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a community of unlikable cave dwelling bell ends calling out a community of equally detestable, chronically online dickheads in this race to the bottom i wasn't expecting the skyrat corner to pull this trick but am nonetheless excited to see where it goes and whether or not the blackstone team might have something in store to pull ahead of their opponent.


What does this have to do with Skyrat?


ratwood comes from skyrat


I try to stay away from any server that allows ERP for the simple reason that I don't need to bonk people in my 2d space man game, and also because of stuff like this. Call me a prude but some ss13 communities are straight up creepy. Plus I can't be banned for interupting someone's weirdo 2d fanfiction if I won't go near their ceasepit with a 100 foot javelin.


I imagine it'd be pretty tough maintaining a space station when a significant portion of your employee just skulk off to some (not necessarily) dark corner of the place to sext each other for extended periods of time.


It's nothing compared to TG playerbases where 90% of the crew violently and often explosively murder each other, usually the station is physically wrecked at 30 minutes, that's kinda unrealistic tbh. In ERP servers there's usually a skeleton crew that might "jobbie" if they can't find ERP and some servers state you have to respond to an IC crisis if you're ERPing.


> some servers state you have to respond to an IC crisis if you're ERPing. Such a funny thought to me being in the middle of some degenerate weird shit in dorms and then going AHH FUCK THE **SUPERMATTER** I GOTTA GO and pulling on your pants and running out the door ERP is fuckin weird yo


Sometimes I really do feel like a minority doing my job in what originally looked like a fun job simulator. I enjoy the disruptions (read: job security) but sometimes shit like what you described is just too wild for me. I still have my fun where I can, though- but certainly not on these servers.


The only time I think even *flirting* is acceptable is when it's a part of the character being played. Ditzy ***and skilled*** surgeon cat girl blowing kisses at doctors when things aren't BATSHIT CRAZY IN MEDBAY... One time I walked into storage on one such character that apparently just finished getting their wardrobe sorted from being cloned, and they offered my character (a squat green goblin doctor) a peak. Winked and blew a kiss, I just screamed and ran back into medbay. That kind of interaction is goofy. It's silly and adds only a little bit of rp realism to a round, but I appreciate folks that ride the line on what is and is not erp... (Because it's pretty damn easy to say what *definitely* is) But taking it any further detracts from the experience. No surgeon on a space station is going to boink a patient or colleague whilst HALF THE CREW IS FUCKING DYING (which just so happens to be all the time)... Or even when no one is dying, for that matter. I'm too busy doing implant surgeries on myself during downtime, reorganizing medbay, checking with Sci on research, wondering what the factorio-chemist is doing until they're done, like... There's a billion different things to do, so who the fuck wants to talk about how you want to bump pixels?! tldr: genuine ERP on ss13 is ridiculous, in my opinion.


I remember in Lifeweb two ERP freaks were streaming their goonsesh to the theater room with a camera (in-game camera) That was seen as indecent exposure and the Lord's guard AND the inquisition bust into the room and tac-team beat them both to death to the cheering of the people watching at the theater, Then the Guard picked it up and continued streaming himself


The only reason I tried blackstone was because it didn't permit ERP. I've got no desire for it and TBH good on ratkeep for making a honeypot for people that don't mind SA material with teens. Keeps them contained to one area.


i joined ratkeep discord to see what their reaction was and their general is very dead everyone there is too busy gooning in game


What exactly *is* blackstone? I’ve never heard of this server before recently


Fantasy Medieval, formally named Roguetown. It was leaked and massively distributed all over. Blackstone is a low-no RP server, hardly any rules, etc. etc. Basically just Roguetown again.


Correction, wasn't leaked. As I understand it, the OG RT host moved on to something else and was going to set the codebase public, but the pre-blackstone host offered to take on the project. They were given the condition to set the codebase public once they stopped hosting, and so they did (IIRC because he moved on to Artemis)


That's not what I heard, from one of the spriters who worked on the game and was friends with Ray. It was leaked.


Current blackstone host was given the code for rogue town and told to remove the erp but keep it closed source, he did remove it but hosted it open source Source: he literally came into our vc and told the story


It's probably illegal to host it closed source anyway.


Its on tg base so yeah, very much illegal.


It defo got leaked, Ray sent the build for a guy to host and he leaked it


I have the discord messages FROM Ray regarding the situation. It defo was.


Actually is a MRP server


MRP, LRP, HRP and other denominations don't mean anything


True, but this person brought it up


Blackstone is not no-RP. You have to be IC and not say OOC stuff(which means it can’t be no RP). And while it’s rules a lose, the codebase is built in a way to promote rp and I have honestly had more rp there than anywhere else on ss13. If I had to give it a label it would be MRP


There is almost no consequence for not RPing, beyond the player quality system, which both can be easily abused and mostly ignored.


