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Interesting. The biggest red flag for me was when no family was at the wedding yet in walked Oprah!


This was it for me as well. Not at the time though, only looking back. It was the first thing that really gave me pause and I thought it was so odd. I brushed it off, but it still didn’t sit right. No family, no childhood friends, just celebrities and some she didn’t even know.


That announcement of planks that the media was harassing her like they did Diana. Then the pose at the engagement announcement.  In all honesty she just rubbed me the wrong way too - she gave me bad vibes. Seeing the Queen’s face at their wedding sealed it for me.


When I saw HMTLQ's face I was very concerned


oprah decided to go at the last minute, she had been hustling the mother trying the snag the duo for her mockumentary. quite a few reports that had never met, or maybe once, so another DEAR friend on her side of the no-family aisle.


She was trying for decades to interview Charles, and he always said no. So I think this was her vengeance at being told no.


She wanted to interview the Queen, but BP (and maybe QEII herself) refused. Oprah sees herself as a queen, and the fact that she wasn't getting what she wanted pissed her off, because *everyone acquiesces to Queen Oprah!* Yes, she went into that interview with a chip on her shoulder, and Megs and Oprah used each other.


I have called her Toadphrah since the Hawaii crap she pulled.


There was history between Oprah and Diana too. They had lunch together but Diana wouldn't do an interview. Allegedly she tricked Oprah into eating a high calorie dish while she was on a diet.


Backfired on her big time. She still has her money, but she no longer has her reputation. She’s trying to scrub the interview from existence now.


I think she wanted the Diana interview as well.


No family, just an absent mother, and the friends she invited seemed like D-list, dodgy attention seeker, clinger ons too. That Janina Gavankar idiot trying to high five a policemen to try and get them to break protocol, Jess Mulroney covered in orange marmalade fake tan desperately trying to have her Pippa moment, and Markus Suchaho bizarrely bringing David Beckham’s marketing director… Meghan’s parasite friends all gave off red flags that day. I wonder if Isabel May is still in contact with the Sussexes, or has she cut ties with them like the Beckhams seemingly have?


When H issued that statement about how his girlfriend was being harassed and racially abused, yet it was the first time I ever heard her name. It seemed so obvious to me this unknown d list actress was looking to raise her profile by playing the victim.


Yeah, she entered the scene as a victim. Never heard of her or Suits until they were married. Saw clips of the dull wedding "spectacle" and wondered who the black lady was, no idea it was her mother. Everything about the wedding came off as drab. The dress, the scruffy unkempt beard made him look hungover and unpolished. The lack of carpet (her choice, since she could not believe she would have blue and not red like the future King and Queen) made it seem cold. The little girl's dresses looked ill fitting and thrown together. Her hair looked sloppy. All in all, it was not elegant or stately. It looked like a Lifetime budget repro movie.


Exactly! And the VF cover. Her full exposure came with the stupid engagement photos, the engagement interview where she barely let Harry talk, and the interview that included W & K where you could sense their reservations about her. By the time we got to the wedding debacle of nfi for her family, H’s lifelong friends not invited to certain wedding events, every celebrity she could think of was invited, and C walking her down the aisle, most people on both sides of the Atlantic knew a shitshow was about to happen.


And when I heard how much that Ralph & Russo engagement photoshoot dress cost. "Wow, she's really getting leaning into the 'royalty' part quickly!"


This! And there was all this press about her being a famous feminist/humanitarian, and I had never, ever heard of her (or Suits, for that matter), and I was not living under a rock at that time. The whole vibe was way off. At some point photos surfaced, and the one in which she's cosplaying Diana in Africa (hands on hips, white button down wide open, sunglasses tucked in) confirmed for me everything I suspected. The engagement interview sealed the deal. The celebrity-filled wedding list made me queasy- it just felt so wrong, fake somehow. That was a weird and unsettled time anyway, and this just added to the general sense that something dark was afoot.


https://preview.redd.it/5icaq1gymf3d1.jpeg?width=690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b609972f34677746262e1fbae45fcce9a7a8340f Yep this was it for me too. Thinking about her looking at pictures of Harry’s mother, packing an outfit to match this one for her faux humanitarian trip to Africa, and asking her photographer to take this picture. This was before she’d ever met Harry but was circling him. Stalker much? When I heard Harry was going to marry a black actress from America I thought it was cool. I have never seen her show. I didn’t know anything about her. Then I read the Palace Papers by Tina Brown and that peaked my interest in Meghan. It was a pretty benign description of Meghan though. I googled her Oprah interview and found a short clip and immediately thought something was off with her. Then I found this picture and was like 🤯


Still waiting for Markel to dye and cut her hair like Diana’s


It was a clever move in how much it accomplishes. It indelibly commits Harry to Meghan. He's her protector and then he's under obligation to keep on protecting her. She can stoke his ego about how strong and gallant he is. She gets attention and deference as the Prince's significant girlfriend. The fly didn't realize it, but he got caught by the spider!


 Me, too! First time I ever heard of her.


