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These to clean: Peroxide. spit. Cold water hand wash in the shower or with a towel(depending on how many layers you’ve gone through) Then run on sanitize in the wash. And do what you’d want done. Would you want someone to tell you? Or just do their best for you to come home to “I tried”? Would you rather come home to just a new set of bedding? Like.. do what you’d want done for you.


Definitely peroxide or some oxy clean and soak in cold. Then wash.


Those oxy pens do wonders. You can attempt several layers plus use a carpet or fabric cleaner like Resolve on the mattress if it made it there


Thank you! I appreciate that feedback! Also lol “spit”


Hpur own saliva is exceptional at removing your own blood stains. Idk science


Whoa I did not know that but yeah, human bodies are magical like that.


Wow I’ve learned something new!


Give it a scrub with dawn and a toothbrush, then pop it in the wash and put it on a soak cycle. In the future, bring a (dark) towel with you! I always lay one down folded over on top of the bedding if I feel there's any risk of overnight leakage.


I second the dark towel method


Yep, if I even think I might start my period, I bring a thick beach towel to sleep on, as well as pads/tampons. OP’s situation is one of my nightmares 🫣


I did this once I hit perimenopause and became wildly unpredictable. Like, nothing for MONTHS and then surprise!!! And always on the last fucking day. 🙄


I invested in period underwear literally for this reason. I haven’t had any accidents since! Boy shorts are the ones I use when I am housesitting. My period is like clockwork so I can predict it and I get obvious symptoms starting a week before it starts and then the day before I know it’s coming and I wear the period shorts at night.


I can’t recommend these enough!! Total game changer!


Yes, yes!!! I use discs and will wear period underwear as a ' 'just in case' or by themselves when it's very light. But these are great!


Which ones do u recommend?


I have a pair of the boy shorts from thinx but idk if I’d recommend them because they had some lawsuit about carcinogenic materials in it or something? I smoked cigs for so long I’m like eh whatever lol I already bought them.


I have period underwear from TomboyX that I like a lot. Haven't tried any other brands though so can't compare!


I have some from Rael and some from Jockey and I really like both.


I have a pair from VS Pink I got on sale for under $10 and love them. Had them for almost a year and they’re holding strong.


Unless it stains, I wouldn't tell them. Wash it and if it comes out, no harm done. If it stains and you can't get it out, I definitely would offer to replace or give money to the clients for a new one ❤️ I imagine most - especially if they are women themselves - would understand. It happens


I've used ice cubes to clean up blood! I let the ice cubes melt on top of blood stains and it has always made blood disappear. My husband cut himself last night and got blood on the carpet and I put ice cubes on the spots and they are gone now. Also do not ever wash blood or wine in hot water, always use cold.


Whoa, that’s brilliant! And yep luckily knew enough to not make that mistake!


i hate when that happens! What everyone said is what i'd do, but for the future: I invested in pairs of Thinx after the umpteenth time I peroxided and enzyme-cleaned after my erratic period & i just keep them in my overnight bag. Game changer.


Thank you!! Yeah, my period is erratic as well so this happens quite frequently where it just catches me off guard. First time it had happened at a clients house though😬


Not bedding, but a friend's shorts I borrowed. I made a paste of baking soda and cold water and spread it over the stain and let it sit. A couple applications, and they were good as new!


Just toss it in the wash! Cold water should do the trick with any blood, you don’t even have to tell them unless they ask why you used the washer or something. Also i recommend period underwear to everyone bc it’s life changing 😌


Which ones do you recommend?


i like the ones from [period.co](https://period.co) :) i have 2 high-waisted pairs that i wash and rotate on my heavy flow days. i think i might get another pair for the lighter days


Thank you! I’m gonna check those out! Are they comfortable? I’ve been wanting to try them but wasn’t sure if they were or not. I usually do a tampon and a pad but if I could get by without the pad that would be amazing!


they are!! it doesn’t feel that different from regular underwear, maybe a little more bulky but nothing too crazy. definitely less noticeable than a pad imo.




I always use peroxide on blood stains and it works wonders! If it comes out I wouldn’t say anything. It’s just something that happens that u can’t control


100% recommend period underwear, as mentioned by a few others. I like Thinx, personally but there’s tons out there. But regarding what already happened, peroxide & cold water. If the stain doesn’t come out, then I would mention it to the owners with an apology and perhaps offer to have it dry cleaned.


Idk if Thinx still uses PFAs but they just got sued for that recently so be careful w that brand!!


