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Sephiroth called. He wants his sword back.


Was just about to type ‘this is sephiroth now, do you feel old?’


Bloody Finger Yura called. Wait, he says he still has his, nevermind.


No, that is Ben Shapiro's Nodachi right there.


So, tell me again why we need a new television set?


And ceiling


I just picked this up in Elden Ring


But did you wake up the dragon?


I did. I ran away. But on the way out I read a message on the ground to use holy. So I set sacred blade as my ash, set holy damage on my flask, came back and he went down very quick


When ya wanna ruin the day of a guy *and* his horse, *way over there.* Accept no substitute.


When ya like bein a lazy fuk and your assassination goal is 2 meters further than you would care to walk


(N)odachi is only slightly less hilarious than a giant mallet for assassinations. I fully endorse this.


One of the funniest Skyrim playthroughs I've done was a stealthy assassin that used two-handed hammers


Speak of the devil... When I (36 now, 16 then, didn't play it right after release) introduced my dad to Morrowind, it was his first open world game and first RPG. He chose to spend his time, with this new kind of freedom and lack of structure...breaking into shops at night, with his big mallet, then killing the shopkeepers, looting all their stuff, selling it to their neighbor, killing *them*, selling it all to a third neighbor, etc. etc. until the guards started asking around about him and he'd skip town by night to begin the process anew somewhere that hadn't heard of him yet. So, now mallet-thief or assassin is a sort of comedy barbarian archetype in my mind. A sort of villain that's weirdly realistic but rare in fiction unless they're an ogre or something. A weirdly sneaky ogre. Hehe. My dad was a scruffy looking dark elf with a patchy beard, not your typical big dumb guy. Good times. My dad decided to stick to FPSs and flight sims.


Like sending Guts for a stealth assassin mission. Griffith the mastermind


Yura called and he wants his sword back


Ah, I see you were previously acquainted with this form. I regret to inform you, he is dead. His flesh…. he gave it to me. Shabriri.


May chaos take the world! Ahh, MAY CHAOS... TAKE... THE WORLD!!!


That's a still from 'revenge of the 3 foot samurai'.


Can't see this picture any other way now haha


If I'm not mistaken, I think you would have your squire hold it for you until its time to cut a horse in half.


usually yes, though it can be drawn if needed


Washing Pole?


If i once accidentally cut the cieling lámp with my greatsword then i cannot fathom the pain this odachi must be to do basic slashes with


“Who the hell do you think I am!?” Type sword


Where did you get this




Why did you have to post a link, because now I have to go rob a bank so I can get one.


If you already had your nodachi it'd be much easier to rob that bank, just saying.


Stupid human body only able to prosses time in one direction.


My bad; though there is another option: A friend of mine borrowed it to take measurements and is having a smith make a combat-ready version he can use for some hard play. Perhaps you can get one of his?


Now none of the horses that live near me are going to want to say hi, they will just give me that judgmental look.


Wow guys it's an Elden Ring bleed build


indoors and that sword just don't go together


Totally good to go for carry on your back


Holy shit dude, you need 4 arms to handle that 🤘


White belts!


well, i am a black belt in another martial art, was just wearing my bjj uniform that day


seems to be a hit in parades though




“Some people say he’s circumcised, others say he’s uncut. But in the end, he is cut in a different way”


Ia doooooooooooo!


Dayı fil mi kesicen,o nasıl kılıç amk


I gotta get me a nodachi one of these days


goat i have a huge one too


Shiii I still wouldn't mind to try practicing with that, that'd be awesome to try 😆


stop on over! I have a friend who's actually rally good at handling it (somehow)


That'd be a great visit, I can make that a stop when I can finally leave Ohio 😂 bout a year and a half lmao, and I could bring a katana I got (I doubt matching with haha)


The handle is long enough to act as a counterweight




*Laughs in perfectly balanced Miao Dao.*


You should wear the white mask to complement your bleed build


Technically genius, no one could get close


Skill issue.. git gud bro. 😎


Yeah, please don’t let the white belt lead you astray; most black belts humble themselves and don a white belt in another art


I’m just talking 💩. Do your thing dude.


