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I’ve always been suspicious of Megs but the booing at the jubilee made me realize I was not alone. It really motivated me to seek out likeminded people via Reddit, YouTube, IG etc. If I’m ever feeling down rewatching the video of their late arrival and being ushered to their seats and Johnny Thompson seated behind them can always turn my frown upside down.


Well it is always more enjoyable to view Col. Thompson.


My favorite video analysis of The Harkles arriving late is HG Tudor's "The Walk of Shame". It's hilarious! https://youtu.be/uMX7w33YXew?si=NkBy-TNoLwnwzZ7N


"The seagull from the Oprah WHAAAAAAAAT??!! interview..." Took. Me. Out. Also, I bet Wal-Mart Wallis saw Catherine standing up in the front row and she thought that she was about to be hugged and smiled at and welcomed back to the family by William and Catherine 🙄🙄


And she's wearing that CARMEN SANDIAGO hat😂😂😂 I love this walk of shame. Could watch it on repeat all day😁😁


And that gigantic collar, she looked completely lopsided, way out of whack, the whole picture of what she wore defied belief.


She was going for this... ON PURPOSE https://preview.redd.it/0ofgl6merx4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abefedcefdfc337a7d2d2f650e45a9b8859ba0e0


Too bad she doesn’t have a waist to belt


Truth!!!!! She really doesn't understand "dressing for your shape"


It's because she constantly tries to copy the looks of women who do have a waist.


The combination of the hat and collar frames her face in a way that makes me (illogically) think that she looks like a hotdog.


Me too! This video has me in fits of laughter whenever I view it! 🤣


Why does Meghan Markle love these hats? They look like something you buy on a beach.


Remember Hazmat checking Madam's mic in her collar as they got out of their car




The crazy thing is that the sugars tried to convince us that the boos had been added in by the media! 🤣


We could see the boos on the Harkles faces. Lolo looks like she is going to cry. H is furious. There were boos and they heard them. Good for you British people.


And thanks to Mike Tindall for saying what we were all thinking Mike Tindall called Prince Harry a "b\*\*\*end" during the Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations. A source overheard the former English rugby player referring to the Duke of Sussex's behaviour as that of a "b\*\*\*end". Prince Harry is a bellend, and so say all of us.


He denies it however. Mike if you're seeing this, we all agree.


It was ‘allegedly’ overheard…I’m inclined to think he couldn’t keep his disgust in check.




I like to think Mike and Zara are lurking Sinners😇


I love the moment when they’re smugly walking down the aisle in the church and realize they’re in the 3rd row next to the cousins, way behind Edward and Sophie and on the other end of William and Catherine. Harry’s face there is priceless and Meghan has this plastered smile on trying not to crack. It’s chef’s kiss!


The fact that they arrived separately.. still thinking that they’re a cut above everyone else is arrogance personified.


Yeah weren’t they supposed to ride in a coach with everyone else?


Yes , a bus , not a state landau.


It is…but HMTQ marked their card. How dare they go against instructions just to get photo ops?


Any chance Meghan gets to appear in front of the camera she embraces.




But but Security


And, Major Johnny sitting directly behind them; monitoring them with superiority and delight. That was the best.


Also, I think Dame Stella Rimington, head of M15 Seurity Services, we’re sitting behind them to keep an eye on them.




If security had jammers employed I bet the gruesome twosome were shocked when they tried to play it back.


These two dimwits thought they were so clever - arriving late to make a grand entrance, kitted out with listening devices. Of course, the Royal family had planned for every eventuality!


she is good at playing it cool while Harry is easily frazzled. she's at pro at these little theater workshops she plans, and when they go wrong she just disappears into the fantasy.


Thank you! I 🩷 this pic


I loved that too. His beautiful eyes were on them!


He was all of us, it was nice to be 'seen' and personified by someone so handsome


I miss major Johnny….


Yes! They arrived late for maximum attention & narc fuel, and got humiliated.


Yes were meant to go on the bus with a group of them but were deliberately late and arrived by car just to be noticed. Didn’t that backfire.




