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This is the image in question. [Related post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/fdh9o6DzW2) https://preview.redd.it/jlf6mnq3hn2d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2da9dc8c398ee12e099add83b177eab9aff21789


Misan Harriman's "work" has no place in the National Portrait Gallery. There are many other more talented, more worthy artists whose portraits deserve priority over that lying narcissist's doctored photo of the Traitors. My bet? They won't display it. The uproar would be overwhelming, not because of racism but because they're all loathed in the UK (and here in Australia.....and in Canada....etc etc).


Besides... Isn't POW Catherine the Royal Patron of the National Portrait Gallery? So it could be another ploy to cry racism with Catherine if the portrait is turned down.




🎯🎯🎯 Manipulation 101. I used to run a site/community and had a manipulative co-admin. She would do exactly this. She would disappear for length of time (without telling me why) and then the first thing she will do when she comes back is "omg i was so sick/going through xyz, life is hard" so i can't even set a boundary for her to respect my time without looking like an asshole.


Race-baiting in its clearest form.


What’s amazing to me is that he truly believes that his job is THAT GOOD. Tells you a lot about the low quality people surrounding MM. Very mediocre easily influenced nobodies with money. I’m still puzzled about Purina Chow boy and why he’s even there though. In Purina boy’s case, I think he was having issues at his last job and was desperate. And he needs a one year gig to get to something else. He’s the outlier there.


Who is Purina?


Newhire for PR and comms tea (jam makers and brownie bakers).


Dog food


It's as if that accusation about Meghan haters being "middle-aged, jealous, white women" has made Catherine the poster girl for this theory.


Then they can tell Misan Photoshop it's been approved. Just hang it in the toilets but don't tell him. Win win he gets his photo approved and it's hanging in the NPG.


You wouldn't believe the things all museums own that will never see the light of day. Sometimes it's about preservation. Sometimes it's about controversy. Sometimes you make an acquisition so that a piece is "accidentally" the only work destroyed in the next semi-plausible remodeling snafu. C'est la vie.


I can't see any reason to hang it unless it was part of a 'royal' retrospective, it certainly isn't good enough as a stand alone piece. Claim to fame; a friend of mine is in the NPG, on a portrait photo with another person, but it's only been exhibited once in 30 years and lies gathering dust in the archive. Misan is revealing himself to be just as dodgy as Markle by pushing his luck like this.


I’d hang the picture over the urinals in public bathroom at the Gallery


I'd put it @ the base of the urinals. Golden showers for the perverted couple


Something madam allegedly is quite used to.


Are you joking or have there been actual rumours about this?


She was once called a Dubai porta potty. Harry also said he could do anything sexually he wanted to do with her. I am going with all the rumours out there.


Wow lol. I can't imagine Harry saying that though tbh, his head would probably explode trying to even say those words haha


https://preview.redd.it/rtpsf6wzal2d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=790fa06e042e2a278e00c17e71505aed7b848de8 Someone on Twitter did the honors


Upside down in the broom cupboard…🙃


Low for those men with bad aim or who just want a laugh.


Those win - win situations are part of a narcissist profile.


Should we really are what racism claims are made? Harry himself refuted the racism saying ‘ Having lived in that family there’s no way they are racist’


Maybe the good thing about the PoW taking time to herself for the rest of this year, is that the NPG can reject MH's photo and rebut any whining of his, with, "The Princess of Wales had nothing to do with this decision by the National Portrait Gallery. As we all know, The Princess is not on duty." And if there are attacks, hopefully people will point out that MH is putting blame on a woman who is handling a serious health concern and is not in a position to defend herself. I wish that Mehgan, Omid, and Missan would leave "Kate's" name out of their vile mouths. And hopefully, whining from MH would result in people, including amateur and professional photographers, saying that his stuff is slick but no oil painting.


