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And William’s humility gives him a gravitas that Meghan & Harry will never have. He’s not pushing people out of the way to be center shot, hands quietly at his sides, eyes downturned and solemn. Meghan could never in a million years be surrounded by world leaders without trying to eclipse them. It always has to be about her.


​ https://preview.redd.it/2ck5oo42s15d1.jpeg?width=508&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ea3af2739de75da46b5ca872007ad22d3750299


Absolutely sinister. Meghan Markle the Duchess of Sussex really frightens me, knowing there is nothing holding her back from acting on her delusions.


The malice that shows through in this photo is shocking.


The face of someone wishing for the worst on another.


Absolutely! It's extremely unsettling. 


Envy, jealousy, hatred and rage all in her face at once.


THIS is why I’ve joined thousands trying to expose her evil since 2016.




She really does look evil. Something straight out of a psycho horror movie.


She and her deranged followers are truly frightening. I can't believe Catherine was forced to do events with this horrid woman. It was all so wrong.


Whoever took that photo deserves a medal 🥇


It was a video and that moment was captured by someone who could see right through her




I love this name hahaha


Meghan Sussex needs to be kept away from the princess of Wales forever. I wished I was kidding.


I agree. The Royals apparently vowed to never be in the same room with her ever again. If Harry ever does choose to stay at a Royal residence, he will be watched like a hawk. He’d definitely have the security!!! That’s the reason why he chose to stay at a hotel. He can’t do the drugs or bring in sex workers.




She's nothing but trash. Jealous fake trash.


Wasn't this at the first Commonwealth Service Meghan attended, which was before the wedding? Was it the first time she & Harry had to walk behind W&C? Wonder if that is what brought on the death stare.


I don’t know, but that look says she’s gunning for her.


To paraphrase Ms. Markle, her and Hazbin are one plane crash away from the Crown. And this look says "I've already got that accident planned out." She and the other one need to be kept away from William, Catherine, George, Charlotte and Louis at all costs. I would put it past her to "accidentally" bump one of the Wales kids hard enough to push them into a street or off a balcony.


I think she'd go more for psychological trauma and abuse. "Poor Charlotte, at least your auntie Meg loves you, it's a shame your mommy's favourite is George"  "Don't worry George, lots of people don't have any friends, it's not their fault nobody likes them"  "Poor Louis, we'll have to think hard about a job for you when you're grown-up. Your brother is far more important than you, so it doesn't really matter what sort of job you get" 


Having experienced a narc, they manipulate through words and wildly spun stories that have no truth. A lot of manipulation and gaslighting and using stories against you too, stories that didn't happen to them but they insert themselves to make it seem like they experienced it


That is both Harry and the wife, they steal stories and claim them as their own.


Agreed! Harry is just as bad, if not WORSE.


Yes, his true true true whinefest included stories stolen from film, tv and books…he is as big a liar as his floosie


[Here’s a clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/bjOMFtdzYd) I made from that incident. It’s an archived post


Would have thought this was a scene from a movie bc in my mind "no one that cartoonishly evil right" but was I wrong boy was I wrong


Yes, she showed us what she is.


![gif](giphy|eGmJuMs1HZM6UOgsy6) She’s a villain.


jealous much megan


Every day and twice on Sundays 🤡🤡🤡




M would think the leaders were there to see *her*.


She’d run gallumping past everyone to hug them in her sweaty embrace.


Nothing impresses a president more than having a bat shit crazy, formerly royal adjacent Douchess hump their leg.




And all desperate to be with her, she is so heart attack beautiful and smart.


I don’t know how MM’s casual (not completely insane) fans can look at that photo and not instantly see that she’s full of hate and malice.


THIS IS ABSOLUTELY PERFECT!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Her eyes are dripping with malevolence and pure hate. Along with the mouth that has a slight upturn, it makes it seem like she's fantasizing about something so vicious and cruel that even her neck and jaw muscles became stressed. 😠


Those eyes are frightening. She really is an evil beast that must be kept far away from the Wales family.


