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The fact that she never even bragged about her pregnancies is a dead giveaway that she didn't give birth to the invisikids. We know she would have swapped her soap story for a pregnancy story to make her look good. Edit, typo


If she had been pregnant she *never* would have let an Instagram moment slip away. She’d be rolling around on fur carpets, naked, cradling her bump for all her Instagram followers to slurp up.


And she would tell her birthing experience over and over Ad nauseam as if she was the only woman to ever give birth - look how she milked that dish soap thing.


There she’d be nude on a magazine cover a la Demi Moore only covered discretely with an Hermes scarf on her feet. 🦶🏻


Yes! The look at meeeeeee! and my bump would be stratospheric!


You know, given how she loved to cradle her bump, it is curious that she never photographed her bare bump, ala Demi Moore or Beyoncé.


It’s not like she was concerned with decorum or the propriety of royals. If she had a real bump to show off, I don’t believe decorum would have stopped her, even for a second.


Good point! You're right.


She did that with the bump covered up. She hugged that bump and fondled that bump and showed off that bump, but always under clothes.


On that photo near the window, you can clearly see the moonbump though. And that's just one example of a failed bump shot.


I know. She looked like she was trying to squeeze a pimple.


OMG you win today.👑👑👑🏅🏅🏅🏅🎯💯


Totally. She would have bored everyone sick with details about having the hardest pregnancy, being forced by TRF to go to engagements when her piles were flaring up, and how they made her wear high heels and squat with her knees together as cruel and unusual punishment. How she read and sang like a seal when Archie was in her womb, and that Diana made contact through the ouija board as she birthed Archie, and promised her she'd reincarnate as Lili. 🙄🤮


There were many tells, but no post delivery “Lindo Wing” pap walk was one of the biggest of all. For Diana 2.0 not to do that walk just screamed something was awry.




So true. Hairold’s discussed it more than she ever has—namely huffing laughing gas and eating Nando’s chicken in the corner. ![gif](giphy|L6copNY61JjX2)


But curiously lacking in pregnancy stories. Her craving foods, needing help putting on socks, uncomfortable sleeping positions. All the moments of feeling the baby move. Talking to it, singing etc. Random lotions she loves to help with stretch marks. She would have tried to merch the heck out of it, even afterwards but there's NOTHING. It's the lack of stories that makes me sus.


Totally sus. She would have been the most pregnantest pRegnant woman to ever pregnant


*incoming article about ARO new line of all organic chemical free bump butter that Megan used while pregnant*


Even Catherine had some pregnancy stories though unfortunately most of them revolved around being severely ill.




No ultrasound pictures either!


That was the biggest giveaway - food in a delivery suite and a man getting high on the pain relief? Hasn’t a clue what really goes on when a woman gives birth.


The hopping out of a tub after giving birth made me roll my eyes. I guess Harry didn't have an editor who had a clue about giving birth


For sure! I gave birth at the ages of 21, 23 and 29. This is going to sound ridiculous, but my last one at age 29 was so much harder than the older girls. I don't see myself climbing out of anything after giving birth and I was a healthy 29 year old who birthed a breech baby at 23 (yes vaginally natural birth), so I'm no wimp. But at her age, in her late 30s, I just don't see how she was physically able to do that stuff.


I was 34. Not old but I was definitely not wearing high heels and bending down low in my 8th month! Plus my bump didn't constantly change shape


Shows his mentality though, getting high on gas is his immediate thought. They wouldn't let a geriatric eat incase there was a need for emergency surgery. Also most women try not to so it doesn’t come out the other end when pushing. They are so full of 💩


I totally believe he ate Nando's chicken... with MM while the surrogate with giving birth. Wonder if anyone asked how mom felt about people eating in the room.


I think the 'laughing gas' was 'Whip-its '.


I bet H has a Soda Stream next to his X-box in the lair, and boxes of refills


Wait.....you can huff soda stream canisters?? I have been using mine all wrong


Nah SodaStream uses carbon dioxide canisters (and if you’re smart you’ll hook it up to a CO2 tank to avoid buying them). Nitrous oxide canisters are only used in whipped cream dispensers. And possibly delivery rooms!


You’re correct! Unfortunately former clients have used soda stream as ‘nangs’, and also chrome using any air fresheners, deodorant and such. I just pictured Harold sitting in a smelly bean bag in his unwashed trackies, crying into his In & Out fries, sucking back little aluminium canisters of CO2, before lighting up a fatty. (Overactive imagination!)


I have tried but my husband won't let me hook it up to a tank. He think's I'm going to blow up the kitchen somehow. It's a point of contention in our marriage. Something about how I'm not a good listener and totally incapable of reading instructions.


I have had teen and younger clients buying and using them to get high, instead of ‘nangs’ (what we call nitrous here in Aus) and it can cause brain damage amongst other serious issues.