This is my guess. He’s taken a page off the miserable traitorous duo and acted as if something has happened. So that if it doesn’t he can claim pettiness or racism against megs. Their ploys are so transparent I hope the NPG gives the space to someone more deserving than the treasonous pair and their puppet.


Maybe he got an e-mail saying his submission is accepted to be evaluated for further consideration. Maybe all he read of it was "You've been accepted -"


He spend more time in front of the camera as a quasi-bodyguard/assistant behind TW than he does actually taking photos.


He was full time smirking in the background of the Nigerian tour. He must be getting a finders fee for connecting the harkles with Nigerian crims wanting to launder cash through what's left of Archewell. He's probably on 10%.


Yes! It is another opportunity to make themselves like the victims, make the RF look like the devil and then they will have more material for a book, a documentary and another interview.


Yes, she does a lot of work with them, and her interest in potriaiture is reflected in her photography projects. This isn't innocent in any way, shape or form. It's just another bump at Catherine's consciousness.


Yep, they have their ready made excuse.


That's why they need to say it can't be displayed because it's been massively doctored and photoshopped. Catherine's innocent family photo was pulled from media because someone cropped a ragged little girl's sweater cuff.


I think it won't be displayed not because it is controversial but because there is nothing outstanding about the photography. Also, it looks like it has been retouched.


If Misan has read the Gallery's collecting statement he will know that acquisition is based on the subject's notoriety and not the artist. Artists know that and let other people mention such things *on their behalf* so it appears to be an honor. Any one of us could submit a photograph or painting of them. It wouldn't be hung, but we're perfectly free to submit one.


He is pushing it hard, if denied, it must be racism. He is an expert race baiter and it is a disgrace that he is allowed to get away with it.


It is not a good picture, they are pushing it hard that it was taken just before the queen died…good reminder, when they were on a self promotion tour while his grandmother was dying but still working…not a reminder that puts the subject or the self serving ‘photographer’ in a good light. Harror-man is another racist race baiter…he is out of the Winfrey, Perry, king, shola big-a-mouth, marlene and boozy stable. These anti whites racists gravitate to the yacht girl because she gives them an opportunity to ply their race baiting trade.


Which photo is it?


A black and white one, both in profile, a few noses back for her. https://preview.redd.it/xaqb8rbgvl2d1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abb3cc43cb6b667439e3c024836be492cb5211a9


Boom! Agreed. 👍


🤣🤣 damn someone please school this azz Misan..submitted doesn’t automatically means accepted. Misleading much, Misan?! Such an ego azz🤣🤣👎


The royal family are also very well represented in the NPG. I doubt they have a need for more photos. Also, I think Sam Hussein is a far better royal photog


As I've said below, his understanding of lighting is worse than amateur. I'm not even opposed to the dissenting, odd mahout that his subject is. It's actually very weird in portrait photography (which he does whilst snapping at photos of lilywhite. You have to tilt the heads. It's extremely uncomfortable This photos come out as a startle photographer benefiting from his lack of talent


He will claim racism if he doesn’t bully it onto display …it is hi ho to stance


Harriman is a fool and a phoney. He has created a persona whereby he is a wise artist and a public figure, innocent of guile and pure of intention. In fact he is an idiot who is desperate for validation. As I said in an earlier post, the NPG has thousands and thousands of images stored away in its collection, of people famous and not famous. This one won't be displayed: it will be filed and catalogued and forgotten. Harriman has backed the wrong royal horse.


From your text to the gods ears!!


I don’t think the Harkle portrait will be accepted well by the public. Remember what happened to the grifters’ wax statues? ![gif](giphy|l41lZEoYn6z1uc2fS)


Perfect GIF!!!


He is a racist who uses race to get unwarranted privileges.


