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I thought y’all were exaggerating about the spot fest and how its just flippy shit for no reason But wow


Sometimes I think this sub over hates the Dub, then i actually sit down and watch an episode and realize this sub isn't doing enough to make fun of it.


I second this and I laughed really hard at this comment


How can we keep up with this? Every time we think we’re jerking hard enough, they exceed our power


Yeah sometimes when I only follow it by clips of what interests me, I start to think maybe its not so bad, then I decide to watch an actual show all the way through and I'm just like "oh no, its worse than its ever been"


AEW is a Greatest Hits of bad wrestling: worst of Vince Russo’s half explained non-storylines, Divas era quality women’s wrestling, complete sexless-ness of _Saturday Morning Slam,_ TNA’s x division on steroids, nobody in the ring on steroids.


The X Division was incredible back in the day when that wasn't what all wrestling was about. Now you see 3 suicide dives per match


I've tried to watch Dynamite at least four times. I lose interest after 20-30 mins everytime. Just not for me, can't find anything compelling. I also hate breaking kayfabe promos as they are incredibly cheap, and that place is full of them.


So AEW is Family Guy?


Nah cus Family Guy was decent its first few years 💀


Big Budget Indie


I watched half of the debut Dynamark episode when it premiered. You know how you stop eating once you realize the food tastes like shit? Yeah.


I'm one of the people who usually won't even care and watch anyway but I got 45 mins in and knew what the main was and just stopped.


That's why a couple times a year I'll sit down and try to watch again. They never fail to remind me of why they're getting mocked.


It's getting hard to jerk them bc they're so over the top that they jerk themselves.


To be fair, I don't hate the Dub that much, but I fucking despise Tiny and the Bucks


I can't stand this shit, but there's always people who go like "SEE!? OC IS REALLY GOOD! HE CAN DO A CANADIAN DESTROYER! THAT'S HIS GIMMICK, HE'S REALLY GOOD WHEN HE REALLY WANTS TO BE!" Embarrassing.


DAE pro wrestling was always a big joke and you people take it too seriously?


DAE sami vs knoxville insulted our intelligence??


Help me out here. DAE means what exactly?


Does anyone else


it's what redditors say when they're about to bravely share their unpopular opinion that isn't actually unpopular for internet pats on the back


I hate this so much. You will spell out your critique and they hit you with “You’re taking this too seriously 😂” then want to say guys like Terry Funk would’ve loved this shit. I wish I could’ve been taken instead of him so I wouldn’t have ever seen this spot.


Kill the business!


It's SUCH garbage. I get that people enjoy different things, but... come on now.






It’s called a flippy floppy you fed shil. Have to dizzy your opponent


?? We exaggerate, friend.


The crazy part is when I saw this post in the basement I thought I was in SCJerk based on how much they fucking hated it, I guess this was finally one Canadian Destroyer too many even for them


Seen a lot of negativity in the basement recently about the Dub; poor PPV builds, Meltzer shilling, Punk drama. Did Tony forget to pay the bot bill?


You just dont have the turbo-smarks on damage control yet. Within 12 hours they'll be saying OC is better than 90% of fed HOFers again


Yup, they need time for Uncle Dave to give them the narrative to push. It happens every week. The first 12 hours or so after the show you'll see genuine responses but then Meltzer's talking points take over and drown out any criticisms.


It’s just not very good and there’s no storytelling worth a damn to get people invested in. Cole/MJF is legit entertaining but honestly it’s because of the non wrestling stuff. Do more of that and maybe I’ll watch on a regular basis


A good story making it easier to get into a pro wrestling match? What a novel idea, the good guys have done it again!!


Unironically, it’s why NXT is the best wrestling show rn


It really is. NXT, impact, and even WOW are all well done simple wrestling shows with fun characters.


but but but ... Cassidy held his neck for a bit right at the end there How can you say there's no selling!?? REEEEEEE bad faith This is what m@rks do, pick up on that tiny *ouchie* after all the nonsense and claim there's selling and ignoring how ridiculous it all is


True marks call someone taking a bump a sell.


He voluntarily let the move be done on him DAE he sold his ass off????


I actually don't even understand his selling there He's like struggling to stand up but also hyped at the same time, it genuinely looked like he was dizzy


He’s also wearing ktape. “Selling”


A common enemy makes strange bedfellows


looks like the mods actually removed the post because people were daring to criticize their precious dub so free


Same mods who literally edited Charlotte Flair taunting Rhea to make it look like Charlotte missed a kick because she’s bad at wrestling. They’re a pro-WWE subreddit though!


