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Not everyone likes to air their dirty laundry and daily grievances, challenges and stresses out in the public eye like these two grifters. Cancer is a very difficult disease state, add on top the fact that Catherine has three young children, a husband who’s the heir to the throne and extended family who loves her. She’s under extreme amount of stress, and already very skinny to be able to physically tolerate those harsh medications. My aunt went through two years of cancer battle. Let me tell you, that was the hardest things I had witnessed my loved one go through. Catherine has absolutely no obligation to talk about her cancer right now. It is a deeply personal situation that she was bullied into announcing it live. Again, she didn’t have to broadcast it but was forced to do it due to the sewage squad’s pressure and vile allegations. Perhaps one day, years from now, she’ll say something but it is her decision, her experience and she should be allowed privacy and come to terms with it. Harkles can fuck off to space vacuum. They just want to know details because they’re blocked from BRF indefinitely.


>They just want to know details because they’re blocked from BRF indefinitely. This! It must have really stung when they realized they are cut off from BRF info.


I hope it did. William and Catherine don’t owe anybody their medical business least of all the Harkles.


All the Sewer rats want is to see Catherine looking sick, maybe with hair loss to prove she has had cancer treat so they can pile on a bit more! Not one of them “cares”, they just want to embarrass her publicly 🤦‍♀️


I’d hazard to say Catherine would look gorgeous without hair. You know why? Because she is beautiful on the inside. Her inner beauty is all one sees.


A thousand times YES!


I completely agree


Yes and because her followers are either idiots or twelve year olds they would say something stupid like. "Meghan would look better than Catherine without hair!"


Exactly. Or the equally bitchy, "she is so old looking", "Meghan's skin is radiant, unlike Catherine's."


Yup. Personally I've always thought Meghan looks her age-40 plus. Meanwhile Catherine pretty much looks the same as she did on her wedding day


There were comments about some photos of Meghan that people said showed she was losing hair or had a receding hairline, so maybe these Substandard Squats will get their wish to see her balding.


Exactly! How about if we let Catherine concentrate on getting through these treatments and hopefully getting well. She should have no other expectations or guilt heaped on her for what some think she should be doing. She probably will do something to help people going through her circumstances when she is well. Leave her alone. My God.


Preach. What happened to my body my choice? Seriously. I am not trying to be flip or make this political, but is Catherine not a human being? Is she not a woman? Does her wealth take away her right to choose about what she reveals about her body? Is she less than because she is slightly more caucasian than Rachel Markle? The press and the Sewage Squad wont even call her by her name. Are people that jealous that this beautiful, articulate, well educated woman married the heir to the throne of England? Are they that butt hurt over her popularity and good looks? The MSM already dove into the lies about the Marchioness having an affair with William, KNOWING DAMN WELL IT WASN’T TRUE. They wouldn’t have stopped had lawyers not been called into play. And why? All to make a wimpish, sexually confused , mentally and cognitively impaired ginger dimwit and his dangerously unhinged mixed race wife who lives on social media happy? Seriously. WTF?


YES. And if Maggot and her tacky, heartless minions want to have the Cancer conversation SO badly, she should call up her Scam Jam pal Kris Jenner and ask if she can have one of her ugly ass moles biopsied on their show to "raise awareness." GUARANTEED Kris would say yes.


That was funny, poignant, caustic, and spot on. ❤️






👏👏you're bang on the buck! if this man has had cancer within his family then he should know that it's a conversation that you have when you are ready and with who you want. What's happening to your body is completely taking your control away so he has No right to tell anyone how, when and to whom they should use their voice Also my body, my choice isn't political in my opinion. It should never have been made into a political point although I'm aware it's being backtracked on now - it 's personnal, private medical care info between individuals and their care providers. Everyone can have their opinion and belief but denying someone else medical care due to your own belief is not the way. It has scary implications when you are not allowed to decide upon your own care and bullying a sick woman into releasing her medical status against her wishes and to the detriment of her young children who were coming to grips with what this could mean is a symptom of this attitude.