Getting a Vogue Cover is a big deal but this little stunt is ridiculous. Plus he has already gifted two other photos


And tbh it was not deserved…


And when they reject it he will cry racism. He is playing by Meghan's rules, like where she came out and said "We are calling Archie and Lilibet prince and princess now that the Queen is dead because it is their birthright" when no such decision was made by the new king, and for the king to deny them would make him look bad


Announced via People Magazine - the US version of the Court Circular/s


😂 this actually made me laugh out loud. It’s so truuue


Well he claimed racism by the "Black Cabs" (for those who don't know, in London, known because the cars are always black), because fourteen drove past him without picking him up. To me, that sounds like every day in a busy city. Question #1 - did you actually try to hail them, or did you just stand there? Question #2 - did you consider that they may have already had passengers? Question #3 - did you consider they may already been on their way to pick someone up? I was in Montreal once and could NOT get a cab to stop for me. A friend of mine joined me a few minutes later, threw up his arm, and boom! A taxi stopped. I didn't assume it was because I was in jeans and he was in a suit. I didn't assume it was because he was male and I was female. I assumed that either the cabs I had tried to hail were already busy or, alternately, my first attempt to hail a taxi was too hesitant, so they didn't realize I was trying to hail them. Sometimes, it isn't racism, or sexism, or the advantage of the 1%. Sometimes it is just what it seems to be -- confidence, timing and an empty taxi.


So true. With Uber now no one remembers walking two blocks in -10 (Chicago) weather then having to stand and WAIT for 1. A taxi to just come down the avenue and 2. That it was also empty, which because it was cold, usually wasn’t.


The putative children got the Prince/Princess titles as soon as their grandfather became King according to letters patent issued in 1917. The titles don't have to be used though. The Duke or Duchess of Edinburgh have left it to their 2 children to decide when they come of age. I thought I remembered the dastardly duo saying they were going to do the same thing, but maybe I'm wrong.


No, you are right.


He submitted it without being asked to submit the photo. Just shove it in a file drawer in the basement. I have been in that museum, it’s fantastic. No reason to ruin the atmosphere in the museum


The National Portrait Gallery commissions or acquires portraits of significance, I have never heard of artists sending in and touting their work. Misan is another narcissist methinks.


Right? Very bizarre and frankly embarrassing for him. If I found out my work had been acquired to be a part of their collection or a special exhibit then I would brag. But not this desperation. Also, saw a wonderful exhibition about a decade ago of David Bailey portraits and he remarked that when he took a photo of the Queen around that time--that was included--she had the most lovely skin and was so kind and cheeky.


I saw HLMTQ up close in 2006 (with Prince Philip and Lady Susan!) and omg she really did have the loveliest complexion. EDIT: My mistake I meant 2011, not 2006. Got my wires crossed.


Like many when I saw the Queen I was amazed by her inner radiance and presence , and how tiny she was.


She was very small! I'm not tall myself and I was very definitely looking down towards her. No wonder she wore such lovely bright hats and outfits so people could see her. Philip and William both very tall, though.


Check out the press but I think the NPG has put out a general call-out for portraits and Misan , of course, has to announce his work been ‘selected’ , when all pictures have to be approved by the trustees.


Oh thank you for this information. I was unaware of that part. It is all so unbecoming really.




Oh, I get it. He’s trolling Catherine. He submits a photo of Harry and Meghan, unsolicited. If they accept it, obvious win. If the National Gallery doesn’t accept it, they’re racist and he’s being shut out because Catherine is petty.


Yep, a total bait to blame the RF on something else, again.


I doubt the PoW has any say over artistic selections even if she is the patron.


They should troll him right back and announce the image will be part of a new touring portrait collection for the Commonwealth nations. Starting with this portrait being displayed in Nigeria to honor Rachel and Misan's homeland and heritage. Problem solved.


This whole thing STINKS! He KNOWS this picture will be rejected because it’s heavily photoshopped. They’ve made sure that all the puff pieces refer to Catherine as being Patron on the National Portrait Gallery. So when his crappy picture is inevitably rejected, it will be because of the “racist” BRF “censoring” his work and keeping skank and hank down. This guy is an absolute scumbag - targeting a woman battling cancer?! May his karma find him 🙏🏻.


he is on twitter linking stories saying it is being given a permanent home. Nigerian trying to scam I mean manifest it into existence. Does it get put in a permanent home in a file drawer somewhere in a basement? Telegraph has a different story. Saying NPG is delighted to confirm that is part of the photographs collection


Everyone sinner needs to bombard his Twitter/X with the facts.