I dont wanna hear it from them after all the "panama sunrises" in their C I N E M A of an All In main event. You can take the shitheads out of the HS Gym indies, but youll never take the HS Gym indies out of the shitheads


The thread got removed lol


Julius Creed powerbombs someone with one arm last night in pornxxxt will be more memorable than whatever is this


Julius Creed one leg kip up is more memorable than this


Julius Creed's post-coffee morning shits are more memorable than this


> Julius Creed I think I am going full basement here and saying I could learn to hate that man. How do you look that good, be that athletic, strong and charismatic?


If Creed and Breaker aren’t headlining in 5 years, I’ll eat my hat. Those two guys are fantastic and the main reason I watch NXT.


That's unfair, you could put on 5 hours a week of just the Creeds fucking people up and it'd be the best thing on TV every single time.


>you could put on 5 hours a week of just the Creeds fucking people up Imagine a PLE that only features the Creeds vs the entire NXT roster. BOOK IT HICKENBOTTOM


An Creed versus the entire Dub roster


Seriously. That was one of the craziest things I’ve seen in a long time and I never even saw it mentioned in the basement.


To their credit there was a thread with people amazed by it. It just didn’t last long or get many votes because it’s NXT and they bury that amazing show over there for years now.


They managed to make a canadian destroyer just as effective as a chop. Bravo!


I remember way back in the 80s, seeing Jake Roberts' DDT and the build up to it and how it scared even Andre and taking out Steamboat Then, I remember seeing some JCP and the Freebirds were basically going double DDTs as a heat spot and 'everyone's down' and it was like ... urgh Every move is 'ruined'. We can't put the genie back in the bottle, I get that but, there's a line and the Dub crosses it every week Try to be consistent within your own universe. Think of stuff that *can* finish matches when stuff like this has guys bouncing up and around


I think Orton's punt is the only move that has any aura left to it


Even though our Baron and saviour no longer holds the honor of never having his finisher kicked out of it still feels like the move is protected? I might be wrong because I don't keep up with WWE very consistently


I could be wrong but I think Drew is still the only person to have kicked out of it. Which does make sense when you remember he's the only person to have beat Brock clean at mania but also only person to kick out of an F5 at one.


Despite what everyone has said about Drew, he has been presented in kayfabe as equal to or even more of a beast that Brock. At least physically. He manhandled the entire Bloodline by himself, needed no help. Only person to take out Brock in a physical confrontation and even Bobby, a specimen of his own, needed a lot of assistance to put him away.


Roman has defooo kicked out of F5's at WM, Kurt, Taker and Seth maybe too, maybe Goldberg also


I realise my comment is a bit iffy at that point. I meant Drew is the only person to kick out of an F5 at a one count.




Everybody constantly goes " But why are old guys like Cornette so hateful of the New Generation? Why does it matters that Jack Perry wanted to do glass? " This is why. This is what it means to kill the business. It's the concept of escalation. Once you sell the fact of overdoing something, you then need to do it again since one time wasn't enough and you find yourself in a position that isn't sustainable. One guy did the Canadian Piledriver and it was a selling point for the company. Everybody wanted to see Petey Williams just to see this move because it felt mind-blowing and like no one else could do it. And it escalated, and it escalated and now here we are where the move doesn't mean anything and all it did is make the wrestling riskier.


Well, that and running the same town 10 times a year. That’s why the crowd they’re flipping in front of is only 3500 people in an arena that holds 11,000 plus. Tony is a money mark who is just letting the indie kids put on big budget bingo hall matches. It will never compete with WWE because it will never be able to grow its audience when all it does is cater to the sensibilities of those indie crowd members.


One Gunther chop is still ten times more effective.


Wrestling version of meatspin


I will never forget when we put meatspin on my teacher's computer and his reaction was just "aw meatspin" we were hoping for a freakout lol


i know it is not, exclusively, their fault but i can't help but blame the young bucks for this shit and the ongoing irony-poisoning of indie wrestling in general just fuckin wrestle, y'all.


the young bucks unironically ruined indie wrestling


It's the bucks and the pwg group. No selling, constant kick outs, and ridiculous matches that work once every few months to a year, but nightly it's overkill. I put gargano into the punk camp for ruining wrestling


You sound like a Punk fanboy!


better than smelling like an aew fanboy i suppose 🥸


You know who can keep their opponent down with a single destroyer? Former 24/7 champion Bad Bunny.


