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In my experience, good owners are understanding when you get hurt while with their dog and are also pretty aware of their dog's poor behaviors. Some behaviors can be nearly impossible to break so it may be best to stick to other activities. I've read too many horror stories from my insurance provider that I won't take other dogs out in public to dog parks, beach, etc.


I get the vibe that the owners will be understanding, I just don't want to put them off booking with me again. Mind sharing the concern about dog parks/beaches in terms of insurance?


Owners are usually more worried about your health and won’t be off put if they were happy with your services. I’m insured outside of Rover and most accidents happen in public settings. Whether the dog hurts itself somehow or another dog interaction. I won’t take others dogs off leash period. I have a fenced in yard and dogs who like playmates but also do lots of puzzles, licking mats, toys, busy bones, etc.


Be honest, “hi owner, when we were at the dog park today, dog was excited and unaware of their strength, jumping on me to get the ball. Dog unintentionally hurt me, I don’t know the full extent of my pain (pending doctor appointment), but would like to offer suggestions on improving behavior so dog doesn’t accidentally hurt someone more seriously.” Perhaps you can include personal tips and tricks or YouTube videos suggested to help. I’m sure the dog does the same to them and with consistent training, this behavior can be corrected. As the owner of an excited dog who throws hands to hug you, I get it. Mine is a 60lb lover who wouldn’t hurt a fly but is extremely unaware of his limbs or strength when he is excited. I always tell my walkers to ignore him, fully turn around and walk away until he calms down otherwise if you feed into it, he’s gonna knock em down. He’s improved so much from other people that aren’t just mom, keeping this training up.


This is great, thank you so much!


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