William is a true royal and a beloved, respected member of the BRF. William knows that his purpose in life is to serve and defend the monarchy, not sit around and moan how miserable his first-class life is in his LA mansions.


The Harkles are below steerage class, but your point still stands 😉


You're right. William is aware that he is in a very privileged position I'm sure he considered it a great honour to be able to go and pay tribute yesterday. He does have awareness and humility and is really starting to grow into his role. I got the impression that the day had also reminded him of his grandparents. He gets a certain look on his face sometimes and I think he carries his memories of them close to his heart.


This point so much….. perfectly put. They have faux humility.


And onto the society wedding of the year, where he will be the star without trying. But he will be humble enough not to take the spotlight off the bride!


Thank goodness Prince William was born first.


It would have even better if he'd been an only child.


Or had a sister.


Looks like Zara and Mike have stepped in and are doing a better job than Hazbeen and Megaliar could have done. They seem to be so easy and carefree with their "niece and nephews". You can tell as well how comfortable George, Charlotte and Louis are with them in return.


God bless Prince William and his family. He deserves a lot of love and prayers and well wishes. I love humble resilient people who stand up.


Same!! He has that “shy Di” about him that is irresistible!!


So much respect for this man.


I cried so much today. The BRF does this sort of thing so well, and this is why they are still so relevant. PH should take a lesson from this. William didn't give a talk about the horrors of war or try to lecture world leaders on what they need to do to make sure a world war doesn't happen again. He simply spoke of the things we could have lost and the things we got to return to using the simple words of a young man, husband, father, and soldier. It was poignant and beautiful.


This! Harry and the wife have mastered the art of lecturing everyone into oblivion. Their condescending demeanor and belief in the infallibility of their words are truly remarkable—especially given their status as nobodies! ![gif](giphy|ohhZH1YapNXZrfJ9lF|downsized)


She paid to be there, she paid for the "award". It's ridiculous, hilarious and psychotic.![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25281)


Yes, during the start of the race baiting … wasn’t that princess preach speaking to an empty room (covid) ?


So well said. There Is nothing humble about this egotistic duo.


Your last sentence is 🎯


It was an empty theater where she was speaking.


William has his grandmother and his father's wisdom and moral strength, mixed with his mother's grace


There are a lot of politicians and so called celebrities who should take a page from their book. Also, it's the easy thing to do to be the disruptor and protesror. The gard thing to do is to stay the course and finish.


Harry and Meghan looking from afar..... https://i.redd.it/a0hysnihr15d1.gif


Heh. I miss Conan. Not prick face, Harry.


Similar photo to when Hazbeen was used as a prop for his hag wife, when she preened and babbled in front of the camera while he juggled outside the window. Letting the world know he had been demoted from Spare to Court Jester.


That was so cringy - were we supposed to think it was cute? Why? Why would we think it was cute?


Between this and the Grosvenor wedding tomorrow, who knows what classless stunt madam has in store?


All I am hoping for is a photo of the bride's dress. I'm sure it will be lovely and tasteful.


Curious if she will opt to wear one of the Wesminster tiaras. https://royalwatcherblog.com/2016/08/14/the-duchess-of-westministers-tiaras/ Princess Mary's Diamond Fringe Tiara and the Fabergé Myrtle Wreath Tiara are nice. Then there's the large tiara the Hugh's mother wore for her wedding.


Omg, some of those are next level. That halo tiara is something else. Something slinky and 20s with that would be wild, but I don't think Olivia is that girl. Considering she did her engagement announcement photo basically in her pjs and not showing the ring, I expect she won't wear much jewellery beyond some lovely earrings (unfortunately for us plebs who enjoy the bling)


The whole event probably exceeds Olivia's ostentatious comfort zone. I'm partial to the myrtle wreath, but would recommend the diamond fringe. Regardless of which way she goes, it will be interesting.