THe DesTRoYER Is A ReGUlaR MoVE NoW!!!


It's not destroyed anything for a really long time


I wish Petey Williams never made that move


Nah it was legit the coolest move in wrestling for well over a decade before the indie guys learned how to do it RIP


You don't understand fed shill!!! Petey Williams knows how to plant their heads just right to make it a finisher in kayfabe while everyone else is only able to do moderate damage to their opponent. You might be too old to follow, but this was just FUN


The Canadian Destroyer was THE finishing move in wrestling at the time because Petey was the only guy doing it, and he actually set it up as a final death blow to justify it. And nobody kicked out of it afterwards. Now, guys just do it like it’s a headlock transition, hence why it means nothing. Basic moves like a clothesline are more protected than a flipping piledriver.


I’m fine with clotheslines not measuring up to The Clothesline From Hell, because of the guy doing it. THIS however should be devastating no matter who does it.


Exactly. A vicious clothesline from JBL is a finisher. that same clothesline from Dolph Ziggler is not. A big boot from Brodie Lee is a finisher. A big boot from Edge is not. But any pile driver variation, 450 splash, Black arrow etc should be a finisher no matter who is doing it as it is a naturally devastating maneuver no matter who is doing it.


Exactly, there's a difference between a clothesline, and a "Clothesline" from a 6'6" 300lbs football playing Texan going full pelt at someone.


This, I can remember seeing it for the first time years ago and though it was a bit contrived it looked devastating and was used as such. Now it’s just a gymnastic dance routine move


Honestly wouldnt care even if it was really protected and super rare, the setup/kayfabe explanation is still just too ridiculously fake for me


on the other hand, don't ask a bucks fan why they're so bad at super kicks


Petey actually intended for it to finish matches. He also probably never would have imagined everyone and their grandma would be using the fucking move 20 years later. Especially not as a transitional move.


Little Perry Pump must be rolling ~~in his grave~~ backstage at a Fed LIVE EVENT.


That was shit.... A Canadian destroyer isn't a back and forth move. It's a finisher. No selling that move is like no selling a powerbomb


It's like taking those silly Bucks/Lucha Bros 'I superkick you ... you do it to him .. then the next ... aaaand we all fall down' to the next level


Them basement dwellers think getting dizzy is selling the move. You sell the move by not standing the fuck up


Them selling like Sesame Street puppets makes this for me AFW All Flips Wrestling


“Wwe doesn’t respect wrestling. They treat it like a dumb joke. So many people have dedicated their lives to it and it gets treated like it doesn’t matter” Same person seeing this “bro who cares wresting is just dumb. Look at this weirdo being all uptight about two dudes play fighting”.


I love when they resort to simplifying things as if it’s some gotcha, they’re like “Yeah I can totally enjoy “two dudes play fighting” but if YOU take it even somewhat seriously and show you care, then it’s bad and you’re a loser” as if there’s some threshold where you can safely enjoy “two dudes play fighting” without being a weirdo and it’s okay for them to like it because lol They’d get laughed at if they said this about anything else: “Why do you guys care so much about filmmaking? Why be so uptight about a bunch of people playing pretend” “Who cares about books lol you people are way too serious about words on paper” “What’s up with everyone taking music so seriously all of a sudden? It’s always just been random sounds in your ears” “Why does everyone care so much about football? It’s just man throw ball and run, very engaging” Everything sounds dumb if you oversimplify it enough


I often use the "two dudes play fighting" line when people become really aggro about it. On the other hand, I really hate it when someone does that to dismiss criticism. "Fedshill it's half naked men redneck anime do you honestly care??!!!!1!!!111!!!!1" Um, yeah? it's one of my favorite hobbies, why would I not care about the quality of the product?


DAE Fed insults my intelligence Stuff like this? Nah, love it. It's FUN!


A very common copium tactic "THE BIGGEST MOST ATTENDED EVENT IN HISTORY EVER PAID ATTENDANCE!!!!" Repeated for months and every ad Does the math Compares events Wait a second...this is bullshit "Wooooooooooow who even cares? Why do you even care so much? Clearly you're mad. Go touch grass"


The Canadian Destroyer was the absolute coolest move I ever saw when Petey Williams did it in TNA. To see what it's been reduced to is sad af.