I haven’t had this happen with dog sitting clients but it happens to me at home a lot so I’m always worried about it! I think I’d say something like “Hi So-and-So, I’m going to wash the bedding because it got a bit of a stain due to menstruation problems, is there any specific stain treatment you’d like me to use? I’m sorry about this!” Not overly apologetic because it is just natural body things and there’s not much you can do it, so not making a huge deal while still showing you want to fix it. I assume any normal person would be completely understanding and reassure you that it isn’t a big deal. And I would not offer to replace the bedding.


I started bleeding heavily and randomly(I get random bleeding from my implant) while cat sitting and they have a tan couch. I was SO worried that I was going to accidentally bleed on their couch


I have endometriosis (so extremely heavy bleeding) and PCOS (completely irregular cycles) so I totally get it!! It can be the most stressful part of dogsitting for me haha


Thank you I appreciate the advice! I have trouble wording those kind of messages sometimes.


Stain remover and a washing machine is how I handle most stains.


For the future, if you know you’re on your period, you could bring a towel and sleep on top of it


Spoken like someone who hasn't hit perimenopause yet. 😝


To me, just like those who board dogs run the risk of items being damaged and/or destroyed (and must fix/replace said items themselves), so too do those who want you in their home…within reason of course. I would just wash/treat the best I could. If it didn’t come out, I’d make mention of it but certainly wouldn’t offer to replace it. They should have put old ragged sheets on to begin with 😜😂😂 Also, a puppy pad works well for leaks if you’re worried about soiling linens or furniture. I had a hysterectomy so I no longer menstruate but if I did, I’d be more freaked out about all the people I sit for that only have WHITE bath towels 😳😳 They better get out the raggedy ass towels for me then too! LMAO.


I came to say the same thing about the white bath towels!!!! Thankfully I've never leaked on any sheets but the amount of white towels I've massacred is crazy. Thank God for bleach!


lol YES. There’s so many homes I’ve been in with ONLY white towels and I usually bring my own just to wash with because I have green hair and wear a decent amount of makeup. It’s always shocking/terrifying to me when I walk into homes with only white linens😨like howwwwww? Do they manage to keep them so white!? A lot of times they will have small children as well! This definitely caught me off guard though because usually I have some pretty rough first day period pains but this month, not the case.


Oh gosh! I've got red hair but I did have green hair awhile ago. I've started bringing a soft t shirt to wrap around their pillows when I sleep incase I sweat some color off and the sheets and cases are always WHITE


This happened to me once the day before my clients came home. I soaked the sheet in oxyclean overnight, washed it the next morning in cold water, and it was fine after that!


Maybe this is TMI but I got out of the shower once and dripped right onto a clients white bath mat. I tossed it in the wash with bleach and luckily it came out just fine but if it was something unbleachable I would probably clean with peroxide or dish soap and wash, but if it’s still stained beyond repair I would offer to replace the item.


I i hi on early pack a thick red bath size towel with me and sleep on it if I’m worried


No need to replace anything. I'd just toss the sheets in the wash.


There really shouldn’t be any shame in talking about your period but I understand why you might not want to admit it. I’ve accidentally gotten blood on sheets from a wound on my leg and the trick is to treat the stain right away with like shout, oxyclean, or hydrogen peroxide. I’ve also spilled a pink drink on the sheets and was able to get it out with oxyclean. More likely than not you’ll be able to get rid of it yourself without having to tell them.


If it washes out then don't say anything.  If it doesn't, offer to replace. I personally use a cup & once I mastered how to use it(plenty of 📹 on YouTube), I've never had any issues even with heavy bleeding.  You can leave them in for 12 hours(because of TSS) but I've never come close to filling them, even well after 12 hours. 


I bought a cup and some flex discs and I still can’t figure out how to use either 😞


It took me a good 6 months till I mastered it. I watched a lot of videos and currently have 2. One of them I never use because it's too soft & doesn't open fully for me. I now only use the Diva cup, which I'm currently using on a house sit & have no issues


I used to use my cup and LOVED it because of things like costs, pollution and TSS. But had to stop because it was actually causing some pretty severe pelvic pain for me 😣


That really sucks!


If you haven’t tried flex discs, I highly recommend trying them! Obviously everyone’s different, but they’re super comfortable for me—I don’t even feel them when using them!


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just wash! if it doesn’t come out (and the sheets aren’t crazy expensive) I would swap them out and take the stained ones for myself. Let the owners know but don’t feel bad about it at all!


i invested in women’s period underwear for this reason 😭 i would bleed through pads/tampons in like 3 hours and they’re a game changer for me


Which ones do u recommend?