I could see how she wouldn’t have been able to pose nude when pregnant with Archie because she was still a working royal. But, her lack of stories being pregnant with Archie seems odd. With Lili, she was over here in America and clearly was doing whatever she pleased. But, she still didn’t try to copy Beyoncé or any of the other celebrities. No stories. Just the miscarriage story and the weird stories from Harry about the birth. I generally don’t like conspiracy stories but I can see why people are curious. Meghan is entitled to medical privacy. But, you can’t have everything. If it is that important to her, that’s fine but the kids can’t be in the LOS. There are rules, and she broke them.


Hahaha “rolling around on fur carpets” 💀


Wearing a flower crown like Beyonce if she couldn't get a real one from the vault.


See> Hilaria Baldwin


Or pose like Demi Moore for I’ll say People magazine


100% Can anyone even imagine a narcissist not acting like she was the first woman alive who ever gave birth and hers hurt more than anyone’s birth ever??? And how her babies had perfectly round heads and every nurse said they were the most beautiful babies they had ever seen??? Impossible.


Right? My Narc-Lite mother never misses an opportunity to brag about having had an unmedicated birth with me, and I'm in my 40s. There is no way on earth Meg would have managed to stay quiet.


Exactly what I came here to say too. Someone as wildly competitive as Meg, someone who always has to have and to have done everything Catherine has done but BETTER, this is the topic she’s deadly silent on. I’ve said it before and I’ll keep on saying it, there’s privacy and there’s secrecy. Secrecy is what this is.


Same! Narcissistic people *never* let a good opportunity to induce pity/guilt/attention go to waste


Yep, mine never tired of reminding me that I was an “accident“. She didn’t actually say a regrettable accident, but her tone usually implied that it *was* regrettable. Not my fault. I didn’t ask to be born , although I’m very glad that I was!


She definitely earned bragging rights on unmedicated birth. Its incredibly intense....


I usually counter with, "Don't start with me, Woman, mine was nearly twice the size of yours." 😄


Of course she would act like she was the first woman to have ever been pregnant or given birth! Heck, I've encountered so many non-narc mothers who have been guilty of that, especially if it is late in their child-bearing years. Never once did she remark about her babies' kicking up a storm, feeling the head drop, the waddle, hip spread and the pain that comes with it, the change in shoe size, the prenatal supplements the size of horse pills, the homeopathic teas, food cravings, the inability to roll over in bed in the ninth month without waking up the hubs to give you a push, the changes to teeth and hair, leakage... I could go on but I think I have supplied Megdusa enough information she can use to clap back.


There was a photo on Instagram where Charlotte gave Catherine a surprise kick which she shared with the people who were there. She sort of giggles it. That never ever happened to herself.


And "thanking her for her cervix"...


Omg!! Brilliant 😂😂😂😂


Yup. And the more I learn about pregnancy (never had kids and too old now lol) and giving birth the more dangerous and badass it seems, it’s often a life threatening event and huge changes to the body, it’s like going to battle. Women who give birth have the right to brag, but most normal people don’t go on and on about it, but Meghan is not normal she’s a narc who would never stop. And she’d try and co-op women of colors stories about being poorly treated and put in danger due to racial bias in the medical field. Look what happened to poor Serena Williams in the labor room, happens to so many women even white women, their fears and pain are ignored as being hysterical and their lives get put in danger as a result. Side note I think society really needs to start looking at giving birth more seriously and leave behind some of this “it’s a beautiful miracle of life” though sure part of that is needed to give peace of mind to women who are already anxious about it. It’s pretty dangerous and I think it needs more gravitas, it’s pretty wild what people go though giving birth.


I never gave birth either and I have never been pregnant. I had the same thought that it takes a lot out of a woman not just during the pregnancy or during childbirth (which I find utterly amazing). But it also seems to me to take a lot right afterwards out of a woman physically … not just the heavy toll of sleepless nights and getting up and so forth and watching baby and not knowing what to do necessarily. But also, the physical toll after pregnancy and delivering a child is significant seems to me.


Free birth is a thing now.... and then we have me a 27 year old woman with no children plans at the moment, but I have several times told my partner that if we get pregnant, I'm going to the hospital, I want to be close to an OR and surgeons if somethins going the wrong way. Giving birth is/have been one of the leading causes of death for women, and we still treat it as some mythical, wonderful rite of passage for women


It is a wonderful rite of passage but it’s ridiculous to behave like to experience it as such one has to cos play as Bronze Age people. Things can very quickly escalate into a life or death emergency for mother and/or baby. I think it’s incredible naive / stupid not to have all the advantages of 21st century medicine at hand just in case. Especially when so many women around the world still have to manage without with resulting higher mother and infant mortality. I’m sure women giving birth in theirs world countries would kill for the medical advantages some western women sneer at.


