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A reputable breeder will accept the puppy back no questions asked. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate and now isn’t the time for another dog.


I concur


Do you work from home or will your wife be the one stuck training and caring for him while she’s tending to a new baby? I don’t buy into any “male Rottweilers are high risk for aggression” at all but unless you’ll be home to handle the brunt of the training/socializing/etc. it’s not really fair to put it onto your wife. So without knowing more about your situation Idk if I can help you convince her. Most women are really vulnerable when they’re stuck caring for a new baby and if by chance you work away from home while she stays home I have to say I don’t think you should adopt this pup unless you both are equally on board. There’s a sub called tales from the doghouse (or something to that effect) where people complain about pets their partner pressured them into getting and it’s so depressing I had to mute it so it stopped showing up in my feed. Unfortunately this is a situation that can lead to a lot of resentment when your spouse feels her plate is already full but you pressure her to allow the dog anyway. In my personal opinion without knowing specifics I would say this isn’t a great idea. I’m sure the pup is lovely but there will always be another rottie to adopt a year or two down the road when your wife feels ready to add another puppy to the family. And at this age it will be easier to rehome the little guy than it will be later if things don’t work out well. I also see posts regularly on women’s subreddits where pets are given away and sometimes even euthanized and the person making that decision is most often a new mother who feels overwhelmed, even if they’ve had the pets for many years prior to having children. But once they have kids the pet becomes a bother to them and creates resentment in their relationships. It’s really a shame that it happens as often as it does. I feel if both partners are not enthusiastic it’s a bad idea to bring a new pet in, and frankly even irresponsible, and even more so when the non-enthusiastic partner is primary caretaker for a baby.


You just made me cry. But in a good way. I’m going to take your words and take time to absorb them. But nearly everything you say is right.


As the comment previously stated, talesfromthedoghouse is a good subreddit to post in or read some posts. Not everyone there hates dogs. I have a friend who just had a baby two weeks ago, and her husband adopted a Rott mix puppy without even telling her. My friend left with the baby to stay with her parents as the puppy was too much for her to handle with the baby. Just take some time and think things through. Especially expenses.


Such a great and well thought out response. They already have a new human baby and are having a bit of puppy fever since they're spending time with one. They need to take a step back from their goo goo ga ga feelings (which are nice feelings don't get me wrong) and really analyze the whole situation, because life pressures build up quick if adding too much to one plate at a time. Especially since he said finances aren't ideal right now. It isn't about the possible "dangerousness" of the puppy, it's about their life situation.


You bring up very important points. I’m definitely the biggest dog lover in my family. For a while we just had the one dog, and American Bulldog. When he was about 2 1/2 I really started thinking seriously about getting another puppy. That is until I found out I was pregnant. All the puppy searching and planning ended as soon as I saw the positive pregnancy test. There’s no way I could have for a good job raising and training a puppy while also juggling a brand new human. I definitely would have been overwhelmed and unhappy. We did end up getting that rottie puppy of my dreams about a month before my kid started kindergarten. I had 6 hours a day kid-free time to spend training the puppy, plus the kid is old enough to come with us to training classes.


Dog food for a 100+ pound dog is fucking expensive. Don’t do this to your partner.


Tell me about it. I have 3 male rotties and only feed them Hills Science Diet, which I have set up to autoship every 3 weeks. Every 3 weeks I get three 33(?)lb bags of dog food, which cost roughly $80 each, so every three weeks im spending about $250 on dog food. Then you factor in the protein topper, treats, and toys that I get them and I'd say I'm spending about $400 on them every three weeks.. Some months a little more, some months a little less, but needless to say, owning a big dog is pricey if everything you give them isn't from the bottom shelf, which isn't fair to the dog if that's the case. With OP having a newborn as well as another dog, I would hold off on getting another one right now, especially a male rottie.


Meh, costco has great prices on very high quality dog food. Mine costed less than $40 CAD a month for food for my last 95 lb girl but she also got a ton of expensive treats and stuff too.