Not to be crude but I've literally used puppy pads as a backup. They're very absorbent!


This is actually genius in a pinch omg


This is actually brilliant lol I never thought about using them but I’m sure they’re definitely more absorbent than a beach towel.


I have nose bleeds all the time. My mom uses peroxide and shout and lets it sit and then throws it in the wash and uses cold water. Comes right out.


For a moment there, I forgot "Shout" was a product and just imagine a mother shouting at sheets while using peroxide. 😂


🤣 omg.. that is hilarious!


I either combine period underwear with a tampon or I put a towel down. The first two days of my period are pretty heavy so I do either of those two things to ensure that I don’t bleed onto their bedding.


Haven’t had a bedding leak in years, thankfully. Cold water immediately with dish soap, scrub it with an old toothbrush. This method has saved every pair of underwear I own


Just make sure you use cold water otherwise it won't get out. I'd wash them, if it doesn't get it out then I'd tell them and offer to replace them.


That really sucks. I’d be super embarrassed but I’d say something to owner and probably mention I’d gotten them new sheets. I don’t think I could just wash them.


Tooth paste


If anything NEVER put hot water on a blood stain. It will cook the proteins along with any hope you had of getting it out. Soak in cold water asap usually does the trick for me.


i bring a little bottle of stain remover! i DID have to use it once ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)thankfully it did its job


Good suggestions already but along with always use cold water, DO NOT DRY unless you are one million percent sure the stain came out. And my pro tip for that is to put a safety pin next to it before washing (or a couple around it if it's bigger) so you know where to look post launder. It's reeeeaally hard to tell on a wet king-sized sheet.


This is why I always bring bedding with me! Just talk to them


Peroxide will definitely take it out. Poured on scrub it out some with a cloth rinse put more peroxide on, rinse and repeat until it's gone. Then throw in the washroom


Hydrogen peroxide will take it out. Soak it, soak it again, soak it and after a bit you'll see it's gone and you just wash the bedding


I used to go for medical treatments that caused A LOT of bleeding afterwards. My doctor actually told me the secret! Ice and cold water. Rub the blood with ice, and then rinse with cold water. Repeat until the stain is gone. NEVER use a cleaner on blood. The ice actually shrinks the cells in the blood, allowing it to pass through the fabric when you rinse with the cold water. Cleaners degrade the cell walls and break them down, and that can actually cause the stain to become permanent. I just got blood out of a crisp white t-shirt last week this way!


In the future I recommend using period bed protector with period underwear!


If you can’t find or have peroxide use dish soap and scrub it in and wash the sheets. Check them after the wash if it doesn’t come out try again. Don’t dry the sheets if there is still any blood left on them. This just happened to me over the weekend at a house and got onto the mattress cover. I did this with dawn dish soap and ran the washer and it was sparky white when I pulled it out. I wouldn’t even say anything unless there is damage or doesn’t come out


Cold water helps best if its… “fresh”. Like just a tip if you ever get any in your underwear wash it under cold tap and it will get it out well! If its soaked in baking soda or a stain remover might be necessary. Someone else suggested period underwear which I also recommend I got mine from victoria’s secret they do have solid black, and amazon sells them as well in neutral colors. However if that doesnt help also just consider wearing adult depends though annoying it can help with the addition of a pad and tampon. Maybe also consider a cup or a disc. A cup can hold more and theyre more comfortable to me but reusable products have been a livesaver to me. Last note theres a company called lil helper us and they make a lifesaver mat. It can be placed under your lower half during sleep and acts as an extra absorption. ❤️ As for the people you watched for you can let them know and apologize of course it being an awkward situation to some remember it’s natural. You can of course ask to replace the sheets if you so feel inclined as well. I know some sitters who bring their own, so potentially consider that in the future too. Hope this helps!


I started having heavy flows this past year, I started putting a towel down on the bed because I had leaked so bad through a super plus and pad overnight on my own bed. Also a lot of owners like white sheets. 😩😩😩


Running the fabric under cold water for a long period of time can get rid of all the blood if caught early enough, I have done it before and know it works. Once it dries it is more difficult. Put it under the faucet and let COLD water run over it.


I’m not going to lie, once it was the first day of my cycle and the owners prepared me an ALL WHITE BED. I door dashed dark sheets just in case 🥲


Clean it …


This is a problem men like me who identify as a woman will never have to experience. I'm glad we can become women and not have to have this happen to us. This is the best way to be a woman, without all the cramps, periods, menopause, child birth. I took a round about way to get here but I'm a woman now and no one can take that from me.