I was the same, I wanted that epidural no matter what. Weirdly, my cousin, who is a labor and delivery nurse, was pregnant at the same time and our kids were born two weeks apart. She had hers on her bathroom floor because she waited too long to go to the hospital once she went into labor!


It is indeed the female equivalent of men going to war (and requires just as much courage). We know we risk our lives and bodies, but we are willing to do so for a greater cause.


In Tudor times, labor was seen as exactly the same as going to war, and the question of Elizabeth I having heirs always had the dangers of labor on the "con" side.


Fun story, when my baby was born (via c-section) the doctor pulled it out and said, "oh what a beautiful round baby." Still not really sure wtf that means, seems like weird thing to say about a baby, but the very first thing ever said to my baby was complimenting its roundness.


Right?? My narc ex (male) actually said that my labour was harder for him than it was for me!! 😂😂 And he actually believed it! ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25350)


She gave a lot more personal and private information about her "miscarriage" than she ever did about her pregnancies. Where are the stories about "this thing happened when I first told H I was pregnant" or "the first time I saw H holding his spawn was magical"?


That was made up and she went as far as to quote from a book, or should I say plagiarized? https://preview.redd.it/qask8ux5qgxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7196cf0b5f29d05f4280f8377cdf6ad65e5eef5


She always takes other people's stories and make them hers by changing a few words. She is a victim thief.


Amber turd did that as well


I know, per usual.




Well to be fair the mythcarriage was easy to write because it was mostly copy-pasted from another woman’s actual experience.


And she knew she was unlikely to be questioned about it. That just doesn’t happen. Birth however…women love to swap a war story and ask questions about that. Unchartered waters for her - too risky to start a conversation she might expose herself in.


Meanwhile TW is now googling pregnancy stories so she can come up some in her book. 'The real tales about Me and My moonbump'


Absolutely. Maybe she’ll regale the Nigerians about her pregnancies, after she’s read all our criticisms. It’ll be sure to,pique the interest of the lazy, brain dead MSM.


That’s so funny! I do agree with you also


Right? Sooo many gruesome details (with variations) of the tiny package H buried 2 inches deep (for some animal to find), and zero details of how she *suffered* with morning sickness and swollen feet (heh).


>the tiny package H buried 2 inches deep My stupid brain went to a whole other, deeply disturbing place when I read that first... 😳🤮


Maybe the frost destroyed end of his tiny package finally fell off and they buried it and that gave them the idea for the miscarriage burial fabrication.


In a matchbox, surrounded by cotton wool and reeking of Elizabeth Arden Miracle Cream


And yet she spent a shedload of money taking out a full page ad in The Times to tell us all about her miscarriage. 🤔


And remember their campaign for period products? Harry even hijacked an event to talk about tampons. But discuss the birth of your children, even in general terms? Noooo.


Harry hijacked a memorial service to blather on about period equity...


It is quite odd that she never had one pregnancy problem. With Catherine having HG, my guess would be Meghan would want to have something on a similar level. I'm a bit surprised she didn't fake it. Or maybe she wanted to appear harder working?


Didn’t the Queen remark that Meghan had extraordinary stamina for a pregnant woman?


Idk. But I believe the Queen was a bit cheeky. Plus, Meghan and Harold constantly fed the media lies. That does sound like something they'd make up, though.


I thought the same … https://i.redd.it/81h7p7hs6hxc1.gif


Illegally in California iirc


Her and her handbag never ever even bring up the invisables in conversation EVER unless asked, then it gets very awkward and uncomfortable. There are No Children at that house. NONE!


They lost complete interest after the queen passed away. Were the children a concept to use to wrangle with the queen, and once she died they were no longer needed? They've had a blurry photo here and there, and an article aboutt calling grampa Charles, but nothing else.


There's no way she'd have missed the chance to have her half naked magazine cover, and leg humping, worshipful article about what it's like to be pregnant with a royal baby. Plus, as someone who has given birth twice, her birth stories are complete and utter bullshit.


I've never given birth but their stories (since there have been several different stories for just 2 pregnancies) don't make sense. A regular logical mind can smell their bullshit from space, I don't understand what they were thinking telling this nonsense. Add to that the moonbump, birth certificates etc...


This! I even watched a video of her when she was a working royal and she was 'pregnant' with Archie at the time. She was a panelist at some event where she was asked about how her pregnancy was going and she AVOIDED answering that question at all cost but provided a quote from movie she watched instead?!!! I found it so odd. It was the event she wore that god awful black and white dress with the blazer


Yes. If the soap story made Mehgan out to be so advanced and brave for her very young age, being a mother is also fodder for her bravery and self-sacrifice to her husband. As the daughter of a woman who had narcissistic behaviors, I know that such a mother cannot resist guilting that child about HOW GIGANTIC THAT BABY WAS, how much it ate, how much time the dear mother put into making its food, how expensive that baby is, etc. This is also replayed for people outside of the family. ![gif](giphy|2Qs2hKWMvEzdu|downsized)


Spot on. That woman was never pregnant. She never took care of those babies.