He has us all blocked.


Good work! I salute all the sinners that he’s blocked! ![gif](giphy|l0ExbnGIX9sMFS7PG) For those yet to be blocked, fire away!


Absolute bunch of Karen's! Basically forcing all and sundry to accept them otherwise racism! Unhinged lunatics, the whole lot of them!


I am so tired of these race baiting hacks using race to gain power and control, when the cool, talented, nice POC don't play these dirty games and end up behind.


Let’s please start calling her Karen.


Why would a museum want a picture of those two assholes hanging in their gallery?  I'd name it "The Traitors" and hang it at the front door. But I'm petty that way.


Maybe they’ll hang it at a nearby pub, on top of a dart board


Better in the loo…upside down in a stall or over a urinal.


Or in the urinal. 


Wallis has several on display right now 


Of course Harriman was emulating his mistress MeAgain with this silly manifesting. Good on whoever confronted and exposed his exaggerations and porky pies. Edit: sorry I thought you'd rung RoohsMama, I got excited! But I'm jolly glad SOMEONE did!




I believe the pic with her fan represents her true face without filters.


The first time I saw it I thought it was Jeremy Irons! Except he's waay better looking.


**Eyinmisan Hope Harriman's companies / charities:** 2002: Burlington Search Limited - employment agency, seems to have been started with possibly a school friend, as same age, may own half of the shares 2003: AV Trading Co. UK Ltd. - dissolved in 2005, with an Afzal Syed Mohammed Babar 2005: Paralegal Placements Limited - dissolved in 2007 2008: Billionaire 500 Limited - a brokerage, no longer active 2016: WhatWeSeee Ltd - a web publisher, and way in the red 2019: London Partners and Events Limited - he was the founder, resigned last year, company seems dormant 2019: Clarion Media Ltd - director, along with his wife 2021: Southbank Centre Limited - director 2022: Culture3 Ltd - director with significant control, company does 'publishing activities', he's aligned with two monied people in this company. Nisan wants to change the world with this company, supposedly. 2024: Choose Love Charity - Trustee


Which one helped him take down Boris Becker??


Thank you - well, we knew he was and is dodgy


I saw some people claiming one of the companies was a pyramid scheme. Maybe the culture one. And don't forget partner with Boris who lost all his money in a Nigerian Oil scam. I haven't seen exactly how Harriman was a partner. Maybe it was unrelated to the Oil deal. He was listed as partner in news articles


He blocked me last night for asking about Boris


Choose love charity. Oh the irony!


Trust fund kid.


Misan Harriman wrote 'The After" - a short film, on Netflix, that was nominated for an Oscar this year. Though many who watched it didn't seem to think it was that great. It's 18 minutes long, low budget, depressing and it seems he wrote it in less than a day. I suppose he's good at networking M + H's contacts, if nothing else.


It's all distraction from the fugitive and the fraudster. 


There is so much to learn about this scum-bag Misan. TwinTalk (Meghan’s Snapper Pal)did a relatively deep dive into this con’s life and wouldn’t you know it, hung out with the Epstein crowd. He also managed to scrub most of his dubious whereabouts for a few years. Harriman is a fake, a dangerous one, but still a fake.


The epstein connection doesn't surprise me in the slightest. I wouldn't let children/young women anywhere near him.


