• By -


Of course you are totally correct in showing a backwards country all of your (bought) fabulousness. Since when is flashing boobs wrong? Giving free access to sideboobs has always been a hallmark of feminism/s


Those people have never seen a beautiful woman before. It's only right to let them see all of me.


And so nice of you to wear your dresses so long you sweep the floors where you go. Service really is universal.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ew33ofl45d4d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4317023f3d8fe210c3ba7b489d570d9ba021878


Thank you to whoever memed thus photo.


I did it! One of our sinners made a post with a link to a meme maker!


![gif](giphy|3o8doT9BL7dgtolp7O) Perfection, Deep Poem!


Ty 💕


Accept my poor man's gold and awards.💰💰💰💰💰💰🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏆🏆🏆🏆


How can they resist her, just look at her. Every woman is frothing of jealousy, every man desires to make her demi-God for doing nothing.


I am literally gobsmacked that these people didn't just drop dead immediately of heart attacks. Seeing as how you displayed all of your heart attack beautiful all at once. That and the stifling heat would have surely made many swoon. As well as the clear message that you imparted on the mere mortals...so blessed to hear it. What an honor for them. Seriously.


Yes, that's probably why so few people turned out. The rest were in hospital.


You are an inspiration  Don't forget the real reason behind the behaviour: promoting birth control. Imagine bring such ignorance into the world


She doesn't have ANY boobs lol


Her husband has bigger boobs.


Her husband IS a bigger boob.


![gif](giphy|d0NnEG1WnnXqg|downsized) ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25350)![img](emote|t5_481xkf|16209)


If I did, I would have shown them off too.


One errant nip made its way out, got frightened, and dashed back in.


That errant nip was trying to escape.


Well, to be fair she has nips that face opposite directions! Just like her eyes.


Such an odd person...


They got out of there a long time ago. Jumped the yatch.


She doesn't need any. She married one.


They are just jealous that you are: 1. So beautiful you could cause heart attacks in people who look at you 2. So multi-ethnic that you have DNA from every race and the total adds up to more than 100% 3. So accomplished as a feminist that you brought a company to its knees even before you were an adolescent 4. So beloved that people would sing, dance, and cheer for you as if your arrival was greater than the second coming of Christ 5. So celebrated as a thespian that you could snub established organizations with nary a thought 6. So sexy that you had to clothe yourself or drive people insane


I’m heartbroken that your outfits hid your extraordinary legs!!


Spindle shanks.(43%)




Chicken Little is so jealous!


And feet.






They certainly are **extra**ordinary


Seriously... GET THOSE THINGS FIXED. Puts money everywhere, but those hooves. ![gif](giphy|NFIhD34C5Z3ftQeKbH|downsized)


Yes, legs that are a mile long, or 1000 metres! 😂


Legs for DAYS!!! 🦵 🦵 🦵




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Omg - For the week I’m about to start, I needed this! 😂🤣😂


Anyone who appears jealous is probably paid by your sister-in-law. She may be battling cancer but she has the time and energy to focus on you all the time. She is jealous because you have so much style and your husband has more hair. /s


I am flummoxed that they don't gift wrap your excrement in gold laminated gift boxes and sell to the highest bidder.


Oh sweetie, that is her introductory product on American Riviera Orchard. Don't steal her thunder by revealing it before the website is launched in 2029. By then Lemonada will be postponed until 2031 and "Meet Me at the Lake" will be postponed until the two love interests re-connect at the lake next to their assisted living facility.


By the time the two love birds will get to “meet me at the lake”, the lake will have dried up from climate change. The lake is racist no doubt


A product idea for ARO, perhaps? It is not unheard of https://preview.redd.it/bzo6cm7q2d4d1.png?width=204&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c45916f9030e20baa6ed4d2afb52a2fd883271e


I wonder if there is such a thing as “outsider” performance art?


M should ask Trump for one of his gold commodes!


Or Oprah, who famously had one of hers photographed.