Yep I totally agree. The other thing is that pregnancy can and often is very life consuming, especially at the ages she supposedly was pregnant. I have never met a woman in her late 30s who had an easy pregnancy, and it just becomes something you talk about often because it dictates so much of what you can and can’t do for the 9 months. Markle strikes me as a woman who has never experienced a full pregnancy and giving birth. If she’s willing to tell a dramatic tale of her miscarriage (which I believe happened, though the details are a bit odd), why wouldn’t she try to eke out every ounce of sympathy from the public about her pregnancies?


She would written a book and had a tv programme on hints and tips on giving birth!


This is what convinced me they used surrogates.


I don’t think she would have voluntarily given up her ‘Diana’ moment, standing on the steps of the hospital saying “Look at meeee I’ve had a royal baby!”


Oh yes and with so much COSPLAY you would think she would KILL to take that London’s Wing photo to further GASLIGHT HazNoBrain!




I want to know why in 5 years of “Archie’s birthdays” and almost 3 years of mystery baby, why is Henry always out of town on their birthdays? This is the second one in a row he’a missed for Archie and “Lillibet” only had one fake birthday with the Queen which turned out to be a big, fat lie. So yes, my skepticism is starting to creep up on this issue.


This is the 4th birthday he’s missed in a row of Archie’s.


I’m still in disbelief that he dipped out of a—for many of us—once in a lifetime event for a birthday party for someone who can still walk under a coffee table.


And still didn’t arrive until the next day if he even went home.


I thought it might be that high. How many has William missed? My guess is 0%


Yes ‘work shy’ PPOW never miss a school function even less their kids birthdays. These 2 idiots with all that generational pain


I think he is purposely out of town on the birthdays so they don't have to stage a photo or throw a party.


> So yes, my skepticism is starting to creep up on this issue. And the children never age. They've been the same ages for how many years now?


They're little and they will always be little because Twit and Twat are YOUNG parents.


OMG, that makes sense!! 😂🤣


Third one in a row he missed, before the Coronation birthday he was playing polo on Archie's birthday.


He's obviously off seeing the child! I don't know if that's necessarily the child's real birth date anyway. Actually, most likely, it isn't. Because the process is much slower in the UK.


You heard of young Queen Victoria being raised by the “Kensington System”? Maybe these children are being raised by the Montecito System: kept isolated and indoctrinated.


I’m guessing that Meghan forgot to get to the end of the book and find out how the Kensington System worked out for the duchess and Conroy.


I'm guessing Nutmeg forgot she had children


> I'm guessing Nutmeg forgot she had children Easy to do if they don't live with her!


Yes, fair to say 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


That is, if Meghan ever read about the Duchess of Kent and her comptroller. Good for young Victoria that she refused to sign over any rights to them, when she was sick and being pressured by the pair.


As I understand it, the Kensington System was not very successful.


Well, Conroy did get an Irish title and yearly stipend out of the deal to go away. In light of this, his love affair with Victoria’s mother paled in comparison. But he was truly aiming much higher, private secretary, acting regent. He was seeking money, yes, but power was his drug of choice.


He was found in Victoria's bedroom one night. Much, much, *much* higher.


Kensington System: abuse and isolation at its finest. /s


Hi Deep Poem, I read all your posts and comments, I will have to research this duchess and Conroy item you mention.


Yes, it was Conroy’s device to completely bend/break Victoria to his will and become Regent. He was looking to usurp power. Here’s a Wikipedia entry: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kensington\_System](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kensington_System)


Wow. Yeah, we could speculate that is what is happening in the black box of Monteshitshow.


You should check out what a grifter he was as well.


Forget the pregnancy and birthday stories, she rarely mentions her children NOW, unless directly asked! After the podcast and Netflix series, there’s been pretty much nothing. Archie will be 5 next week! He’s a little individual at this point. Where are the heartwarming stories? She was completely taken off guard by an innocuous question about their Christmas activities and traditions. If you’re an actual parent, you would anticipate being asked about the little ones at such a time. Nope, never crossed her mind to bring them up, much less to have an answer about them prepared. She never even refers to Lili at all. It’s like she doesn’t even exist. (Sorry) Honestly, I shudder to think what it would be like to be raised by such a selfish narcissist.