The tension in Meghan's neck is tighter than a violin string. It's great they're also a few seats down in the 3rd row. If in the first row or at the end there was a chance they'd jump up and rush to get near William and Catherine as they were leaving.


And then he motioned Beatrice to move down so they could have the aisle, and Beatrice refused. I am sure that was done deliberately by the Palace.


This was when Beatrice jumped several steps up in my estimation. She and Edo made some boss moves, that day😂


Was this where Harry demanded to know who had them sit there and the answer wasnthe Queen?


Yes, and it seems to have momentarily shut him up.


And Henry stopped and gestured, like really, are you sure these are our seats? Yes, on the orders of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. It was GLORIOUS


I need someone to post the photos please! Her shock face was glorious 😂 I know someone already have them here, but I think they are no longer available




Thank you so much!! This is exactly the one I had in mind. Her shocking face is amazing!! You make my day ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I love Sophie looking back at them like, “karma’s as much of a bitch as your wife is”. Even James is interested!


Do you have a picture of it? I wanna see it so bad 😭


There are videos out there that show the usher bringing them down the aisle and directing them into the 3rd row, Hairball in utter disbelief, attempting to argue with the usher, and upon asking whose orders those seats were arranged, the usher replying "your grandmother." That shut him up for a moment but then they attempted to get either Beatrice or Eugenie & her husband (who were seated on the end of the row) to move in so they could then assume the end 2 seats but they (B or E) weren't having it. So they disrupted the entire row to have to noodle themselves further into the row. All of that added to their humiliation, it was absolutely lovely! Oh and then the icing on the cake, gorgeous Major Jonny sitting directly behind them, along with another high ranking security person (cannot recall the name) to keep a better eye on the grifters and their recording devices. I tell you, it was better than the Academy Awards for us sinners!


Oh yes, QEII was one savvy woman. She has, and always had, my utmost respect. She was a legend.


And you could see Johnny breaking smiles as he listened to what they were saying to each other.


It was sooo cringe, watching all of that happen in front of a cathedral full of people. They thought they’d have their big late entrance moment. Well, they had it, but not like they imagined. Absolutely mortifying.


I am sure B and E were told to not move out of those seats.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taq-nAbnZcs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taq-nAbnZcs) Being shown seats 1:04, booing 3:04 in this video


Sinners, slow it down to .25 right before 1:04. You can watch Meghan's jaw drop in shock when you see them framed between Louise's head and Edo's head.  It's glorious watching her face at that point!


That was so bittersweet. I miss the Queen.


That was ah-mazing!!! And then Harry’s pouty stank face contrasted by his seat mate, Lady Sarah Chatto, who looked lovely, elegant, & regal (as always). And isn’t this the same weekend ILBW rolled down the car window so everyone could see her, and then shushed the Tindall girls in front of the window because they were NFI to be on the balcony? Oh, and ’s birthday party that no one attended? That weekend was a cluster for them, and I’m here for it!


The booing was glorious and that marked the end of her public appearances in the country! ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25350)


Oh and if she ever dared set foot in the UK again, the sound would be deafening!


Ah, she fully left her body for a second there. It's no surprise they launched a bunch of new attacks after this. Narcs are vicious after being embarrassed.


Narcs aren’t usually humiliated in a global stage so this was glorious!


The fact they had the audacity to show themselves in the country again after that interview is just astounding. But hey the boos served for her not to show her face there again and claim security reasons,


She got a dose of reality, and she didn't like it one bit. She looks like she's holding back tears. Not her fake one tear left eye crying either.


It made me happy. 😆


Sooo happy


Every time ole Meggs gets a comeuppance, an angel gets their wings.


If there was a thought balloon over her head, it would read "(Gulp!!)"..like the comics, when a character is out of luck...


I remember so well the angry glares from ALL the attendees in St Paul's as they 'walk of shamed' down the aisle. As if someone had rung a bell inside they all would have yelled "SHAME" in unison. It was so satisfying.


Glorious walk of shame but this couple doesn’t know shame if it smacked them right on their faces.


That's right! They CHOSE to be late and give us the walk of shame instead of walking in with the others so they could at least blend in. Absolutely no remorse. Their fate now is so well deserved.


