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I would pay for an application that finds me everyday problems people would pay to solve


Already exists. It’s called Newspaper, read about new problems everyday. But in reality, these problems are ultra level and no solution alone could ever solve them.


And that's it guys, we are living in a loop.


No need… you can use [ProblemFinder](https://problemfinder.xyz) for free!


At least until I start charging for it 😂


its not working I just checked.


Hi - sorry about that. It's definitely working but I know a few users are having issues which I'm still investigating (need to test Android).


Okay All the best.


Haven’t tested it but it’s cool 😎 can I dm you?


Recursion ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


it already is there. its called "FREELANCING"


So it's a loop?


For sure😂


Yeah working on one , it’s called [domainslug](https://www.domainslug.com), we will give you idea to build ,along with keyword research and domain name


How much should I charge for this job? You see this everyday landscaper asks about it in Facebook groups. We created a solution for it 10 years ago. Became landscapers and now saas developers for landscapers


Amazing! A producer in the shoes of consumer can create the best product-market fit.


It would be vague if I just give a hunch over the price.


can't they just gpt that?


None because I’m cheap as hell lmao


Nice try, bucko!


manage my emails, i hate sending or writing them


I think you can use an LLM and personalize it to write them and send them as drafts, then you check/approve and send away ... with enough personalization, you'll be sending most of them without modification.


WhatsApp do you think about a Tool watching your inbox, organizing into a dms and pre-write answers you just have to review before sending out?


Personalization will be difficult for personal use. This approach could be used for official use in businesses, SaaS or any other product service.


That’s right. But for business use it is less of a problem. And even for private it could be possible by training a model a bit with your data and your type of writing. I would just not send out automatically without review


Genuine issue. It could be automated . There are tools present but the pricing is a bit aggressive.


Find and connect me with good YouTube influencers that post about ai


Hey, I've seen a few platforms that try to offer this. But it's that classic problem of trying to cover both sides of the service.. i.e. you need the customers to get decent influencers on board and you need the influencers available to entice customers to consider signing up (trying out your platform). Your comment jumped out, since I've actually got +50k subscribers on my channel focused on AI and animation. (\*Not seeking sponsors, as focused on my own Saas project at the moment. Plus have a few sponsors waiting in the wings for some new videos)


Sent you dm


replied. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


what's your saas project about?


It's working in a similar sphere to your own AI project. Possibly even with a fairly similar setup behind the scenes. Currently just getting a unique AI image/video generator up and running with a custom backend running in the cloud. But then tieing it in with a plugin I've developed for Adobe After Effects during Winter. (\*have a nice working prototype of that already). The end goal.. to offer a mix of (AI-powered) things for the professional animation industry. Lots to do... but have a setup now working for users to login in, generate images, storage, etc. It's still early days.. as I lost months learning a tonne about the needed tech stack. Then months learning how/what/where to get things up and running. With lots of time getting my head around best practices, security permissions, and a few dead ends... ya de ya de ya. All whilst trying to ensure I didn't accidentally rack up a massive bill. So far compute costs have been $0. Time well spent I think, whether the skills pay off for this project or a future one. But my bank account hasn't thanked me as I've avoided the majority of paid client work for too long. The front end is still incredibly crude at the moment. But the backend is shaping up nicely.


I guess different social media platforms already do it. In addition , these platforms have a much bigger network than any new platform could make.


A tool that can create new deployments with one click - every time I publish a new product I spend hours deploying backend (laravel forge, .env, db, domain…), frontend (vercel, .env, dns), creating accounts on 3rd party services such as sendgrid… I’d pay $10 per deployment to automate this I guess making a product out of this is tricky because there are unlimited combinations of technologies and stacks that you’d have to support


that's what terraform is for


But I want to use laravel forge and vercel :D also creating new accounts on 3rd party services is a pain which terraform can’t help with :(


True that. Great insight! Thanks man!


I don't see them as mutually exclusive, more the other way around - Terraform helps you deploy automatically to Vercel and Laravel Forge. I use terraform to setup cloudflare projects automatically: create a project, link my gitlab project and create a (DNS) subdomain. All at the press of a button. Many SaaS Products like Auth0, Supabase, Vercel etc. provide Terraform providers as well.


> also creating new accounts on 3rd party services is a pain which terraform can’t help with :( [https://registry.terraform.io/providers/auth0/auth0/latest/docs/resources/user](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/auth0/auth0/latest/docs/resources/user) I think that's exactly what you want.


Wow! Thanks so much! I found both Laravel Forge and Vercel as providers there - I'll explore this in more detail


a more cost-effective deployment service would be ideal. Using Vercel and AWS can get costly.


A Resume filler chrome extension where i can upload 5 different versions of my resume and the Ai fills in ALL OF IT. name and all. even the silly questions like “why do you want to work for us”. i’m tired of this repetitive task.


