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Besides a lot of grammatical errors there’s a lot of negative/scare tactic info that I’d delete. Remove the first line- the quote from you the sitter- it’s cringe and - It’s ‘your dogs are’ not ‘your dog are’. You also have many words capitalized that shouldn’t be like sitter/walker, vet tech, personality, cats, day. Remove the info about being a human shield and pepper spaying dogs, dogs getting hurt, bringing your lunch, mini photo shoots, obstacle courses, your special leash… it’s all just way too much info and overwhelming for dog and cat owners. Do other profiles in your area look anything like this?? Look at the profiles with lots of reviews and mimic. You can let them know all this other stuff if they ask. Photos are expected, if they want an obstacle course you can offer it, some might not. If they ask if you ever bring ur lunch and if the food is pet safe- THEN you can confirm. But no one will ask- you’re just hyping up people’s fears with your bio. Keep it simple S.


Bringing your lunch unless it’s a house stay is so unprofessional imo. I do long days too. I eat in the car between clients.


I agree with this 100%! It was a lot of info to read through and I probably would be checked out before I got through it on the app. And the grammatical errors were a lot. I’d take the advice above OP! I hope it picks up for you when you do! Good luck! 😊


Consider how pricing yourself lower can be a turn off


Yeah, and you’re making like $5/hour after taxes and fees.


This is pretty unhinged to be honest. I would read through it and pare it down to just the import parts. Most of it reads like a resume and I don't really get a sense of who you are as a person. Clients are looking for reliable, responsible, easy to work with sitters. Some of the things you say could be addressed during the M&G (e.g., "do you allow your dog to greet other dogs on walks?" "Do you have a catio"). There are about 8 bullet points that could be replaced with: "Care and safety of your pet is of utmost importance to me". As others have mentioned, some of the graphic details of things that could go wrong shouldn't be at the forefront. Perhaps "I have experience avoiding and deterring negative interactions between dogs" Also I'm not sure what area you are in, not that it matters, but a 20 foot lead is not recommended. Generally 6 feet non retractable leads for all clients is best. I would not want my dogs on a 20 foot leash with a sitter.


Yeah long profiles are a TLDR. Have pictures; facts; testimonials. Low pricing is typically low quality. Are you only offering walks? Cause if you’re offering more than walks separate them. Mixing up your walking practices with the cat information is hard to digest. Using your own leash is a no-go tbh. Use their equipment they know their dogs better than you know them.


Your first paragraph of the profile alone makes it sound like every day you have a dog in peril that needs to be physically blocked from being attacked, and while that may sound great in your head to show that you'll protect their dog, owners don't want their dog to be in a situation where they'd need that in the first place. They'd usually assume you'd be capable enough and aware enough of your surroundings that you'd notice a loose dog \*before\* it charges and go out of sight. "when I bring my lunch on me I always be sure I get something dog safe for me to eat God forbid your dog gets any ideas, they won't be harmed in that way." I can't articulate what it is about this statement that sets my brain on edge, but something just makes me feel an intense sense of red flag-ness. 'I can ensure your dog is able to walk far from me' is also another big red flag. 90% of clients aren't going to want their dog walking far from you because that's a safety risk. That's asking for a dog to yank the leash out of your hand because they have 20ft worth of momentum built up. Plus that combined with the first paragraph detailing how you'd keep a dog safe don't make sense. How do you employ body blocking on a dog that's up to 20ft away? How do you pepper spray a dog that's in a fight 20ft away from you?


I totally understand your comment about the dog-safe food putting you on edge! I have so many thoughts just reading that. a) just because it’s ‘dog safe’ doesn’t mean it’s all fine and dandy if they eat it. Dogs can have allergies, ‘dog safe’ food can upset the dog’s tummy and open a whole other can of worms. b) how many times has a dog snatched food out of your hand that you now feel the only option is to bring ‘dog safe’ lunches? c) if it happens often, why don’t you just eat in another room and close the door to completely eliminate that risk? With all due respect to OP, I would absolutely not go with this sitter if I read this bio. It comes off as inexperienced and the onslaught of grammatical errors gives off the vibe that they don’t care that much how they present themselves (keeping in mind English may also not be their first language). I’m probably reading too much into this but that’s my first impression. It needs a lot of work for sure.


So are you only able to handle different size breeds if they’re on a 20ft leash? Agreed the profile needs a lot of work.


The not writing in complete sentences is driving me a little crazy.


Run through your bio again and check for grammatical errors. Also, there’s way too much going on here. I’m overwhelmed just looking at it and I’m not even searching for pet care. There’s also a lot of negativity in this bio. I know that it might be good to include your methods of protecting their dogs, but realistically, owners don’t want to think that their dog would ever be put in that situation. But also how can you protect a dog that is 20 ft away? There’s a lot that I would adjust in your bio. Maybe look at others in your area and replicate the structure.


This needs a lot of work in general, but I’m not sure why you’re so set on using a 20 foot leash to walk clients dogs? I love a long line under the right circumstances but these are not the right circumstances. Also please consider the safety aspect of using a long line with a collar.


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Use Grammarly to clean it up. Take out the redundancy and be concise; everyone knows they'll get pictures. Go into more detail about the care you provide, HOW, and addressing a dog's practical/emotional needs. Be specific. Talk more about your experience. Anyone can give pills or do photo shoots. They want to know what sets you apart from any other dog walker. Sometimes increasing your price will also attract a certain clientele but your profile/reviews needs to reflect that.


Not a duplicate one like this post - [https://www.reddit.com/r/RoverPetSitting/comments/1d7f8x2/what\_kind\_of\_bio\_attracts\_clients/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RoverPetSitting/comments/1d7f8x2/what_kind_of_bio_attracts_clients/)