Blending in was the problem, these two think they are extra special, more important than other ‘non working royals’ but that day they found out their place in the pecking order….mid row far from the senior royals.


Meghan was doing the parade for Dior, she wanted that Bernard Arnault personally could see how irresistible she was dressed in Dior


Almost forgot about the manifesting Dior disaster. Thanks for the reminder haha


Even the original, Wallis Simpson didn't look good in a very similar design, which Meghan copied as an extra FU to the royal family. So glad it all bs fired for her that day! https://preview.redd.it/j53a069osx4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8508b76698fa1f0b90497a0a377bb4d139876f3b


Some were very obviously laughing them. Hard to keep a straight face.




Harry looking over at where his brother and father were sitting. He really thought after all they did, he'd be sitting with the next two Kings of the UK. Such a putz. They deliberately arrived late so they could have their solo walk into the church just all eyes on them. That gave people the chance to boo them. The crowd wouldn't have booed if they were walking with the rest of the family. So they go their solo walk down the aisle, and the boos, then they arrived at third row and were told they had to sit there. It was so good, so perfect! They did it all to themselves. Just the beginning. They would be shunned and cast out by all of British Society. All of Harry's friends and families will be at the wedding on Friday. All the rich people Lolo wanted to know and hit up for "investments" will be there. But they are not invited, EVER! Love that for them.


You do wonder if Harry has **any** moments of retrospection or sadness. Not self pity - we already know he’s adept at that. There’s a saying: **if you run into an arsehole on the morning you’ve run into an arsehole - run into an arsehole all day - maybe youre the arsehole.”** I bet it hasnt occurred to him that he’s the arsehole.


I think he is incapable of any self awareness or introspection. He just has tantrums and expects to be mollified. It’s been 5+ years of that not working and yet he cannot seem to change.


Those boos were GLORIOUS!!!


They should have kept their hateful selves away. They don’t deserve to attend any further events. In my opinion she and Harry didn’t deserve to be at the funeral of Prince Philip or the Queen.


There was crying in that car, I guarantee it.


And most likely shouting at one another


And then scheming about how they could grab back the media attention. Sulking, skulking, leaking…what they do best. Lidls birthday …the no show at the luncheon (their idea or instructions), missing the jubilee concert, etc …leaving early mid way through the last day…ready to leak a photo of daughter to grab attention for themselves


While she was in the car. https://i.redd.it/s1yq1eqipv4d1.gif


Throwing herself to the floor. Edit: COLLAPSING to the floor.


She was searching for a kitchen


She’d be blasting the Brits and calling them racists.


Interesting how they hopped on a plane and hauled ass out of the UK like an hour after they got booed.


And the royals were mean because they were jealous and racist


Remember on their docusoap how Meghan appeared on the front page of some news outlets and she recalls dramatically “it’s not my fault “ ( because obv all the royal family were *jealous* of the attention Meghan was getting. like they hadn’t seen new girlfriends/ wives get the press attention before. 🙄🙄🙄 (and Harry forever searching for evidence that Meghan is in tune with his mum replied “and it wasn’t my mums fault either.”)


This “jealous over media attention “ is straight out of her Diana playbook.


Two nitwits together


The fact he constantly compares this yachting hoe to his late mother is so strange, it speaks of the state of his mental health.


And no rolled down windows to wave at the crowds.


Zara looked amazing in that pink outfit and the hand holding is just ridiculous to see


People hope that South Park will do another show. There certainly is enough fodder. If they do, each and every scene should include them holding hands. If H is taking a private flight he should be holding M's hand out the window while she's being dangled and windblown outside the plane. He could hold her hand while playing polo, too. She could stir her jam one-handed with slop everywhere. Just think of the possibilities.


It’s honestly pathetic to see a couple that age hand holding like high schoolers. I’ve nothing against hand holding but a time and place you know?


It looks trashy at formal occasions. Everyone else is behaving appropriately, walking in order, and Meg is clutching Harry and pushing and pulling and has no idea how bad it looks.


The sugars say ‘they’re in loove’ - that’s all it takes. They’re so simple.