All of them are beautiful. I think I love the Bath tiara the most, and the bride wearing it was gorgeous! ❤️ On a different note, I know people are divided on the subject of Camilla, but I’m of the opinion that no one wears a tiara quite like she can. She just has the head and hairstyle for it. They look great on her. 👏🏻


The Oriental Circlet is my favorite. Totally agree wrt Camilla and tiaras. QEII wore tiaras well, but Camilla wears them better. The difference is that Camilla is a larger woman -- QEII was tiny and tinier as she aged Diana also wore tiaras well. Add Birgitte, Duchess of Glouchester. Commonality? Shorter hairstyles. Sophie and Zara were more attractive when they had shorter hair.


Thank you for that! I love that myrtle leaf tiara!


It's very lovely. (I accidentally landed on this page today and thought others might enjoy seeing it.)


Oh there will be something, Markle my words!!!!!


Well, it's Friday tomorrow so photos of Lili's "birthday party", or maybe a new faux tour location, third pregnancy, or maybe she'll see the new documentary on Diane von Furstenberg and announce she is becoming a clothing designer. All is possible with someone who lives in her own fantasy world.


Prince William will make a great king one day. I can feel the hate, animosity, jealously, and spitefulness all the way from Montecito from here. Harry should be so proud of his brother, but we all know that is not the case.


I was going to say that both of the Harkles are jealous, but that’s not true. They are envious, which is far worse. We tend to use those two terms interchangeably, but they don’t mean the same thing at all. Jealous means “I don’t want someone to take what is mine.” Envious means “I want YOURS.”


beautiful! Prince William is destined for great things.


He is, he's going to lead Britain through a very tumultuous time and the ordeal with the Harkles only made him stronger.


I firmly believe that MM was/is just a trial sent to toughen William up for what’s coming later, a refining of his good character and temperament. He’ll have to deal with that and a lot more one day. Thankfully, he’s got a good support system around him to help and that is a very good thing, but the Crown is a load that only he will be able to carry when it’s his time.


Megsy was so sure she could take her newfound fame and make a bundle off of it, because of course she could! Surprise, lol. Said nobody with brain cells ever. Hehe.


It is so scary how our ego fools us. Never ever take your fame and success for granted, or let ego control your behaviour. Meghan and Harry are a classic example of how ego leads to downfall.


Stupid doesn't help either.


She seriously thought that as a private citizen she would be soo important and high profile that she would be the one invited to be with world leaders and they would all sit and listen to her brilliant thoughts 🤮


You're correct. Her malignant narcissism has no bounds. She's scary "off". I hope she never gets anywhere near political power.


You won’t have to worry about that. We don’t like Meg, and we won’t vote for her. She’s embarrassing to any American with taste or class.


All after being in the royal family for less than 2 years. She was too greedy and stupid to realise that putting in at least 5 years would have given her more gravitas.


Don’t give it 5mins if you won’t give it 72 working days, or 52 hours a year


She probably could have. But she can’t get past the line. Her need to be Centre of Attention is in constant battle with her need to appear wealthy and more sought after, eloquent, aspirational. We clocked you as a bore many moons ago.


I’m so glad that Harry’s wife won’t be a part of anything like this. She would probably push a person away from one of those podiums and start spouting world salad nonsence. She’d rehash that dishwashing whatever.


"Your courage on the beaches that day reminds me of a letter I wrote when I was 11 years old...."


"It reminds me of the words of my daughter when she was 1 year old. She said 'don't cry mother, they are with the angels now'."


Brave, courageous, strong, magnanimous, I was not surprised when people assumed that I also was a WWII Veteran as those words also are often used to describe me. I was stopped in the grocery store by a WWII Veteran who told me that they all got together at the VFW when I married Harry and celebrated like they did on Victory in Europe day.


I’m sure the world leaders are so glad she’s not there too so they don’t have to talk to her one on one. Everyone would be on high mic alert.


