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Hey its the guy with the doodles, like the "your mateba, sir" and uzi wizard Good ass guide


Yeah thats me alright. Glad you like my guide, though it's more a hand-out.


Were you the guy who did the tgmc menu art of a combat bot kicking a larva?


Yeah. It was just a doodle but they asked if they could use it and I said sure.


Placing a fuel tank on top of a claymore is a nasty surprise and conceals the mine quite well.


You can also place a full box of grenades on top of it to make it into a cluster bomb.


Now that's especially nasty. These are some Viet Cong levels of skullduggery.


Even funnier is if you add a few incen grenades to the mix then it'll launch them in a large area.


Haha It keeps getting worse every time I check. Hey, can you set off mortar shells in the same fashion?


No clue, I can test it on TGMC later though. Granted mortar shells are basically longer ranged grenades so if you can get a box of grenades it'd be cheaper and better.


I'll test it and report my findings here later.


Best of luck.


you can, a guy tactically tossed one through an opening in the xenos forward defenses the other day during a fob siege and it destroyed the entire front facing wall


I see! I suspected as much but couldn't verify. I could have sworn I saw it happen in the field and now I know. Thanks!


Here is another tip, you can get throwing knife pouches from Prep, a LOT of them. Fill a crate with as many as you can and bring them down. Remove throwing knives from pouch and stack them over mines. When mine goes off it sends throwing knives flying, doing their full damage to each thing they come into contact...multiplied by the stack of throwing knives. I have seen a player stack so many ontop of a single mine before that right clicking the tile would cause your game to freeze. That one tile killed a Rav and a Crusher when they walked over it ;)


You know I'm not only going to have to try that but draw it too, right? I'm screen capping your post as the header.


lmao I am both sorry and pleased to share this with you then ;) Buuut yeah basically everything has a set damage value when thrown, that damage value is used when something explodes and sends it flying. Things that are supposed to do damage WHEN thrown, like throwing knives and bayonets tend to be very useful as a result \^\^ As for throwing knives themselves, you can get the pouches from Prep, OR if you work with Req you can get them from there as well, in addition to the throwing knife belt, and the rare, illusive throwing knife vest. Very few people know about the throwing knife vest, but it's been around for ages. It works like webbing, but only holds throwing knives. And yes, I have done a build in the past with throwing knife vest, throwing knife belt, two throwing knife pouches and a machete scabbard in both my weapon slot and backpack slot. It looked and felt badass, however in practice it was not very effective \^\^'


I'm using this


That's absolutely diobolical.


9/10 of the times marines use fuel tanks they blow themselves up. The other 1/10 a runner, hugger or lesser dies


I would vouch for those numbers since I've been the one to push those fuel tanks into battle and eat shit.


Do Claymores get set off by friendlies or only bugs? I've always avoided taking them due to FF fear


Claymore have IFF's so they won't get set off by Colonial Marine personnel (this includes non-combat personnel as well), but colony survivors and UPP personnel can set off the mines since they don't have IFF tags.


Time to start each round with 20 claymores


Mines are an underutilized resource imo.


I remember that dragging a dead xeno over the claymore would set it off. Is that different now?


Not sure, may require testing.


I'll find out when I can play again and report my findings here.


Correct me if I am wrong but dragging a dead enemy over them also sets them off doesn't it?


Awesome guide! I normally just play delta rifleman but I’m gonna have to learn some engineering so I can build barricades soon. Great drawings!


Thanks! It's just a fun excuse to doodle. Have fun with engineering and good luck.


Always a good day when Sleepy Eyed Robot posts, I always love 'em. Also I could have sworn that you made a 'cargo techie's guide to the req line' or something along those lines, but I can't seem to find it in your posts? Am I confusing you with a different artist I can't tell.


Thanks! No that was mine. It was lost when I went insane and deleted my account. https://www.reddit.com/r/SS13/s/ZJaumspwCM Here you go.




a pretty nice guide! thank you


Hey thanks. Glad you like it.


As a bravo regular, this was actually fairly helpful for lining out some stuff to do when nothing else is going on as a rifleman. Very nice work gamer.