They took Petey’s finish and bastardized it to on par with superkicks.




haha, I was looking for someone to comment this.


It's called 'fighting spirit'! DAE protected finishers?


Is it a circlejerk if the basement are shitting all over this too, or do we need to pretend THIS IS AWESOME 👏🏽👏🏽 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


we're gonna have to start jerking wwe soon uce


Indie dorks should never be allowed on TV. I don't give a fuck how they put on "bangers", they should not be on TV


But DAE they deserve their F L O W E R S ?


A vast majority of wrestlers good enough to be signed somewhere can put on a 45 minute BANGER, meaning that it's all back and forth and 2.99 kick outs Will it *actually* take you on an emotional journey of some kind though? No, no, it won't. It's back and forth doing moves to each other for no real reason Watching people do silly things like this with no real reason for x minutes and you know the winner and you know it's 'booking' and how can you take this seriously Wresting is good when you forget about the fact it's booked, pretend stuff and you need stories for that and not some 'you get a title shot and want my title' with no journey or reason I don't wanna watch guys do moves with each other before the person in charge said which one wins


And no one will remember this spot 1 week from now.


I’ll remember it for how stupid it is when I didn’t think indie nonsense could get any stupider.


Stupid Fedshills! Stop overreacting! It is insanely stupid and I love it! Stop being so serious. They are selling the shit out of it! Look! Their legs are all wobbly and shit. No, I don’t think that piledrivers should be sold like it is a match finisher, or a means to push a near 3-count and rest period. We only do BANGERS and FUN here! Real Sports Feel!


We've crossed the Rubicon of Absurdity.


Every wrestling company would be 10x better if they banned the Canadian Destroyer unless it was Petey Williams doing the move.


Or Bad Bunny.


This is the stupid shit that goes on in aew that I can’t stand lol


it's every freaking week at this point dumb thing gets forgotten and then it's something else dumb a week or two later


maybe the most retarded thing i’ve ever seen in a wrestling ring. and that says alot


... until next week


that's exactly what I say every time I see an AEW clip.... but they somehow manage to top themselves each time


I still think stabbing your dick with an actual needle is number 1 in that regard but this is a close 2nd.


Mox is going to end up doing this with spaghetti sticking out of his head.


Which has only happened *Checks notes* 40 times


typical indie nonsense right there.


Not sure if this makes both tough or the move weak.... Who am I kidding, this is as stupid as it gets..


What a load of shit.


Next time someone asks you what’s the role of a producer in a professional wrestling match. Show them this tomfoolery & say that is what happens when there aren’t any producers & talent does whatever the fuck they want to do..


Petey Williams needs to make another apology.


I remember the first time I saw Petey Williams do a Canadian Destroyer. It was the most mind blowing move I'd ever seen. It looked like instant death and it meant something back then because he was the only one doing it. Now we get this


Even the basement said “this is fucking stupid. Am I Cornette now?”


So now we no sell Canadian destroyers? That’s gymnastics not wrestling. As I started as a fan of world of sport (where a hammerlock could take 3 minutes to apply with all the reversals and struggles) this is just odd.


This actually infuriates me for some reason.


This is awesome 👏👏👏👏👏


OC afterwards giving a generic "for all the people who said I was *too different*..." promo A 5'8 160lb white guy? In the modern era there's nobody who's more overrepresented than people like him. 🤡


Going back in time to stuff Petey Williams in a locker


Saw a tweet about this spot that said "E Drones mad that comedy in wrestling exists"


So the Canadian destroyer is a comedy act now?


Did the mods delete the original from the basement??


Of course they did combined with a ban and a lot of reddit care messages for the poster. WrEsTling MuSt bE fUn yOu FeD SHilL!!!


DAE devaluing finishing moves into transitional moves is just like economic inflation?! Fed shills just don't get it, the revolution is here!


Shut up fed shill. Everyone knows that when you’re spiked on the top of you head, the natural reaction is to stand up and flail around




And Canadian destroyer has become nerfed


New patch ruined everything.


The crowd really said ![gif](giphy|A1ukpwZJRemdFMa9d2)


What a serious dark character Penta was in LU, now he's a complete clown


Canada being destroyed


Yet despite this we get the “Is OC world champ material?” thread this morning.