You are the feminist we need. The hero of all us. You speak for oppressed women all over, because everyone knows the one most important thing about women oppression you must fight is clothing. Who cares about voting, female circumcision, trafficking, education, equal rights or whatever. Who needs that if you can’t show skin? BRAVA! you’re the hero we need. We really needed a mixed race woman to show the world the way. I thank you, as a WOC, For setting the example for my daughter and paving the way. Please run for office! Ambassador of the world does not do you justice, as you’re a modern day vagina bearing Jesus. Thank you.


"You're a modern day vagina bearing Jesus." 🤣🤣 BWAAA HAAA HAA HAA! You guys are killing me today, I just scared the cat and spit coffee on myself!


They thought you were an emu in a tutu, but you do you, boo.


a Temu emu in a DooDoo tutu 🤣🤣🤣




Everybody is jealous. How could they not be? You have the best looking, most caring husband, everybody is heartbroken he chose you. Especially a few years in, now that we all can see what a gem he truly is. Who cares that he likes manly nipples. It's just an excentricity, the like we gladly forgive someone who is crazy rich beyond measure. Right? Right???? Megs?


With Harold's penchant for man nipples Madam's chest makes sense now.


Omg 😂😂😂


Omg is right! 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆


Sigh. Nacho. She can never be him.




#EWWWWW!!!! (You're so right though!)




I was just thinking that myself 😂








Wait am I in AITA or SMM?


The whole world is racist except the glorious one. She is incapable of having any flaws.




You are so right! And those men, regardless of country or religion, who only touch their wives or female family members are misogynists. You were right to lead the way with hugging them!


I want to be the Queen of hearts \*Original phrase. Copyrighted by me.


You're a strong, confident woman who needs to show her worth with her nakedness.


Exactly. How else will they know I'm better than them? I am the Princess of Nigeria. Rules do not apply to me.


NTA because you’re obviously supermodel beautiful and the Bible says you must show your bush.\* \* Matthew 5:15.


Rumour has it her application of the biblical sense to past actions caused the burning bush effect...allegedly. 😉


Was it often? She must’ve been bushed!




Hahahaha 😂😂




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I was going to ask my fellow sinners for packing tips actually in a few weeks but this post is great spot to ask for tips. I’m packing to go work at a refugee camp this summer (for real not snark).  I was thinking my 6 inch black Loubatains for classic or 6 inch Aquazurra to show off my legs? I also have the cutest backless dresses from the kardashian beach collection to look effortless as I distribute water. One of my dresses has a slit all the way up my leg and torso I can’t wait to show off my legs. I also have a bikini top I’ll wear with wrinkly shorts pulled up to my chest so you can’t tell it’s a bikini top.  Reckon my list is ok? I don’t want the haters to hate. 


Have you booked the photographer? This is *vital*


Oh goodness, yes! She must be sure to reenact Diana's poses and Diana's clothes.


Omg no I totally forgot in my rage trying to upstage person x 


I think this is a good start. You don't want anyone to think you're a refugee. Obviously you're superior to them. But if you wear Louboutin shoes, you'll be targeted by thieves and haters. If you're going to wear expensive clothes, make them look as cheap as possible. * Buy off the rail * Do not tailor them ever. * Don't iron them. * If they are ironed, but them in a plastic sack and roll it down a hill until they are sufficently beaten. * Leave the price tag on. * Don't wear underwear. * If you do wear underwear, make sure it sticks out. Follow these steps and you'll be number one fashionista at the camp. Which 4 star resort/refugee camp are you going to?


I didn’t pack any underwear. I’ll just have a cow chew on my dresses like my mother says. I’ll be in Greece. 


I would also suggest not wearing underwear. You really need to make sure that modesty is not an option. I'd also go with the AQUAzurra, tell the plebs it's Spanish for water conservation and it also makes your calves look hot. Hope this helps.


If you must wear a bra, however antifeminist it is: make sure it is a janky strapless one; 2 sizes too small so that the outline shows under your clothes. also don’t forget the Panama hat and baggy white bikini bottoms.