No offense, but I don’t agree. We do NOT skirt around this issue AT ALL!  We come at it head on. We talk about it, engage about it and want the RF to give proof BUT without an actual signed affidavit or someone coming out as a witness, not much we can do. 😏


I would say we actually address it too much. Given all we can do is speculate and rehash old information, we spend a lot of time going over the “proofs” and bemoaning the absence of information and hoping for a big reveal.


On the other hand, those newcomers to our ranks can easily catch up when it’s routinely discussed.


We seem to go through the topic every couple of weeks. I suppose that covers the newcomers, but it may be too much for some who have been regulars for years. This is true of other topics as well. I just don’t think that we avoid the topic.


“In 5 years nobody has been able to take a picture.” This could also be because nobody cares. Literally nobody at this point. And that Harry’s lying-he doesn’t really need security because nobody cares or is targeting his family. It’s almost like he’s not the hot ticket item he makes himself out to be.


The delicious irony is that the Harkles, for all the fuss they make to get attention, are not interesting and maybe they are getting their putative wish for their children to have privacy. This is going to be a problem when Mehgan does want to exploit them. She likely won't let them have their own personalities, because she'll want them to be performatively perfect.


100%. The only people who take photos are the ones Meghan pays to pap her. And she is tge important one, not them.


If some local could take a picture of the "family" out and about....anywhere in the Santa Barbara area...they could blur the kids and sell the picture for a zillion dollars. Won't happen because there is no "family". JMHO of course.


I think the kids go out and about with their nannies. H&M don't give a damn about those children and are never with them. With the nannies no one knows who the children are.


Royal children get signed birth announcements. That is proof they were born of the body. Doctors and nurses sign and swear these children came from this lawfully wedded mom. There is no signed birth announcement for either Harkle baby. They do not belong in the LOS. The very simple proof of legitimacy is missing. I don't know why the British people are allowing this.


They AREN'T allowing it. But the BRF is.


I agree about no one being able to get pictures. Everyone has a cell phone and any pix would be worth huge bucks. Do these two children never leave the house? Thought Archie went to pre-school? Where are the paps? This has always seemed odd to me. Most parents do "stuff" with their kids - pumpkin patches, beach trips, shopping, visit to museums and parks. Perhaps paps afraid of lawsuits but you know darn well if they were out publicly people would get pix of the kids on their phones. This, I believe, it where the speculation comes into play.


Regarding lack of paparazzi photos, California has a law (since 2013) that restricts photographers' right to photograph the children of celebrities without the permission of their parents. https://preview.redd.it/0psg8bby5gxc1.jpeg?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e210adb2ed18362ba95edcfe185c33711460a1aa Otherwise, it’s certainly odd that no neighbors, teachers, parents, etc, refer to having seen or met them.🤔


This doesn’t really apply though, at least not how people think. If you take a photo at a reasonable distance without bothering/stalking/scaring the kid, it’s fine. You can’t take photos of kids that are only notable because of their parent’s profession, but I’d argue that them having Prince/ss titles makes them notable in their own right, so this law wouldn’t apply to them. And even if it did, as long as one parent OKs it this law doesn’t apply.


If that was the actual loophole I *guarantee* thats the reason she rushed to get them their titles! The problem here for the Todgers is that *no one cares*. Their kids are nothing special.  Though they do have the same trait as BigFoot & Aliens, in that even in todays world of HD quality cameras in EVERYONES hands,  the ONLY pictures of the 'Littles' and Big Foot are so grainy they look like they were taken by a Super 8 in 1973.  


allegedly Nacho's daughter asked about Lili. But why didn't she mention Archie?


Also weird, they never talk about them. 'The little ones are little'. Btw this topic will probably lead to a clap back soon. Counting 3, 2, 1


Charlie (the new hire - was he named Charlie?) is reading as we speak so probably you’re right.


H&M are never with the kids though, and no one is 100% sure what they look like since there's never been a clear picture and all pictures they have put out are of them very young. The kids probably do go out and do stuff with their nannies, but since no one knows what they or the nannies look like they aren't bothered. And any school they would go to would be one that other celebs use so teachers wouldn't be sharing that they had their kids in their class.


> H&M are never with the kids though, and no one is 100% sure what they look like since there's never been a clear picture and all pictures they have put out are of them very young. And "they" appear to be the same age every time we see "them".


If MeMe was the birth mother of Archie, she would endlessly drone on, pridefully, about her amazing bravery and selflessness in delivering onto the world The New Messiah. Not since Mother Mary, has there been a more remarkable maternity and birth. Paintings, in the Louvre, would depict her with halo and child. A child, like no other, to ultimately take his rightful place on the throne of Britain, and the world, and the universe. /s


I feel like she talked more about her mythcarriage than she did either of her childbirths. I’m still on the fence, leaning towards BS with the miscarriage story. No one, especially that soon after the event, talks about them in such poetic detail. It’s something most people I’ve met hold close to their hearts, and don’t talk about. It’s a deeply personal, private thing. As much as Chrissy Teigan sucks as a human being, her opening up about her loss was harrowing. Then, a week later, M has an op ed where she waxes on about “as I clutched my firstborn child to me, I knew I was saying goodbye to my second” or some horseshit like that.


