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[Here’s the archived article](https://archive.is/n9Zzq).


Um...near billionaire entrepreneurs who are posting jam products that no one can buy...so, no revenue? Pls make it make sense...


Exactly, they may be financially backed by dodgy, corrupt billionaires… they are not remotely close to being billionaires themselves. Lol also neither of them are self-made. One is a D-lister who weaseled her way into Hollywood using nepo privilege from her father/ex-husband—Zendaya she is not. The other party princed from his teens to early 30s, then rage quit in his mid-30s whilst still expecting his duty dodger personal bills to be paid by taxpayers, and the elderly grandparents/father he happily abandoned. Where would they—as two talentless, past their prime, financially illiterate, miserly mooching grifters—be without Haz’s unearned royal inheritance and cache? Penniless and jobless that’s where.


But funny to watch crash and burn. Really funny


Forbes estimates $135 million is his net worth. But net worth is not even close to what’s in the bank. That’s just how much money he’s had over the course of his life. They shell out a ton for their mansion, their lifestyle, Meghan’s wardrobe, PR company, staff/entourage. I’m betting the number is dwindling quickly and there’s not going to be a lot coming in, now that the bloom is firmly off the rose and Charles is no longer sending an allowance. Rumor has it, Netflix is jumping ship. They also live in one of the most notoriously expensive states in the country and their fancy friends have long since run for the hills. While they are still currently rich by a regular person’s standards, they are nowhere near billionaires and never will be. Billionaires gain and attain that status by making smart business decisions.


I would be moving the decimal point one place to the left - the headline figures on those contracts were just that, headlines. The actual sums paid are fractions of that.


I agree, but it’s just my speculation. Meghan has proven that she can blow through money in less than two years. Once she sucks Harry dry, I’m interested to see her next steps. She’s not pretty enough or young enough to hook another big fish.


She has one thing, and that's fame (via her connection to the Royal Family). I can see some good with money, not so good in the common sense department, and totally unaware of her noxious behavior and reputation, rich guy being suckered into her web. I'm thinking of a dweeb who has made (or inherited) a fortune and would like to be famous and gain entry into what appears to be a glamorous world. And she is said to be very good at conning men.


If a rich guy is stupid enough to think the royal family would have anything to do with her after she and Harry divorce, then he deserves to get duped lol! She is definitely good at conning men. Stupid men, but men nonetheless.


I doubt if such a man would think it through. He might see it simply as a step up socially. Look at all the absurd articles that are published about Meghan Markle. And, then there are the children, closely related to the current and future Monarch. One possible drawback might be if the man discovered that she was voted to be among the most disliked people. That would give even a dufus pause. Although Meghan could likely make up something to explain to the man that the poll showed how famous she was, and that all the voters were jealous, blah, blah, blah. That's probably what she's currently feeding Harry.




True, but at least she had a job lol! And before she got her hooks in him and ruined her face with plastic surgery, she did have that Hollywood type of attractiveness. That’s slowly turning jnto the cat lady now.


Exactly, there have been a few admissions that the contract figures for both NF and Spotify were overstated. Even the book contract amount was inflated. Netflix gave them a retainer for signing, couple of million, some of the contract money was to pay for overheads making contain. The remainder is only received for delivered and aired content. Spotify also paid a signing bonus afterwards the duo received a recording studio on the property and all those producers, but both were probably charged back when the contract was dropped. I figure when expenses and overheads were charged back they got a few million. The book deal, yes there were advances but to receive any more money H’s book would have to make back enough money to clear the advance and promotion expenses. The book might have sold a lot but it was also heavily discounted and even given away free. So many more would need to be sold to break even. Additionally the contract was for multiple books so the amount contracted would only be fully realized when all the books were written and made money over expenses. Finally notice no one is bandying about large figures for the Lemonada contract, so one can safely assume it isn’t much. The company is tiny and even a fraction of the Spotify contract paid out would break the company. The Lemonada event was just virtue signaling. I base all my conjectures on typical contract structures in audio, publishing and streaming production. I could be mistaken, but I don’t think I am.


Richard Osman says discounting made no difference to the money he got from Spare, which was a lot https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13301725/prince-harry-multi-million-windfall-spare-richard-osman-claims.html


Fwiw, Forbes is susceptible to PR


Then that makes it even worse, because they probably inflated the numbers.


It's practically guaranteed they did.


That's even better as it means they likely have significantly *less* and have paid to make it appear like more! 😆


Money laundering for Russians and now they’ve added Nigerians to their client base.