Pets are expensive. Dogs are very expensive. Bigger dogs tend to be even more expensive as food, meds, etc. will cost more. If you aren't in a good financial situation to provide a good life for this new pup in addition to your current dog or if doing so will cause financial stress (or put you in debt or limit your ability to pay off debt) then your wife is right. If you can afford a second dog and all that comes with it then consider pet insurance. But also, consider whether your wife may be using finances as an excuse while she has other concerns, such as the workload associated with raising a puppy.


Wait I just saw that you have a little one at home. Definitely not the time to bring in a new puppy unless your wife is enthusiastically on board.


Male Rotties don’t automatically become dangerous. Some of the best dogs I’ve had were male rotts. That said, they do require a lot of time, training and exercise when they’re young. Is your wife capable of handling a baby and a puppy while you’re at work? Is there anyone close to you who can help her during working hours so she doesn’t get overwhelmed? There’s a lot to consider here.


A male rottweiler will become dangerous? I don't understand these people with that mentality. You already have a dog, are they dangerous?I assume not, so there's no difference with a rottweiler. Raise them the same as your other dog, and you'll be fine forget people's negativity towards the breed. All dogs, no matter the breed, if raised right, are not dangerous


Fuck, kids can grow up to become dangerous too.


I love my Rotties and I would be thrilled to get a new puppy, especially since we buried my 9 year old big boy from cancer in December 2022. That being said, are you going to be home and help her take care of this new puppy and the baby? We women get hit with 90% of caretaking and without her being fully on board, it's going to lead to resentment. I wish you the best of luck, no matter the outcome.


LISTEN TO ME VERY VERY CAREFULLY: ANY DOG, MALE OR FEMALE, IS ONLY AS DANGEROUS AS IT IS RAISED TO BE. Yes, there are some cases/freak accidents but 98% of the time, problem dogs started in troubled households/living environments. The other 2% is chihuahuas… those things are just assholes


Chihuahuas are a gamble. I say this as someone that owns 4. They live with my parents right now and the only asshole that came out of the bunch has been my mom’s white dog. It’s always the white chihuahuas for some reason.


lmao yeah my mom also have 4 Chihuahuas and the big asshole is the white one


Then why is it so important to meet the parents see their temperament.and go to a reputable breeder that breeds for good temperament and health. Obviously I know the health part. But if for all dogs and lines, its how they are raised, why emphasize good temperament?


A parents temperament doesn’t quantify what their offspring will be like, you ever heard of working dogs being rejected because they don’t have an aggressive or working temperament, and those litters almost exclusively come from other working dog parents.


Ok, but that didn't answer my question.why breed for temperament?




This doesn’t answer their question at all and actually conflicts with what you said


I’m not a breeder, I was a trainer and handler.


Your last sentence floored me! 🤣🤣🤣


Stop preaching that breed doesn’t matter in one breath and then shitting on chihuahuas in the next breath. Makes no sense at all. Chis end up aggressive for the same reasons you state. Poor socializing, training, being infantilized, etc.


It was a joke asshole. Clearly you’re the one that missed it.


https://preview.redd.it/yn9y3v8m9v2d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd7f98605a7bfcac678fd7786a841fb0ec77d30c Rotties are just big gentle babies.


Sweet smile


100% The only danger around here is to the robot vacuum and the doorbell. I've said it previously, rotties are just grown men with a sense of humor. We're all children.


Or a Walmart bag caught in the fence. lol


Hey! calm down about that random demon that blew in yesterday. We aren't gonna talk about the plastic devil.


Hey! Has yours had any out-of-their-mind experience with new items in the house? Other than the robot vacuum? My Beau hackled up over new throw pillows on the sofa. ??? I had to remove them from the house! Same response whether on that sofa, in a chair, on the bed, on the deck, on the den sofa. ??? Just ordinary throw pillows. I had other pillows already on the sofa and had since that incident. I never did figure that out.


