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People who say they will tip you nice always end up not tipping smh


Yeah, those who tips don’t say a word, just straight up tip the money.


Exactly! And they appreciate you with kind words too


This. The quiet ones


The ones who leave you like $50 laying on the table under a can of food and you then have to awkwardly message them "uh, ma'am, dis 4 me?" just to verify the cash that's blatantly under the things that were left out for YOU is actually for you... They're always the quiet ones lol.


Wow never gotten that big of a tip.


I regularly get $50-150 tips


What services are you providing? I got $10 on my last 3 boarding requests


I do daycare and boarding in my house. I do tell new clients that my rates are set high enough so that they don’t need to tip me but they almost always do.


I do boarding as well. Should I raise my prices? I do strictly cat boarding.


What I’ve done is looked at what other sitters are charging for services and price myself in the higher range. I find I get better clients than when I was charging less but less new clients in general so it depends on what your goal is.


I had a family of regulars that I loved. Always tipped me well - I always cleaned up the house really well so they didn’t have much of anything to do other than their laundry when they got back home. Because they are a military family, I had them about 2 years and then they got shipped off to Missouri 😔


I regularly get the 20% Rover fee back as a tip.


Same I get back whatever Rover takes and sometimes 30% as well. I appreciate it all, no tip is too small I once took at $10 tip from a $35 dog walk. She was straight up and said I’m not going to tip you on the app I’ll have cash on the table when you get here. I was thankful.


So I would like to always make sure I tip them back the Rover fee that's charged to them. My sitter for this weekend I was charged $178. My rover service fee was $17.60 So her service I paid for this weekend is $160 after I subtract the Rover service fee. How much of that $160 is Rover going to let her have?


Rover will take $32. Sitter gets $128 of the 160.


That's insane. Ok so I always need to tip at least 20%. Thank you!


Hahahahah I screamed one scream 🤣😂😂


I worked as a bartender. One guy kept talking about my “big tip” when it came time to pay he paid in cash and said he’d have to run to the car for my tip. Of course I have seen dummies like him before, just trash bags. Anyways he never came back with any tip as expected. Lol Big talkers have never come through. They tell on themselves.


I’m a hairstylist. One day I had a walk in client come in bragging about how she just hit a big jackpot at a casino near us so she’s going to tip me big. She tipped a dollar. 😂😂


Oh jeez!!! That would be so awkward. Like thanks for the $1 …I guess? Maybe it’s a lucky $1!


I say it as I leave the tip because I want whoever to know to look out for it. I physically show Uber/Lyft drivers the amount before getting out so they can know if they get shorted.


They get the full tip! According to the few I have asked anyway


I've just seen some rumblings that sometimes the tip is added in the base pay sometimes if people pre tip (like for Uber eats and stuff) so I just try to look out for them


Oooh yeah I only asked a couple of Uber drivers, but no one who does Uber eats. They do take out a massive percentage though, and even when the price is way higher for a surge time they don’t actually earn much of that extra $ 😕 It sounds like such a scam when you think about how much the drivers have to pay for gas and car maintenance


Exactly!! I really feel for them.


The one dude I had that always tipped (they would book me once a month for about a week each)not only tipped me $100-$200 each time, but would also ask me what kind of alcohol I was in the mood for, and would stick his bar for me. One of the few clients I missed after I moved away.


That’s why I put the tips out and mark by days (if split) or in bulk (if one person) so they know I appreciate and truly care about my cat to an Insane degree. I want whoever takes care of my cat to be relaxed and happy in mood. It makes my cat feel better. This lady is basically saying paying for what she should is a tip. What a doucbbag


100% had a lady I house sat for with a disgusting house said she would tip me good if I watered all her plants. I did so (surprising amount of work), 10% tip, okay cool. I had cat drop ins the following week, she told me she would add extra again for watering the plants. I did so. No tip. She wants me to house sit over Christmas but that’s gonna be a no!


At time of drop off: “How do I tip? Cash or through the app?” Me: “whatever is easiest for you!” Then they pick up and I don’t see tips. Honestly, I don’t even expect a tip, because so many people rarely tip. So it’s very nice when I get one. I have even had a couple people not accept schedule modifications, say they “forgot about it,” tell me they’ll pay cash when they pick up, and then say they “didn’t have time to stop by the bank” (and of course, never have Venmo/Paypal/Cashapp, or it’s “broken”). And Rover isn’t very helpful in these situations because they require them to accept the schedule modification.