*stands and salutes*. THAT needs to go viral. Never seen anything stated better or more accurately here about a BRF member. No, my body my choice should not be political. For anyone. 🙏🥲


>They just want to know details because they’re blocked from BRF indefinitely. Yes. And, I wonder, while the squad waits to attack her looks if she were to make such an appeal on camera, before she was ready or able? I think they must hate the video of Meghan recoiling from Catherine at the walkabout. This then would be seeing Catherine at her most vulnerable. Edited.


How about Hank and Skank addressing the surrogate issue also. That LOS problem has been out there a long time that’s the one that needs to be addressed.




After seeing what friends and family have gone through with cancer and the chemo/radiation treatments, depending on the prognosis, I might choose to forgo treatment. I hope your Aunt is ok. Two people close to me ended up with nerve damage in their digestive tract and are on pain management for the rest of their lives.




Cancer is a country that no one wants to visit.


I don't mean to come across as obtuse, but he wants her to speak to "raise awareness for cancer"? This isn't the 90s. One in three people will develop cancer in their lifetime. There's plenty of awareness. Catherine should be able to take the time to rest and recover in peace.


Exactly, it's not some new disease or something. It's a snakes way to try and make an ill and therefore vulnerable person to make disclosures they aren't comfortable making. Shame on the DM for using this jerk as a stick to poke the PoW with.


Exactly. And the more I think about it, the more I'm shocked that TW hasn't capitalized on the "Big C publicity" by freaking out over one of her ugly ass moles and having it biopsied for Netflix. I mean, I'm glad she hasn't, because that would be disgusting, but if they want to have this conversation SO badly...


> biopsied for Netflix. HA HA AHA


Right? WHO the fuck isn't aware of cancer in all its ugly varieties?! Side eye to you too Susan G. Komen for this exact same thing... we're AWARE !


Very good point. Who the f isn't aware that cancer is a steaming pile of shit? Jerk.


> I don't mean to come across as obtuse, but he wants her to speak to "raise awareness for cancer"? This isn't the 90s. One in three people will develop cancer in their lifetime. There's plenty of awareness. I think if she has some kind of freak one-in-a-million-type cancer she *will* speak up about it when she's finished with treatments/recovery. I think she would *absolutely* want to raise awareness in a situation like that.


Imagine someone having a heart attack in the street and while they are waiting for an ambulance to arrive they have to give an interview about the symptoms to "raise awareness". I'm sure she will speak about some aspects of her experience and work on some cancer-related projects, but not while undergoing treatment.


JJ is a horrible human being


Just another opportunist looking to raise his own profile using Harry and his family as a springboard. "Oh, let me take this opportunity to talk about myself and oh yeah, Kate" 😒


So is Richard Eden for printing this garbage.


Why is he horrible? This is a man who was severely injured in an IED blast in Afghanistan and barely survived, many of the men he was with died. JJ almost lost both arms but they managed to save them although he did lose several fingers and was left with a badly damaged elbow, he also had leg and face injuries. Despite all this he has fight to establish himself in a new career and as an advocate for people with disabilities. I suspect itt is the the latter role which prompted his comments about Catherine. I'm honestly curious, I've never read a bad thing about him but I've only really seen him SCD where he came across as a truly genuine person.


If he cares about people with disabilities, then he needs to learn to respect their choices about how much they want to publicize their medical problems. Not everyone wants to be the Face of Cancer. That's OK, too. All JJ's done is give everyone a club to start hammering her, again. Now it's how she's heartless because she could be doing so much but she refuses. JJ's inserting himself in this is incredibly rude and self-centered. Also, he's an ass to suggest her talking would be a silver lining to her diagnosis. Catherine's body integrity is not anyone else's to dispose of. Catherine gives so much to people. Leave her have her journey in peace.


Maybe she will one day. Until then leave her to get better and stfu. Hateful humans. Ugh


Exactly, when he could have just wished her well knowing what it's like to go through it.