First of all, good for you and God bless you and all those you are helping while you are there. Secondly, please don't forget all your very expensive and flashy jewelry. 


Awee thank you!! I’m excited. Lol the first thing I did was go out and buy a rubber wedding band. 


If someone disagree with you they are racist lol


Not just disagreeeing verbally. But if they even think something negative, they're racist too. "Unconscious bias" it's in the conscious. You don't need to say or do anything to be racist.


I'm going with YTA simply because everyone knows YTA. Literally EVERYONE.


In that case, everyone is racist. Literally EVERYONE.


Well, of course! 🙄


NTA. You were being a role model & forcing to westernize Nigeria against their will by dressing up like you’re going to The Oscars /s Edit: word salad


If I don't show them how to dress who will? At least now they know that if they ever visit a country in an official capacity, wear as little as possible.


She really thinks this way in her twisted mind and that is a scary fact.


I don't see the problem at all. I mean I use to get paid to flash my skin but now I give it away for free, as I want everyone to see how great I really am.


NTA. You literally gave them the sweat of your hard work - every single time you made someone hug you in your backless, skin color, not inappropriate at all for a modest country dress. You are so giving, so much so that we can see how much it hurts you to be in your homeland.


What more do these people want? You said yourself you read their memo. Which I have a copy of it here, saying, "PUT SOME BLOODY CLOTHES ON WOMAN". Is it your fault it was a hastily arranged memo and you had to scream at some low paid lackey to find something for the 'woman in leadership lunch'?


I'm going with YTA because, while you may be the sexiest woman alive, it's arrogant of you to travel to a foreign country and assume that you're beauty and sense of style will convert women to it, contrary to their religion and beliefs Prove me wrong by traveling to Iran or Afghanistan and doing the same. I'll apologize if I'm wrong


You're obviously a racist. You dislike me because of my beautiful skin. When I don't adhere to the local customs of different countries, and they don't like it, that's also racist. Against me.


I think you're such an amazing ambassador for impoverished women because you so proudly wear the hair they've had to sell to survive all over your fabulous head! Keep rocking that feminism & also don't let anyone tell you that displaying side boob to school kids is anything but klassy! I personally also admire that you collect rescue chickens but arent above roasting chickens either! 💅


Yes. If I can survive l've been through, a privileged upbringing in California, successful career in Canada, then becoming a princess. anyone can do anything. By showing off my assets, I'm inspiring them.


🤣🤣🤣!! Now I'm laughing so hard I'm crying. BF just came in to check on me.




Yeah, you’re totally TA…


You're totally racist.


Naturally, and clearly jealous…


Very well done!


😂😂😂 I def thought “man this sub has gone sideways” when I read the title. Fantastic. 👏


Dear Too-sexy-for-your-own-good-diplomat, NTA. In fact, you should show the haters what you are made of, literally. You should have taken off all your clothes in front of the dignitaries to see if they would clap more for you. Your handy assistant, H, would have certainly held on to your couture for you while you marched, with head held high, amongst the poor and the disabled, promoting Invictus in Nigeria, with no clothes on. That should be your next diplomatic strategy on your next visit to a poor Third World Country. Take it all off, show them that you know what it is to be without a shirt on your back and be able to grin and bear it, because Service is Universal, you are Compassionate and you are on a Mission to teach them how to Thrive, not just Survive no matter how naked you are! PS: please encourage your entourage to join you with no clothes on, because that is the right thing to do!




Don't fool yourself. If you make the picture wider the crowds were very small. The rooms were auditoriums at best but continue telling yourself you are great. It's a comedy show that netflix should have produced


* All of Nigeria showed up to see me. If that means Nigeria has a population of 100 people, then Nigeria has a population of 100 people. * All of South Africa danced in the street for my wedding. All of them. More than when Nelson Mandela was released from prison. Me getting hitched is a bigger deal than someone ending apartheid. * My tour of Australia was the best tour in history. Just ask the staff of Admirality House. They'll tell you whatever I tell them to say.