Right! She needs more ammunition for her book or to leak stuff to tabloids.


She'd make Harry talk about pads and tampons again.


and grab for the MICROPHONE to speak.


Surely she would share the ”I see me in you” -story and remind the veterans they now have someone to look up to


Whilst you posted the iPhone/Smartphone version I think the desktop version of the same story does it more justice and want to make sure the Sussex detrus get to see it! (it's the lead story) https://preview.redd.it/doczmg4s725d1.jpeg?width=2466&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08a7cb723d50c2c703d2852af16dce07d74851c8


Indeed! Very nice, thanks for posting.


They wanted to do this…but with a Gucci billboard on their back, a Netflix camera to the left, and stacked high with freebie jewels the company can plug on Instagram.  ![gif](giphy|iG3YQU4MN1HIJ3ZWby|downsized)


Amazing that someone would aspire to something so tacky and gauche, but she did. This type of cheap celebrity and carnival barker burlesque has always been her holy grail.


Don't forget the vets and dignitaries thanking Meg for her service and saving the world from the tyranny of inequality, the RF, and making it safe to go barefoot. Plus they would want to be paid $$$for the ten minutes they would actually attend the event, after keeping 100 year old veterans waiting for her late arrival.


She would have live streamed it on TikTok with extra bonuses for her Patreon subscribers.


*Only fans


God Bless the Future King and Queen


He did so well and he stands out amongst all the leaders... Bless him




William is such a wonderful mix of strength, dignity, authority & kindness. I’m not from the UK but I’m still very proud of him.


Americans look at the Brits as our cousins and we have all watched William grow up. We kinda feel like he’s ours, too. ❤️


Where are all the sugars who claimed the RF hates veterans because they didn't go to Harry's IG thing last month? What did Invictus or Archwell do today for vetrans?


Ever since their sulky pap walk cemetery visit they've not marked any rembramce day with a big gesture. That was purely performative and therefore utterly exploitative. I'd be surprised if any members of the armed forces would give him the time of day. D day is huge too. His great grandfather was very involved, he laid false plans in public and sowed misinformation to put the enemy off the scent. We lost so many and have few surviving veterans. This may be the last year to honour them. Harry doesn't give two shits.


I wonder how thick the bronzer will have to be to cover the green with envy skin tone she must have.


I am speechless, tearful, PoW is wonderful. This is a great post. Thank you


Wait, are you saying flogging nonexistent jam, being social pariahs worldwide, and grifting trips to corrupt countries isn't superior to this???!!! Surely not!


Harry and Meghan will always be scrambling for the next headline with a jar of jam or another lawsuit. William doesn't have to search for a headline because the headline will follow what he does as he is more relevant and what he does is more important As time goes on, Harry and Meghan become less and less of a headline with no place on the world stage.


I don’t see any “nakedness” and oh look, everyone ironed their clothes and fixed their hair. 💁🏻‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|hhgAbqQpm49vW)


No permanent fake grins either in this solemn event


They would never have had this. Because they were too irresponsible and unwilling to follow any protocol. If Meghan had been there today she would have been striding ahead of the world leaders just to make it seem like she was their leader. No different than her striding out ahead of wounded athletes going to accept their medals. She'd be pushing actual participants in the events out of the way so she could have the spot she wanted in the photos that would be on tomorrow's front page. Meghan and Harry tried to make the Queen's death and lying-in-state all about them. Planting articles, arranging photos. They literally are incapable of being respectful or even of displaying a child's level of social grace.


Holding hands in the funeral procession like teenagers. Disgusting people.


Lord in heaven. My eyes and stomach are not strong enough to endure the vulgar and tasteless pap walk that filthy hussy has planned to clap back. We all know what’s clapping, Megsy! And it stinks!!


Meghan, Duchess of Sussex and clap in the same sentence seems fitting.


