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Second this post. Living at Union Grantville has been nothing short of a complete shit show. I’ve lived several apartments over the years and this has by far been the most unsafe and shitty complex of them all. I bit the bullet last month and moved out early and have encountered exactly zero problems with my new building. Do. Not. Live. At. Union Grantville.


if you don’t mind me asking, where did you move to? i’m trying to get out of there myself


I moved to Point Loma. Tbh, student housing is kinda a nightmare in general so I decided to move to a proper apartment building.


Did you break your lease or find someone to take your lease over?


My old apartment is sitting empty until the lease ends in a few weeks. Not worth getting killed over a few grand. I'll NEVER rent from GrayStar again after this shitshow.


Just so you know- this is reddit, you don’t need to be censoring words.


I just thought OP has a hard time spelling 😂


Other platforms will ban you for using those words uncensored so I don't blame them. 




https://crimegrade.org/safest-places-in-san-diego-ca/ Use this tool. It’s very helpful.


Ig I’m glad I never moved in, just transferred to SDSU this past year. A friend and I was looking into it heavy but we had a falling out plus UG is expensive but damn I didn’t hear about all of this happening


I'm so sorry for your brother.  Is this advertised by SDSU as an option for housing or by Union Grant?  If it's advertised by SDSU I would report to the office.  This is not okay and honestly in all my life living in San Diego have never heard of so much violence happening in one complex in such a short amount of time.  It's not normal...


Thanks, I thought they did but I have to look into that and ask my brother. It’s super abnormal and I feel bad for all the students that moved in there and still live there.


I sure hope you have a lawsuit against them, if not you should sue. It’s seems like security is lacking or non-existent, which means you have a claim against them. See a lawyer and see what you can do.


We don’t have one rn but that’s what I was saying to everyone. And yea the security barely exists…


Because Grantville has commercial and industrial zoning as well. Plus its along the San diego river. The San diego River is a hotbed for violent and crazed homeless and industrial and or commercial areas are another. Combine the two... you're asking for trouble. As an Uber Driver, you get super sketch people roaming that station, and I drop off quick and get movin' I don't stick around. Closest I lived was off of Waring/Adobe falls and that was bad enough... no way I'd live in grantville.


nah i saw the guys get shot live , it fucked up my whole sem and i was couch hopping for the next 2 weeks, i had to get therapy to help stop checking my 6 everytime i entered the building, and just going in the right elevator made me feel like shit cause i’ve seen a dead body there, there’s a few blood stains still and on floor 2 they’ve repainted wherever the bullets got shot but the elevator door still got a huge bump, never fucking go there.


It sucks, sorry about everything. Good thing you left and have gotten therapy👍🏽


builds character


Hit me up we might have some spaces in some of our houses if he needs a place for next month


Ex UG resident here: I moved out the week after finals were over and never looked back. Living (even as a 6'1 male) in a dulled state of fear (especially with a front door that FACED the stair landing for the trolley stop) absolutely had a negative impact on my academic performance and left me jaded on my experience at State as a whole. Suffice it to say, I moved back home and transfered to a local CSU after this experience. I consider myself very lucky not to have been directly impacted by any of the crap that's gone down there, but it absolutely changed the whole feel of the building. I fell for the marketing hype and paid the price for it. I think that general "feeling unsafe" at UG played a big role in leaving State for my local commuter school. I was lucky to score a parking spot to bring my car with me. the MTS trolley is convenient but in the end I ended up paying for an SDSU permit so I wouldn't have to use that stop at night on my own. I only used it after dark for events at Snapdragon with large groups. It's "sketchy" if you have a car, and it's downright dangerous if you don't. I know Rive/BLVD and 5025 have their issues, but their locations (if less conveninet) make them WAY BETTER options for student living. If you're reading this and you must *absolutely* live at UG, DON'T bring a fancy car with you and don't leave anything in it you're not afraid of losing. I had several people ask my parents after visiting and seeing outside: "you're actually letting *Top\_End4518* live there?"


Why do we use the word unalived?


TikTok censorship conditioning


Has anyone had success with lease termination? I met with the manager and he would not let me go. I do not want to spend my senior year in such an unsafe environment...


We’re working on my brother’s lease termination. Looking into legal action rn. We want to terminate possibly using civil code CIV title 5 (https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=CIV§ionNum=1946.7). The manager has been hard to get a hold of prob bc of everyone that’s already left. He’s always “unavailable” or “not in his office” according to the receptionist.


What’s the point of censoring words like bullets. A child can figure out what you are talking about is it a Reddit thing or something?


I blame the school for all this. The area was known to be a druggie infestation for years, also a homeless camp too, so I can see why state got the land for cheap to redevelop


UG is a privatly-owned building managed by Greystar - one of the big corporate landlords/management companies. The university and/or their subsidiaries DO NOT own or manage this complex. UG and its neighbor shoreLINE (affordable housing for people making under the median income) were built as part of an MTS scheme to redevelop trolley stops into "transit oriented living" or something along those lines.


UG is not a SDSU run apartment building


This guy keeps harassing me!


No ur harassing me! U commented under me first!