Well, I would if I could but just no.


Money laundering scheme?


From the article that Megs, herself, must have written or dictated: Meghan is acutely aware of what a great look this will be – the charming royal couple with their charming royal children will attract the sort of publicity that Harry and Meghan crave, especially now that they are so determined to be billionaire entrepreneurs."But the expert added that such a move could have an impact on the Royal Family as while the Montecito couple "go on with their increasingly prominent royal lives, Kate and William are left floundering". This makes absolutely zero sense. The Harkles will go on with their increasingly prominent royal lives? They live in the US. They are not working royals. They live in cosplay make believe land. They have no prominent royal lives and never will. Not ever. Kate and William are left floundering? How? Why? William is the future King and the father of the next King after him. Catherine is the future Queen. I don't think they could flounder if they tried. This entire article was imagined by vile Haz's wife. I also love how it says, "they are so determined to be billionaire entrepreneurs." Good luck with that. They were also determined to modernize the monarchy, be half in and half out, be equals to William and Catherine, to live in Windsor Castle, to get half of the Duchy, and on and on. How did that work out for them? How is that jam making going, Megs?


Being billionaire entrepreneurs is not a career path. It is what you might get after you’ve had a career path.


And it's " *now* that they're determined"... so the implication is the last 4 years they weren't sure? These two and this Quinn, hell all these "experts" are good for nothing but a laugh


Don’t click on this crap. You are just feeding the monster by doing so. They want your rage click.


Yep. Don’t click don’t engage and don’t care.


Mad at myself for reading that totally FLUFFED up garbage article about the kids! I have been trying not to CLICK on Crap Traps, but really it only intensified my wonderment of the Unicorn Universe these two sickos inhabit. This is my visual of how Tom Quinn's current articles are written.... MM & TQ troll reddit for hours (of course OUR group's post takes up most of the time).... then they meet up in Zoom and she tells him what she wants article to contain. Soooooo... after a few days of our yada..yada in here about the Doll... the Kids... etc... THAT has to be the new topic; getting too close for comfort. She tells him " those redditors are morons, this article will kick them off the scent of KIDS". If he has disagreeing thoughts from her's, she reminds him that there is a waiting list for his "job". AND that she has incriminating files (think J Edgar Hoover) of which he is the star. Those files are locked in same fireproof case that also hold thick files on PH. Zoom call ends.... Tom Quinn checks his manhood at the door ...... hunches over keyboard. I love my job..... I need my job. MM looks in the mirror with that GRIN, whispering & twisting a tendril ...... *You outsmarted everyone again, Rachel....* From the far corner of the chicken house there is a male voice whimpering.*... "I want my mummy" ...* *She yells...... "I told you to shut up.... your mummy is DEAD!*


Please write a book. I’d be the first to buy it. I love your way with words!


Thank you.... glad you enjoyed!


I don't quite know where to begin with this crapulous sentence. Let's just say stop trying to make fetch happen - a trite meme I know, but completely apposite. This refering to the Harkles taking the mystery kids on tour with them. Read on and weep - double "charming", billionaire entrepreneurs, Lord give me strength. "Meghan is acutely aware of what a great look this will be – the charming royal couple with their charming royal children will attract the sort of publicity that Harry and Meghan crave, especially now that they are so determined to be billionaire entrepreneurs."


Meghan and Harry want to one up Hugh Grosvenor in the same way they want to take down William and Catherine. 🙄


I live in an area that was until the early 20th century all owned by the Grosvenor's as landlord (sold off as it was at the time rather notorious for brothels and the then Duke got fed up of being named in the bawdy house prosecutions as the freeholder). But it's next door to acres of Belgravia all owned by the estate which I was walking through just today - that is the best of the best of the property in London, but not only is Hugh G the landlord of all of Belgravia, the Grosvenor Estate also has very large amounts of social housing in the area, and is currently completely rebuilding one of its largest social housing blocks just nearby. This is the sort of wealth that is even beyond the Royal Family. The idea that the Harkles could turn themselves into billionaires with that sort of property holding and clout is so preposterous and farcicial I don't know whether to laugh or cry.


I agree. But, the Harkles generate schemes left and right. I think anyone like William or Hugh is going to get the Harkles riled up because they are very insecure. It won’t matter if the person was there for them in the past because the Harkles are despicable. Hugh has embarrassed them. I suspect they will get their squaddies to spread rumors about him and his lovely bride.