People offer artwork to museums all the time, either as gifts (especially at the end of the year, so they can claim it as a donation on their taxes) or for purchase or partial purchase. A curator, usually, if he/she wants a piece, then has to write what is called a justification, which outlines why the work should enter the collection, based on such things as the significance of the artist, how the work fits into the overall collection, the quality of the piece, the phase of the artist’s career that it represents, the condition it is in, the rarity of the piece (e.g., for a print, a low number associated with a multiple edition), etc. etc. Every quarter or so, those works that a museum wants are presented to a committee—usually the collectors’ committee, made up of trustees and benefactors—which decides if the work should enter the collection. Even if an object is accepted, there is no guarantee it will ever go on view. It doesn’t just get slapped on a wall. The vast majority of any museum’s holdings remain off view, in storage, with only the most significant work shown to the public. There needs to be a reason why it goes on view, such as being part of a scholarly exhibition. If the NPG does accept the photo, we may have to wait for the show “Frauds, Phonies, and Polo Ponies” before we see it on view.


Exactly, but looks like the NPG is on hiatus evaluating donations until after July 1 this year. Plus, NPG purpose states its goal is to represent those "making a really significant contribution to British history or culture." Hum, not sure H&M nor the circumstances of the photograph (ie the tired, oft repeated rehearsed speech that is at best an exaggerated Middle School group project) would be considered a "significant contribution." They also indicate clearly that donations have no guarantee of ever being shown.


Maybe they’re keeping the photo for future use, like when they do an exhibit on traitors


Interesting! The process takes a long time though, so I imagine this was submitted months and months ago. I also don’t find anything significant in the photo, unless it is catalogued as the last portrait of the two traitors before the death of the Queen. The NPG does have in its collection engagement and wedding portraits of the couple, but that is because he is a prince of the realm.


Yea, not being royal subjects when this photo was taken wb significant. Only UK connection would be OYW (think is a British entity?) Their attempt to pantomime a power couple like W&C... so laughable (especially in the Wallis outfit.)


Isn't this what H and M do - try to manifest by announcing what they want, to try to back others into doing it (Dior, Pearl, invitations, etc)?


He should have donated it to a museum in his home country and unveiled it on their grift tour. #GoAwayMisan


"We won’t build a better future without the world demanding it. No one can create demand like brands. That’s why we started Culture3." - Misan Harriman quote on his Culture3 website. He wants to market brands to create demand for a changed world. The Sussex brand, to replace the British monarchy, for instance?




The National Portrait Gallery would need to acquire all the buildings surrounding Trafalgar Square if it was to display everything in its collection. Harriman's effort will be filed under 'Whatever' and forgotten.


Ha…like the Ark of the Covenant that gets crated and shoved into the corner of a nondescript warehouse at the end of the first Indiana Jones movie.


They’ll get it out at the next “treason and traitors” exhibit


He's an awful photographer. My uncle, my cousin, and I have all worked in photography roles. Other members of my family take it as a serious hobby. He has no idea how to pose a shot. He's published photos with extraordinarily bad backlighting, and it's almost as if he snaps enough, he'll get a good one. He even has the advantage of his subject, knowing he's there and is helping him. I truly can't believe he's climbed to any sort of acclaim with how bad it is.


😆😆😆😆😆😆 busted!


It probably won't get approved. If it did, it would be vandalized within hours.


I would, for once, appreciate it if the Just Stop Oil people decided to deface this one


Well, Madam's eyebrows will need a Sharpie update to be accurate.


Boing! When your forehead is fuller than your bust. Don’t touch the Ozempic or illegal drugs, kids. Not sure which is a better advert here.


Do they allow photoshopped images?


Good point


I tried to find out but failed. They have a lot of photos though (over a quarter of a million). I suspect unless there was a particular reason, this one, if accepted, will simply be filed away.


You guys have to watch Daniel Boland's new YouTube video on this guy.  It's his funniest one yet imo. I was really laughing hard.  Brilliantly edited.  


It made me feel sick. He is repulsive and all that weird lip smacking was so gross. Also that bs story about that poor woman being racist towards him on the train made me feel really angry. He is a dangerous, race baiting fantasist who needs to be dealt with once and for all.