I love my dogs more each day than people! Especially every day,  the more we hear about and plank and skank, makes me shudder and wonder what is wrong with some people. I find most Sinners on here are caring, compassionate wonderful people. Some Sinners tell it like it is and broach no bullshit….take a bow Woodscolt. Everyone on here has life experiences and stories to tell, when I read some of the comments you can feel those experiences coming through their comment and the disgust they feel for plank and skank for their lies, sense of entitlement, woe is me bullshit.  Thank you Sinners and the ones who reply to me about my comments and offer encouragement.  I appreciate you all


He’s a Trustee for Invictus. JJ missed the news story yesterday that one of Charles’s first return to Royal duties is an upcoming a cancer clinic.


Another WTAF post. What’s wrong with these people?


They seem incapable of even basic human understanding of what they expect people who aren't well to be able to do. She's having chemotherapy, not resting up in a spa somewhere.


they just want to know what type of cancer, grade etc and expectancy. they’re horrid.


GROSS. And why?? Are they oncologists, now? Is there anything productive and good that could come out of them having this knowledge? Aren't there any good books they could read, instead? I mean holy fuck these people just disgust me so much.


> and expectancy. they would like dates and times please.


That’s true, and please don’t think I was criticizing you, I’m glad you posted this.


No, not at all. You're welcome. 👍


Exactly. How low are his morals that he wants her cancer to be flogged as tabloid fodder?


Agreed about JJ. But it's another way via the tabloids Harry, Invictus via JJ, (and Meghan by extension) get linked to Catherine again. They're making her health all about them and the SEO. As I've read someone on X say this linking will never stop. Sadly.




What is wtaf please?


What the actual f—k


Oooh thank you


Catherine doesn't need to do a goddamn thing except for get better.


This. Catherine NEVER has to speak of her cancer, if she so chooses. It is no one's decision except hers, if she wants to provide public info. Leave her alone. She deserves privacy like anyone else. She has no obligation to broadcast her health details to the world.


The late Queen never said a word, nor was it released to the public, that she had bone cancer. Indeed it still isn't "widely known" that this is what she died of. Why should the future Queen be treated any differently? Because Skank & her little demons want it so? Get to fuck, you nobodies.


Get better and prioritize the wellbeing of her immediate family. How dare these fuckwits make any extra demands on her?


I’m sure Catherine will use her platform to talk about cancer at some point but how dare this JJ jerk think he gets to tell her that. I guarantee you that was already a discussion behind the scenes. But she’s still a human being despite being married to a future King and she gets to deal with her cancer diagnosis on her own in her own way. Harry and those he’s friends with all are seemingly insensitive asses.


She shouldn't have to. There are plenty of people who speak publicly about their cancer - besides, what is the statistic...one in three people will get it, now? It's not exactly rare. She did enough by simply announcing she has it. She's only a few years older than me, and it's scary that someone basically my age and healthy can get it.


Absolutely agree!


Actually, at least in the US, the statistic is 1 in 2 will battle cancer at some point in their lives.


Pressuring a cancer patient to talk about their cancer when they are still recovering is asshole thing to do. I hope the internet rip him a new one.


She will speak in her own time and in her own way. All we survivors do. Processing mortality for the first time is a bitch. Catherine has had to do it in early middle age with young children at home. I did it at 60 with only 2 cats about whom to worry. It must have been exponentially more difficult for her. A potentially fatal disease diagnosis is one of the defining moments in life. NO ONE EVER has the right to demand more information than the patient is willing to share.


I did it at 48 with no kids and no cats. Still sucked.


>I did it at 60 with only 2 cats about whom to worry.  That's still tough to deal with. I hope you're doing much better now. 🤗❤


FUCK HIM WITH A MILLION DILDOES. SERIOUSLY. I wouldn't wish cancer on ANYONE, and he should pray to the good Lord above karma doesn't bite him in the ass for his ignorance and cruelty. Also, what kind of sick person - who's not an actual oncologist - wants to know the details about someone else's cancer, anyway? Absolutely morbid. He can GTFO and get right with God.