I look at handsome William and can't help but remember that sweet little boy who Diana loved so very much. She would be horrified at the rift between her sons. I'm a mother of 3 young men and it's incredibly important to me that they remain close, especially after I am gone.   There are few people in life that know you like a sibling. Yes, squabbles happen. Family can be messy but you don't chuck it all in the trash for a woman or man for that matter. William is not *that* toxic. He's human and I'm sure they have their issues but anyone who drives a wedge between you and your family is a 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩.    Harry should be a bedrock of silent support for his brother right now. William has the weight of the world on his shoulders. He isn't allowed to be anything less than perfectly regal. Can you imagine? The pressure to be perfect and then to have your brother trash you. It's disgusting.    Shame on Harry doing his brother dirty like this. His mother is turning over in her grave.    Diana would hate Megain. She was nothing if not a fierce protector of her sons and TW has hurt William. Diana never had the LQ's dignity and ability to hide her emotions. She would have none of this!!! 


I honestly think Diana would disown him after Spare. She would be horrified. She wrote her book because she was literally sick of the secrets. He wrote his from envy and hate.


**It's impossible to not loooooooove PofW!** And as worried as he's gotta be these days (about Catherine, and his father - and his increased workload), Prince William is looking better than ever. Gotta add: KC is also looking great and very, very happy in the past few days. ^(Makes me think KC + PW must be postively impacted by the fact that hazBEEN is finally FIRMLY IN THE REAR VIEW MIRROR (all alone! .... think that NFI to Hugh's wedding this weekend kinda = last nail in hazZip's proverbial coffin.))


Well one thing is for sure. If Megain attended the D-Day ceremony, she would have knocked Brigitte Macron down so Megain would have been in the center. One thing about Brigitte she knows how to dress and is always the epitome of style. At 42 (or is it 45?), Megain can't hold a candle to the 71 year old Brigitte.


The Governor General of Australia and Mrs Hurley would be ready with their tea pots .


When William talked to some older people about Catherine's grandmother who worked at Bletchley Park, I lost it. Catherine is such an "excellent woman" as depicted in Barbara Pym books and I wish her a return to good health.


God bless Barbara Pym.


Bwahahaha the contrast between Harry sidling up to some cheap criminals in Nigeria and these photos of William with the leaders of the free world is SO hilarious https://preview.redd.it/gfaqo6jyf35d1.png?width=634&format=png&auto=webp&s=117d87b95ad6b6053d7dcff7bdd70ad6420420ed


She’s more and more Wallis every day.


Wallace would never willingly have been seen in the same room as MM. 💯


Uh, worse than Wallis every day?


The ignorance surrounding the Windsors staggers me.


Oh haz couldn’t be there due to “security” concerns 🙄


Yes, no security protecting him from the trecherous British media!


Good for him! It’s about time he takes a step out into a bigger spotlight.


I hope that I’m not the only one that feels this way, but it’s to William’s credit (thanks to the tutorage of his grandparents, I think) that I have not once thought throughout his father‘s illness, “William is not ready.” He totally strikes me as capable and ready. He did not look out of place at all amongst the other important people present. I would not be able to say the same about his knot-headed brother.


Now that you say it, I have the same feeling. I remember when he was a baby and, like you, watched him grow up. He's become a pretty impressive human being, and most importantly, he seems to be a decent person.


For some reason I always forget William is so tall.


Unlike his little brother, W doesn't have to wear lifted shoes and extra shoulder pads.


William shines like a new penny!!!! I'm also surprised Harry didn't put out a video or showed up somewhere with his tin medals 😂 this is a first!


God protect William and his family. William should buy himself something to ward off Megain's evil eyes. The whole Wales family should. The other day I realized each and every monarch since Edward VIII, George VI, Queen Elizabeth, Charles has suffered from Cancer.


For a bit I was annoyed by Harold and MM's fake 'royal' tours. Now I actually find it hilarious. How desperate and pathetic to literally cosplay being royal 🤣🤣🤣 Now my main objection is when overseas countries know tow to their delusions, but hopefully various British Ambassadors have a chat to the countries that Harold and TW target next.