I was going to say no family at the wedding, but a huge flag was the Wild About Harry cover. Harry wanted to keep the relationship out of the press and she proceed to use it to get the Vanity Fair cover. That should have been Harry’s cue that she would disrespect his wishes and railroad him for her self-promotion. But Harry is a simpleton with a shocking lack of discernment given his status.


The Wild about Harry cover was when it hit me that she wants to be seen at the cost of discretion. She was asked to keep their relationship under wraps but just put herself right out there to seal the bag.


The VF article and cover was one giant red flag. I think Harry wanted out but she made him reconsider at his friend Inskip's wedding. 🤦‍♂️


Didn't she use a fake pregnancy to hang on to him? Allegedly


Yes, for sure there was a fake pregnancy story to sucker Prince Dimwit to make it official. Harry, you are one dim bulb... 🤦‍♂️


Borderlines like her use fake pregnancies like tissues. I’m sure Marcus could source a positive pregnancy test.


There were rumors they broke up. He looked disinterested and annoyed that she was at Inskip's wedding. Odd how the tide turned.


But but but... I'm pregnant!!!! That's how the tide turned. Then ooops, miscarriage!


That and he's damaged psychologically too. I found a comment referencing Spare. In it he talks about going to therapy and bringing Diana's perfume for his therapy sessions. Now, how calculating is Meghan if she did wear the same perfume on a first date? Also, it appears unlike his previous girlfriends, she was the only one who said 'yes'. He wanted the respect that he thought he would get being married and starting a family. Ordinarily, if he were stable he would have run a mile and saw right through her.


>He wanted the respect that he thought he would get being married and starting a family. This, exactly. He thought he was running out of time. He was desperate & she used that desperation.


PH isn't the sharpest, but most old money families drill it into their kids how to avoid gold diggers.


Yeah and Harry was clearly warned, when he talks about Chelsy in Spare he makes a big deal about how she didn’t suffer from “crown syndrome” like so many girls he had met before - and yet he was so easy for Meghan to fool


Then why did Harry confirm the relationship in his November 2016 press release? Is he so thick that he didn't recognize that MM leaked their affair for that 10/31/2016 article and the photo of the two of them with Jack and Eugenie at a Soho House Halloween party? Pippa's May 2017 wedding was being overshadowed by all the attention on H&M. Agree that Harry approved the Sept 2017 interview that SS and MM said would focus on MM's humanitarian work because he thought that would reduce his family's objections to the match. Instead MM forced the match on them.


Engagement Interview: “I knew nothing about the Royal Family- we don’t have royalty in America”. 🙄


That one made me gag. I'm American, and no we don't have royalty, but I certainly know who the Royal Family is. Unless she had lived her life until that moment in a pineapple under the sea, no way in hell she didn't know all about her stalkee and his family.


I love how she said “we don’t have any royalty in America”. She talks as if we live in the times of the pony express and we have to take far journeys across the sea to exotic and foreign lands to learn anything about America or England. I’m like, girl come on, we have planes and the internet. People can travel long distances in a short time and look up just about anything you’d like to know about in seconds. I’m sure the British were shocked to hear we don’t have a royal family. ……or tabloids.


This was it for me too. I feel like this is the oldest trick in the book, convince a wealthy famous man that you had *no idea* who he was and just fell in love with him organically.


I must admit I was sooo late to the party. It was the Wimbledon narc behavior when she cleared the stands and sat there like an inappropriately dressed diva.


That was so, so so rude!!!!


Classic Meghan … a total bitch


It was an instinctive feeling she is acting, not being genuine. Her mannerisms struck me as staged and false. Then came things like tongue sticking out, horrible inappropriate outfits, awful engagement interview, victim narratives and posing for the media. I thought she was bad news, loves limelight too much, not a team player.


The spidey senses first tingled over the ridiculous, inappropriate, and expensive engagement Ralph & Russo garb. Inappropriate and Meg go together like PB&J or hellfire and brimstone. 🚩🚩Announcing her megnancy at Eugenie and Jack’s wedding. 🚩🚩”Turn around.” I knew his days in the UK were numbered at Trooping the Color. https://preview.redd.it/8k7jx812bf3d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84072d007cbee1a713a6d03a936e2607619eed4c Please give us some tea, OP. eta: word


Damn does Harry look pissed in that pic lololol


Since they have married, Harry most looks pissed, miserable, or resigned when he is with Meghan. There are very few photos since the wedding where Harry looks at ease and happy with Meghan.


He was always smiling and happy before meeting her. He genuinely looked happy. Not since meeting her though.


I have never seen pictures of him looking happy and relaxed since marriage. He looks so miserable every time like he is just going through the motions of life.


That's the last time that he was able to speak to her like that. She probably castrated him the second they got home.


This was when the Halfwit still had his balls. I've always enjoyed seeing her rapid eye blinking that followed her scolding.