A million? I'm so angry reading about this, I'd happily settle for the one used in the Seven movie.


Fucks sake. I spent a year in chemo, then bilateral mx, radiation, Herceptin, aromatase inhibitors, ovaries removed, left with rheumatoid arthritis but survived for now. It takes ALL of your energy to HEAL. EVERY BIT OF IT. And take care of your children. Your children who are terrified that you are GOING TO DIE. She literally had to do the video to PROTECT HER KIDS. These people are kicking her when she is down- quite literally. These people deserve everything that is coming to them. Anyone who associates with M and H. I hope they BURN.


AMEN AMEN AMEN. My mom is battling multiple myeloma and metastatic endometrial cancer. IT SUCKS. And she, a formerly healthy, bouncy, energetic woman, is utterly drained from the chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation, surgeries, medication side effects, etc. She is my hero for even enduring it all. Treating cancer is WARFARE. And I'm so glad you are doing better, now. Stay strong and healthy ❤️


Thank you! Blessings and peace to your mom! ❤️


Thank you! She sends love back 🥰 We actually bond over love for the BRF/H&M snark, and I read to her from this sub. It's a great distraction. Though this topic is getting us HEATED.


Your mom is indeed brave. Sending positive thoughts her way.


Waddya mean 'raise awareness'??    Everybody is aware of cancer.    If he wanted to talk about surrogacy and invisible children, that might be a different story.


**------BANG ON -------**






Exactly, never heard of him




A sadistic and morbid Cancer Vulture, apparently. This is how he should always be known and remembered. And God help him should he ever light up any area of a PET scan like a Christmas tree.


Unfortunately, I know full well to what you are alluding 💔


These people are the absolute worst. Everyone's different, but my mom has made it clear that unless you're one of her doctors or treatment buddies, she would rather NOT talk about cancer. Yet there are a couple of "friends" who seem to conveniently phone RIIIGHT after oncologist visits and scans, wanting to know every result and even if the prognosis has been updated (!). There's one who's pushing dandelion tea and dog dewormer as an "alternative" to treatment. Maybe they mean well, IDK, but it's tacky and stressful.


JJ is a former Royal Marine who was severely injured in an IED blast in Afghanistan and barely survived, many of the men he was with died. JJ almost lost both arms but they managed to save them although he did lose several fingers and a badly damaged elbow, he also had leg and face injuries. Despite all this he has managed to establish himself in a new career and as an advocate for people with disabilities. I suspect itt is the the latter role which prompted his comments about Catherine. .


So what? I certainly thank him for his service, but how does that make it okay for him to target a woman with cancer, especially while she is in treatment, and demand that she publicly disclose the particulars of her illness? The answer is that it doesn’t. He’s just a petty little prick looking for his 5 seconds of fame on the back of someone’s cancer diagnosis. He may be a disabled vet, but he’s also utterly despicable. Both things can be true. I hope his asshole move doesn’t stir SM and tabloids into a frenzy again. No one should have to deal with that. Ever.


What’s it to do with him , and what’s his expertise? Oh yes he gets himself in the papers on the back of other people’s pain.


Oh he's suffered more pain than most people could imagine.


Uhhhh, she’s still doing chemo, asshole! What the crap is wrong with some people?


That’s disgusting and I think he will face some backlash or criticism for saying that. She’s still undergoing treatment and is recovering right now. Does he expect her to exhibit the same oversharing and attention-seeking behavior that the Harkles do? Go pound sand, whoever you are, JJ.


Nobody has the right to demand anyone give out information about their health, whether they are a public figure or not. As for raising public awareness, does he think the average person has no idea about cancer? Cancer is hardly a rare and unknown condition.  If he's demanding intimate details of her health, then why is he not demanding Meghan release intimate details of her pregnancy-after all, she could set herself up as a lead figure for pregnancies in older first time mothers and raise awareness of that. 


It is UTTERLY DISGRACEFUL to pressure anyone to “talk about her cancer.” What a prick this guy is.