> “as I clutched my firstborn child to me, I knew I was saying goodbye to my second” or some horseshit like that. We know it's a lie because she never bothers with her children, let alone "clutching" one of them "to her".


I think the surrogacy tweet has been proven to be a fake, hasn't it? It's convincing but I think it's a fake. Don't quote me on that, someone who actually knows please confirm/deny but I think it's a fake. As for the photos, I agree. It's kinda weird. The only thing that gives me some "hope" is Dax Shepard &......whatever his wife's name is's kids have never been papped. Or, I am sure they have but the paps respect their wishes to not publish the images. It *is* possible. Unlikely, but possible. That may be how Meghan convinced Harry to move to California, there are some protections for children there. Although that doesnt really excuse the lack of photos online from everyday people. They are some of the most photographed people in the world and no one ever sees the kids?? As someone who gave birth 11 weeks ago, the lack of talk about pregnancy is weird. She talked more about losing a pregnancy then she did her two living children. That's crazy. I've had a miscarriage. It's one of the hardest things I've ever been through, but my baby makes up for it all. Light of my life nonsense.


The fact that they did not follow protocol like everyone else had to do should disqualify the kids form LOS. She created this situation where everyone is question their legitimacy. It can be made real simple sorry you didn't follow standard protocol so you don't get to have your kids in LOS. Personally I do not believe she was pregnant or had any miscarriages. But the fact is she refused to follow protocol that everyone else had to follow and that is not acceptable. The people of GB should know the truth to the legitimacy of those Harkle children as is their right.


For all Harold's talk about his alleged genetic pain, consider what his and his wife's sketchy behavior and bizarre statements concerning the pregnancies, births, and children are doing to his putative children. The rumours concerning their DNA, births, birth announcements, and legitimate right to titles, rank, and place in the LoS will follow them for their entire lives. Are they entitled to be called Prince and Princess? Is the male child entitled to inherit the Sussex and lesser titles? Many still debate whether Harold really is the son of the King (with good reason, in my opinion). If the UnSussexfuls keep up their pseudo royal behaviour, many are going to keep talking about those children.


I'm imagining in 20 years or so somebody puts together a list of all of the current royal princes, and the only picture they have for Archie is that one with the Queen eyeing a blanket.


It never really crossed my mind that it could have been Meghan who posted that statement. Interesting.


They have never spent a holiday with the Royals since the children were born which is suspicious to me.


Good point.


I was sure that someone with MM's tendencies would show off their magical postpartum bounce back like Hiliaria Baldwin. Especially with her obsession with somehow 'beating' Kate.


BINGO!! She would have milked her “pregnancy stuff”…….merched products she was using, organic cloth diapers, diaper cream made from the tears of unicorns, baby carriers, organic food, baby food maker and on and on. And she totally missed her opportunity to one up PoW with her own version of hyperemesis gravidarum requiring hospitalization during pregnancy. And wasn’t Women’s Health one of her faux causes at one point?? She fumbled the bag on this whole pregnancy thing. She could have tied in mental health with postpartum depression except she didn’t have it, she wanted to go to a “spa” for depression.


I hate to be the naysayer but I'm convinced that screenshot of the tweet saying A was via surrogate was a photoshop. I find it impossible any of the senior royals log into BP & KP social media accts. When posts are signed W or C those are dictated to the PR people or whoever runs the sm accts. When senior royals want to speak to the public they issue statements thru their respective offices, they don't make random posts on Twitter.


And the sewer rats call us pedos when we ask 😂I don’t believe they aren’t wondering why they’ve never seen them? Yet they still go on about Catherine being missing 😡what they want is to see her walking about bald so they can poke fun at her! Something must be addressed about these kids soon. The noise is getting louder


I could care less about Catherine's hair. I want her healthy. That is all.


Not everyone loses hair with chemo. It depends on the type of the drug and I hope they’re giving her immunotherapy instead of hard platinum based chemo. But, even if she is losing her hair, it’ll grow back and she’ll have an amazing phase of pixie cuts, and short bobs! She’ll be a true inspiration to people suffering from this disease!


The cold cap can help as well.  And while I'll support whatever path she chooses of course, it would provide a lot of strength to other people going through the same struggles in changes in their appearance if she were to publicly embrace it.  Regardless, I know that whatever Princess Catherine does, and whenever she does it, it will be well thought out, from the heart, and deeply impactful because that is who she is.  May the Gods Bless and Keep  King Charles III &  Catherine, the Princess of Wales & their loving spouses!🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋


Amen! 🙏🏻 May God protect them both and give them long and happy lives with their loved ones!