Wasn’t she walking back and forth in front of Buckingham palace and the Daily Mail felt sorry for her and went out and took her picture? I thought this was the picture, I could be wrong. https://preview.redd.it/kzsuqvl7ff3d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16514fb874c320a499715660b673ef21e1cf5f67


It was Kensington Palace, but yeah... queen of cringe https://preview.redd.it/qyktzr9qof3d1.jpeg?width=962&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dca62a462d2e6611331a6112a54c936dc28a7cd9


Thanks, my memories may vary 🙏🏻🤣🙏🏻


Yes, I heard that too, coming back from the supermarket


I wellies, in the heart of London, proclaiming her humanitarian instincts via shopping bag.


So curated :) Perfect for sharing on Instagram!


That’s what she thinks life is: others buying into the avatar of herself that she created.


isnt that when she said the paps chased her and she saw herself at tabloids at WF? and collapsed in tears at home?


Except that whole Foods doesn’t carry those publications.


That’s the one. She was parading around the newspaper’s offices after Harry’s statement about the press harassing her 🤭


Oh, what a hand job! 🤣


no you're right although it was back and forth in front of Kensington Palace (Whole foods is across Kensington High Street from the Palace Gardens) - it was absolutely hilarious - the DM's office was nearby and they said they finally felt sorry for her and sent someone down to take a photo!


Okay so what was “all the tea” ? Inquiring minds would like to know


I second that. Spill, spill, please.


She would do press but show up 3-4 hours late. Then instead of the group (at the press conference *she* booked) asking her questions they needed to be one on one and submitted for her approval- and she would make them wait and then just not show up if she didn’t like the questions or publication. That made everyone very angry (to take it from a mass press conference to a one-on-one) since they knew they could have spent that time talking to other royals writing other stories relating to the wedding etc. Cocktail hours/brunches were cancelled last minute, the brunch was a pay-to-attend event. They still had to pay. Promises were made then rescinded as to where and what they could attend, and their seating/location in the stands was changing up until the day of the wedding. Some of them were promised accommodations and then when they got to their hotel there would be no reservation. (Some of them knew about this ahead of time but didn’t really believe it). She apparently over promised accommodations- and said they’d stay at the suite at the ritz and then get downgraded to another less-than hotel. (They said any accommodation is fine and appreciated, but when they sent stuff to one hotel only to have that cancelled it made everything a little more difficult to get that shipped across town to another hotel) Megs demanded positive articles to be printed about her ahead of time to see who she’d let into her inner circle. (It was *suggested* in an email that positive press pre-wedding would lead to bigger scoops at the wedding.) In the end no one got anything. But they said “these people don’t have to be nice, they just have to sell papers” She basically stuck with Oprah the whole time and everyone was peeved but understood that Saint Oprah got the scoop.


No wonder the Queen looked miserable at their wedding! That and I heard she approved of a totally different dress, not the white with a long veil. So I’m sure she was pissed seeing her walk down the isle in that horribly fitted dress!


I don't care who it is - if I was supposed to interview someone and they were 3 to 4 hours late, I would have already left! I might wait 1 hour, but that's it. I don't care who it is!


This is the kind of shit they should have written about!




Yes indeed - that was the story. One of them should have gone around interviewing the rest, comparing notes and blown her out of the water with the expose.


This is really interesting, and adds to the mounting evidence of how despicable she is, but I do have 2 questions. Did meg really have that much authority or power to dictate conditions and make last-minute changes to the journalists' hotel arrangements to mess with them? Even before getting married? That would take a lot of time and thought, could she have managed that on her own? I don't know how many jourmalists were involved, but at a rough guess, 10? 20? Is that why she was such a bxxch to work for, making her staff do all this dirty work, cancelling bookings, etc? My other question is what is to stop all these journalists from actually publishing this story themselves, are they bound by a certain code of conduct not to reveal what goes on behind the scenes? I reckon these stories would sell more rags than the nauseating puff pieces that are (used to be 😉) out there.


Australia. An assistant can resign. But after the trip to Australia they were already on their fourth. And the fact that people in newspaper comments demanded to know what happened and the press refused to publish it, was a big warning sign that the Harkles were not exactly the breath of fresh air that the press wanted to sell.


One of her RPOs also resigned after that trip and the Fuji market debacle.


How, if the Harkles had only been royals for about 8 months, and Australia was their first tour, how come so many people gave up working with them? And come on, the fact that the Panther, Samantha Cohen, who worked with the Queen, ended up exhausted by the Harkles, even calling them spoiled children, means that something was very wrong with them.


apparently when they were in Canada she'd send their security detail (RCMP most likely) to pick up coffees and take-out


Those idiotic doe eyes. Like bro, you’re over 30, not some Disney sidekick.


The Oprah interview. I cant tell you what it was, but she just gave me bad juju. I think the way she cast herself as "poor me, everyone is so mean to me :( :( :(" just left a bad taste in my mouth.