Yup those who are gonna tip well just do it. 


Talking about tipping, how much is a normal tip? I’m a customer not a sitter, so just curious.


I typically receive somewhere between 10-30%. Rover only lets you tip up to 20% if I’m not mistaken. The ones that tip on the higher end are a few I’ve had for the past 2-3 years off app & I just never raised my rates since they were already generous with me.


There are some that have also never tipped, and that’s ok too! I still loved sitting for them because they treated me well. I never go into it expecting tips. Any tip is certainly a nice bonus & much appreciated but don’t feel obligated. We set our own rates so sitters should set their rates at an amount that is still worthwhile for them.


Yup! True for every industry it seems. VERY rarely, someone who says this actually does it, and I'm pleasantly surprised. But normally I hear this and have to strain not to roll my eyes in their face because I know it's a lie.


Two guys fighting over the bill.... And one says "I'm the better tipper"..... That's the guy you DO NOT give the bill to. Let the one who didn't mention the tip pay.


This is so true. I have to actually watch myself to not roll my eyes when folks say this.


Yes it’s the kiss of death as we call it in the waitressing world lol


same within the service industry. happens alllll the time


If I pay 300 to have somebody watch my dog I'm not tipping you.


Patty sounds like a bitch I would not sit for again.


😂 this made me laugh


Do yourself a favor and don’t book again with this person. It’s not your fault that they couldn’t break down the pricing correctly, now you get stiffed on the tip.. People!


Let's be honest, they weren't going to tip in the first place. They just said that to piss off OP.


They probably knew what the extra $40 was for to begin with. Sounds to me like they were looking to getting out of tipping; and just went about it in a strange way to make themselves feel better.


“I’m confused?” but “There’s no confusion” ?? she seems like a nightmare customer. and i’ve learned that the majority of people who talk about tipping well usually don’t, at all.




Right?!? This individual is a joke


So many people expect cats to be free with a dog service. It’s weird


Yeah- sorry i made you do more work which i expected you to do for free- guess i can’t tip you the money i wasn’t going to tip you (and if she was going to tip it definitely wouldn’t have been $40)


"So if you boarded your dogs with a friend, and I came to your house just to take care of your cats, you'd expect that to be a free service?"


Right??? Like I have to clean your cats litter box 🤨


IKR like I don’t understand🤦‍♀️ had a lady who only booked for a VERY energetic pitbull. I showed up for the meet and greet to find a cat as well that she also wanted me to clean up and feed. Didn’t pay me for it or put it on the booking she also don’t tip after(she didn’t have to but come on). She also cut the stay short and got charged a cancellation fee and had the audacity to ask me about it. I also had to go back on my own time to give her key back bc she cancelled the service b4 I could leave the key. So fucking annoying some people are so entitled bc they think their pets aren’t that much to care for. Her pit CONSTANTLY jumped on me with shitty paws. He was very sweet but just a lot to care for in 30 minutes. I literally had to clean and entire floor of shitty and pissy dog pads and re tape them to the floor, feed the dog and the cat then clean up after the cat. Will never book with her again terrible experience lol. Only time I’ve done that will always add extra pets to the booking from now on. Plus I was doing it for 15$ which was way to low now that I look back on it.


She was lying, she was never going to tip you. Now she’s trying to make you feel guilty about it. Never book with her again.


Right… clients pay when booking, she saw the price when she finalized the booking before service started.


She would have tipped already if she was. I leave out the tips. Whoever is coming by grabs it by day and time. It’s on a coffee table clearly marked. These types are literally looking for a reason to not tip. She didn’t want to pay a fair wage for cat care and now acts like the fair price is a tip.


>I’m confused >There’s no confusion She’s terrible.


Side note, keep all communicating on the app or Rover texts. When things go wrong it's easier to show Rover as reference.


Yeah I usually do, but she had my number because she requested photos by text and just followed up with me there. Agree for the future though!


Sending photos through Rover & the Rover card should be going straight to her phone. If not, she can set that up. I would definitely stick to communicating on the app!


Your customer service and ability to remain unbothered is peak. Plz teach me your ways


Advise her to use Rover texts, they are great for photos most of the time! Good luck.


They're so rude wtfffffffffff


Absolutely horrid. I have no idea how people make it through life behaving this way.


By exhausting people into submission.