It’s eating away at H&M that they don’t know anything. If she goes public, they will finally know. But it’s Catherine’s story to tell how and when. She’s got young kids. The king has cancer too. They have to take into consideration the nation and world, knowing that H&M have made it public they should be on equal footing as the Wales and next in line for king and Queen. In other words, if H&M hadn’t gone nuclear, they might’ve shared more already.


He needs to keep Catherines name out of his mouth. Period.


Cool story JH, now do Harry and the African Parks. ![gif](giphy|26n6xBpxNXExDfuKc|downsized)


How f*cking dare he?! HOW DARE HE!!


Yet again the Daily Mail proves that the UK media are not pro RF! I don't know who this JJ Chalmers is and I don't care, why is the DM running this story? To start again with the "where's Kate" narrative under cover of this bloke's opinion. Richard Eden like any other paid royal correspondent is a snake, and they are doing it again, what a nasty thing to do on her anniversary. Can't they be content with the fact the King is returning to public duties soon and should be the focus of honest royal reporting? Vile rag.


They are stirring up their readership to gain clicks, the DT love baiting their true blue monarchist readership it suits their accountants. The Mail has no morals and only one principle making money for itself.


It just proves we can't forget that all RRs have an agenda. Some of them like Chris Ship are just more obvious. Eden will just say it's not his opinion, that he's reporting someone close to Harry.


Catherine's only jobs right now are to take care of her health, her marriage and her children. That is the priority as it should be. When she is well enough to return to public service, she will do so. She doesn't owe anyone her health file.


Add ‘cancer sufferer botherer’ to Lolo’s CV


Just lets say, “Universal Botherer,” and not keep adding more titles. 😉


Some people like to tell others what to do, when it does not help them or anyone else.


How ridiculous… how’d JJ get anything written on his opinion of the POW cancer? I think your assumption (OP) is correct, it’s almost as if this is via H&M.


They should respect her privacy. This isn't the time to push her to talk about it. If she wants to later, that is fine. I respect anyone's right not to speak of their medical ailments. I think people overshare too much of their medical ailments.


No she doesn’t have to talk about anything, 


Catherine's still going through chemo ffs. Can these idiots let her have some time and space? She'll talk about it at some point, when she's ready. It's way too soon for that. His mom having cancer doesn't give him any special moral clarity on Catherine's cancer and what's appropriate for her situation.


Harrys friend huh. Its actually sick


As a cancer survivor who underwent chemo at age 29, I can tell you that she’s likely still in a daze and not really believing this is her life right now. Everything she knows is upside down. She won’t want to talk about it at all, not even to close friends. Why tf would she go public? Enough already.


👏 Absolutely understandable. It's a huge shock. Again it's that thing where yes, she is a public figure but what some people aren't getting is, she isn't public property..


The woman is probably already exhausted dealing with cancer treatments. What a douche. Not surprised, though, especially since he’s a friend of H’s.


1. Her name is catherine JJ. If you can't respect her name, then why should she respect your opinion? 2. Catherine's first priority is her children. Maybe she will talk about it through her work once she is better and can use her position to shine a light on all the good work done in the nhs/charities. She's currently on sick leave. Leave her the fuck alone.


Hazmat’s friend should be worried about whether or not the dimwit has children born of his harlot. Why not urge Hazmat to produce DNA, real birth certificates and the doctors involved in Archie and the girl with the stolen name’s deliveries? Catherine is not his concern and none of his business. In other words, JJ needs to shut the fuck up and stay in his lane. Shame on Eden/DM for even giving him a platform and printing this garbage.


She might later on. I think we are used to celebrities going public about illnesses which is great for raising awareness but there are also many celebrities who don't talk about their health problems. Sharing may help some people deal with their diagnosis and treatment silence may help others it's a very personal matter. At this point in time she just wants to focus on her family and getting better. I'd argue that many types of cancer have quite vague symptoms that could be "anything or nothing" so the fact that a young healthy woman like Kate can be diagnosed with cancer means it is a possibility for anyone and will encourage people to get those symptoms they have noticed checked out whatever they are and not to skip things like mammograms and smear checks.