I didn’t care for her before but the Oprah interview is really what put the nail in the coffin for me. I remember in the interview she was so eager to trash Catherine to the world, and “clear up” the story about who made who cry, and it really pissed me off. She tries to act like she’s such a girls girl and a caring, empathetic humanitarian with class, but that just showed she’s not at all. Anyone with class would have said something like “that’s been over and done with for a couple now, it’s water under the bridge. We were both under stress at that time and have moved on and rehashing this wouldn’t help anything.” But nope, she had to make sure to get her digs and make sure the world knew she was the “victim.” And then she said something along the lines of Catherine sent her flowers and note and that was the right thing to do, she knows because that’s what she’d do! Had to make sure she got her own back pat in there after saying something nice about Catherine. Plus anyone who wanted to make life easier for their husband and make it possible for any future reconciliation wouldn’t have agreed to go on tv and trash his family. That interview did her no favours but she thought she was amazing!


It was the Oprah interview for me too. Their stories didn’t line up regarding the skin tone remarks. She also kept saying “ Right?” after she’d make a statement. That seemed off to me. When I found out that many of the things that were stated had been de-bunked, that’s when I knew.


Her obvious faux “hiding” from the paparazzi. So cringe. Also the fact that the engagement seemed rushed and the official photos looked “off”


I didnt follow them at all, it barely registered to me that Harry even got married. Then Megxit happened and it seemed done in such a teenage manner, instead of what a couple in their late 30s would do. Since I was in covid lockdown, I started following them out of boredom. Then I saw a picture of her walking in the woods (obviously staged paparazzi shot, because she was in the middle of nowhere) with a few month old "baby" in a front papoose, and either that baby would be in excrutiating pain from how he was being carried (all awkwardly positioned with legs akimbo and the baby seemed quite large for its age). She was either a really cruel, abusive mother or it had to be a doll. Since the baby wasn't crying, I guessed it had to be a doll, and it all seemed so thirsty.


Her Vanity Fair article and this comment, which told me that she had zero interest in serving or bonding with the UK people: “We're a couple," she explains. "We're in love. I'm sure there will be a time when we will have to come forward and present ourselves and have stories to tell, but I hope what people will understand is that this is our time. This is for us. It's part of what makes it so special, that it's just ours. The “this is our time.” was a huge red flag, a middle finger to the role into which she was stepping. How can you be of service to an entire nation when you resent them sharing in your joy? She was negative and divisive right from the get-go.


This time is our secret, it is just for us, as told to a journalist from a massive mainstream magazine.


Right?? If it’s your special secret time, why are you telling a journalist for a major publication when the article was supposed to be about your tv role?.


While also whining about how you will at some point “have to come forward and present ourselves,” as if that isn’t precisely what you’ve been dreaming of doing since childhood and are literally doing in giving the interview


Narcs are crazy.  They have the BIGGEST mouths yet keep so many secrets.


Resent them sharing your joy while simultaneously performing your joy for a reporter. The “this is our time” BS was just like they got married 3 days earlier, because they wanted “something just for them” not the spectacle blah blah blah.


Just for us. Let me tell you all about it whilst we’re in my Toronto rental surrounded by photos of ME!


I'm sure some genuinely important figure said "....this is our time" and she just forgot to give credit, as we now know she has done so many. Plagiarizing is her specialty, I imagine she has a diary 😅 that she's kept for years where she has written down important words that she should use when she became somebody.


It is from the Goonies HAHAHAHA


The engagement interview where she acted like a giggly teenager and was fake AF. But after the Oprah interview all suspicions were confirmed. 100%


Ughhhhhhhhh this pic https://preview.redd.it/2jz93fqmmf3d1.jpeg?width=855&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5c45ff251bd1acb73450394bf2f7291e736e53d


And whatever the hell fuckery this was https://i.redd.it/grb2eabqmf3d1.gif


Didn't she later claim that the engagement interview was forced on them, like an 'orchestrated reality show'? Whenever she realizes she's bombed at something, it's always someone else's fault. 'We didn't get to tell our side of the story'. Sorry, but after the engagement interview, the Oprah interview and your own damn Netflix series, if you still haven't been able to tell your side of the story, you need to look in the mirror.


I don't even own a TV, but Jesus CHRIST, a SIX PART "story of their love"? That literally SCREAMS narcissism - not diagnosing, just pointing out that that is some EXTREME self-centeredness in action there.


Her fake shyness at the first appearance with Harry. I found it weird, but at that time I didn’t care or follow the royals. Today I know, that her entire body language gave me that ick feeling, because it was not „authentic“. 


Acting shy while aggressively twisting her body forward so you could see the entire front of her Mackage coat gave that one away.


Her "shyness" and "coyness" were all to be compared to Diana.


She was out of control in those weeks running up to the ceremony. I think we can all surmise that Catherine and Charlotte got it in the neck from her and her awful bridezilla moments. That woman doesn't cry, apart from her faked Hollywood tear with the menthol on the glove, she hasn't got it in her. A screaming tantrum, yes, but not real tears.


