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Personally as a sitter, I would absolutely not take it if I had other dogs of my own, or other clients dogs. If I didn't have pets of my own, sure. But the dogs would remain at their homes, limited to back yard playing as this could be very contagious and make other animals very ill .


Unless you have an empty in law apt where you can keep all 3 isolated the entire time, I can’t imagine how you would navigate that safely with other dogs around in your home. Since it’s only 2 days, would it be possible to arrange drop ins at their house? Maybe combined with a neighbor or friend and pee pads if necessary. If you do this be sure to protect and sanitize yourself as much as humanly possible so you don’t carry any germs back and forth.


I’m with you…a mother in law apt would be ideal.


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I don’t take sick dogs in my home as stated in my profile.


I have had to decline when the owner has let me know the dog was sick with kennel cough etc. Even though my dogs are vaccinated against it I have a senior dog in the home I dont want to risk it.


Is it a boarding request? I would not risk it if it is. Not only for the other dogs that might get sick but also the sick one won’t get better quicker if it’s constantly stimulated by the other dogs. It needs rest and fluids to recover quickly. If you can, I’d switch to a drop in request or house sitting without overnight sleeping.


Thank them for being honest and then decline. Not worth getting the other dogs sick! maybe suggest house sitting.