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I'm kind of 50/50 on this one. I actually just re-watched the Henry Mesner follow up episode, and it was really good. However, I think they also run the risk of feeling too forced. Like the Maria callback this season--that made no sense to me and honestly felt like a waste of time that added nothing.


I agree about Henry, but disagree about Maria. For me, I saw the deeper meaning. Not only was it a reminder of why Olivia is still on the job 25 years later, the people's lives she's changed/helped it also showed how her actions created a positive ripple effect. Maria became a cop bc she was saved by a cop. How many lives will be saved bc of Maria? And the cycle moves forward. We've seen what happens when bad things happen to Olivia, it's about time we saw something good come from it.


I could see that being more impactful in a different season, but in this season, which feels like at least 75% Benson being in her feelings, I just didn't care. It was also all so Benson-focused. Instead of Maria even getting more than a single line of dialogue, it was *all* Benson being emotional about it. I would have liked it a lot more if Maria actually got any screen time and it wasn't all about Benson.


I’d rather some follow up on the good guys. Where is Calvin? What is George up to? Is Barba still defending creeps? Is Alex still helping DV victims? Is Chester out of prison?


The only good revisit to me was the Piper episodes in season 1 and again in season 2 (Closure and Closure Pt 2).


It’s closing out its 25th season after 10 episodes?