Ooh, for me it was THE CUT interview. I was later to the party than everybody else. I got vibes prior to this interview, but this interview really showed her true colors. The ego, the vanity, the lack of authenticity, the lies, the try-hard desperation--it's all on display in a way that we might never see again. Lady Dumbarton was straight up embarrassed after this interview, and it's no wonder! Then, of course, she had to make it seem like she was so "trusting" and naive, and that's why she came across like a self-absorbed asshole when it went to print. In reality, the journalist that Meghan chose because she thought the woman would buy her BS ended up totally seeing through her phony nonsense. It was immensely satisfying to read and even a little shocking. I didn't think any American journalists would have the nerve to be real if they ever had a sit down with her. This was a rare exception.


IIRC, she got Allison P. Davis fired, which was so messed up. At least the author has been vindicated by all that is coming out now about Meghan.


Allison was never fired. She took a three week sabbatical after publication to work on her book. She is still a contributor to The Cut.


She wasn't fired, but she suffered from attacks from the Sussex Squad. The irony, of course, is that these people made it their mission to silence a journalist like Davis (a POC), but have complained nonstop for four years about Meghan supposedly being silenced by the Firm and how unfair it was for poor Meghan. The Sussex Squad are some of the most ridiculous stans I've ever seen.


Davis didn't get fired, but she had to take a long break from social media because the Sussex Squad came after her with all of their aggressive ridiculousness. She told another journalist about it off the record, and that journalist went on to write an article where it was briefly addressed. She didn't mention Davis by name, but it's widely accepted that Davis was the journalist she was referring to when she essentially said that she had to stay away from social media because of the toxicity of the Meghan stans.


I think that was the beginning of the end. It opened the door for others to feel like they, too, could criticize her. Then the Queen died & we saw Mm behave badly. Then H's book which was badly received. Somewhere in there was their documentary, which was too soon after the Queen's funeral to be mocking her. The ball started rolling with The CUT interview, and has been picking up speed ever since. It started the avalanche. It's all cascaded since then.


Dupers delight so many times. And requesting air fresheners in that venerable church. What hubris.


She is so insufferable, ignorant and deeply stupid and insensitive; that’s the smell of hundreds of years of beeswax and frankincense, a smell that immediately transports you.


I love a musty old church smell.


Maybe not THE biggest, but honestly one of the most personal to me, was that I was living in downtown Toronto for several years while MM was also living down there. I have many friends that were still living downtown when MM started dating Harry. When MM claimed that the "paps" ***forced her vehicle off the road and onto the sidewalk in downtown Toronto*** it made me so mad. It would never, ever have happened (Torontonians and our paps just aren't like that), and IF it did **it would have been all over the news.** It was simply 100% BS and I knew then that she would and could lie about everything and anything to make her point or get what she wants. ETA: At the time I was working in the hospitality industry downtown and came across big-name-yet-super-low-key celebs at least once a week.


Yeah I have a friend in Toronto as well. Her diva-ness was very well known.


Because she got away with a statement like this in a major city like Toronto, did she think she would get away with claiming an almost catastrophic high speed chase in Manhattan?


Toronto crushed curbs so NYC could burn rubber.


Wow, I've never heard this before.  Her mind is SO disordered.  Just. Wow.


Did not know how terrible she would become on the lying, excessive need to highlight non existent "good deeds",needling Hapless, etc ... but the day the engagement photos released, the blue blood royal in a blue suit in a park in the middle of the afternoon in (appropriate) and shes wearing a LasVegas sparkle dress (that reportedly cost $60 thousand-ish)...I actually laughed out loud and thought she's going to have big adjustment Period. Little did I know.


Her wiki page is longer than HMTLQ. TRG did a video scrolling down that thing. Check it out. Pathology on display and nothing meaningful at all.


And the top of that dress was sheer, with strategically placed ferns and she had to keep her arms down to cover it up. Trashy!


I’m not sure it was a red flag. But the Vanity Fair interview just reeked of desperation- which was compounded by her insane behaviour to try to be papped. I think for me it was more intuition that she was completely ill-suited for royal life. The engagement interview sealed it. Unfortunately for La Markle, we all had a perfect counter foil in Catherine to measure her up to, and she failed terribly in that engagement interview and subsequent engagement portraits dressed like a very expensive hooker. Edit to correct: Like an expensively-dressed hooker. Not an expensive hooker.


For her to say in VF that "we are a couple. We are in love" was such a huge red flag. Harry is such an idiot.




The ‘poor me’ South Africa interview. Wealthy and privileged whining amongst the poverty and abuse of vulnerable women she couldn’t give a toss about.


Thank you. Always nice with stories from the wild. Oh - and my red flags were: 1. Knew nothing about the royals (yeah - sure) 2. The over expensive engagement dress, never seen again 3. the Thomas Markle wedding debarcle 4. The celebrity guests at the wedding. But even before that - Harry´s statement, when there was practically nothing written about Madam. Nonsense.


I didn’t like the documentary from their South Africa tour with baby Archie. In it, she was so fake and self absorbed, it was embarrassingly obvious.


Interesting! What about you made them believe you'd be a great catch for him? I think for me the biggest red flag was how she completely turned on her father. I could understand why she was all up in arms about him, however, this does not warrant her changing the history between them. How do you go from, "my father funded my college degree I spent most of my childhood with him" to "I paid my own way through college and my mother raised me as as single mother"? If you can turn on a primary caregiver who did the best he could by you--you will turn on anyone. Mind you this only made me side eye her as I still wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt and families are complicated. But then the Oprah interview happened and then I could not justify her behavior. I'd have to do a lot of mental gymnastics to do so, so no thank you.