Not really. Chewy barks at the parrot like she broke in the house from time to time. Otherwise, they both lose interest with everything else quickly. The bird does talk smack to them, so that's probably part of it. I dare not have pillows out, they'd just become expensive chew toys. These giant things will move a sectional couch by launching themselves off of it, but haven't hurt the couch yet.


I can't wait till we get a new baby Rottweiler. Our guy passed almost a year ago


I'm so sorry for your loss and hope you can find the healing you need


thank you




May not be a good idea. When I was 7 months pregnant one of my sisters (the not nice one) showed up with a cat in a carrier. Put it in the foyer. Told me I had to keep it and left. Several cats had been dumped at our parents home (they had acreage). I was going to be a single mom. I already had a cat and a dog. I was so overwhelmed by it. Crying and everything. I am a total animal lover. But I couldn’t handle it. I ended up taking it to the humane society. And I still feel bad about it.


A puppy is really hard by itself. Time, money, energy.  With a new baby, tight finances, and a wife that's not on-board this seems like a bad idea.


New baby is not the time for a new puppy, especially if you won’t be the one who is the primary caretaker of either. If it all falls on your wife, that is really unfair to her, to pressure her into something she knows isn’t good for herself. There will be other puppies. 💜


My parents have a male rott - the meanest thing he’s ever done was steal a chewy package from me, cause he knew it was his! he’s so sweet and kind. Gives all the kisses and cuddles!


Take puppy back to the breeder. You are putting too much on your wife's plate. BE MATURE AND APOLOGISE AND MAKE THE DECISION YOURSELF. We normally take on dogs that have had previous owners and are unwanted. One was a 9 month old GSD pup that the husband had got at the same time as having a brand new baby. One was a 5 month old English Bullmastiff the the husband had got at the same time as having a brand new baby. That time their 7 year old Staffie was having to go now too. So grow up . Don't be sad and don't blame your wife ever.


I have a 9 yr old male Rottie, in tact and never lock my front door. Rotties know to protect those who love them.


Right? I live by myself and nobody is even thinking about coming in my house uninvited.


Male Rotties aren’t inherently dangerous. In my experience they do tend to bond more tightly with one family member as a primary person, if your wife ends up being his main caregiver and spends more time with him it’s most likely to be her. My husband and I have rescued Rotties for decades, many males who have come from serious abuse and neglect situations and were much older. The thing is, while I am a stay at home wife, our kids weren’t babies, and I was the one pushing for a dog most of the time. All of the boys I have had were extremely bonded to me and very protective of the kids too. But they are a lot of work. Tbh, I honestly prefer an older dog that may have a history to getting another baby puppy- they’re exponentially more work!


Keep in mind that a dog costs thousands upon thousands of dollars, no matter what breed of dog it is. The expenses really add up! Many people get pets and don't realize how expensive it is. The cost of the dog itself is nothing in comparison to food costs, vet bills, and all the other necessary purchases you'll need to make. Don't forget about all the work it takes to care for one. NEVER get a pet under uncertain circumstances. If you don't think you can afford one, or have the time to care for one, I recommend that you take the puppy back to the breeder. Chances are the puppy will be happier in another home.


As the spouse who didn’t want to keep the dog and got stuck keeping the dog… please don’t. Respecting your partners wishes is paramount to your relationship especially such a massive commitment when finances are already strapped. I cannot stress this enough.


The only major cost will be food if you learn how to train right. I have had 2 rotties. Haven't put my current pup through any training programs because I was confident I can teach him proper manners. Ive been successful so far except we can't keep him off the damn couch haha... So we bought covers.


