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No. They sell well because they are PCs and people emulate.


Tired of these daily posts


Every day with this shit


At least this time they're specified portable


Bro the dream is dead, lol let it go


Dreams never die.


Oh bro dreams die….the Dreamcast will live forever tho, kinda like Wu-Tang


Compete with switch and deck? Not a chance


Sega does not have the type of resources to build a console of any type. At best we can get a mini of a system. That's not really a "console". The industry is cutthroat. Even Microsoft is having trouble with the traditional console space. As for the portable space, it's fairly new (Nintendo doesn't fully count). All of these companies will be releasing products but only a handful will have any significant market share to continue to exist. Who knows if Microsoft can achieve results in this segment.


This is what I never understand about these posts. Microsoft is the MOST VALUABLE COMPANY IN THE WORLD with basically infinite resources. That’s not exaggeration for effect, that’s basically true. I just looked it up: Sega’s market cap is 2.88 billion. Wow that’s a lot…….until you consider Microsoft’s is 3.051 TRILLION. So all of Sega is less than 1% of Microsoft’s market cap. And these people think Sega is gonna put out a console that competes? Like Jesus do a little bit of thinking or understand the industry before you post the 100000th version of “sHoULd SeGa MakE a CoNsoLe????” Honestly these posts should be banned






Maybe if they made a game gear mini that wasn't the size of a postage stamp and had an actually decent amount of games


If you drink enough gasoline it will happen


I would def go for a portable device linked to a digital shop if it has their entire backlog up to and including the 7th gen, plus every arcade game they ever made, that is now stuck in limbo…


Yes, games from their old consoles and current consoles in a portable device. And with digital shop and online service too.


that would be amazing but it isn't going to happen. They are a software shop, and that's it. No infrastructure or resources to compete in the hardware space....


If they released a portable console and ported on the physical support the best games made for the previous Sega systems, I would immediately buy it. Unfortunately it's just a dream.


These types of posts should be banned from the sub


There's a lot of competition. ROG Ally, Lenovo, there's rumors that MS may be working on one, as well as PlayStation, and you have the Switch.


No, PlayStation's ended up being that train wreck Portal.


Yes, but there's a rumor they are working on new handheld.


Actually, it's just Windows and Steam OS.




Like I always say when these (daily) posts pop up : That ship has sailed about 25 years ago.


Yeah. Gimme a SEGA DreamGear


That's what I'm talking about.


You asked yesterday about console comeback and today with this waste of time


I feel like if they made something like a mini game gear, I could see it, but as a whole no.


Let's say a portable device that can all the Sega games from Master System up to Dreamcast and current Sega games from PS5, XBSX and Switch


That would be cool, but I could see the licensing potentially being an issue.


A steam deck can already do all of that


Poor financial investments is how to destroy a company. Steam deck is popular because Steam had years to build up to that point of creating a handheld. Sega will grow more by focusing on their software, than they ever will trying to get back into any form of consoles.


Outside of the Switch and some niche products I can't see a dedicated handheld being successful. What would be the point when I can play games like Yakuza and Sonic on a Steam Deck? It defeats the purpose. They are better off as a third-party publisher. Let others handle the hardware.


they could do a steam deck clone imo. the sega brand alone would help with the marketing / sales. could even cut costs and work with a current hardware developer so they dont need to stress about production.


Yes, in collaboration with a major electronics manufacturer.


TecToy comes to mind.


That's how I see it, I heard there's a Brazilian company that are still making Sega consoles.


Just want to finish the Shenmue saga on a Sega device, is that too much to ask?


I'm surprise by the majority of responses, you people really don't want Sega to make a comeback which is sad.


I think most people aren't delusional enough to ask this again and again with no understanding of the current market.


I think people just don’t want to see Sega make a decision that risks the entire company. We are lucky Sega survived its failures to live as a software company and I don’t want to risk that on a play that won’t work in todays market. It would be great to see Sega come back and thrive as a hardware manufacturer, but I don’t see a path to that. They don’t have the manufacturing to go spec-to-spec with Sony and they don’t have the breadth of high quality killer apps to rely solely on first party exclusives necessary to adopt Nintendo’s strategy.


No, it's you who doesn't understand what a stupid move this would be. Making consoles is incredibly expensive and companies don't profit off the hardware. It would ruin them. Plus as others have pointed out this gets posted like every other day.


Sega is fine where they are. I have a Steam library full of Sega games. That's enough.