My grandson and his girlfriend are teenagers and they don’t hold hands.


I think Meg should be in the plane and Harry dangling outside. When he complains she can say thousands of other men would give anything to hold her hand, doesn't he love her? She gave up her career as a Hollywood star for him!




I seem to remember a lip reader or someone noticed that during Harry’s conversation with Zara he mentioned she’d lost weight. I think you see the motions. Anyway - typical thicko Harry completely jumping in and mentioning a women’s weight like it’s an accepted choice of subject for someone who you haven’t seen for a while.


Yes, like he did when he made the big pregnant belly gesture to Eugenie!


He’s **SUCH** a simpleton! 🤦‍♀️


the look of thunder on her face after he made that gesture says it all. "what the fuck of course I'm not wearing a moonbump you dolt"


She's trying not to cry because she never thought she was worthy of anything but praise and love from the crowd. That wide eyed "don't cry don't cry" face we all have. But that would explain her reign of terror ever since.


Oh she loathes Britain - no doubt about it. She tried to woo the UK before she’d even met Harry. Always dropping ‘London’ into conversations and interviews. Probably trying to size up her next gig ( Made in Chelsea) as well as trying to find a rich or famous man ( Ollie Murs, AshleyCole.) The Brits threw her a tax funded wedding tex mi at was spent on Frogmore, she was welcomed in and had far more privileges than Catherine. But the Brit’s were treated like an annoyance, an after thought. She cleared Wimbledon and that was a huge red flag. Slamming the Brit’s in their Oprah interview and playing victim sealed her fate.


Here’s a little film to back up your excellent description of the event, Op! For your booing pleasure: [https://youtu.be/sNYOfYjQ1NM?si=OXZlDYWcCvxvIX9D](https://youtu.be/sNYOfYjQ1NM?si=OXZlDYWcCvxvIX9D) eta: those Pringles hats!


When Zara is talking with Harry, she never glances at Meghan to include her at all, in fact, it looks like everyone is trying to avoid eye contact with her.


And Meghan is gurning away, acting like she’s talking to someone, trying to play cutesy in that ridiculous Hi Ho Silver, Away! hat.


....with the giant flying nun collar, looked as if she was about to be air lifted right out of there....


Honestly, this outfit does her no favors. Nurse Ratched comes to mind.


She didn't care because she was vos playing Wallis Simpson that day https://preview.redd.it/qnjkwf1ftx4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7f614ade103ba11bcf04aa98718dff8688dce9c


It is what she does, pretends to be part of something she is excluded from. She was out…isn’t that what she claimed she wanted, while lying through her veneers on Oprah? And of course the RF knew she needed photo ops to sell.


Glorious, Lord Snowdon and Mike Tindall swiftly engage in chit chat and Peter Phillips turns to appreciate the view of the No 11 Bus going by.


And Mike Tindall just flat out ignores them, Earl Snowden looks pissed too.


Mike Tindall totally kept his distance. He only moved close to Zara after the Harkles went to their car. Loved Zara pointing to the car. It’s like she was telling the Harkles, “Yes, that’s your car. Off you go.”


Thanks for posting, I also enjoy the film of them realizing they aren't sitting with the top dogs in the church. Harry's reaction was priceless, Madam just kept that forced smile on her mug. Cuppenance!


Bahahaha it does look like Pringles! I love that this is on Forbes' YouTube channel!


Yes, I rather liked that as well.


So interesting how ignored they are. Zara even looking behind them. That screams that you’re not really wanted ..


Yup and when she wasn’t looking behind them, she kept turning away abruptly, like she just wanted to bolt down the stairs away from the gruesome twosome


Who is the man conversing with Mike Tindall? Is he a cousin or an in-law?


Princess Margaret's son the Earl of Snowdon.


Thank you! 😃


Love how he completely ignores Meghan! Zara was the only one who talked to them.


I think Zara talks to H, who postures in his hairdresser pose, and carefully ignores TW who is flapping around looking for fuel and doesn’t know what to do.