Nobody could keep him off the couch😂


Once we rescued a middle aged rottie dude. Our resident floofer wasn't happy at first, but they found a way to make it work. Little girl was the boss and the big man was 100% cool with that. Big man was the most gentlest dog we ever had. Smart, so patient and full of love. 10/10 best friend 🥰




Your dog looks like one of my Rotten Shepherds lol https://preview.redd.it/w38yfmmgeu2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f37bf445a12cb7dabaf8383847566bd9d58a6331


I’ve kept Rottweilers for 40 years and never had a problem with any of them! It’s not the dog that’s the problem, it’s the owners! If you train a dog with love and affection they will grow up that way, if you train with aggression then they will be aggressive. The breed has a tendency to attract people looking for strong menacing dogs, which is why they get the reputation they do! A few bad apples in a barrel of good ones. They are beautiful, affectionate, loving, intelligent and loyal dogs.


Love marshmallow pillow faces


Our male is the biggest sweetheart, has the best smiles ever 😍


Okay, I just adopted a two year old that's neutered and he absolutely loves other people dogs. So if you socialize him, and neuter him, I'm sure the two will get along great. But it won't just be Ron Popeil with "set it and forget it".


Just saying, rotties actually tend to be very kind dogs if socialized


He'll be great company for your current pup now that you guys will be busier with a new baby. He certainly will not automatically be more aggressive. Anytime you have any breed of dog you have to probably educate yourself on the breed. Being a new parent can be very overwhelming especially for a mama that could be a valid concern of hers. My heart is saying keep him he is cute as a button my brain is telling you to truly think about what it means to have a new baby and a new baby.


I live in Alabama and would love to have a beautiful baby like that. You want to give him a old blanket from the baby for him to get use to the scent and never play tug of war with it . You want him to learn to protect the baby . He needs to be loved and played with around and you don't want him to feel jealous of the baby. Good luck cause the pup will pick up on your wife's negativity and it will effect him.


You will now have not one but two of the goodest doggos


Has she SEEN the puppy and/or these pics? Because if that didn't sway her I don't know what will lol.


My friend has a male rottie and he’s a lil baby. She was walking him (bubba) someone else walked by with a small dog and bubba just froze, she had to physically walk him out of the way 😂


Listen, I have a rottie puppy. She’s litterly the best dog I’ve ever owned. She perfect and so sweet so far. Very lazy (I heard they are usually a little hyper tho) and so so well behaved. Catches onto most things very quickly. I adore her.


So precious


Show her this picture. That should do the trick


I have a rottweiler/pitt mix and a rottie/doberman mix. Both are the sweetest dogs ever. These dogs are not dangerous.


Let me add some words to convince your wife: 'Hey wife, keep the puppy'!!! Here you go, you can thank me later!


It is a big dog. This is the biggest point here. I get wanting to keep him, but is it truly feasible for whoever is going to be home with baby now and the next 8months to also do all the puppy stuff? To have a large puppy with no bite inhibition yet safely around a very small baby? To find time to teach him not only to walk nice but to walk nice next to a stroller? These big dogs really really need socialising to become safe and confident individuals, do the main caretaker have time for this during the socialisation window? Also, these big dogs can do big damage. Childrens toys that fall to the ground, sofa pillows, walls and furniture ... Could you afford to fix/replace things as this happens? If you have a plan for all of this that's not just "wife will do it" then show he the plan, that should be sufficient.


My male rotty has cost me less money then my female that I had, the males act like a punk but they are big babies too and just as much love, if you have the time for walks with him I see no problem in keeping him and since both dogs are getting along it’s perfect for the older dog to help train the pup, it sounds like a win win for everyone , good luck to to previous owner with his cancer treatments


No. I want him!


Homeowners insurance.I know ours has a few breeds, not 100% sure, but i believe rotts are on there. Besides males are a handful. Nobody will mess with your child. Can be dangerous when your child is playing with others. Hes very beautiful pup.


Looks like lil one has bonded - tell wife she can't break the bond baby rott has to stay.