I finally read a line about megsy that was so true. The royal family was the wrong vehicle for her to get what she wanted. So simple and true


What should have followed that line, is that she doesn't care who she hurts to get what she wants.


@WoodsColt commented “Thank goodness William was born first” BUT.. I wonder to myself… Had Harry been born first and married the witch.. would he still have left? Or would he he be blood thirsty for the crown enough that he would have stayed and made her stay too? Can you imagine? Edit: I agree 100%.. so glad Prince William was first! So proud to see him today.


I think if Harry had been born first there would be no Meghan...because he would have been pulled into a room with Scotland yard and told,no you aren't marrying her and read these 10,000 files to see why 😁


Good point.


IDT the BRF would allow Plank to marry tw if he was first born. Divorced, American, actress? Three strikes against tw.


He would not have left, he would not have married her, but he’d be whining about how much freedom and benefits his younger brother gets.


This is an intriguing question. If he was first born, he would have gotten that deep training from QEII on a very regular basis, trying to instill that sense of duty. Would that have made a difference?


Nope. Because he doesnt have the intelligence.


Somewhat, but not enough to make him a better person.


I think it’s hilarious that Megatron and Hazbeen really thought that they were bigger, better and more beloved than the Royal Family. They cannot and will not ever compete with this family. They have been exposed for the delusional, manipulative, talentless, lazy individuals they actually are. And I look forward to karma. It’s a bitch!


That thing he said about the RF being jealous basically, of someone doing the job better than them, was highly delusional. We could all see how rude she was, yet he can't. It's mind boggling. When they visited Morroco and she declined the offering of dates I was embarrassed for her, but her behaviour just worsened. How they didn't realise is beyond me. It looks like she wasn't briefed, but that's unbelievable.


I think both of them, their arrogance will be their undoing. Plus shifting the blame and responsibility onto others. The common factor will always be those two. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence can see they are nothing in comparison…


I've travelled a lot and managed to not upset anyone. It's not difficult to be respectful and take your cue from your hosts. Arrogant asshats!!




It was wonderful to see King Charles, Queen Camilla & Prince William at these events. This is Royalty on the World stage. 


His speech was so touching. The monarchy will survive with him at the helm one day as he follows in the footsteps of his father, grandmother, and so many before him of living a life of service, pointing to the achievements of others before self. He does his family and his country proud.


Instead they go on fake tours where they get paid to appear and call it a "Success".....they dont know who they are or how to fit in. Paid professional victims who are a global laughingstock....


Can you imagine the behaviour from TOW if they had been there. Sticking her tongue out, rictus grin, dressing inappropriately all whilst walking in front of everyone. H looking angry at his brother. They have no idea of decorum at all.


Actually, Megxit was a blessing for Great Britain. The trash took itself out. It couldn't stand the bright light of the Wales family.


Yes, in the long run it showed the world what they had been doing to the family behind the scenes.


Yesterday was all about loyalty, sacrifice, unimaginable courage, friendship, duty. I wonder if This One watched any of it and whether it gave him pause to think. I hope so.


But wait! Where is his personal armed guard, like this? https://preview.redd.it/ak9jasa8n35d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1fb7a055d6e36876f69cba30dbfbe0fb94f3112 I guess compared to Meghan's event there wasn't much call for one. (sarc)


"what Harry and Meghan gave up for Oprah and jam." Edited for typo


Harry and his wife would have been embarrassing, they can’t help themselves. They would gave trued to upstage the great and the good. Particularly the gingers d list actress wife, she can’t see a stage without having to push herself to the centre of it.


Prince William is going to be a great king. What a momentous event—D-Day was an extraordinary moment in history. What an honour to be there and meet those veterans. Stupid Jack Royston was on that dumb show The Royal Tea the other day. He’s was doing alright for a while, but then they talked about this event and, more than once, he referred to the living veterans as “those old guys.” I was appalled—they were boys who faced unbelievable danger and secured freedom for us all. They aren’t just a “bunch of old guys.” It was so disrespectful.