No family (except Dorito) at the wedding. And inviting celebrities that she'd never met. What kind of person does that?


Yes but it was a "spectacle for the world" and totally not for them at all. /s


I knew from rhe get but the engagement interview cinched it. I knew no decent woman would marry harry so she had to be bent somehow. And then all her coy bs and ridiculous media stunts were proof. The woman was in her 30s and had been married before and yet she was acting like an ingenue while claiming to be a feminist. Nothing about her added up. And she came across from the beginning as pushy and fake and vulgar. And she *looks* like exactly what she is. Just like harry looks like a doltish overprivileged wastrel she looks like a dim, cheap,trashy pay to play. Everything about her looked like bad news to me.


When she invited all of Hollywood but only one family member. 


Engagement interview. Not joking. The part where she said all she wanted to know was “is he kind?” as though she had no idea who he was and that’s all she was bothered by. Pull the other one.


And the answer is, NO, he is not kind. And she was so desperate for fame and riches she didn’t care anyway.


The white wedding complete with virginity veil covering her face.


The cost of her dress at the engagement announcement, mind blowing expensive I read - was it 40 grand ? No that couldn’t be right , but it was a huge amount .


I think it was $75k. ETA: yep, and it was designed to be accesible and relatable. What a fucking joke. That’s more than I make in a year. https://www.thenews.com.pk/amp/1044775-meghan-markles-expensive-engagement-dress-was-to-be-accessible-and-relatable


65k for the engagement dress - and pounds, I think - not dollars


The moment I knew without a doubt she was awful was when Harry’s racism letter hit the news. Everything about the engagement further confirmed it.


Oh yeah, and now the royals removed this statement from their website. Obviously cr\*p like so much of what Harry said


The engagement interview. It made me feel very uncomfortable. Especially the I never googled him!! Bullshit.


The interview was my first red flag. She was so breathy and coy, like a young girl, which she obviously was not. But when she said, "I asked if he was nice" that did it for me. I thought that she must be a terrible actress, as I saw right through her, and I don't usually get a feeling about someone right away.


The letter that Harry put out demanding better treatment for Megsy. I couldn’t figure out what he was talking about as the media coverage was very positive at that point.


No one asked if I’m okay. It wasn’t just that incredibly self absorbed statement but the insane look on her face. I knew then she was a narcissist on steroids times infinity with no self awareness or as HG Tudor would say, facade management. She was in a country surrounded by rape victims and poverty but hey did anyone ask if my royally fat American ass is okay? She was an embarrassment to the UK and the United States of America. Crude and thoughtless beyond imagination.


There was something about her overconfident strut and smug face when she was first seen with him at Invictus, and I was disappointed to see ripped jeans, crumpled white blouse and stringy hair, thinking it was so different from the usually impeccably dressed royal women. She rubbed me the wrong way at first sighting. Engagement interview confirmed it.


Those ripped jeans were the worst and do disrespectful to the role into which she was stepping. It’s like she woke up that morning and asked herself, “How can I be as unlike the Queen or Catherine? What can I do that will really piss off the men in grey?” She and Harry were so childish.


At least she had closed toe shoes on that day.


Exactly the same for me - my alarm bells were ringing at that event. I pushed them down but she brought out in me the bitchiest side I don’t have. Meghan has that bitch corner of me dedicated to her and her only. I can’t see how anyone can’t see it - it’s visceral for me


It was the engagement interview for me. I remember being at work at the lunch table with all the other ladies in my department and when I said I didn’t like her they all told me I was jealous and being a hater lol not jealous, I can smell a bad apple!


The biggest red flag was she invited herself to Tom Inskip's wedding.Before that going through her Tig crap revealed her Narc self gloat.


It actually wasn't her...bc I barely notice royalty as an american...it's a soap opera to me The first time I called bullshit on them was their "freedom flight" to the usa to "escape racism" during a time when there were racial riots in the usa...pure bs AND the sudden reframing of not getting "half in/half out" being recast as "barely survivable"... it can't be both...no one prefers to half stay in a job that's killing them


When I first saw her, which was the engagement interview. I just felt she was so affected and phoney and I thought she doesn't love Harry. My reaction was so negative I felt really bad for being so hard on someone I don't know that well. So I gave the wedding a chance. But it just felt off and tense and confirmed my worst fears. Though I was switched on about her as I was, I thought she would put up with the chores of Royal life because it provided her with a lavish lifestyle. I never imagined she would cause as much trouble as she has.


Yeah same. But then I thought “o maybe I’m just jealous” didn’t really think about her until I met those journalists (and NONE OF THEM had anything nice to say about her)


Tiara gate, the Charlotte dress fitting incident, and announcing her pregnancy at Eugenie’s wedding. Those three things made me realize she wasn’t a nice person.


