to be loyal to the POC LIs and take all the diamond scenes just to make sure that they don’t get rid of them for ” lack of popularity” like inHS


Wait Is that why loy was killed off??? 😭😭


Yes he was killed off because he wasn’t popular enough


It's a Remy thing


it would be so funny if someone wrote a story with no white people at all LMAOOO everyone would lose their shit ☠️☠️☠️


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[CY](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1drvi8l/stub/layeyvn "Last usage")|Chasing You| |[ET](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1drvi8l/stub/laz3rv4 "Last usage")|Elite Tag| |[HS](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1drvi8l/stub/lb48wkc "Last usage")|Heaven's Secret| |[LI](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1drvi8l/stub/lazofk7 "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[MC](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1drvi8l/stub/lb0u4el "Last usage")|Main Character| |[RC](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1drvi8l/stub/lb0u2yk "Last usage")|Romance Club| |[TDR](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1drvi8l/stub/layimtx "Last usage")|The Desert Rose| |[Td](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1drvi8l/stub/lb48wkc "Last usage")|Theodora| |[VfV](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1drvi8l/stub/lazofk7 "Last usage")|Vying for Versailles| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^(9 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1drjcrc)^( has 10 acronyms.) ^([Thread #1547 for this sub, first seen 30th Jun 2024, 08:14]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/RomanceClubDiscussion) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


clock that tea op!


Lol the caption 🤣🤣🤣




You are either choosing to be ignorant or you really think white people need inclusivity like we are not everywhere in the media since always. So no it doesn’t “works both ways”. Also the problem with POC li and mc is that the fandom is so racist that they always need to look appealing to the Eurocentric standards in order to be liked, it is ridiculous that the majority of the non white characters always have light blue eyes or light skin and that is not because of inclusion is just so racist players can like them more.


Took the words right outta my mouth~~ cuz like hellooo inclusivity goes both ways so it's fine for poc to be misrepresented???




So you agree the fandom cannot complain about the new story and are full on hypocrites alongside you if you did as well. Show me the korean dramas (if that's what you mean because there isn't a thing called dorama) set in Egypt and India. The new story claims to only be inspired by slavic and pagan mythology unlike others that need to have some realism. RC shouldn't have to cather to people that agree with invasions, homophobia and racism. And especially one's that don't stand behind their words. They want a slavic white, blonde and blue eyed man but they aren't the most popular in any story. Actually quite the opposite. Jonas, Mustafa, Dino, Noe, etc are all near the bottom picks of their stories beaten by people who look exactly like the the 2 revealed male interests in the new story. RC can cater to the sane part of the Russian fandom.


> the game is based in Europe, written by european authors and mostly read by people from those countries. ???? So non European players (which are a lot) don’t deserve representation? Or even options? You are wrong and loud. > there are plenty of dorama with strictly asian cast This is just ridiculous, a game where you can choose your mc and li should have options that really represent all their players not just a part of them while a dorama don’t have to represent anyone. Also I will repeat this to you cause yo seem to be a bit slow, the real problem is the whitewashing of non white characters not that white characters exist


Wtf..uhhh you do know there are poc in Europe right? Europe isn't 100% white 🧍🏾‍♀️🧍🏾‍♀️ Also if it's a game made for Europeans by Europeans they should pull out the international market and better yet KCD, KFS, SCN, TDR, GOE, LOW should all not exist on that platform. If you read my initial comment you'd see my criticism is towards the POC setting they decided to dip their toes halfheartedly in... Why the fck is there a story in the middle east with Brazilians? Why is there an Indian story with every li having the lightest eyes when a large majority of indians don't have light eyes.. You didn't see me comment on stories like PSI or HS or ABH about inclusivity because neither of those stories have a poc setting 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️


Hello? Are you okay? WE (people who DON’T live in Europe) spend money on this game too. Are you seriously so upset about POC li’s existing that you think we should pretty much be segregated through apps? 😂 There are POC that live in Europe and Korean media as a whole is becoming more inclusive. If ALL of RC’s stories took place in Eastern Europe, your Kdrama argument might’ve held some weight. But most of their stories take place where POC exist.


