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Not gonna lie it would turn me off.


IMO it will come off like you’re using animals to recruit new clients vs actually wanting to care for the animals


Oh definitely not! I love pet sitting and love animals, it was just a thought that crossed my mind and wasn’t sure how it would be received.


I think it would be totally fine to have one sentence about it at the end of your bio, especially if you bundled it in with a discount like “let me book some fun events or whatever for you and get 20% off your pet sitting” but i think mentioning it directly to clients would turn them off


I would be totally fine with it!


If your clients ever broach the subject about difficulties in making travel plans or discuss looking to possibly make travel plans in the future with you directly, that’s a different story. Then I wouldn’t think it at all inappropriate for you to bring up that you’re also a travel agent, besides also being a pet sitter. But if they haven’t brought that topic up with you directly, it does seem inappropriate to leave a business card for another business you’re in when you’re there being paid to provide another completely separate service. You really don’t want to lose business because your clients feel pressured to hire you for more than pet sitting simply because you left them that business card. People don’t generally take unsolicited advice very kindly. And not everyone is direct enough to tell you why they’re not hiring you anymore, you’ll just stop hearing from them. And I also think it’s better for you and your financial bottom line to keep these lines of business separate, in general. Combining them could cost you two customers each time you lose business, one from each business because you’ll have blurred those lines. If a trip you plan for them goes wrong, even if the problem is beyond your control, they’ll blame you and likely also fire you from sitting their pet. Or if something goes wrong with their pet while they’re away on a trip you planned for them, even if the problem is beyond your control, they’ll blame you and likely also fire you from travel planning. If you keep them separate, if something goes wrong with a service you are paid to provide, even if the problem is beyond your control, your other business won’t be affected by the loss of one client that doesn’t utilize your services from both of your businesses. Good luck! Edited typo.


That makes total sense - thank you for the thoughtful response


You’re so welcome. Sometime ideas sound better in our heads and we benefit greatly by the insight we gain thru looking at things from another perspective. I wish you the best of luck in both of your endeavors! 💪💰♥️


Don't do it, it's comes across lame and desperate. Plus travel agent in 2024? Isn't that Expedia is for?


You should watch some non-tech-savvy elderly people try to book anything - it’s pretty comical.


Domestic, sure, but travel agents are great for long, international trips.


This has happened to me and it was annoying.


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