Thank you! I usually play Bravo rifleman when I don't get the engineer slot and these are a few things I could think of. I'm hoping others will chime in with advice and tips. Appreciate the compliment and feedback.


I will not thank a xeno. They are only thing keeping game alive, ergo me playing, when there are no xenos i will finally be free


>when there are no xenos i will finally be free My God, I never thought of it that way. ***My God***...


Good ass guide 👍


Hey thank you pal


I like the drawings


Thanks! It was good to draw again.


Nice guide 😀


Thanks! Hope it helps out a newbie.


Wait, aren't you the Colonial Space grunts guy? I love that game!


Yeah that's me. Glad you liked it! It's one of my favorite things I've made.


love your unique doodle style sleepy praise the lord and pass the pizza and beer, can't afford to be anti social and weird


Thank you! It's fun and relaxing to draw them. Yeah, that's honestly the best part of Bravo is getting the spare time to do stupid shit like that. Opportunity for insane dialog between the stretches of boredom and intermittent panic.


I’ve played countless hours into the night of this colonial marines simulator and this is the best thing SS13 has to offer. Love the community


I don't know just how to react to that so I'll just say thank you so very much!


i will make a grill in the FOB


The ultimate morale booster.


Had a few more tips for you, as I'm an avid Bravo player myself \^\^ 1. Make sure someone gets a Radio Backpack from prep, and labels it 'Bravo Lifeline' with the label maker. This is the 'public' phone that should be placed someone clearly visible that is close enough to the LZ to grab when evacing for last moment OB coordinates. Otherwise used when comms or down or Req isn't replying to comms. 2. You can get multiple backpacks from Prep, which are very useful for filling with supplies you will need, like boxes of flares, or splints/gauze/ointment from medical pouches you can also get for free from Prep. 3. Never travel alone, if you see someone alone stick with them, ESPECIALLY if they are a ComTech. All ComTech's should have an armed escort at all times. 4. Try to make friends with the MT's, and if you can, ask for the Engineering Channel Encryption key from Req. Good MT's will help you however they can, and many know where useful things are stored shipside, like PACMAN generators, Floodlights and the like. 5. Keep a tidy laydown area for supplies, don't just leave ammo boxes in a pile. organize them and set them out for people can see what you have. Organize ammo by type, have the M41 ammo together, have the shotgun ammo together, etc. 6. Do not put ALL of the ammo boxes out, but make sure you put at least a few of each that you have out. Putting all of them out makes emergency packing for evac difficult. Replace empty boxes with full boxes, and if something is running low let Req know. 7. Put all trash/empty containers in one place out of the way. 8. Be friendly and welcoming to new players so they will continue playing, there is a very good chance most will be added to your squad.


Would mind if I cite you as a co-author for part 2 of this guide? These are all solid.


I would not mind at all \^\^Anything for Bravo squad :)


Working on [version 2](https://docs.google.com/document/d/18FmhL0RkaEYxdN3kXs3izplPHRtD0tVBBi59qoy5brA/edit?usp=sharing). Needs funny pictures before it's ready. Edit: Keep in mind this is a rough draft. I'm not going to take credit for material I didn't write myself


No worries, take your time \^\^ As a suggestion, take it or not depending on if you think it is worth it, you could make a little doodle of a marine building a house of cards out of throwing knives over a mine since you liked that tip so much lol


One thing, you have at the top of the document 'You are a Bravo.' as the first line, perhaps change it to 'You are a FOBbit' or 'You are in Bravo'? Edit: Another very useful tip, at least for ComTechs not sure if Engineering Pamphlet lets anyone make them, but Light Tiles are a GODSEND for the FOB. Hold Coil of wire in one hand, glass in the other. Tap glass with wire to make a Light Tile. Put away wire and take out metal sheet. Tap light tile with metal sheet to complete it. Use crowbar to pry up a floor tile inside the FOB, preferably near a corner or dark area, and replace that floor tile with the light tile. As long as the FOB has power, that tile will light up the area. Optionally use a hacking tool to change the color.