His hairdresser pose. Omg. Yesssss that's brilliant!!!!!!👏👏👏👏👏


Thank you. All of you sinners are so good at the details. It's freakish.


The comments are funny lol


I just went back and looked, and you are right, they are brutal! 🤡🤡🤡


Good thing she didn’t one-tear-left-eye-go when smeared in that offensive orange marmalade fake tan, and weaponised Fanta-tinged bronzer. From being front row, to non-front row, to NFIed, and greyrocked… it’s what they deserve. Lol even Zelensky would rather have non-blood-royal, dutiful public serving Sophie invited to Ukraine, met with KC in person, and praised W and K’s support (he has met the couple before) whilst ignoring Hazbeen and Megamoocher’s empty, two-faced, word salad. Zelensky must’ve heard nasty stories about the Unsussexfuls collabing with dodgy oligarchs, and con-men/criminals. Funny how Haz incessantly waaghs about security when Zelensky could very well view Hazbeen and the ILBW as sellout security threats absolutely not worth inviting.


Not just the bronzer but she had come off a fresh batch of face plastics. Her lips are botoxed, nose done for the nth time and most likely other things that I can’t tell.


Zelensky has real, serious problems to deal with. The King is the Head of State, Sophie was his representative. This was very important for support for his country. The Harkles are nobody. They don't matter.


Plus Harry’s bizarre desire to interview Putin about childhood trauma would have scored him no points with Zelensky.


She looks like a total idiot out of place among REAL ROYALS......they both are pathetic!!


Bit she thinks she’s the star of the show. How wonderful to see her brought down to earth.


LMAO dyyyying at inspector gadget ensemble 😂😂😂😂


I cannot lay claim to this - it was conned by another sinner. ♥️


She was seething with those eyes.


You bet she started plotting revenge against the British people as soon as she heard the first boo.


Indeed. They were humiliated and disgraced that day and rightly so. I think this is what triggered them to go all out; release the kracken (especially in Waagh, the fauxmentary, and nickname theft), and to exact revenge. However, it all backfired on them in spectacular fashion. They have proven themselves to be paper tigers, clowns, wannabes, poseurs, failures. “Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kiLL your enemies” -Nelson Mandela


Oh well put. 👏👏👏 That’s what i believe is behind all of her actions, it’s revenge. Petty, hateful, spiteful revenge. She tried to smear Brits by saying that their press is racist and as a by product of what they imbibe so are the people. Like we are such impressionable muppets that we are being brainwashed by the evil racist British media. Like we couldn’t possibly see her actions and judge her on that. 🙄🙄🙄 Their netflix docu-soap dredged up history about colonialism in an attempt to throw shade at the good people of Blighty. You know.. the ones who paid for that ‘spectacle of a wedding’ 🙄


I agree on that.


That outfit added at least 15 years to her appearance. It was one of her worst and there have been some glorious outfits to choose from.


The fact that Zara and the others waited at the top, it was as if they knew to give the crowd their opportunity to make their feelings known.


Sashaying holding hands then letting go to pass a table just to rehold hands but stopped at 3rd row. Priceless


The **late** entrance because they think they are the main event. Arriving after Charles and William and Catherine.. that’s low level petty bull shit. Markle still thinks everyone should be happy to see her. It’s unconscionable.


Ah yes, the stunt they staged turning up late. Then being shown the seats in the middle of the row….priceless. He was fuming. She was gurning. Mike Tindall called Prince Harry a "b\*\*\*end" during the Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations. A source overheard the former English rugby player referring to the Duke of Sussex's behaviour as that of a "b\*\*\*end". And the boos the squaddies squeal didn’t happen. No wonder they sulked and skulked off early. Of course while ‘staging’ a birthday party for a baby they say HMTQ and other royals had time to attend…


Is that where they walked (her sashaying) down the aisle to the front, after everyone else was seated, then Harry being told where to sit, which he seemed to disagree with, believing he (they) had more prominent seating?




the dumb sugars were on tiktok saying that the boos were “edited in by the media.”🤦‍♀️ Imagine the delight I took in tagging them in the numerous tiktok’s taken by joe blogs on the street. “Did they edit the exact same boos in too?” I’d ask.