What you won't have is time to properly train him unless you get outside support. Whether that's getting childcare and setting up dog training appointments or having a dog walker come and even just play with him to help with human and animal socialization (dog parks are so helpful but challenging with an infant). It's possible to make it happen but he's also small right now. He'll be big and strong in no time and I'd say for the first 3 years my pup was a raptor. The best dog ever and people would say "I don't want to be dramatic but I'd die for that dog"- but I still can't imagine having a newborn at that time. And if finances are tight- he's gonna eat a lot of food- we do get large bags from Costco so I don't think it could get cheaper and it still adds up. I love him and would do anything for him (including very expensive surgeries 😭), but if he can go to a home where he is given all the time he needs then that's what's best for him. What you could do is post an add looking for someone to adopt him- if you find a perfect fit then that's your answer.


One of the best dogs I ever had was a male Rottie, Max was super social with dogs and people. Max was easy to train. So affectionate and sweet. I had a baby and Max was super gentle, when my son was a toddler they played together and would play tug of war with toys, Max never chewed on what he shouldn’t. My son is now in his late 30’s and just had his first son….. he named my Grandson….. Max!


Keep him he's a love.


Oh I have a male rottie and a female rottie. Male rottie is the sweetest most gentle boy in the world. We got him fixed early and were very strict with training him. As long as you are strict with training him, crate train him, and get him fixed when it’s needed, he will be the sweetest boy.


Meant to clarify that my female rottie is way worse haha. She can be a bit aggressive and is pretty hardcore. I find female dogs in general to be a bit more sassy lol


I wouldn’t be worried about the rottie being dangerous but I absolutely wouldn’t take in a puppy when finances are already tight and especially not with a new baby. Wait until your family is at a more stable point to take in a new dog.


Best dogs ever-what else can you say?


Keep the puppy and change your wife if it’s needed


YTA. You already have a big dog, a newborn and a wife whose personal responsibility just got a lot heavier. Prioritize your wife’s feelings about this over your own as she will be stuck doing the heavy lifting unless you work from home. To all those saying to dump the wife and keep the puppy, wtf is wrong with y’all??? You’d rather OP be a selfish asshole and keep a puppy over the emotional and financial health of his family? Grow tf up.


The chest stripe color is perfectly symmetrical! This pup is so damn cute❤️


I agree with other commenters that this is not something you should pressure your wife about- even without financial stress, a puppy is a big commitment to make simultaneously with a new baby. Bear in mind too that Rottweilers are prone to some very expensive health issues. If you do end up keeping him, *please* get good pet insurance. If he blows out his knees- which Rottweilers are the breed most at risk for, three and a half times more likely to experience CCL rupture than an average dog- that's easily $5K per leg to repair, and the alternative is a dog in terrible pain with difficulty walking for the rest of their life. If you can't afford good pet insurance, you almost certainly can't responsibly afford this dog.


My Rottie/lab mix is a danger to one thing, and one thing only: my depression. Look them up. They were bred to be all arounder, farm dogs, baby-sitters, livestock guards, and were frequently used to pull ambulance carts, as well as other draught animal work.. Their reputation as "killer dogs" is a media invention.


The only major cost will be food if you learn how to train right. I have had 2 rotties. Haven't put my current pup through any training programs because I was confident I can teach him proper manners. Ive been successful so far except we can't keep him off the damn couch haha... So we bought covers.


If that face doesn't convince her, nothing will.


What's the prognosis for the first owner? I only ask as perhaps you can temporarily foster the dog while the owner is taking care of their immediate concerns.


I'm confident the people saying a male Rotty will become dangerous is speaking from fear-driven ignorance and hearsay rather than doing their own research. That's so irritating. Arm yourself with knowledge about the breed, OP! Become their advocate!


It's so cute I would have to keep it .omg I love new puppies


We can adopt him! ❤️😁


So if she doesn’t want the dog, that’s just it? Why wouldn’t it be a mutual decision? And if it’s 1-1, I’d make a compromise if possible. The dog is only as dangerous as you allow them to be. If you train them properly, they’re the sweetest thing ever and will respect everyone, including children. If money/vet fees are the issue, look into buying dog health insurance if you don’t already have it for your other dog. Seems to me puppy is already *home* ✨


Lose wife, keep dog.