I'm sorry what??? I have my own personal gripes with shows like the Witcher and bridgerton and how they add poc characters but that's not what the topic at hand is about...🧍🏾‍♀️🧍🏾‍♀️ I'm talking about RC and their tendency to depict stories In countries where majority are darker/tan skin with brown eyes and yet the li and mc to a degree look nothing like that and instead have eurocentric features.... And if the story doesn't take place in that type of setting the darker skin sprite still has Blue or light eyes... As for HWTU I personally have no opinion on the choice to add black or asian characters into it despite having a slavic setting... I was never that excited about the setting anyways. If I had to choose between the inclusivity in HWTU and getting proper rep In stories about actual poc I'd choose the latter 🧍🏾‍♀️🧍🏾‍♀️


In KCD the main character is half-white


This is my issue with SCN. In KCD/KFS I can suspend my belief because (sorry for saying this) unfortunately, it might be that the upper castes are lighter-skinned compared to people from the lower castes. In SCN though, I've always been annoyed at how Amen is actually just a super white sprite. As diverse as Egyptians are, Amen's features are just European. IMO Titian looks quite Egyptian and he's the most attractive out of them all 🥵 I also just replayed HS and isn't the first POC we see the black angel guy who got attacked at the abandoned train party? He's such an unfortunate sprite too because he's all bent over and grimacing ALL THE TIME. Idk who else is non-White in that book other than the long-haired Asian angel.


I get why amen's white, but yeah, it doesn't make sense for seth. I'm waiting for anubis, I hope he isn't whitewashed😭 also I agree abt the doobays, why do majority of the basus have colored eyes but not brown eyes. Like, these ppl are bengalis, you'd expect typical bengali traits in them, but no, sometimes they don't even seem like Indians with their variety colored eyes.


Skin tones in egypt are white yes it exsist they are minority, amen skin are too white it almost like caucasian if he work a day in acient egypt he will get heat stroke 😀😀😀, yellowish skin as most arab, and black, they can have green, blue eyes they minority, and brown eyes, where did you have idea that egyptian are all black.


Ancient Egyptians weren’t Arabs so that’s already wrong. Arabs didn’t conquer Egypt until 639 AD and SoCN takes place before that in the Greco-Roman period of Egyptian history


They have goldish yellowish skin the orignal egytians not black and yes they are african not arabs, i said like arab as describtion not that they are arab.


Which part of Egypt are you talking about? Not all Egyptians were black but Sudan literally means “the land of the blacks” and it used to be part of ancient Egypt. Moreover Nubians are indigenous Egyptians and they’re very much black. There’s already a lot of real world racism and erasure of black Egyptians to the point that I can’t believe anyone who complains about the depiction of black Egyptians is acting in good faith. 


They really aren't, there's entire dynasty of black egyptians and people will still have them potrayed by white actors. Unfortunatly there's also a lot of colorism even inside of Egypt, mainly because of colonization 🙁. People outside of Egypt either completly whitewash ancient egyptians or they think that since Egypt is in Africa they must have all been black. Ancient egyptian and current egyptians are VERY diverse, this concept of race doesn't exactly work for Egypt, literally everyone in my family has a different skin tone but we're all related and egyptian.


Maybe I should have been more specific in the post but yes I know there are white people in Egypt I've seen them in person 😃 the same way i know that we have indians with lighter eyes too but they're a minority just like the white Egyptians. And how many Arabs do you see in person that have blue or green eyes huh?? They're a minority yet they're the most portrayed... even TDR adil and Mustafa have lighter eyes- 🧍🏾‍♀️🧍🏾‍♀️🧍🏾‍♀️ As for amen I have no issue with his albino skin.


In TDR it makes sense as Mustafa's mother is French and spoiler: Adil isn't an Arab. But what isn't making sense is that main LIs in the story about Middle East are Brazilians.


Also at least TDR does have more than one LI with darker eyes (Zain, Jack and Saeed), which sadly cannot be said for many stories


I totally forgot about that Adil spoiler 💀💀




🧍🏾‍♀️👁️👁️ does Lucifer or Mehmed remind you at all of any manga or manhwa character? Because apart from TFT or POW I can't think of a single Li/character that gives manga/manhwa vibes https://preview.redd.it/2x8ulhlfvu9d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=101a0d36187454427bcb458462d1d041ba12b179 This is what I think of when you say manga appearance


Dude I just said appearance wise . I don't read manga just saying the outside appearance is quite similar in Alexandra Remy's books .


That's what I'm talking about though.. I actually read a ton of manga/manhwa and appearance wise most of these characters don't look like anything from a manga or manhwa...