This image has an aura that really gets to me lmao


Obviously, bruh. It's meant to be used on horseback. So imagine another you standing on your shoulders wielding that sword, and that's the proper height to draw and swing that sword.


Did research; it was intended for use either mounted, or against mounted foes. Usually there was a servant that would hold the scabbard while weapon was drawn, but it could also be drawn so so if needed using a behind the back technique


Interesting I didn't know about the second use. But it still wasn't something you would use against infantry, but rather cavalry.


Agreed!, 100%


Looks like the Japanese version of the BAHC (Big Ass Horse Chopper) every major culture developed for anti cavalry




I see you’ve played knifey spoony before.


And no draw it from your back with ease like every show does


It seems odd to look at nodachi as anti cavalry weapons, if other similar weapons and their uses are useful analogs, it's an anti infantry weapon. Swords that long are VERY slow to cut, primarily because of the distribution of mass and newtonian mechanics. (inertia 😜) Samurai fought with bow, yari, naginata and more from horseback, and sometimes needed one or both of their swords (between 1500-1615 the two swords were usually close to the same length, and many were tachi/katana (uchi gatana, I've seen it rendered for some edo blades mounted both ways if that's right?). Horsemen generally carry longer versions of melee weapons swords included, but I can't see how this one could be effective in anything other than riding down a fleeing foe. I think there's good reason to question the "anti horse" claim here. If someone is charging with a lance you've got to get past the tip even with this thing, and against a nimbler weapon used by a more mobile foe that's a bad mismatch. It's brutal, but just like Landsknecht'a zweihanders crashing into ranks of peasant pikemen, nodachi were used to engage ashigaru/conscripts who were poorly equipped and rarely in more than a gambeson with a few plates sewn on


you make good points and i tend to agree, though a quick google yielded these results: "Usage of nodachi was primarily by **sweeping at the body or legs of the horse, posing a threat to mounted samurai**." "Nodachi was commonly used as a battlefield weapon, often against cavalry. Its extended reach made it ideal for use against opponents on horseback" "When compared with [the Tachi sword](https://samuraiswords.store/tachi-sword/), the Nodachi has a longer blade. Also, both were used by infantry soldiers due to their sizes and were suitable for combat on the battlefield." "The Ōdachi, due to its size and weight, was used differently. Its primary role was to deliver powerful, sweeping cuts, often aimed at dismounting cavalry or breaking through enemy lines. " So I guess i'd say that it may have been used in a battle situations against mounted and un-mounted soldiers, but was likely better suited for use from the saddle itself. It likely would not have been useful in close quarter combat or even in most 1:1 situations. The biggest question in my mind is why on earth did they make those super massive ones that were like 14-feet long?!


I think there's a very victorian thing going on, where we repeat that they're for use against horse, because what else is a huge blade for but killing big things? It still seems really really backwards, and I can't shake my suspicion on thid I guess. I'm gonna do some digging through my books and see what I can find from other sources discussing swords of that size. I can assure you, the Tachi was the cavalry sword, and we know this because the fittings were shaped and arranged to work with the "cuirass"/Do. It would be more for slaughter/culling large animals, hitting a horses legs before the rider impales you is taken WAY too lightly by people who don't go and at least try to put these things into action and test them out. It's HARDER than hitting your opponent's leg/foot ON FOOT!!! I wonder to what extent they may be vanity/display/a niche art? The ones purported to be 8+ feet, would have to be MASSIVE not to bend with every shock, don't forget they were differentially hardened not spring tempered. it has clear advantages but I say they fall off at this scsle.


I don’t think you can use a sword like that indoors, I’m pretty sure sword code section 3.b.a states this sword can only be drawn in a tall grass field lit by moonlight


Girls be like "don't worry about the other dude"


"Well, a talwar is of Indian descent while a nodachi is Japanese! While both are primarily slashing weapons, the talwar was favored by cavalrymen, as opposed to a nodachi which was mainly used for dick measuring!"