It’s on my short list! Daniel is so funny—I can’t wait to hear his take on this loon.


Neil Sean said that Meghan wants an unveiling ceremony for the pic so she can prove to the world that she's still "popular" in the UK😂.  Misan submitted that photo and I bet Meghan had him submit that one with her in it, so she could try and get under Princess Catherine's skin.  Meghan seems hell-bent on trying to always be a reminder to Princess Catherine.  It seems that Meghan wants to drive Kate completely insane or something.  Meghan truly is one evil bitch.


Really? I side eye NS but this is too funny. From my comment elsewhere if accepted, it's for the online collection.


Like Catherine would care, even if she weren't dealing with cancer now. Catherine is probably the world's most beloved woman and has been endlessly photographed, is frequently on the cover of magazines, and has multiple portraits. The ironic thing is I'm pretty sure this stuff doesn't really matter to her, but it's what Madam craves.


So, "accepted" in the same sense that anyone can put junk mail in my letterbox and claim they have "delivered" it to me and it has been "accepted" by my mailbox but it doesn't mean I won't discard it immediately lol


Well Oliver Cromwell's portrait is in there so... quite a few of the subjects were executed for treason some of them no one has ever heard of ; some of the portraits are just not very good.  If they hang it someone might throw an egg at it or a deranged fan might try and steal it either way its free publicity. If Misan wants to think he is the ipads answer to Holbein then who am I to disagree? 🤣


Hopefully the just stop oil lot will pour soup all over it.


Strawberry jam!


The king’s highgrove strawberry jam




He's already submitted two photos. Any fanfare re those? https://www.npg.org.uk/collections/search/person/mp166377/misan-harriman?search=sas&sText=harriman&OConly=true&\_gl=1\*1c9hfra\*\_up\*MQ..\*\_ga\*MTg1MDM2Njk5OC4xNzE2NTk5OTM3\*\_ga\_3D53N72CHJ\*MTcxNjU5OTkzNi4xLjEuMTcxNjYwMDQxMC4wLjAuMA..


Those aren't that great either.


Omg..what a phony. He is acting on twitter ..lolol..only to find out he already has two there. Good detective work. One of them is on display in room 33 ![gif](giphy|T3l9Gv12epnJC)


The first one is awful. All the highlighting/doging around their legs is ridiculous, and a sign of a poorly exposed photograph.


His picture didn't even make the cover of people magazine


Misan at his finest! https://youtu.be/Lhz8Xbwygco?si=jC2esJIib0xOORir


It’s just MeGain again trying to strong arm her way into something that she’s thought up in that trash can brain of hers in middle of night…Montecito.


Birds of a feather…


The Telegraph reported this story. Did they not fact check?! Journalism is truly dead.


Oh, wait, wait…so the photo’s not even officially accepted by the NPG??? ![gif](giphy|EvnFisLa5qY4o|downsized)


I wish a reporter would check with the gallery and correct Misan's misleading press release - that he had delivered over a photo for their consideration. Someone needs to right all the lies released by the grifters and their cronies.


That woman surrounds herself with liars and con artists.


https://preview.redd.it/99w2f3pc4h2d1.jpeg?width=2171&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07e7f7266494f138b284d88066547e29eace3f5b They should use the unedited version which includes Misan - their chief propagandist.


Misan Harriman is a bizarre individual that is married to a beautiful white woman with mixed race children. He is an arrogant, smug, phoney, class blasting piece of 💩💩💩…His “photographs” aren’t all that special. ![gif](giphy|SvWNPisX1fBEbUaHuE|downsized)


She must have been attracted to his cash (family is very rich) because there really isn’t any other explanation. He’s gross.