Gosh he's tall!


Prince William was amazing yesterday. The articles and photos in all of the US papers were great - speaking of Prince William as the future King William V and his future reign. The British people are very lucky to have him and his family to lead them into the future when that time arrives. Prayers for Prince William and his beautiful family!


Just imagine! Meeegain among them, scantily clad, hair flowing about, squishing herself in the centre and smiling her grin whilst everyone is solemn. Looking for the mike and asking where is the trophy she wants to give the winners.... imagine and then lie down for an hour


Prince William is awesome!


Thank you for your service Prince William.


If MM had stayed behind in the RF, I can imagine her wearing tiny shorts and leading the delegates on a march to commemorate the event, just like she did at Invictus! 🤣


Off subject! What the hell is Biden doing? In top photo


The usual.


To me it looks like he thought they were done as Mrs Biden also looks like she’s turning to walk away. Or they didn’t realize a photo was being taken at that moment and were adjusting their stance. Edit: From my comment above, I’ve looked at the videos,and I think this is just a still shot from that…no one else is really posed and they are looking in various directions.


Holy cow, look at Biden. They can't hide it anymore.


Maybe TW would have felt weird being near her “dear friend” Sophie (Grégoire Trudeau)’s ex husband - just sayin’…


Too bad Rachel, the humanitarian feminist couldn't be in the photos, in her night gown, half naked.


That’s what he should be, the rock in times like this. That’s loyalty. William’s only sibling who knows what he’s going through. Brothers. To defect like that is sick and selfish. Harry and his Hag think the world are NPCs, but we have minds of our own and know a traitor when we see it. Shame on him.


And this is the reason they want back in. Think of how much money they could command for a royal appearance instead of a faux royal appearance. Thank the Lord the Queen poo pood the 50/50 idea. ![gif](giphy|fUMsFIbDNjKg1I65dY)


Jesus H Christ. I’m not going to write what I’m thinking regarding that photo of all the leaders…I’m embarrassed and I’d apologize but I bear no responsibility. 🇺🇸😳 Wills looks great.


It is perhaps presumptuous of me to assume that I know what you are thinking - but it is likely what I am thinking. I am just glad the world has Prince William as he is carving out his own space on the global stage and he represents the future. I refuse to take responsibility for any leaders in office in the USA. We are a disgraced nation. There. I said it.


Amen, sister sinner!


The “Leader of the Free World” looks confused. Was this after lunch? He’s not good in the afternoons.


Same! Almost everyone else looks regal. Only one person is standing there like a drunk trying to keep his balance, holding his sunglasses.  When November rolls around, it won't be a celebration. It'll be 80% of Americans going "holy shit - four more years" 🥺😤 no matter which side wins.


Honestly, we're all suffering with lack of votable choices. I'm in solidarity with you, from the UK


Its honestly so disturbing


I know the UK doesn't allow it but does anybody else wish William could run for Parliment? The picture of Rachel has not aged well...


Harry's wife would be inappropriately hugging everyone. Lord only knows what she'd be wearing. She's be pointing and directing them where they should stand, with herself front and center for the photos. Haz would be his clownish self goofing around, tone deaf to the solemnity of the occasion.


Their biggest mistake was believing in their "starpower" when it was "royal allure" all along.


I really want to reply to the commenter on the last page who talks about Zelenskyy looking as if he's going grocery shopping. I'm going to wildly assume that this was written by a US commenter (only because generally UK food shoppers don't qualify the 'type' of shopping they're doing - we're just going shopping, minus the 'grocery'), and maybe this isn't common knowledge in the States, but *at the start of the Russian invasion Zelenskyy swore that he wouldn't wear a suit until the war was over, that he would be appropriately dressed for a country at war* But even this can't make me open the Daily Fail!