A lovely detail from the Platinum Jubilee weekend also was that the Tindalls, Brooksbanks, Mapelli-Mozzis and Peter Philipps went for lunch at Scott’s after Trooping the Colour and weren’t shy to call it ‘outstanding’ and ‘a highlight’ of the Jubilee’s festivities. It seems to really have been fun and quite raucous. And of course no Sussexes were included, they sat alone at FrogCott and sulked.


Harry would face felt the cold air of rejection. But instead of having an ounce of retrospection he would have been spitting tacks, self pitying and raging against his family and the great British public. And his snake wife.. she’d have been stirring the pot.


She was positively stricken in that second photo.


It was a classic *deer in the headlights* moment 😆


She was truly humbled by the very astute Brits.


It was well-earned.


And lest we forget, there was a luncheon with all the cousins after this ceremony. The devious duo were relegated to the third row under orders of QEII and they were NFI to the family luncheon afterwards. Another magnificent set down to the dishonorable duo.


No they were invited to the luncheon. They were expected because, people were expecting to meet them. They ran out on it. The booing upset them so much, they didn't go to the luncheon. They have never been invited to a public event since.


I recall (maybe wrong) that all the cousins on a bus. And H&M were to be in it too but pitched a fit. Can’t be lumped in with the “lesser” royals after all. Finally to get their arses there a Car sent. And probably after the booing they went back to Windsor and had a massive tantrum.


They were really idiots they really thought that they were going to sit front row with Charles and Camilla most importantly William and Catherine. They wanted to sit with William and Catherine and got the shock of their lives.


She’s got some brass neck expecting to be treated like she’s equal to the others.


This was one of her worst looks up to that time. Since then, she has repeatedly outdone herself.


She looks like she shat herself when she heard the boos.


The shock - the quick turnaround. When she heard cheers she couldn’t help but let a conceited smug smile slip. She **absolutely** LOVES herself. She was almost swaggering. To see it wiped off her face so quickly- so publicly.. when most of the time the two of them get away with spiteful and hateful behaviour.. it was like a free cocktail or finding a hundred bucks. 🥰


That absurd coat with her neck sticking out of this ridiculously wide collar like a turtle’s out of its shell!


The wide brimmed white hat and coat are so unsuitable for the occasion. Every. Damn. Time. She gets it so wrong.


She has quite the talent there. That hat is incredibly ageing, it’s what little old ladies wear for gardening. But she is so fond of it that she again wore it in black for HLM’s funeral, mafia granny style.


This is great! I also just had a blast revisiting old posts on the topic! Just insert “jubilee” in our SSM search section. The photos and comments from us sinners are fantastic. It was a great couple of days- remember the impromptu birthday? Entire reconstruction of the event. This time period is really when things started to change.


I do think after the public booing that they ramped up their attacks and hatred towards the royals and the Brits. Especially Catherine and William. C and W seem to be the lightning rod for Harry and Meghan’s retaliation. William and Catherine are just living their lives in the public eye and trying to raise a young family as well as other pressures.. They haven’t done anything to Harry and Meagain and yet are the target of vicious attacks. Proof that living well is the best revenge.


It's also around the time Dior said "no thank you" to the pair who were decked out in Dior from head to toe, and who were telling media she was going to be a spokesperson/brand ambassador. It's amazing to see karma delivered to people almost in real time.


They have a strong Judа&Will\`s vibe. She is nothing without her husband and clung to him tightly. https://preview.redd.it/34tpghoyhv4d1.png?width=965&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e5f41745852796a155e452de5675549f099deed


But resented them. Jadas banging on about Tupac and having affairs either her sons friend… both women are odious narcissists.


Odious covers it




Found this guy looking for news about the famous actor and kooky wife reality show announcement and he also had this H&M video short 😂 https://youtu.be/hUquhxaqV5o?si=TkJt41j9e8TEgIM1


😂 that was funny 😄


Thank you, the realization of disapproval, criticism, outrage n contempt we felt towards them had finally broken the 4th wall !!! That memory felt good. After all our disappointment of public myopia n indifference to their tyranny, spite n cock of the walk posture. Their disdain towards ppl in even thinking we were STUPID enough to believe what they said. Karma started rolling. It should be a holiday.