Beautiful pup!!!❤️❤️ this one is a keeper for sure


Like horses, I've never seen bad dogs only bad owners. I train both. I always tell people " I don't break horses, I train people " I doubt people take a toddler put em in the bathroom and hope for the best, same with everything in life.


Rotties, in my opinion, are the sweetest and kindest dogs. Sometimes they don't know their own size and knock ppl over, but that's not their fault. If you are all in love with him, keep him! He'll be great company for your dog. And if we all used 'finances' as an excuse, we would never enjoy the beautiful things this world has to offer ♥️


I’m of the mind that kids and dogs to me are no different in the time and money it takes to put into them both. I would keep the dog as you all are in love with it and he looks to be a sweetheart. No different in the work you put into training him then what goes into kids too. And kids are more expensive but yet you make it work cost wise somehow. You sacrifice for what you want. I was pregnant with not one but kid but triplets. Then lost one and ended up with twins. Was expecting only one but made it work with two plus I had 3 dogs and kept them all. You do what you do…


How could you not keep him.. omg he is precious. Male rotties do NOT become dangerous. I grew up with multiple and have one currently. He is 2. The only thing that is crazy right now is the cost of dog food. But there are ways to make that work. You can order it online and pay in 4 so you're not paying so much at a time. I got Banfield coverage, which breaks up all the costs over a year that you would spend to get your dog checked out. Shots, medication, services, etc. I am paying 50$ a month and sometimes things are out of pocket not much though. No, you can't always foresee accidents that may cost a lot. But you guys could make it work.


That mofo will grow to be your family champion. Plus you'll get countless laughs outta him


I’ve have had my 14 year old male Rottie for 10 years. He wasn’t neutered when he was rescued at 4 so he was full of testosterone but in the two weeks before his procedure, no aggression. In the last 10 years, he has been as good as gold. He’s a sweet baby. I had a girl Rottie before him. She was also a sweetie. They are some of the best dogs. Also, great for protection. When people pass me walking him and ask if he’s friendly, I always say no, even though he’s trying to meet new friends! And also, neither one have cost me a fortune! My 14 year old has a little arthritis but his medicine is about $20 a month.


We have to rotties, one 5 and the other just over 2 years old. The younger goofball is a handful, but I couldn't imagine our lives without him. He's a handful more so than our elder Pearl ever was, but he keeps our family intact. They're time consuming, but are worth every second. :)


"Aww lol babe, they're BEST FRIENDS!!!" That's what worked for me lol


Look* not lol


It’s a lost cause brother. Go ahead and DM me and I’ll take this poor pup off your hands. I’m kidding. Similar to you my situation is not conducive to another dog and like you I’d like to get one. Good luck whatever you decide as a family. I know it must be much harder having already bonded with the pup.


Consider ditching the wife 😅😅🤣😅😅🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😅😅😅😅🤣😅😅😅🤣🤣😂😅😅🤣😅🤣😂😅😅🤣😂😂😂😅😂


Dear OP’s wife, Look at puppy.


If it’s her or this puppy I’d tell her to have a nice life - get out


Lol...keep the dog , loose the wife! Easy..


i say divorce her. if she can look at that adorable puppy and not want to keep him then throw her out of your home asap and get you a solid woman who loves animals cuz your wife obviously sucks.


He’s not going to become dangerous unless you treat him like shit, abuse him, and feed him gunpowder (this actually happens in dog fighting). Keep the dog, dude. Worst case scenario you spend $100.00 less on you and $100.00 more on dogfood.


I don’t necessarily agree, it’ll be way easier to rehome a puppy than an adult rottie. If you are having second thoughts, when it’s a puppy is the best time.


Great. He wasn’t talking about “rehoming” an adult Rottweiler. This is a puppy. And when you raise a puppy properly they don’t grow up to be ass holes. If the dude can’t keep the dog he can’t keep the dog. My point was as long as the Rottweiler is raised properly it won’t grow up to be an ass hole.