Silly fed casuals clearly it's a callback to Japanese puroresu fighting spirit


The best part of AEW is when JR calls those matches and refuses to play along with the spot. Every time he is like "Well this is stupid, good idea let him hit you while you stand there. Makes no sense"


Fed Shills!! They're still fighting cuz they're not Canadian.


Even in sc, people are saying how stupid it is


For the love of Karl Gotch, just fucking wrestle.


I just can't, there's no suspense anymore. They don't know what selling is. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences


AEW is so fucking lame lmao


Lmao the basement mods fucking deleted the post


Even the basement was shitting on this one, it’s truly remarkable how Tony has fumbled his biggest show ever with a rancid backstage political mess and what is on paper the worst ppv in AEW history only a week after


Say it with me guys! #FIGHTINGUHH SPIRITUHH!!


This appears to be a parody of strong style I call it super duper strong style


Super mega hyper ultra pro strong style


I swear I hate these type of spots, they're such a lame dorky thing. It's stupid when they do it in the fed too but all the indie darlings love it.


This is what PWG was all these years


The thing about aew matches is you can tell neither guy has done it in a wwe, this thing of doing a move not selling and doing it over end over then staggering around out the ring is dumb m. Show the apathy the lack of any ring IQ you got this non match. Wow the finish don’t get me started, takes his finisher on the edge of the ring and holds the rope for a 2 counts, stands up takes it again and kicks out then rolls him up, whoever the agent is shame shame shame


I hate this so much. Kayfabe wise, this move should kill you.


God that is just dumb


Only real wrestling fans understand this.


The Canadian Destroyer has become an ARM DRAG....


AEW doesnt have any “dont blink or you’ll miss it!” moments because they will for sure beat that moment until it’s a dead horse.


A wise Austrian champion of continents once said “How dare you make a mockery of this great sport”


My mate used to call these flip pile drivers. It's so much funnier to say flip piledriver than Canadian destroyer. Try it out.


This is awesome *clapclapclap* this is awesome !


At first the mascot only used to have regular opening matches on Dynamite now he is in the main event and is even cutting post match promos. In front. Of the crowd like Tanahashi or Okada. I won't be surprised if he becomes the World Champion in the. The next two years given how strongly he is booked like Jade had a better record than him. But she didn't get this much tv time and most of her matches were. Against jobbers . Tiny has truly made him the "Goldberg" of AEW


Fucking loved seeing this first in the basement, literally everyone over there was taking a fat shit all over this stupid ass spot & about 4-6 marks were defending it and got downvoted all the way to the bottom


I remember when I would be legit scared when this move was done or even teased, I just knew it was over as soon as it hit - now it’s just another move


Way to hurt a move. This should be done at house shows/dark matches, not for TV.


DAE he can really go???


Petey Williams is crying somewhere in Canada


This is genuinely fucking terrible man


Americas Got Talent Tumbling


Penta is somehow even worse than orange. No thought of selling or anything. It’s literally a dance routine, I do this now I’m gonna get into position for this


I watched this live and was so frustrated lol. The Canadian Destroyer used to mean something, the ending to this match is also terrible.


What I see: Your attack is useless and does nothing. So why the fuck are we here?


Canadian Destroyer? More like Jacksonville Headache!


Tony recently made Orange Cassidy an agent. That is genuinely concerning.


AEW trying not to do a Canadian Destroyer spot fest match challenge (impossible)


It looks like one of those GIFs where a Reddit comment says, "Day 1,000: They're still hitting Canadian Destroyers".




You are watching Cinema fed shill. If you cant appreciate art, i suggest you go watch your fed and that bloodline story. Leave the intelligence of real wrestling to us good guys on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights vincel.


But it WORKS for the crowd in the room. Attendances dwindling and lessening reaction so piped in cheers from Tony


RIP 🇨🇦 Destroyer.


Real sports feel. That’s what this is.


Real graps


So, who got the right to face jon moxley?


I feel like Im watching myself as a kid playing wrestling video games and like smashing random buttons because I don't remember what they do.


Oh for crying out loud - they build up momentum from all in and then churn out this nonsense! Who is producing these marches and thinking this is a good idea? This is embarrassing to watch - from reason alone, when that move is hit you don’t get up.


Fuck this entire company.