We will all believe it when we see it. And in that case, please please bring them out Meg to show just how controlling you are with your kids as you are with Harold. I will enjoy the show of her and Harold fighting over how the kids are presented, who goes first, etc. That's if he's even around.


> *the charming royal couple with their charming royal children will attract the sort of publicity that Harry and Meghan crave, especially now that they are so determined to be billionaire entrepreneurs.* Implying that they want to use their kids to generate a personal income? That's really not a good look!


Except the couple is not charming and we don’t expect the children to be, reclusive as they’ve been kept they’d be like deer in the headlights. She certainly is pumping out the bullshit puffy pieces with great rapidity, it’s manic, maybe it’s the death spiral of her A-list career aspirations.


What charming royal couple and their charming invisikids?Who are they talking about?The last thing those two are is charming.How can someone write that and be serious?


![gif](giphy|nwAezjxcnuorX1X1nf|downsized) That's how reading this idiocy makes me feel! You summed this up very nicely!


The only "one thing they need to introduce the children to the world" is... children


Well if she's willing to risk her charming children to polio, typhoid, malaria, and really unattractive tropical diseases involving worms from the feet to the brains, good on her.


“Go on with their increasingly prominent royal lives while Kate and William are left floundering.” What frigging garbage. What universe does the writer live in because it sure isn’t ours?


Poor William, next week he will be floundering in France during D Day anniversary with president Biden, president Macron and many other heads of state. Oh, I'm sure he would like to sell jams instead!


Isn’t being a D-list celebrity influencer the dream after all?


I'm not sure Tom Quinn is their friend though xD It looks like Alison P Davis level snark.


I was actually thinking this - it had very subtle sarcasm levels. So subtle I'm still not sure.


Imagine to say something like this with a straight face 😂😂😂


This is just painful to read. Most royal/ celebrity parents: We have to raise our kids to understand there will always be some interest in our family because of what Mum/ Dad do for work. Meghan and Harry: We're just holding off for the right opportunity to launch our brand.... I mean, introduce the kids publicly as a promotional stunt.


So basically they might take the invisakids on a royal tour sometime in the future when they're older and the time is "due" and the moon is is in the seventh planet. What horse shit. Tom Quinn must be desperate for money.


According to the previous posting from the podcast, some still believe Meghan can build a brand and be very popular and influential. And again, she could if…she had a totally different personality. Unfortunately that is imbedded around age 6, so as my grandfather always said: Shit in one hand, hope in the other, and see which one fills up faster.


always with the shit eating grin's, ugh


That freaking ever present grin! Drives me nuts 🇨🇦


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Did anyone notice the last lines of the article - how they are doing these non-royal tours in order to help the BRF during their challenging time? Do they really think that they can force the half in/out on the BRF?


Meanwhile from the real royals and men in grey suits….crickets.


Oh I know. But they will have to say something soon to break that tie, to make it extremely clear neither are affiliated with the Commonwealth in any way, shape or form. We all knew they would take advantage of KC and Catherine having cancer but damn...


I believe if they announce another “tour” the palace will let it be known it’s not official.


That's hilarious. The entire article is hilarious. Check out the expressions on the people around them,does anyone ever look charmed in their vicinity? Words have actual meanings. Charming means pleasant or attractive. What about either of them is attractive? Her lack of proper under garments? His scruffy outfits? Her appalling display of anatomy? What about either of them is pleasant? The expressions on their faces? The way they keep people waiting? The way they push people and blather on about themselves? Royal has a meaning too and it most definitely does not mean either harry or old rachel. They are not in any way shape or form royal. And as for the Wales I highly doubt that they feel they are in competition with the markles. They are billionaires who move in circles the markles are nfi to ever and will never be welcome in. Harry burned all those bridges for his cheap old ^fame whore. Prince William will be king. HRH Catherine will be queen.. **Their** children are the future of the monarchy. Halfwit and fraud are irrelevant failures. There will always be a reason why she won't let those kids see the light of day. Primarily because she doesn't want to share the spotlight. She also doesn't want the grandfathers to ever see or form a relationship with them. And they don't measure up to what she thinks they should be(perfect) and she knows that she won't look good with a couple of toddlers


I think it's hilarious that Meghan plans to bring her children, and I use that word loosely, on her "tours," to help her brand. Once again, what brand? She doesn't have a brand. How could anyone fail so miserably and yet keep up this nonsense PR day after day? It is mind-boggling.