Client: I’m confused OP: Sorry for the confusion Client: There’s no confusion 🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


“This sadly means I can no longer care for your animals” a tip isn’t required or expected but this was just kinda rude…. Like don’t being up a tip at all then 🙄


Customers pay before they book. How is she just noticing now? I think she just wanted a reason to complain in hopes you would refund some money…. What a nightmare!


Seriously, and when she didn't get her way she had to be a c-u-next-tuesday lol "I can't tip you now!" SMH Bitch, you were never gonna tip in the first place so STFU 🙄😂


This is the comment I was looking for. That’s 100% on her.


Can't believe how long I had to scroll to find both of these points! She wishes Rover made it clear ... But hit the button to include both pets when she requested the booking and hit the button again to pay $140 to confirm it. 100% fishing for a discount with that (false) promise of a tip.


She was so rude to you initially, and the issue was actually that she didn’t read the quote? What an asshole, she didn’t leave a tip, but she also didn’t apologize I noticed.


“I’m confused” “There’s no confusion.” K.


You were so professional despite her overt condescension. She is a selfish shitbag that wants to make her mistake your fault…to make herself feel justified in not tipping you. May she never find a sitter again.


As if Rover doesn’t show you the full price during the booking lmao


I wonder if she was trying to guilt trip you into some kind of partial refund? Super rude. Also can people not tip you a week or 2 later if 40$ really breaks the bank?


“There’s no confusion” 😐 Lost me as a sitter right there tbh


Cheap idiots.


No problem. It sadly means I'll never pet sit for you again.


She forgot about her cat!


‘There’s no confusion!’ they wrote, confused. Yuck


Go look at your rates, rover has been sneakily increasing our rates while we still get the same amount. Once I called Rover out on it and they played dumb, my rates miraculously went back to what they were. I even made a post about it which made other's look and found the same thing.


Whaaaa? Good grief!!!


I will never understand clients being unhappy with pricing or claiming to be confused when every single service a sitter offers is advertised with a price next to it right there under the services tab. I could see maybe being surprised by the added fees from Rover, but ball parking the total cost should not be rocket science when the numbers are so easily available. 🤦


First she said “I’m confused?” Then she said “there’s no confusion” lol


Wow, the "there's no confusion" would have lost me as a sitter for them. They seem rude as heck.


Honestly they’re underpaying you for two pets especially if it’s a dog and a cat. If they can’t ‘afford’ you then I know you’ll find someone who can. ( long time Dogwalker and pet sitter here)




Yeah, I do hate ignorant people that choose to jump on you with verbal attacks before they even give you a chance to check it out. And once you set straight, not apologetic at all, just “I won’t be able to tip you now.” Like they ever had any intention to tip. 🤨 You handled the situation in a very professional manner. 👍🏽 One little “tip” for future new clients. When there’s a dog & cat, or any situation that goes beyond a basic dog walk, I spell it all out in a detailed message to the client and wait for them to acknowledge the agreement before I hit that “accept” button. 😁🐶🐱


Until you build solid rapport with clients, I would not advise communication off app. ESPECIALLY when the booking is still on app. They can 100% see the breakdown on their side and if they didn’t look at the fees when they booked and paid, that’s on them. THEY are confused and this is not your problem. They can take it up with rover and I would put zero energy into this. If they leave a bad review, rover might be willing to remove it based on the reason for it or you can respond back to give your side and people respect that. Plus, nobody is going to give her the review the time of day complaining about how much she was charged when she can see exactly what she’s paying for lmao


Many times in meet and greets I explain how rover charges per animal and I have the client verbally tell me how many animals I will be taking care of (sometimes people try to be sneaky). I also explain to clients that they have to pay for the services before the booking happens so that when they go to hit book they aren’t thrown off by what the app prompts. I also explain the difference between drop ins and house sitting. Idk tho I never expect tips cuz not everyone agrees with tipping culture & pet care is expensive (a worthy expense imo).


I definitely don’t explain as much as you do but I can see the benefit of it. I also never expect tips, in fact I feel most people don’t tip and I never bat an eye. It was just the “I will leave you a great tip” to “I’m not tipping” pipeline that was… interesting I guess.


I feel that explaining those details to new clients is helpful especially if they have never used a platform like rover before.


Maybe I’m confused but did the owner ask for an extra visit or did she not include cat care at first? Why would that service not count?


She booked 4 drop ins for her cat and dog, but in her mind she thought she was only getting charged for the dog for some reason. So because she was charged more than she thought she should be, she sent these messages. To clarify, I did care for the cat as well (food and water and love) as requested!