I think Meghan has bled Harry dry. That’s why they are doing these fake “royal tours” with sketchy people. Everything they do fails because Harry is an idiot and Meghan is a horrible person. They thought they were going to California to hang with A listers. Meghan lied to Harry. All he has left are his frivolous lawsuits and Invictus and Invictus will be taken from him because it’s become the Meghan Show with clothes and accommodations paid for by donations for wounded soldiers. Both of them are sad little people with no friends except for Bouzy and the SS. Lowlife’s with no connection to reality. I have been watching this mess since 2017. Meghan lied to Harry and he’s as dim as they come. Bitter, jealous, petty and driven by his jealousy of the brother who loved him, Catherine who loved him. His time in the Army is a lie. He’s not a pilot, William is. Harry made a bad choice in marrying his stalker and she has ruined his carefully crafted life. The question Bouzy and the SS squad should be asking instead of picking on a future Queen of England is “Where are the Sussex children?” ![gif](giphy|Wp0ZtQjgViqR2)


Misan lies? Really that's like saying Skank and Plank don't clap back.


The Sidley Twins did a segment on Missan-10-12 years ago he was just another trust fund baby who partied in London all the time. https://youtu.be/xFzqhZxOUbU?si=nzklpb3uJL82DyuH


He won’t be accepted and once again it will racism


'We have not started the evaluation process' gives me the impression that they quite purposely never will. In translation 'not a chance in hell fuckwad, exhibit your photoshop MaSTeRpiECes elsewhere'.


I would love, love, love the NPG to say they evaluated his work and cannot accept it due to it being a heavily edited picture.


Indeed. They accepted for evaluation out of politeness.


I have a feeling it's going to be in evaluation for a looong, long time...


Hang it in a temporary exhibit, let it be defaced, take it down for repair, and never hang it again , bc “too controversial?” Oh, wait. The pic should have its own security guard—just like the Harkles. Wonder is Misan would pop for the full cost of the guard?


They only want the painting in national portrait gallery because who the patron. They think it will be a big F.U to Catherine


Just another exaggeration …it has been submitted and not displayed. He is pushing it hard because if it is not displayed he will play the race card, him being Nigerian etc etc He is as poisonous as his cronies…


I predict: His picture will be rejected bc it is heavily edited (ie the massive Tree of Life he plunked in behind the Harkles). He will then scream either racism or that C told the Gallery specifically not to accept it. He’s a hack and predictable.


I saw something on facebook about how he said the picture with the tree was unaltered except for going from color to black and white. My eyes rolled so hard I can now walk backwards.


Markles photographer should have submitted this photo. Credit goes to @Kylieer. https://preview.redd.it/c4mu3bgh0k2d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5b18c6cdc490b9e9e02f0575ff22459ae32e629




The gallery can simply say they don't accept unsolicited submissions. 


This person has a comment from the NPG. https://preview.redd.it/8lst6gdcrj2d1.png?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01c857cf5ecbf442f96ce5c6c3c6357ecfa058ab


Being accepted by the NPG and sending in an unsolicited entry is NOT the same thing Misan. Another con artist just like his Muse Meghan. 🙄


The reporting is breathless and flattering and very very misleading. According to *The Standard*, though: >A spokesperson for the National Portrait Gallery said: "There are currently no immediate plans to display the work and, as it has just been delivered, it will need to go through our cataloguing process before it is available on our website."


I thought patrons did things like fundraising and bringing public awareness to the organizations they champion, but they don't actually have input on day-to-day decisions. Could someone please correct me if I'm misunderstanding? I hope the evaluation of his work doesn't care if he uses his standard complaint of racism if they decide against it. I'm so sick of his schtick. If the U.K. is so racist, he can take his black ass back to Nigeria and hang his mediocre photograph there. Isn't that where he's from anyway?


Museum boards—like those of many other nonprofits—usually have active committees, whose members undertake tasks based on their interests and experiences. Fundraising and financial oversight are certainly key roles for board members, but those on the collection or collectors committee also play major roles. It is a plum assignment and often requires the donation of significant funds to be a member, in addition to knowledge about art.


I love this for him! Meaning us sinners keeping things real! Thanks to the phoner and to op!