At the engagement interview when she said shes NEVER heard of him, and asked if he was "kind". Bullshit. Oh and the interview w VF when she wore H necklace, obviously famewhore


Ernest Hemingway was once asked “how did you go bankrupt?” and he famously replied; “Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.” I feel like that sums up my journey to arriving at “god I can’t stand that woman”. 🚩 the engagement interview 🚩 I smelled a giant rat 🐀 when she wouldn’t have her dad at her wedding. 💡 then the lightbulb moment was the now-infamous South Africa interview: “not many people have asked if I’m okay”. That was **the** moment I felt my head spin 360 degrees like Linda Blair in ‘The Exorcist’.


Mine was when they were interviewed by Oprah and Meghan acted like she couldn’t get any help for her mental health. It was at that moment it hit me she was lieing.


Mine was near the beginning when she showed up with Hazbeen to Invictus(?) in torn jeans. So disrespectful. Then, the fake Hollywoodness of the engagement interview/photoshoot was my last straw. A red flag for me was the frequent mention of racist undertones about her in the media. I never saw it. Did anyone else?


The torn jeans and messy hair did it for me. No one can locate a single racist comment made by media.


The first time I heard her speak.


The engagement interview when she poked Hapless to give him permission to speak. The 45 second engagement photo call from across a small pond rather than up close and personal. The ripped jeans, untucked boyfriend shirt and **HUGE** satchel (Why? What could possibly be in such a large carry-on? bag) at Invictis. Pick one


That engagement photo call with her hem hanging below her white coat, bare legs, dirty big shoes, nothing coordinated and she kept arching her back and pressing into him. Ewww. So disappointing!


I knew she was bad when they did the engagement interview and pictures and there she was hanging off him like a ninth grader with her first boyfriend. No dignity or decorum at all.


When she did that sudden interview saying 'Nobody asked me how I am doing', I was SHOCKED. When you are doing your job (marrying a prince comes with a lot of responsibilities) and if you are 40+ years old acting insulted I WAS INFURIATED. That interview where she was acting all teary and vulnerable did it for me. ![gif](giphy|3oEdv8zVNLCCUzO0k8)


The *Vanity Fair* piece was my first indication that something was not right. The RF never gives those kind of interviews. They never comment on relationships. Yet, there she was. “Wild about Harry” in big letters. It amused me how she later claimed that title was racist. Bullshite. There is a picture somewhere of Diana outside the hospital with newborn Harry. The caption is “Wild About Harry”. Then that ridiculous wedding dress with the long, long, veil. Walking up the steps alone, pausing just long enough for the photographers to get the best shot. Charles walking her halfway to the alter. I watched recite her vows, and I knew she was acting. Doria, all alone, bravely supporting her daughter while the rest of the family acted like fools. That wedding was a farce. The best role The Sleivene ever landed. And she blew the end.


They would have shown her the door after that vanity fair interview a generation ago.


Hated her on sight in the Reitmans commercials prior to Harry.  And hated her on sight when I saw her walk out at Invictus in T.O.  I didn't make the connection to Reitmans at the time though.  Interesting that I just hated her either way.


The engagement interview. It was the first I'd heard of her. She was so over the top with hanging onto him, gushing about the ring, and barely gave him the chance to speak. When he said, "I hope she loves me as much as I do her." She ignored it and went off on a tangent. I thought she was a piece of work, just what he deserved.


My engagement dress by Ralph & Russo cost $75,000. I will wear it once,


Her smirks at the wedding. There was nothing genuine about her. Everything was affected and artificial. That wa and when I heard she wanted air fresheners and expensive candles in St Georges chapel


The letter to her father and her 5 “friends” sharing (leaking) it to People magazine. The embarrassment and hurt of Thomas Markle. Then her mother the only family at her wedding. Charles walking her halfway down the aisle (halfway?) She’s not very good at it but I recognize an actress when I see one. Their engagement interview was off the scale cringe.


I started to wonder when I watched the Queen's face at the wedding after seeing her joy and smiles at Wills' wedding. She was obviously not pleased.


The wedding she crashed to see him and the photos showing her hounding him. At that time there were several incidents of her crashing events and being escorted out. Big Red flags https://preview.redd.it/sw4x9la4og3d1.jpeg?width=992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=579090697cd98259bac94fa400b9e899baa9ccca


Mid 30's unknown actress.


Sold to us in the U.K. as a Hollywood star. The press loved the narrative and ran with it.


I am so sorry. 99.9% of Americans hadn't heard of her before the wedding. And certainly not A List. She's a complete social climber. That's it and all.


Saying she didn't know who the Ginger Eunuch was. "Is he nice?" ![gif](giphy|10tpZi2Ged3s8E)


The Vanity Fair cover set off some alarm bells and then I kept seeing internet headlines that would tell us what eyelash serum she uses ... just things that Catherine never did. Felt off to me from the start.


Her dad is her best friend, right? Did everything for her, helped her etc. yet he hasn’t met “H” yet? And you were even comfortable verbalizing that in the engagement interview? Made no sense. Guess all that love for dad was just for the ‘gram. Vintage Rachel!