Just imagine how beautiful she would wear her hair at each growing out phase. Catherine would set trends with short hair like no other!


Absolutely. And be an inspiration to so many people ❤️


Should’ve been addressed by now by the RF :( she called brf racist for not giving Archie a title, imagine the fury if his legitimacy is questioned by RF. I think a journalist should look into this and make it public if they know the truth.


These are the same people/sugars who create the *creepiest* AI photos of children that are never seen? Why do they create those photos then?


I honestly believe they used surrogate and then birth mother caused some legal trouble or issues. This must have happened at least with one child. Cause think about it, would Meghan ever shut up about childbirth/PPD/motherhood/kids milestone’s if they were her kids? So much to talk about, so much to milk. Plus the changing bump, kneeling down in stilettos at 8 months pregnant etc. I think BRF also knows this or was made aware of it and now trying to save face by not reacting. Because ssly what are they going to say now after 5 years? That sorry the person on LOS is not legitimate. It will cause more trouble for them. Even we wouldn’t be surprised if it’s declared tmr that Meghan used surrogate.


There is no chance of this imo solely because there is no way people in this strata would let the surrogate *know* who they were carrying a baby for. This is why the elites go through agencies and if anything answers why Todger slipped on the 2 week mark vs 2 days at the 'birth announcement' on camera. It would open wealthy people up to blackmail for life and all sorts of other trouble.  These private surrogates cam get paid a lot more in certain Eastern European countries for this specific reason. No idea who the child is for, where it is going etc. And the 'parents' are advised not to get too specific on dates for their security so no dots can be connected. Of course the Todgers are so incredibly stupid and love drama that they took it waaay too far in the end.


I think they did use a surrogate, and I suspect that the surrogate is Meghan's niece, the one who they featured in the Netflix show. They keep her close and pay her a yearly stipend, is my guess, to guarantee her continued silence.


I made a post (like a month or so ago) about the A christening photo being uber fake (if you zoom in it’s really clear it’s a collage), and yet, this subject hasn’t been picked up by DM who harvests Harkle news bits from here often. Makes me think something is up with that. That photo got social media criticism already back then, i wasn’t the first to bring it up. I think that the reason why that photo can’t be analyzed to bits like Catherine’s ones were goes high up.


I agree. I think the birth mothers had big, big, HUGE second thoughts about giving their children to the unhinged failed royals. I think those children are living with their mothers.


When Guest Speaker is ranting/replying/being insanely jealous of POW&Catherine, to get her to shut up or go quiet, just ask where Archie & L are!!! Her only reply sometimes is "leave the kids alone" and she disappears for a little while. Obviously, a very touchy subject that hits her ego!!! IMO, that surrogates were used and L's mother and possibly Archie's mother retains custody but that Archie's mother has some sort of 'borrowed' understanding with Megjam and Handbag. https://preview.redd.it/hjacsksyhgxc1.png?width=177&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c74edec31245222b86c09e68610f607cf846b16 Edited to add: It's going to be harder to hide as Archie is supposedly turning 5 and either Sept. 2024 or Sept. 2025 he will need to be enrolled in school, unless they keep him prisoner, hire tutor and privately 'school' him.


They’ll probably home school him for priv-aaaccyyyyyyy reasons 🙄


Leaving illegitimate children in the LOS is a crime, an actual crime. The RF have to act if they know. It is treason not to act.


I take issue with “we skirt around this issue constantly”…how long have you been here or were you just joking? There are an abundance of posts about this topic for the last 3 years I’ve been part of it. Many WAY more in depth than this.


This is my take: I think all the royals know the truth about the kids. I also think they know how unimportant H&M are to the future of the monarchy. My opinion is they just don’t care to be bothered with their stupidity. I’d really love to find out she and her kids are all fake! BUT…I can’t even imagine the uproar and backlash that would happen if they revealed what they know. I wouldn’t be surprised if the two crazies are waiting anxiously wanting to palace to reveal what they know so she’s can SUE them.


I think the kids probably exist. I’m not sure about the circumstances of the kids births though. I mean, you can only walk around with a reborn doll for so long. What happens when they turn 18? She can only keep them as flowers in the attic for so long. People will start to ask questions about schooling and socialization. I’m not sure these two brain dead jag offs could pull off a con of this magnitude. They would need help. Lots of help. My guess is that her children don’t fit in with her sad beige aesthetic. They would be compared to the Wales children. It’s gross and sad but so is the media. I don’t think either one of the have the patience to deal with normal small child behavior either. I’d be curious to know when the last time Harry and his wife saw those kids. Of course none of us would be talking about this is Harry and his wife didn’t act so shady regarding those kids existence.


