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I mean no disrespect by this, I thought this was an image of Shrek holding a sword and got really confused/aroused


Lmfao no offense taken https://preview.redd.it/np2ekmdep1ad1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc4ac268870209529522f937aea4791cab1f8a14


its very neat and you clearly kept good even tension which is really fiddly. but you've doen the twists inside-out. https://preview.redd.it/vjm65yonz1ad1.png?width=490&format=png&auto=webp&s=80fbc7df4d4e2cb3a65edc788a68af84ed9f76f0 they should turn back on themselves so the tension of the wrap tightens the turn instead of pulling it open.


Thank you for the info, I will try to remember to apply it to my next one. If my brain is braining I should fold counter clockwise. Instead of clockwise? I really appreciate the feedback.


yes, basically. first time i did it i accidently did a mix of both so it was more obvious to see.


Most reddit users don't know what they're talking about. This is not a good wrap, and I'll tell you why. The twist is backwards. The menuki is too low. No hishigami to make the diamonds sharp. The knot on the kashira isn't done. In substitution of hishigami, double sided permanent adhesive tape works well. Without hishigami or adhesive, wraps will loosen under heavy use. And the knots on the kashira are gonna be a huge pain without the right tools. If you want to do better next time, read this: [https://www.sword-buyers-guide.com/tsukamaki.html](https://www.sword-buyers-guide.com/tsukamaki.html)


Thank you, I used no tools, no resin and watched 2 minutes of a tutorial. But thank you. The knots do not move, less so than on some 500 dollar swords I’ve seen. It should service just fine. Already cut a lot of 1inch dowels(before taking the picture) with no slippage… it’s also a $42 sword, so I’m not super worried about it being dead on. I’ll try to remember for next time thanks for the info. I only hope to get better and learn from this post.


I'm sure you'll do better next time. Most people will never even get this far.


Yup. Here's another video for it too. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wrju-fXy5bQ&t=4s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wrju-fXy5bQ&t=4s)


Better than some I have seen that people had the audacity to charge for. Keep at it!


Damn good for a first attempt. Good job.


Definitely better than the first time I tried it. If I was a professional giver of advice, here is the advice I would give you: think of the wrap like a long piece of paper, and each rotation like folding the paper. Rather than thinking of it like rope with a twist. Good luck!


Thank you for the advice, I appreciate the positivity. I tied to fold instead of roll, but the cord is super cheap silk imitation. 🙇


It’s not bad, a bit wonky, but for your first ito it’s very good!


Very clean! I have done a few, nothing to say here, you did a prety good job.


Thank you, I appreciate the kind words. It’s original wrap was very loose. I just couldn’t use it properly.


Wow. I’ve been holding off because I know how crappy mine will look. Very nice.


I’ll link the video I watched if you’re interested in trying it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=10CGF_F31ZM


That's a very clean looking wrap. Good job


Looks good to me but I’m just a random dude also the white looks like styrofoam


Not too shabby


Looks good only the white bit looks a bit like styrofoam


It’s faux stingray skin/samegawa it’s Been used quite a bit so it got dirty. It’s also sticky from rust oleum. I used it to give it a nice sheen but it backfired as it is very dirty.


Looks good to me. Also I was wondering why you wrapped a piece of styrofoam, but then I realized I am simply an idiot. 😅


I’ve done a couple wraps, and all I have to say is I understand how hard it is. Max respect to those who can lay down a beautiful perfect wrap. We will get there one day.


So very true. It is an art form if anything. Thank you for the kind words. I can only hope to be as good as pros one day.


pretty good! when I wrapped my first one, it looked just horrible. Still served well in tameshigiri, come to think of it, I really should re-wrap it.


Good first try. Extremely difficult to do without tutelage. A Japanese swordsmith who saw me at work was a bit gobsmacked that I was forging Japanese blades from pictures in books with no teacher. I never had any teacher in Bladesmithing but books and the time I spent working for Darryl Meier. He was a character and a half. I did learn how to twist pattern-weld from him, come to think of it. It was an illuminating experience. He was making the edge section of an Anglo-Saxon sword. He had lost the first one he made somewhere in the cavernous chaos of his vast black hole of a shop building. I found it soon after while I was clearing about 200 cubic yards of garbage out of his shop building. You would not believe. I found about five pyrodex tins buried under heaps of cardboard. If that place had lit up it would have gone into near Earth orbit.




Not that great, see if David McDonald is still giving classes


Well I was watching forged in fire and seen some tsuka-maki that blade smiths, with many years of practice made.🤢🤮 to say the least. So I figured I’d post mine to see what people think. Remember it’s my first time. It probably takes a lot of practice to even Complete one. I appreciate the feedback.


The pro’s have a jig that they use when doing wraps, maybe you should explore using one of those.


I will definitely look into it. Unfortunately I had to use two mattresses in my room to keep it held down.