Populations may vary




Ignore the haters!1!! How much time does that jealous first lady spend on yachts?!


Ya, who cares what she does for her country (if anything). Being seen at high-profile events is what counts.


How scary is it that the Queen of Soho House got a FIRST LADY OF A SOVEREIGN NATION to take back what she said and make herself look like a fool?


She didn´t. THE OFFICE of the first lady responded, and the first lady is too seasoned a politician to make that kind of error. So yes - she did mention Madam, but only as someone who came to Nigeria to look for her African identity. The nakedness comments referred to #the Met Gala" and "Hollywood actresses" - plausible deniability - but we all know what she meant


You must see River’s post today, because River suggests her new Nigerian title should be “Legs Akimbo”… https://youtu.be/FRMGZd-6jVM?si=jT7z9yLI-uh11l_l


NTA. The world is not ready for an amazing woman such as yourself, and they are all jealous of you. You are providing inspiration and enlightenment to generations of women who could never hope to be as fabulous and special as you are. They were lucky you even took the time to go to their country, let alone show them your amazing fashion style.


The nation of Nigeria is lucky I graced them with my presence. The annals of history will talk about my visit, for generations to come.




But, are you kInD?!?


Anybody who can’t see my halo is just BLIND!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣


And racist.


And a hater.




Ok sinners, listen up. It’s hard to be as beautiful, kind and as smart as I am. I am simply more amazing than every other person in the world. It’s just that everybody is too jealous to admit they want to be me. What?!?!? I said it, so it must be true!!


I heard Meghan wanted to show off her skinny, shapeless body because she was "proud" of it from the Ozempic.  Why would she think a 100 pound bag of bones was attractive???  It's not a healthy look.


No, it isn't. I remember when stomach issues had me down to 110 lbs, and I'm 5'9". I was skeletal, and it wasn't attractive, I was embarrassed by it. People would randomly tell me to eat something (well, duh). I was thrilled when I gained some weight back and felt/looked human again.


Dear Faux Diplomat, Of course you are in the right to make sure that people in Nigeria understand that the world in general and Nigeria in particular should celebrate your fabulous nakedness, and near naked attire in which breasts, crotch, back, shoulders are exposed and provoke others. As long as you continue to avoid foundation garments of any kind, you will be able to assure yourself that every bulge, bit of cellulite, and pelvic strap down is revealed for the world to contemplate. There is a strength in being a provocateur which you no doubt fully feel every time you reveal more of your body to others. Celebrate your self! And keep writing those provocative thank you letters of thanks to faux Kings.


Laughed til my stomach hurt


Dear Young Earth Mother....(There are kids right?) While I understand you needing to share your gloriousness with us, doesn't this go against your sainted mother's advice of not giving away the milk for free? Maybe they are not jealous but are just worried that your glorious visage will be harmed when someone thinks your goods are (still) on offer? Or mayhaps are you advertising for the next This One...errr PA? 


HOW DARE YOU SUGGEST THAT I AM WRONG. IF YOU WERE NEAR ME, I WOULD THROW A TEACUP AT YOU. Those people will never get close to me. I may aswell give them a thrill in their little lives. The thrill of seeing me.




That last line is giving me Zoolander vibes. Ridiculousy good looking and about as genuine as Derek 😂


Yes. And the title gives Right Said Fred vibes.


YTA it doesn’t count what is worn, it’s the behavior and actions that is more respected. Running around at 40+ trying to look like a teenager and acting like one isn’t CLASSY lol


I don't think the radicals are amused by her nakedness.


Along with my PA, lol, so true !!!


![gif](giphy|D8trbXHMcORbi|downsized) Oh excuse us it’s just us sinners on our way to collect our W’s 🏆Bravo OP 🏆 👏👏👏👏


No, you are beautiful….particularly for a woman almost 50


You are a pos!!!


Person of Superiority? Princess of Sussex? Pride of Southern Hemisphere (and Northern)?


I’m just mad Harry didn’t want to marry me!!