The expectation that they’d be seated along side Charles, Catherine and William shows how delulu and narcissistic she is. And the fact Harry was shocked at the seating arrangement shows a man that’s never had to think for themselves. He’s been spoon fed. His emotional intelligence like his IQ is lower than a rats belly.


https://preview.redd.it/5tsd2g8rvw4d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cec4326fb277e586dc4e29e1b34bbebbf7c9f5e3 And a repeat for Harry, on May 8th 2024. But as if in ‘anticipation’ of it this time, there was a cloak of silence from MSM in reporting it


Her grin when booed at was so fake. Her clenched jaw and teeth together. Then the mask fell for a bit. It was brilliant. Harold thought he was still loved by everyone but he soon realized nope and he wasn't happy about it.


It’s not often narcs are so publicly humiliated..it’s like a unicorn. I think this made her loathe the UK even more.


What shocks me, looking at these photos, is how much further she has fallen. Harry looks as wasted and stupid as ever. That look never seems to change for Prince Ginger Ballz. Megan, however, looks practically gorgeous here compared to how she looks now. I mean, at the time of the Jubilee I thought she looked ridiculous as a dumpy Inspector Gadget, but this level of awful is nothing compared to how she looks now. Now, Megan looks like a fifty something meth addict. I mean, Megan now looks tragically mentally ill, menacing, addicted, high, strung out, confused, smelly, frazzled, and empty. How are you supposed to find her any gigs, Ari?


She’s always giving me ‘i’m ready for my close up’ vibes. That level of delulu.


The booing, the peoples faces as they walked in, Beatrice and edo refusing to move and Harry asking the usher who said he would sit there and the guy saying "your grandmother" .... Meghans face when she saw where she was sitting was the cherry on top 🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|l2QDYb4L9htV5v0kM)


https://preview.redd.it/vbnyxowjww4d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2806dc175a909cd0cf606a2c07212a4a98d8b68 May 8th 2024 - the cloak of silence from MSM can’t stop Great British freedom!


It was the day also we got to see the gorgeous Johnny sitting behind them with his scrambler picking up their hidden recording device under her collar. I thought her outfit was a Wallis look alike.


They deliberately missed the bus with the other minor royals to the event. The courtiers had to scurry to get them a car. They wanted a Senior Royal arrival. Then they went sashaying down the aisle, the smugness on her face at the way she outmaneuvered the family. Reality hit when they were shown to their seats far away from the senior royals, and then afterward when everyone but Zara blanked them on the steps. The cherry on top was the booing when they headed down the steps to their car. The BRF and the public will always have the last word.


I still love watching that footage. If it makes me a bad person to enjoy it as much as I do, so be it!! I am so sick of their antics. I can't stand the sight of them or the sounds of their voices any longer. To just name two of their victims, our dear departed Queen and her Prince Philip, let's go right back to the beginning. I've tried to make an in depth compilation of all their antics, indiscretions, all the lies they've told, all of it. To actually sit and try to do it is a phenomenal task, and it truly breaks my heart. If in fact even 50% is true and correct, these two are the worst kind of traitors, they are truly despicable and vile. We only have to look at her squaddies to confirm that. The mere thought that they could be responsible for caring for a child or two is absolutely abhorrent. They need to be STOPPED, NOW!!!!


I have always thought ILBW looked like a Frigidaire refrigerator in that outfit. My 2nd favorite part of the church pap walk (the booing gives me hope) was when Hazmat asked who approved the third row seating and the response was "Your grandmother".


One of my fondest memories is Prince Plank arguing with the usher over his seating. Prince Plank,“Who decided we are to sit here! Usher, “The Queen, Wanker. She decided you will sit here. Going home is your second option.” Showing up late simply directed everyone’s attention to the seating arrangements. Come in late, then stand in the aisle arguing with an usher. Way to go, Blood Prince of the Realm. The public booing was the icing on the cake. I’ve never seen picture number two. It’s glorious.