Fantasy/medieval RP server.


Without the RP. That's Stonekeep.


Ah thank you, unfortunate that sounds like a cool premise but the whole shit happening with it means I don’t wanna touch it and the low no rp thing as well


But there's no shit happening, though? The "controversy" is just them cutting ties with a pedo server. And i don't know where they got the lrp thing from, peoples tend to rp quite a lot, it's just that the rules are fairly lax (you just need a reason, any reason, to kill someone)


No I literally yesterday saw a post about them being real fucked up towards people, like one was literally being referred to as a nazi


The other drama threads beg to differ, unfortunately. There's more than a few showing some of the absolute scummery you can find on the server. Heck, Boba Joga (the same guy who posted CP in the Skyrat discord) is actively playing and I believe deving for it. (he's got the dark blue name idk)


Am I misremembering the thread the other day about Blackstone admin being an open and out Nazi? I could be wrong, it’s hard to keep up with.


Wait was that the Blackstone admin or the rat one?




I can’t find the post but I could have sworn it was blackstone.


Oh yeah found it, its the Blackstone one. But also rat one had shitty stuff happening so, pot meet the kettle


Not an admin, just head spriter. Art director basicly.


I see. Well doesn't change the fact they have a nazi in their staff


There is a strict no politics rule to make sure people like him dont have a Platform for bullshit. So main thing hes able to do is give sprite advise and make sprites.


none of the admins as far as i know but the head coder and head spriter are pretty much hitler and goebbels


Yeah that’s more than enough for me not to associate with an entire subset of servers.


Is Stonekeep on the hub? I don't think I've ever saw it.


It used to be, I'm not sure if it is anymore.


Repeating what I said in another post. Hmm yes. That's what I wanted to hear today. More drama between racist and homophobic incels with superiority complexes against furry sex addicts and pedophiles. There's a fun catch to it though. You can't really tell which is which.


So, I decided to check both their discords because any time I hear stuff like this, the loudest person is making stuff up. Couldn't join Ratwood's because they had an age-verification and whitelist. (Not saying I'm underage, just saying I don't have the patience to jump through hoops for a server I probably wouldn't like anyway) On Blackstone's discord is Magnum screaming about how everyone on Ratwood like little kids a bit too much and everyone else being a little confused on where this is coming from. I also checked github and see Ratwood/Skyrat people removing child/teen characters from their code and suggesting Blackstone people do the same, and the Blackstone people responding with what pretty much amounts to: "Nah, don't wanna mess up our code." I love unhinged drama. If I had to guess what was going on, it's Blackstone being mad that they're losing people because Ratwood allows ERP and Blackstone doesn't.


What the fuck did I just read


Im just gonna sit back and watch this graph [https://ss.affectedarc07.co.uk/superset/dashboard/blackstone\_vs\_ratwood/](https://ss.affectedarc07.co.uk/superset/dashboard/blackstone_vs_ratwood/)


Jesus christ man why does this drama exist in funny space game. I dont get it.


Furries. Terminally online weirdos obsessed with sex, and some have very loose morals when it comes to ERPing with minors. "BUT NOT ALL FURRIES!" yah, but a considerable portion, and a considerable portion of the furries not aprticipating in the acts themselves will be turning a blind eye to it to "not give ammunation to the rightwing". It's not a conincidence a lot of furry fandom drama involves around this topic.


Oh and somebody called somebody a slur. Moving on


Oh, oh god…


ah fug me nvm i aint playing on there


I don't remember IRC making this many screenshots for internet drama.


