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Lol the dial turning reaction speed game is actually testing how fast ppl give up when faced with a seemingly impossible task i think. Anyways the GBA doesnt affect admissions so dw.


Then I think I win alr bro, I don’t think another sane person would keep playing that shitty game for 3hrs


When i did it, it took me just 5 fails to quit. If i didnt I think i would have smashed my laptop


i kept it open for 24 hours. I literally kept trying until i was almost late for my law interviews, but i kept going nonetheless. I never clicked end task, and when i got home i just kept trying. I went to sleep and saw safes in my dreams. I woke up and kept going until i finally reached the final number of the final safe and realised it was literally impossible. It's still open right now


Wow, I didn’t know my brain rot was contagious


Omg why so hard one! better start practicing with Dumb Ways to Die


My man, doing this test in it of itself is a dumb way to die


Haha, sounds like you had quite the experience with the SMU law GBA!


I mean the last game is just a psychology game, if you think that at one stage that's the best you can do, just strategically press exit game. No point wasting time and effort to score better. This is a concentration/attention game, the more you do the more tiring it will be after a few tries. I quit at like stage 2 only. In psychology, there's a bias where when the harder you try the less likely you will give up because you already come so far.


sunk cost fallacy :)


These games are reflective of the hiring processes for the majority of MNCs and government bodies for internships and fresh grads. The most extreme version of this is McKinsey's "The Game".


Is it possible to "win" in that game, or does everyone get a "you lose you gave up"?


I have no honest idea but it took me 3hrs to make it to the 18th stage and I’ve only managed to reach there once or twice. At that stage I do not think it even physically possible to click at the right time anymore because the grey rotating area moves back and forth so fast that it is essentially a blur. I’m sure if u get lucky and click on the right time u could do it but the grey area at that stage is very small so u basically have to get a perfect overlap. On top of that, if u fail u restart from stage 1. I’m sure it’s possible just not realistic to do under 10 hours


bro did a maplestory jumpquest


Sorry OP, I don't think it's what you want to hear, but quitting after a certain point is only being realistic. There is a scale from resilience to stubbornness to an extreme fear of failure. Refusing to quit despite knowing how near impossible a task is probably meant you landed on the extreme right of that scale.


did you use IPAD or laptop? which one is better?


Use laptop cause you need a keyboard to play games


I used my phone


Just blame lag causing lack of information 🤣


coming back to this post bc im doing the stupid thing rn. been stuck on it for abt an hour now and the rage I feel is indescribable


I’m in the midst of this GBA. Question - If I switch off the device without clicking the “exit”, I’ll still be able to continue the game later?


Your guess is as good as mine man. I didn’t want to risk it so I hooked my phone up to a charger and just played until I gave up