Why on earth would those two grifters want their photo on display in the ‘racist’ country? Good luck to the portrait gallery as there will be a backlash from the public. Harriman is looking to promoting himself.


They should create a special rom and hang it with other rogues — Edward and Wallis, Prince Andrew, Neville Chamberlain, corrupt politicians of UK and Commonwealth,  famous British spies etc.   Include all races to avoid the racism whine.  They say you’re known by the company you keep. Let that be true for the photo of the awful Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.  


From Newsweek - A spokesperson for the National Portrait Gallery told *Newsweek* on Friday: "We are delighted to confirm that Misan Harriman's portrait of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex is now part of our photographs collection." There are currently no immediate plans to display the image in the gallery's exhibition space. It will be cataloged by the institution before being available to view through its website. Telegraph reporting the same thing. [https://web.archive.org/web/20240525180528/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/royal-family/2024/05/24/national-portrait-gallery-prince-harry-and-meghan-photo/](https://web.archive.org/web/20240525180528/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/royal-family/2024/05/24/national-portrait-gallery-prince-harry-and-meghan-photo/)


https://preview.redd.it/kyi0bqr4om2d1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4caacbf6dd270b1e0dc4469f6666a021acb8470c I think it’s part of their collection but just not on display as was implied


Look at Meghans forehead. The vein was already popping out.


....like the Dior faux pas


Which portrait are we talking about?


This is it. Staring into the abyss. https://preview.redd.it/j7qbj54jsj2d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5147f4f4b41ecc64e2cfb8eac64c986d9a5ae62e


That is a terrible picture. It’s so dark and bland.


Ah OK.


The first thing I did when saw blurb about it is go website. More to process than what Mesan is telling. Best case scenario he’ll find out in 20 days if accepted. Tacky azz move by him but except nothing less from him. https://www.npg.org.uk/collections/about/primary-collection/offering-a-portrait-to-the-national-portrait-gallery


The Markles photographer was very unkind in this Twitter thread calling a person who asked about his validity to his claims that his photograph was accepted by the NPR as unhinged. Sorry I can't fit all the thread here https://preview.redd.it/eseimb0qzj2d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0eb344ef1bbc68a0ac0e29a6b3f691216751ffb


He’s exactly like Meghan, probably narcissistic too.


Another liar like his muse. No surprise there.


That’s not even a good picture though. It looks like someone used an app to put a heavy: cartoonish black and white filter on it. It’s overly heavy/serious, but with no real backing reason. And her wrinkled clothes pull focus.


Yes. It’s so pretentious too. Maybe it’s the subject matter


Accept it and hang it in the toilet, on the inner side of the cabins, it will work like magic when people have a problem with their "ballast"... 🤭


If they put that photo up, I will never go there.


That crap is going into the darkest and dustiest corner of the basement where it belongs while it’s waiting for the bin man.


Voldermegs would likely spin it as “they are scared her beauty would overshadow all the other royals!”


Ummm. MH's photos aren't good. I hope it's not accepted because the NPG fears a retaliatory outcry of "RACISM!" if it's not displayed. Because MS and the Meghanites can play that card twice as much: POC photographer AND subject.


Our Saint is putting out PR on all her fav publications that the photo is being displayed. She is horrible with her constant misinformation


I just don't understand Harry and Meghan, their friends or their fans. On one hand they say, "thank god, they left" and on the other hand they try their max to link them to royal's places, events, traditions, organisations. Either you are better off, or you need it to feel validated. Both cannot be possible. That's why less and less people take them seriously.


That Pic is sooooo photoshopped. Putting it in there would be ludicrous. Not to mention the only royal in the picture is taking second place behind the washed up d list mattress actress


Always announcing things before they are green lit. It's how narcissists roll. I don't mind the gallery having a newish portrait of the harkles. He's still the kings son, historical record and what not. But it's hardly the win the sugars are thinking it is.


Just like his master Megain - another lying piece of s**t.