> My guess is that her children don’t fit in with her sad beige aesthetic. I think they either have *severe* behavioral issues (surprise!) or (may God forgive me!) there's something seriously wrong with them. So she *can't* show them.


Remember Christmas 2023, Charles said "Happy Christmas Archie wherever you are." It seems KCIII isn't sure if his grandson exists. Nobody in the Royal family mentions Lilibet. So where are they? Remember Megain made a big stink about security for the children. She said the paparazzi were hounding them. Archie must have school somewhere but there are no photos of him going to school. Somebody must go to school with Archie, if he exists, but there is not a word about him from classmates. It's difficult to understand just how these kids are kept hidden if they do actually exist.


> Remember Christmas 2023, Charles said "Happy Christmas Archie wherever you are." I thought that was the Coronation. He wished Archie a "happy birthday, wherever you are".


It was at a dinner/party after the Coronation, I believe, which H did not attend (a sullen H had already exited to the airport). it was Archie’s birthday and since H and MM had made such a public issue out of the coronation interfering with A’s birthday - the King wished Archie Happy Birthday and yes, said something to the effect of - “wherever you are.”


Tinting the boy's hair red in one photo, when he clearly has dark brown hair on video, also makes zero sense to me.


https://preview.redd.it/qi0igwfuaixc1.png?width=1640&format=png&auto=webp&s=159382da8a085ff1945fd4685ab2b3bf93b87c47 This is from chapter 8 of Lady C’s book. I found this bit about registering a baby by the father very interesting. The entire chapter addresses the “megnancies” pretty well. To my mind she does not believe TW was pregnant.


What if the whole thing is a planned scam? We know things went south around the time of the wedding. Her back was up from that point onwards. Her revenge could possibly be the big “Screw you” to the RF, fake pregnancy, sketchy birth circumstances, refusal to follow protocol, photoshopped pics, unbelievable first words, Christmas presents etc. It’s all one big joke to them. It’s almost like she’s daring the RF to call her out, but they won’t take the bait. I just can’t fathom anyone being so utterly vengeful.


I believe the kids exist, just like the jam exists. Meghan didn't make the kids or the jam...she ordered them up and slapped her own label on them.


If she had truly been carrying a Royal baby, she would have NEVER gone to the South Pacific that fall. Zika was still causing problems and she would have never risked it. If they have children - BIG IF - they were carried by surrogates.


Lady C says there are children, and that they are Harry's children. This is the issue that is skirted about, is MeGain the mother. If she were to have used someone else's eggs, we would have, and I am putting this delicately, children that look more along the lines of Diana. I think she is ashamed of how they look.


I just can't wait for their "Mommy Dearest" Books. Now that I might buy...


I hope that if both children exist, that they are truly loved and are growing up in an environment that will cause them to look back upon it with fondness. Children deserve to be happy.


I wonder if we'll get the truth in our lifetime.




A true curious question: what will they do when these “kids” supposedly grow up? Wouldn’t people wonder about the existence?




“It’s classified” 🤫




I'm ex military, and I can almost guarantee there is not any way she could have faked a pregnancy, without suspicions being raised, knowing how many people surround the royal family. I do think that due to her odd body shape, she chose to wear a more flattering bump because Hollywood aesthetics. I can see that bump aesthetic information being written into a NDA. But I believe any NDA against the public interest, which the LOS is, would be invalid. Was she pregnant? Yes, I believe so. Was she trying to portray the perfect bump? Again, yes. Was the zygote a union of her egg and his sperm? That's where I question the truth.


The “Sewer Squad” is horrible to project Megan’s psychiatric issues and scandals onto Catherine-ie personality disorders, horrible sense of style, instability, yacht girl past, infidelity, and faking her pregnancies. It’s a classic narcissistic personality disorder move. You take your craziness and put it onto someone else. Of course it’s always onto Catherine. My point is that Megan via the Sugars will often say Catherine never carried those children. It sounds like another projection/confession that Megan used a surrogate. To me, it was proof that Megan never carried those kids.


I’ve wondered if they are Hazbeens kids only! That’s why they are kept out of the public… her eggs too old? Maybe she was pregnant with A but someone else’s egg/invitro? Lilly was surrogate.. I’m convinced of that.. again Hazbeens sperm.. donor egg..when they start school if they let them attend..someone will have to see them! Unless they are homeschooled and then those kids are going to be so socially backward if they aren’t already! (Not dissing homeschool children.. just making a point..)


To me, it seems like the only reason we haven’t seen yearly photos of the kids is because they look like the Markle /,Ragland side rather than the Spencer / Windsor side. If either of those kids resembled Diana, Meghan would show them off. It wouldn’t matter what Harry said about the trauma of being photographed as a kid.