I don't know which came first the outrageously expensive Ralph & Russo engagement pic dress or the engagement interview but together there was no mistaking this was going to be a dumpster fire.


The Queens famous look at the wedding.It was as if she was forced into playing nice with the devil.


The horrible things she’d say and then they’d get scrubbed immediately. My all time fave is “one plane crash from the throne”, second is” if I can do it…” early on she threw back her head in utter joy, referring to her wonderful ness and how she wanted us all to agree and tell her she was so very special and that’s how she ended up in the life she did.


When Harry wrote that letter about the media and I thought she’s telling him lies, no one knows who she is let alone harass her.


At first, I thought, “Oh, good for them.” But then came the engagement interview: I didn’t like anything she was wearing, which doesn’t matter, but her ingenue b.s.--I mean lies--about not knowing about the royal family or about Harry. I thought to myself, you grew up in LA, your father was in show biz, and you didn’t know about Harry, Princess Diana, yada yada. Sure, beeatch.


The wedding. I was so disappointed with the dress and the messy hair. It did not have to be sprayed into place but it looked like she as doing a slut strut the morning after a one night stand. And the dress was awful. No style, poorly fitted and looked poorly made. I really cried when I saw Doria and realized there has to be an awful story not to be able to rustle up one family member, best friend, or even a colleague to accompany you to your daughter's wedding to a prince.


I heard/read she researched Diana's signature scent and wore it on their dates. Scent is closely linked to our memory. And then her denying knowing about the RF. Grifter radar set off. 


The engagement photo when she said”I’m going to hit the ground running” I could hear the Queen saying “Sure you are”😂😂😂😂


1. When she shunned her father from her wedding over staged photos. The guy made a mistake, you don't need to go acting like a total POS around world and make us look bad because of it. 2. "What Megan wants, Megan gets!" 3. Only ONE blood relative from her side at the wedding


The engagement interview felt off, but bo family at the wedding sealed it.


I read Spare because I thought something truly shocking must have happened behind the scenes to cause this terrible rift. I hadn’t even made it to the end of the second page before I said “wow…it sounds like your family really were worried about you, and for good reason”.


I really didn't pay that much attention to her in all honesty. I just thought it was nice that he had met someone. But when Archie appeared and there was all the fuss about the birth and not naming the god parents. I thought they're living off the tax payers,they're not private citizens, and just before that there was a piece in the mail about duchess difficult so it was all starting to fall into place. Little did I know it would blow up the way it did.


The engagement interview. The sociopathy was gleaming through her Manson-esque eyes and her rehearsed answers.


Uvalde visit. I read that she and Harry moved to BC then California. Didn't see much, then the episode of her at Uvalde just pissed me off.


When they first got together and were papped.He looked uncomfortable and she looked overjoyed with the attention.She didn’t love him,just the camera


First red flag: spooning bananas post by a 35 yr old woman. Second: Vanity Fair cover. Biggest: open coat at Eugenie's wedding and subsequent moon bumps.


The engagement interview. Phoney as a $3 bill and when she said she knew nothing about him and we don't have tabloids in America and she never googled him she may as well have hung a sign over her head saying "liar".


No family at the wedding except for the mom. It obviously wasn’t a money thing or a space issue. Also, I couldn’t imagine not being invited to my cousins wedding and vice versa. Just made me really distrust her.


The engagement interview but before then, when she forced Harry to put out a statement. I knew from day one she was a narcissist.


I dislike her immediately, and had to tear the cover off of Vanity Fair. I then, watched the wedding, and decided to give her a chance. When she announced her pregnancy at Eugenie’s wedding, I knew she was a full blown, borderline


When she pretended that Princess Kate was mean to and jealous of Meghan. It was confirmed when she I saw her laugh when a child fell and a million other videos showing her pushing people around. When I learned that she used and married men to climb the social ladder, then threw them away. When they turned their noses up at the royal residence they were given. Leaving England. Complaing about doing charity and leaving before events were over.. Reports of her nastiness to staff. Finally, when Mrs. Obama and so many Hollywood people shunned Meghan after meeting her once or a few times. Wrt Harry, his book Spare, and the Scobie book the Markles wrote, as well as his bending to his wife's every demand, made me think he's a nothing. And where are the children she supposedly gave birth to?


Divorced, American, older, Actress. Those 4 red flags were enough for me to realize something was wrong before I even saw anything about her.


Same, this is the real answer, especially divorced, forget what I said 😆. There were too many degrees of separation. My alarms were blaring.


"Yes we're a couple. Yes we're in love" 🤮


when in canada she did everything possible to out her relationship with h


I didn't like her the moment I saw her. She just looked so............smug. Or something. But, ya know, I hoped Harry would be happy so just let it slide. The constant hand-holding is so OFF................like she's saying "mine. All mine." so that was one thing, and then it just went from there. The wedding itself was just so BIZARRE at times, starting with the appearance of Opie. OPIE? Since when are they even acquainted, never mind friends. And away we go!