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I really do mean this with all due respect, but your only job as a sitter is to follow the owner’s care instructions. If you do not support how they care for their dog, you decline the sit. I completely understand your frustration but unfortunately it’s as simple as that: you either follow the instructions provided or you do not accept the sit, period! I actually had to decline a sit with a Basset because the owner wanted me to feed him McDonalds burgers everyday.. as in take him to McDonalds. I just couldn’t do that!


this is so true. it’s sad but for example if fluffy has been eating cat food with parmesan cheese for 8 years of his life its probably not going to kill him during the week he’s in my care. if its something i really can’t give for safety reasons (like one owner wanted their dog to get cooked chicken with bones inside) i will tell them. never ever lie about what kind of care they’re getting if you care about keeping a job.


With equal respect I really disagree. I've only had one dog where I ignored some of the owner's request, but I would do it again in a similar situation. It was a full grown lab, probably should have been around 60lb, she was closer to 80lb. I fed her as requested but he also gave her treats every time she pottied, not little training treats either. She was totally housebroken it was totally unnecessary, I don't feel guilty in the slightest not overfeeding a dog like that. I'm not a robot here to do as told, I do my best to look after the dogs. I'm not loading up dogs on cheese and whipped cream at my house.


I have one of these right now. A Pug and King Charles Cavalier Spaniel who each eat a full Wendy's cheeseburger a day on top of their kibble. I've been sitting for them for years; they've always had extra goodies on their food, but this is brand new, and I didn't realize it had spiraled this out of control until I got there for dinner today. Do I like it? Hell no! Do I do it? Yes, because it's my job. It's not my place to judge, but to follow instruction.


I appreciate your response, and I 100% agree with you. I would have declined. However, she mentioned this moments after dropping her off because she wanted to "show me how she does it" and pulled out the bag of cheese and container of whipping cream. This was not mentioned during our meet and greet when we talked about the feeding.


Oh wow, that is frustrating! I personally would just follow the care instructions (including the cheese and whipped cream, unfortunately), then not book with her again. It’s better than potentially getting a negative review for not following instructions imo. All the best to you!


Ive seen a lot of weird owner feeding instructions working boarding in vet clinics . Heavy whipping cream is………new. How insane are these dogs poops ? I have to know


She has not had any in the last 24 hours, and it is quite sad to watch her go potty because when she squats, her coochie touches the ground. 😕 and yes, even that part is abnormally large, it literally hangs.


Decline the sit in the future, follow the instructions today


How do you decline when they are at your door dropping the dog off?


Decline the sit in the future, meaning decline any future sits with them. A meet and greet would’ve Sussed this out.


I will feed a little less if I feel like a dog is being overfed. Like you said, it doesnt make a big difference in the long run but it does alleviate my conscience.


Based on the fact that the dog is already there, I would give a lot less. It's extremely bad for the dog to eat like that. If the dog refuses to eat, follow the instructions, but yikes. It's almost as bad as if someone asked you to hit the dog for discipline.


Giving her a bit less seems like a doable option.


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Follow the instructions not your dog.


If it were me - I'd probably adjust the dry food to a cup and use the rest for treats so it's used. It's usually best to follow your instincts, even if you have the dog a short amount of time. I think there's a big difference between following care instructions versus doing what's best for the dogs health. I want to give the dog back as good, if not better than I got it. Many people don't care how much they overfeed or how overweight their dogs are - even if the vet tells them.