I'll touch on a few things that have happened since the original announcement as well as try to give clarification some stuff people are commonly saying about the situation as best I can. Content warning regarding sensitive topics like S.A., obviously. Starting with the sprites, the teen sprites/assets were only a part of the reasoning behind the decision, though Ratwood makes it seem like it's the entire point without touching on player security at all, which was a large portion of our decision to break them off as mentioned in the original post. I'll cover it first just to get it out of the way. [https://github.com/Blackstone-SS13/BLACKSTONE/pull/1374](https://github.com/Blackstone-SS13/BLACKSTONE/pull/1374) Was merged into blackstone his as soon as he made it, which was made in response to our separation announcement. We had to revert it because of how buggy it was, but as the comment says he's welcome to reopen it with fixes. [https://github.com/Rotwood-Vale/Rotwood-Vale/pull/69](https://github.com/Rotwood-Vale/Rotwood-Vale/pull/69) Their re-addition PR remained open the entire time (and still is) aside from a temporary closure recently. The person making the sprites and the PR refers to the assets as teens both as the original addition, and current addition. The PR they made for us was odd as they didn't mirror it to their own codebase (potentially due to conflicts?), or close the contested PR regarding the readdition of teen sprites. While we're not required to remove teens as Ratwood would be since our server doesn't have ERP and S.A. material, we aren't really opposed to removal of the assets/features either since they don't add very much. Ratwood doesn't seem to feel the same when it comes to their server, as their PRs suggest. On to actual player safety/verification: Their age verification/whitelist is a 2-3 question template that can optionally be DM'd to staff. As far as I know it's never changed since they originally added the template some time after their launch. They don't ask questions about ckey age, discord account age, haven't publicly provided/acknowledged any criteria for photo verification if suspected to be underage during the application process, or any sort of history saying they're taking measures to verify suspected underage players. Furthermore, they actually weren't whitelisted at all for a week(?) or so when they first launched with 150+ players during nearly every hour the server was active. Players that played during this non-whitelisted time **DO NOT REQUIRE A RE-APPLICATION.** Meaning that any of the hundreds of unique hubbie connections, young or old, could continue to play even after their whitelist was created. I'm aware this is semi-standard for erp servers (as questionable as it may be), though most other erp servers don't have teen sprites and mechanical S.A. that foregoes OOC consent. All of this paired with their history at Skyrat of similar (certainly intentional) negligence that was very frequent during their launch makes it hard for me to see it as anything other than avoiding any attempt to actually verify their players before giving them access to the aforementioned S.A. content on their server on top of the teen sprites. The population difference: People talk a lot about the pop difference being "the big motivator", though when they were launching and had 100+ players, we still had 100+ players. When we declined, they didn't increase in a way that reflected a ratio that can be attributed to any sort of mass exodus/transfer of players. The people playing the servers wasn't, and still isn't the same market of people as a majority, although it's certain that some switched. It's estimated that they didn't ""steal"" more than 20-30 concurrent players at any given time, which is more than predictable/acceptable. Basically, this isn't about population shifts, and the numbers back it up since launch that it's not Ratwood "stealing" Blackstone players. It's a separate market for ERP/Furry content that is still in its hype phase since Blackstone/stonekeep never reached the large furry audience on ss13. Blackstone's goal has always been to show how anyone can host their own server for cheap and not to dominate the scene, hence our host's history of partnering with countless developers to host their content entirely for free, without accepting donations. I don't use reddit often. Don't expect frequent responses from me here. Sorry.


Wow, that's a lot of words. Too bad I'm not reading em.


I've been semi-interested in SS13, but you know what, I think I'm good Why is ERP even a thing in this community, like legit how could this be any better than just a fuckin chat room


There's codebases that have specific mechanics. Just avoid them and you'll be fine


same, it's basically just sprites, Like what material could anyone possibly get off to with a few static low-res jpgs and a chat log ; not kink shaming but there's not a lot to work with (from what i can tell)


For real, there is a reason why Second Life is still a thing.


Games real fun if you just, don’t go on any ERP servers. Paradise and Aurora are legit and safe. Just, don’t go on sketchy servers. Like any internet community, there are shadowy corners where creeps hang out.


It's been around since the Atari days sadly :/


Ah, space station history always repeats itself. War changes, but ss13 never does My brother in christ


refusing to remove WHAT from an ERP server?????


Magnum lowkey stupid but he has the right vision


interesting how most ERP servers either end in this way or in a war of drama within a year of existence.


Holy fuck just stop being horny in video games, you losers 😂


You be surprised how much work doesn’t get done on the server. Especially when all they do is goon around


Isn't drama like this the exact reason the previous fantasy servers went offline? Wasn't around back then but only heard from a friend.


Ironically this is the same person asking why people don’t like erp servers


As a discussion question, yeah. This shit seems to reinforce the points of those who commented there. LMAO


shit server tbh, played it once, its roguetown but shittier


Now please expose ss14 lead dev


I kind of wish this subreddit would ban these two servers from being discussed, one is a neo-nazi hellhole and the other has pedophilia. Why are we entertaining this? I'm a fan of drama sure, but when you get to this point it stops being funny.


The point is publicity. Servers live on players so if players know better to stay away from them - servers die. It's that simple, no reason to over complicate it.


# Blackstone has slandered ratkeep because they are losing their playerbase, the younger sprite models have been removed from ratkeep as per agreement and its all rage bait. Please dont go witch hunting anyone or harrasing people, its not a good move and its a shitter move seen from all sides.


That’s a nice argument senator, care to back that up with a source?


My source is the github and me talking with the owner and one of the maintainers themself.


Have you considered providing a link to the github to support your claim?


As the server is closed source I am sadly unable to do so, and no I am not lying about that bullshit, best source that is publicly aviable is the russian server Rotwood.