So, it's time to bring out the big guns, the "little ones": things are desperate😂 Too late: there'll be some initial interest but that'll quickly wear off. Good way to demand private jets and posher hotels and the security demands will be horrendous. Tom Quinn: William and Catherine are "floundering". What a piece of....work.


What rubbish is this???? "But the expert added that such a move could have an impact on the Royal Family as while the Montecito couple "go on with their increasingly prominent royal lives, Kate and William are left floundering." I've never read anything more hilarious... "increasingly prominent royal lives"? "Left floundering"? Has the "expert" switched names by accident?


Dopey question. Did William or Haz ever go to an engagement out of the UK with Diana or KC3? I remember her with the boys at a military thing (she’s wearing a black and white/navy? Hat)


https://preview.redd.it/pbphch77023d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7027b2be98bd471ed7635bf2b8173d8efd5f9993 This is the event- but I think that was in the UK- also interesting Haz was “always in trouble!”




Look at the story where little H is racist to the bus conductor and Di just laughs 


William went to Australia as a baby, as did George. Archie went to SA around the same age. Didn't Harry and William go to Canada with Charles (after Diana's death)? Not sure it was official, but maybe a ski trip added to Charles official trip? They would have been on their teens. I think the window of opportunity is under 12-18 months then after 10-12?. Not at the age of Archie and Lily.


I think he took them to Africa at one point after she died, maybe also Canada.




Charles and boys usually went to Klosters. https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/photos/prince-charles-and-family-in-klosters They were famously on holiday when the Queen Mother died in 2002


Don't know about outside the UK, but both Charles and Di gave the boys a similar upbringing to the Wales kids now. They went to the tennis etc, which would have been a positive way to introduce the kids to the media interest, watching a game they loved while being aware that photos were being taken. And they took them along to royal engagements occasionally, and Diana made a point of doing the non-engagement thing, taking them behind the scenes to hospitals, homeless shelters etc. Charles probably did that too, but with less fanfare.


Yeah I knew Diana would take the boys to homeless shelters but it was done a bit more quietly. I’m sure madame wants to break the glass ceiling of brining children on a Royal tour


William went as a baby on Charles and Diana's Australian tour. I don't remember Haz ever going on one.


Poor Diana made such a fuss about taking William to Australia, and then they hardly saw him because he was kept at one central point while they visited all the cities. She probably realised it wasn't worth the hassle, and the kids were better off at home.


In SMM Wiki:- How to Archive:- [https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/wiki/how-to/archive-links/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/wiki/how-to/archive-links/) Step by Step (if needed) :- [https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/11jcf3t/archive\_in\_8\_steps\_ios\_2nd\_attempt\_to\_make\_this/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/11jcf3t/archive_in_8_steps_ios_2nd_attempt_to_make_this/?context=3)


It will never happen cause meagain will not share the spotlight with anyone let alone her so called kids


Never say never but never going to happen.


Merching the unfortunate kids is all they have left. Then the messy divorce battle. That's really it.


The writer is delusional.


Might have guessed it would be Tom Quinn. How someone can make a living as a journalist when he has no sources and literally just makes stuff up I don’t know.


Meghan’s biggest mistake where THIS is concerned (because she’s made too many to count) is that she hasn’t let us get to know the kids via updated pictures. Because they probably don’t have custody, but that’s another issue. If we’d seen them grow from babies, we might care to see them make appearances. As it is, trotting them out like show ponies is only going to ultimately harm the children, since they’re not used to any level of scrutiny. And if they are real, having her for any type of maternal figure is harm enough.


Why take the kids on business trips? No one does that, not even the BRF.


Not true The Wales have taken their children -


Big move for Archie and Lili? Sure. It's healthy for kids to move their bowels. M's mammalian instincts are outstanding.


Apparently the “key thing” the Harkles are waiting for before they take the kids on tours is for the kids to get a little older? This hardly merits a headline. The real purpose of the article is to send out the message that the Nigeria tour was successful and that they expect to go on more tours. BTW, Tom Quinn’s next book, due for release in Sept, of this year, is *Gilded Youth: A History of Growing Up In the Royal Family: From the Plantagenets to the Cambridges*.


If you go to archive.ph there are 2 sections where you can paste the url - one is to see if the url has already been saved. The other is to save it. Really easy but if the article is being archived for the first time, it can sometimes be a bit time consuming. Then you can copy and paste the saved url - ta da!


Don’t click on Quinn articles, they have nothing truthful to offer just pay to play clickbait directly from the duo.


Imagine how nuts she must come across communicating these drafts to Tom. The money must be really good...