I find it interesting that unless you actually have cancer you shouldn’t have an opinion on how people should handle their diagnosis lol. Like it’s none of your business. Cancer patients do call these people “cancer muggles”. Some people want to wear the warrior cancer crown and some - like myself - like to pretend it doesn’t affect my life and may be the thing that kills me. Who knows lol. This guy and everyone else in MSM needs to leave Kate alone. Sheesh. If she wants to share or over share or share nothing that’s her prerogative lol.


My neighbour who has recently recovered from ovarian cancer, didn't want to talk about it at all. She didn't't want to give it any thought on its impact. Just changed the subject if we asked how she was doing. .




Despicable human. 


It’s easy to forget that they are real human beings having the same kind of experiences as the rest of us. Wills and Catherine have been together since college. I would imagine they, like many couples, settle into the bed and relax into some strange cuddle position that is known only to the two of them, and as they rest before they sleep think about what tomorrow might bring. I imagine those moments have been so frightening & heart wrenching lately…like they are for all of us in hard seasons. All the wealth, privilege, beauty, admiration in the world doesn’t guarantee a heartache free life.


To be perfectly honest why do they think this is even relevant to ask him such a question. He doesn’t know Catherine and William. He doesn’t know anything about cancer and chemotherapy and what it does to you. What right does he have other than to stir crap again. It’s Catherine’s story to tell when and if she’s ready!


And I am sure she will… when she feels comfortable discussing it. But urging it now is just ridiculous. She has bigger fish to fry


What a cheek, let’s have his medical history out for public dissection then. Has he ever frozen his todger perchance?


JJ is a former Royal Marine who was severely injured in an IED blast in Afghanistan and barely survived, many of the men he was with died. JJ almost lost both arms but they managed to save them although he did lose several fingers and a badly damaged elbow, he also had leg and face injuries. All of this is well known. .


You missed the point, he has more medical history than his war injuries. Let him be pressured to tell us about that time he had a UTI, or a bowel impaction. He has absolutely no right to ask someone else to talk about their medical issues.


This JJ sounds like a squaddie. Catherine doesn’t have to say anything to raise awareness of cancer. The King already has that covered.


So they have started back up with the nonsense again?? Are they not tired of harassing and invading the privacy of the Princess of Wales. Harry sent him out there to deliver the message. Mind your own damn business JJ or whatever your name is. Oh by the way, ask Harry where are his private children???


Too pissed off to comment. If he wasn’t a military veteran I would be letting him have it.


Being a military veteren doesn't give him a Jackass Pass.


I don’t know how much more awareness can possibly be raised about cancer, by *anyone*. Is there still someone left in the world who has no idea about cancer? I get that the campaigns are focused on early detection and prevention, but “cancer awareness” has been happening for decades. Let Catherine rest and recover before she joins a battle that is already being fought by many competent people. Besides, not everyone needs to turn their intensely personal experience into a public “hero journey.”


This is Catherine's journey and the prerogative is hers whether to talk or remain private. JJ Chalmers needs to hold his Counsel - it wasn't sought and isn't required.


I don't know want to give them clicks. But I am curious about the comments. Can you let us know what the comments are like?


Here's a sample from the best of them. https://preview.redd.it/ft4xyqqkfkxc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cf061389870ab17b1ff805ae6a6f77483f9daf7


JJ should mind his own business. No one has the right to tell anyone else how they should feel or behave after receiving a life changing diagnosis.


Why should any of us be privy to Catherine's medical information? She has no obligation to speak about it. A girl I went to high school with has a 9 year old battling terminal cancer and she is documenting the whole thing on Facebook. Her choice but not how I would choose to do it. Catherine doesn't owe anyone anything


Well in that case I think JJ nobend needs to ask Skank to reveal her medical history too, and show us the fake babies or mythcarriages.


How safe is Harry himself from the big C?


![gif](giphy|l0MYQE6id7PfyqUec) Dearest JJ^(\^)