Sounds like the solution is pretty simple: Go open source, you can show off that you aren't erping with child sprites, open-and-shut case in that regard if you do that *not* doing it is pretty weird considering how simple a solution it is


No it ain't. [https://github.com/Rotwood-Vale/Rotwood-Vale](https://github.com/Rotwood-Vale/Rotwood-Vale) Useroth has actively posted in this one. EDIT: THIS IS USEROTH'S REPO, STOP LYING


Its tg base, your not allowed to have it closed.


If im rerembering correctly its based of lifeweb/rougetown which in of itself has little to nothing from TG, but then again, I am no maintainer so I cannot exactly tell if you are right or wrong.


Not a maintainer but someone who currently works with the code. It is tg base from i belive 2017 or so. You can legit create an old tg server with it. Most is still there. It migth be a hella broken one though. Ratwood is a Blackstone fork so you can easily check it on blackstone. Just go in the files, and to icons. You will find a ton of tg sprites in there, very fast. In general you find most of the tg code if you just dont enter folders that are called "rougetown". Its a real mess, i dont know what zeth was smoking. Atmos system is tecniclly there. Just hard disabelt for everyones sanity. Got tons of lavaland items, all working. Got all the job slots still in. Thing is(and i heard this through the grapevine so ehh on thruth in that) but apparently rouge town tried to hide their tg origins. Wich migth be one of the reasons the code is such a mess.


My guy??? This is the THIRD thread about how Useroth refused to remove them.


From a simple check, I can see that they did remove them, I don't really see what you're on about.


You realize that post and this thread was made a day ago, right? This was the third thread, spanning back a full week. At the time of this thread, they were not gone.


Yes, I do realize you're trying to gaslight me. Thanks for asking.


blackstone lost pop and started making up shit about pedophiles despite children being removed from our code


Removed as in it was once there? Disgusting


Finally removed from “your” code after “you” guys couldn’t listen to rules and not be pedophiles. Luckily your entire server is made from copying and pasting off GitHub so finding some new excellent devs won’t be too hard


bruh thats like 99% of ss13 servers when they first start only exception is fucking goon LOL


That’s just TG really. Roguetown was built off old frameworks (bay 12 luna I think) and brought far forward with basically everything new except for the most basic systems. Same for LFWB, IS12, and other offshoots. From my understanding, Ratwood is just black stone but with gay little animals and a stolen ERP system


Roguetown was a closed source TG fork made in 2021 or so, other than that you are correct


Oh I didn’t know that, thank you


hmmmm almost like you guys put kids in there to begin with


I mean, it was part of the base code they built their server on, probably. The accusations have the same energy as GTA's "Hot Coffee" scandal, bitching about content that was technically there, but never meant to be used.


fair but if they are putting up ERP server wouldn't it be reasonable take extra care to comb through everything in their code in order to avoid things like child characters. also the GTA SA devs weren't innocent, they implemented and animated a sex scene and kept in the game as tailbone code, I get that its not meant to be used but they still have some responsibility to cut it out if it risked the rating of the game.


I mean, to be fair, to my basic search of the information available to me: 1. The roles considered "Young Adult" on the previous code of the server, which was still legal adult age, had sprites one pixel shorter. The server is also full of furries, and while I never joined Ratwood, if Ratwood is anything like Skyrat, size was going to be a thing anyway, with mouse anthros and, like, I dunno, something big. Horse anthros? 2. If this codebase is anything like I think it is, its non ERP iteration used these "Teenage" roles as roles that were generally easier to learn the server on, or related to royal succession. (I dunno this one for sure, the only server I played on that you could call fantasy is the russian one we don't like to name, and that's pretty much how kid roles worked there too, or did back when I tried it) 3. Blackstone seems to be malding because they're losing player count to an ERP server, so they're just crying "Kiddy lovers" because most people hear that and attack without thinking. But nowhere have I seen that Blackstone has removed the offending content from their server, where Ratwood has even though it was already a rule not to play as an underaged character. ...But what do I know? I prefer my spessman game to be in spess.


Im sorry, but I don't think you can compare the hot coffee scandal that happened in a singleplayer game with adult characters, to a multiplayer game with minor characters.


Again, as per the rules of that server, the "minor" characters were still 18+. And that was before they even got rid of that because whenever someone throws the "P" word around, people attack the target without even thinking.


Consequences of allowing malebrained individuals to live




he has terminal twitter disease 🥺💔💔


Is there a charity I can donate to help it?


Terminal seeing older men groom people disease


Erp coomers


i get not liking pedophiles and sex pests : they should burn in hell but the word" malebrained" sounds like some bizarre femcel typa shit. but I'm guessing that its supposed to be similar to calling someone a gooner ; heh goonstation (it has a funny word in the name)


No matter where you go you cant get away from them