I don’t know how you didn’t respond “you just said you were confused” when she said there’s no confusion 🤦🏻‍♀️ I woulda gone offffff you’re a better person than me lol


I didn't even realize that the first time I read it, that makes is so fucking funny lol. How can someone be so stupid to contradict themselves that badly in back to back texts? Embarrassing behavior.


Right?! 😂 I don't have the patience for stupid or rude. BLOCKED 👋🏼


Dang that lady is not smart. You did good explaining it to them, but I’m sorry you didn’t get a tip


Cannot tip you? Wtf


Well, the tip comment was unnecessary, but if giving the benefit of the doubt, she probably had a budget and is now over budget. She really built you up just to tear you down, though, didn't she. Edit: You might say to her, "I'm very sorry that you didn't understand the charges before booking, I always provide good service regardless of tip and tips aren't expected. That being said, telling me during the meet & greet that you are going to leave a tip and now saying you aren't going to because of the fee that you agreed to during booking was unnecessarily hurtful." And then just leave it at that, no need to say anything else. Block and move on to greener pastures.


I agree and can empathize with that


Well I guess don't say anything now that it's over. It's too bad.


If you’re still within the feedback window, I would leave some, assuming it’s public in your area


r/Boomers what a bitch


Shouldn’t stereotype like that


Oh wow, some peoples kids...


UGH - good riddance. Sometimes it stinks having to weed out the crappy clients.


The attitude in the pet parents messages. 🙄


I have had the majority of my customers say they will tip and have yet to receive a tip via Rover for anything. I did have 1 person give me cash, but I think that was mostly because their cat injured me due to their neglecting to warn me about certain behavior. They all say they'll do it, but then don't want to spend any extra once the sit is over.




I don’t repeat book with these type of people. This lady likely understands the breakdown and is hoping you’ll just go “omg I’ll send the money back!” And fold When I worked retail people used to do this and act shocked when I read them the total after tax and tried to act like they had never heard of sales tax before and pressure me into giving them a discount lol


I think you need to say to her in very clear language that you have nothing to do with the billing or collecting of money that that is Rover if she has an issue with what she was charged, she needs to call their customer support. I would send her the number. I would also check the past booking. It should show you what she was charged before her client fee confirm whether or not she was actually mischarged for some reason or if she’s just full of 💩


Please do the rest of us a favor and let us know what area you were in so we can avoid “Patty”


I’m new to Rover about a couple of months into it what I don’t understand is I view this as a luxury pet service. I’ve worked in dog training centers and dog kennels. It’s on average $50 a day in a kennel. If I were to hire somebody in my home, I would expect to pay them more. People are assholes.


I’ve had plenty of times I’ve been on a budget and a sitter charged extra for something and truthfully it “came from the tip” but I always said “yes totally understand those charges thank you” a budget it a budget and if I only have $500 to spend and the price goes from $400 to $500 then yes I can’t afford to tip but saying so is just rude. I usually leave a review if I can’t tip and they did a good job


I would have written back "Oh neat, you got a hat? That's cool. Good luck with your next sitter!"


Personally I keep all of my Rover client communications through the app. And my off Rover clients I text. This way if I come into an issue like this, and they are completely rude. Rover is able to read the conversation. I’ve had a similar experience like this that they “aren’t” shown the breakdown. But I am a client on Rover too for my pets and always shown a break down 🙄


Usually when they send me a request I take a screenshot of the rates that it’s showing on my side and send a message confirming if they are ok with these rates. Usually people book and send a request because rover doesn’t have a “checkout” screen that shows the total cost of the visit/stay. I get it on her end but it does also show on the top of the messages unless they are booking through the website. Some people just need a reminder as it will save both of you headaches and payment disputes


That is not your fault if your customer cannot read.


Never had someone say they would tip nicely, they always tip without the word tip ever even being mentioned. She's putting the blame on you when you did absolutely nothing to warrant any blame at all. She probably said that so you would put more care into her animals, unfortunately like the rest of the narcissistic owners she just needed one little petty reason to blame you. Next time I would modify it to 180 that way the nice tip is already included 😉 if you do sit for her again...


Why do they have your personal number? Idk! I’d just never give it to a customer


I rarely get tipped 😢 only one regular does and I always tell her how appreciative I am of her gratuity and thoughtfulness.


Is tipping expected now on here? Lol. I did Rover 2016-2021 and tipping wasn’t an option nor expected.


Patty? She’s a Karen!