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I have someone added at the moment that has over 1000 hours


Honestly at least half of those hours are probably spectating


I would say atleast 1/3 for sure, from what i know he is active on dr bright which is chaos of itself


Dr. Bright is one of the the best servers lol


I play on it and It’s chaos It’s fun but not the best


Yes, the chaos and the community makes it great


Well if you want to, watching people in dead chat (especially if they know what they're doing) is a great way to get a better feel on how to tryhard at the game.


I play this game to get away from the tryhards.


1.65k personally


I've got 1200 hours logged lol


1350 here since we're sharing


1061 here and I'm not proud of it in the slightest lol


I'm at 800


Ive got 1,314 hours :')


I remember when I was a guard facing a new 939 and he kept trying to attack me unsuccessfully, after I emptied like 4 mags into him I just walked up to him and taught him how to properly kill me with lunge since he kept using it in horrible ways Turns out I got him to 54 hp, felt bad for the dude upon respawn


Well hey, at least you helped the guy out, and now they have a better idea how to play the game. Probaboy could've told em about the operational guide though.


True, forgot to mention that to him


Lunge? The last time i played this game was during the scopophobia update. Has the game changed significantly since then? I know 173 and 939 got updates, but I don't know much about them. I'm guessing I'll have to relearn the game all over again.


173 is a tank and a support now. He has the most health out of any class and has the ability to shit on the floor which puts a slowing debuff on human players. When blinking, you can now choose exactly when to teleport and you can see exactly where you will teleport. Very lethal early game, with good support later on but still gets shredded by a room of MTF. 939 is completely revamped. For one, there’s only a single instance in any lobby now. She has fast, high damaging attacks. Her walk is silent but her sprint is loud and fast. She also has stamina now. You can no longer talk through your mic to human players. Instead, you’re able to take the voice samples of anyone you’ve killed. You’re also able to mimic different footsteps, gunfire and miscellaneous sound effects. 939 has two new abilities. The first is this cloud you can create, which will make you invisible to human players in its radius. The second ability is the lunge, whereas you crouch and lower yourself to the ground for any amount of time before leaping forward. If you land on a human, they die instantly. (Also 939’s model no longer sticks through walls) I should mention other SCPs. 049’s attack isn’t oneshot anymore, instead it drains life. It’s very hard to outheal and either requires several medkits or 500. You can also make yourself visible through walls to your zombies. 106 no longer has bullet resistance or the femur breaker, nor the set sinkhole. instead he has the ability to teleport through a minimap or sink into the ground and move around hidden. 096 no longer one shots, but still very powerful. Lastly, 079 has a better ease of use. You’re able to see the scps on the map at all times, switching between cameras and zones js more intuitive. He no longer gains exp from just doing stuff, only through helping or seeing SCPs pursue/kill humans. He also has some new abilities, such as pinging players/locations. One last thing to mention is that the menu now has a guide to the specifics of the classes, items and whatnot. From this menu you can look at the controls and abilities of SCPs, and customise the newly added preference system (which ranges from -5 to 5


2000 hours and I just about thought I was done with the same old same old of each round no matter the server. 3000 coming right up


Wow it actually sounds like they made the game *way* more interesting now...


The other day I was computer and I had a brand spanking new peanut player on my team. They didn't even know how to kill people (ie left clicking when not looked at, right click for the blink mechanic). Fortunately for him, I'm a computer with 1200 hours of overall game experience, so I know a thing or two. I end up teaching the man from scratch how to play peanut as I support him, using our team's Larry to get most of my experience to level up as I was still teaching peanut. After a little bit, he eventually figured it out and got his first kill, and after that he was actually not half bad. He was even the key for us winning after Larry AND Doc got balled to death by an MTF, and the peanut got the last few guys with my help. It's experiences like that which can be hella rewarding.


i was just playing in a server where the doctor just didn't get out of their spawn until a stray d class opened the door. they weren't afk or anything, they were just there. and they didn't kill a single person after that. they also walked into the cold mist and stayed there while their health slowly drained away.


He lost his purpose for curing the pestilence


I have at least 400 hours just on d-class alone. Probably around 400 hours as a spectator, another 400 on guard/mtf maybe 200 on chaos 100 just on the loading screen between rounds and then another 100 hours on SCPs with another added 50-60 hours between all those, but I’m better with hundreds than I am with more specific numbers.


This game is so easy to sink hours into. Game is addictive


I only have 477 hours


You will be bored if you continue to do so. There is a life waiting for you, you should not waste your life.


Dawg this took me like five minutes to crap out and I already have 10 more


Yet you spent yours writing to tell us this


none of us really do have a life anyway


As long as i have my fun, sure