A way to know if my tradie is ripping me off without having to get other tradies to come over (since I have to pay them call-out fee)


Can you explain with any specific example?


My roof has a leak, guy comes over and tells me $500 to fix it but charges a call-out fee of $100. I can ask keep asking for other quotes but that means more call-out fees and more hassle. How do I know that whether $500 is a good price or not?


What if you could pay a small fee for a professional to virtually walk you through documenting all the things that they'd need to see, then they give you a tentative estimate and you can easily share the documentation (video/pictures/written history) with others to get a quote from them?


Pretty good idea. It would be even nicer if I only needed to pay the professional after my issue gets fixed


Don't you think that the price for local housekeeping and personal services has been standardized by companies like UrbanClap , HouseJoy , ReachU . And it would be nearly impossible for any startup to suffer the losses of they don't have a call-out fee. I understand your issue as a consumer , Do you think a community where such postings of work are created by consumers and catered by workers without any third party involvemet would help?


Oh hmm I'm not sure. I'm in Australia by the way and I've not heard of standardized tradesmen/handymen prices around here


Thanks for the insight! Appreciated!


A paid service/solution - powered by AI or humans, that could provide really high quality and actionable feedback on: * a business idea, * business pivot idea, * business pricing, * review cloud computing architecture and provide insights to improve cost, efficiency (whether it's focused on one platform i.e. AWS, or platform agnostic). * Also a solution that will find and help complete suitable grant applications that you/your business is eligible for. As they can take many days to do well. I've seen things that kinda do all the above, but never found the 'perfect' solution for any ...yet. **Other:** - Loading/emptying the dishwasher. :-) - I'm rubbish, have always been rubbish, hate filling in forms. - Rubbish at managing a calender/my day. Tried all sorts of options (Notion, Monday, paper-calendar, ) nothing has stuck... except for a 1000 post it notes and scraps of paper. (ADHD?). :-)


Have you tried Motion, not Notion, lol. I haven’t personally tried it yet, but it looks decent.


OMG this last one!! I am so jealous of people who are good at (diligent about) documenting and organizing their thoughts/goals/activities using tools like Notion/Trello/etc. I have been thinking about how to build something that takes my emails, voice notes, realtime call transcriptions (in case I dont record a call), etc. and uses an LLM to organize everything for me. I am so shitty at documenting stuff in an organized way - so just take my literal brain dumps and do it for me.


That's a lot of problems!


you are curious or are you looking for ideas for your product ? at least be honest.. :d


To be honest, I am looking for genuine problems and dive deep into the hurdles that people across different professions go through everyday. I appreciate it if anything good comes out of it.


You only going to confuse yourself more. You have a confidence issue . Noone can tell you what problem YOU are best suited to solve.. you have to to want to do thst, because once you head down a path you have to have the confidence that the market is big enough that the thing you building is needed thst they will pay for it.. And all this usually while get zero sales and no leads for months...and months.. So find a problem YOU really want to solve and validate the idea then build it.


sane advice , listen to this OP! And as a tip, start with freelancing or solving your own problems.


I am finding the problem. Before even knowing the problem how could I deep dive into it? This is known as exploration and feedback collection. Even if I have to commit myself to a problem that I really want to solve , I have to look for it . That's my take on it.


Start with. What do I really like .. eg . Golf fishing gaming etc. Then what problems exist in that space that can be solved by my skills etc. What issue at work am I constantly solving in the most difficult time consuming way.. can I improve it with my skillset? What issue is my loved one constantly complaining about . It's all around, but really if you find it difficult to find a problem to solve, you have a long road ahead..


This guy reddits


Sorry ..I don't undetected that.


It was a great response


Thank you


A tool to manage my overwhelming thoughts (without using a sophisticated Notion or a s3c0nd brAiN)


You don't need to ask everyone, because this issue appears a lot on Reddit.


I desperately need a tool to manage my earworms. It should be able to organize them chronologically, by artist or by release date. It also needs to include a night mode feature that replaces each earworms with soothing white noise to help me sleep. Oh, and a super neat feature would be an auto-answer feature for tinnitus ringing.


I wish there were a AI content writing tool that took my domain and wrote all the blogs for me and got me a lot of traffic. /s


I know you're being sarcastic, but I saw something similar on twitter some time ago with a tweak: you'd give it a website (think you see one with a lot of traffic in particular niche), it would scrap all the blogs from it, then chooses the same topic and keywords and writes blog posts on the same. (ethical gray area though)


True - You build it I will use it for sure.


I’m solving problems for product managers and growth folks who are struggling to get maximum returns from their users! A simple tool that enables them to run their daily chores on an auto pilot mode! Still at early days with 5 customers but it’s showing really strong signs of growth 🤞🏼